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VIP Member
And why do you never see them sitting around the telly watching Corrie or Emmerdale?
At least on Neighbours, or maybe it was Home and Away, they had a soap on telly that they all watched, or did I dream that bit?

Any guesses who this TV celebrity escort is? This is a very high class agency......
I think it's the woman who does the 'My Perfect Eyes' infomercial on More 4. Or one of the fake dentists in the Oral B ads.
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he had a couple of kids in the 60s (you know, at a normal age for someone to have children) and then more in the 90s. One of the younger ones was working for playboy. he was infertile by the time he was in his 80s with holly madison which is supposedly why she broke it off
I thought Holly broke it off because he wouldn't marry her? She has been off my radar for some time but I looked her up recently, her marriage is over and she doesn't post the kids much if at all.
Didn't read her book, but I might.
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VIP Member
Something came out about him being pervy with Sam Fox at a photoshoot, didn't it?
Yes, she reckoned he followed her into the toilet and grabbed her. She'd been filming a video with him at the time. She only spoke up about it after he'd died though - classy.
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New member
Fair enough. I bow to your superior Tom Knowledge. He only comes and goes from my radar so I only know anything about him from this thread!
I do wonder how someone knew it was him though if he's just randomly walking his dog with 2 masks and a woolly hat on. Must be someone who knows who he is and when he was going out because he is not at all recognisable like that.
Re the lead, if his dog is pulling hiscshoulder out he needs to get him trained. My dog is a puller and we had to train him not to do it with a proper lead.
@Vanillaco - Totally fair! Honestly, I think it took a few days for the paps and Daily Fail to correctly ID him, too. The pictures are dated Jan 27 but released a bit later. I'm not sure how fast a turnover is needed from picture hand off to article publication.

That said, his sweater was seen in an official Marvel promo for WandaVision and his leash and dog are definitely his own :)

I've been a fan of his for a good number of years. He seems like a generally nice guy. I empathize with him post-TS media meltdown (seriously, the media behaved like rude school kids) and the GG speech. Everyone can have an opinion until they feel the same pressure and claws. I've been bullied before for looks and past low spells, so I guess I'm a tad sensitive to that as well.

At least he's out and about and appears healthy - that's honestly all that matters these days.

Also - I think he cut his hair, but that's just me. I can't really tell how generously sized that beanie hat is for his normally long hair.
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maybe @Mischievous Mystery saw this.

To the anon saying Zawe was only theirs for a week weeks no. She was there in January for over a month flew to London for fashion week and did a podcast and moved from Margate to London (presumed to move into Toms house) then she flew back to Atlanta and stayed there for months until they both flew back to London at the end of summer. She stayed in London with his dog Bobby while he started back filming, then she flew back to Atlanta a while after that then had to go to Canada to start filming The Handmaids tale. So she was in atlanta for a good 9/10 months. Trust me. They are way more than friends. This is the most serious relationship he’s had in a LONG Time. His family really like her too.
Sorry to be dumb again, but we're talking about Zawe Ashton right?
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I thought Holly broke it off because he wouldn't marry her? She has been off my radar for some time but I looked her up recently, her marriage is over and she doesn't post the kids much if at all.
Didn't read her book, but I might.
It’s a good read however so is a book by Isabella St James.. Bunny Tales which pre dates before the programme with Kendra Holly and Bridgette she is a bit scathing of Holly...... and how she was determined to be Hef’s No 1 😉
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Let’s get back on track instead of turning on each other please.

Does anyone have any tea on the three Harry Potter kids? Always wondered what they are like after basically growing up on the big screen
Daniel Radcliffe always comes across as being quite nice, I love him on Grahame Norton with the Daniel through the ages
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Miss Fanny

Well-known member
The venue is kept hidden until the last moment, and you receive a text. Therefore, you will only be there if invited as they start very late at night, so no chance of the milkman turning up. I am usually a guest of someone.
I have never sèen anything satanic, but I have heard of that kind of thing happening, but couldn't confirm.
Are you referring to killing kittens ? 🥰🌈
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liar liar

VIP Member
The beauty of this world is women have the choice to get their ‘baps out for pervs‘ or work on a COVID vaccine or indeed do both. I for one am in favour of both
And there you have it; mixed messages. Of course, the funny thing is that nothing has evolved as a spank mansion run by a Hugh Hefneresque woman to take advantage of nude male models in the grotty grotto as it still doesn't seem to be a normal thing to say you like looking at heterosexual naked men lol. Gay guys ain't gonna cut it tbh;)
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Chatty Member
I know right!! I also read that Yolandi had sex with Dev Patel in a car while filming Chappie, put me right off him.

ETA The phone convs on youtube are awful, what a pair disgusting arseholes.
Have you see that video where he was chasing a guy and she found hysterical, but then he told her to act sad claiming the guy had touched her up so that's why he was going after him. The guy in question was gay, and I'm sure he is also known but can't remember who it is for the life of me. He's got some scary cult leader vibe going on.

I do love Zheani's the question though. Imagine getting it taken down and then filling the video with all the receipts so they can't do it again. It's all kinds of messed up going for a girl that reminds you of your daughter.
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Chatty Member
Haha, your username is great. I forgot about Sam on that show, the clips had me in hysterics.

"I'm an actess darling.....I don't even drink". "YOU LYING COW!" 😂😂

So good! I had my tonsils out when it was on, so watched the whole series in a fog of drugs and pain. Her, Gaffers & Richard Blackwood were the perfect casting.
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liar liar

VIP Member
I think he was already suffering with dementia when he did that tour. I remember seeing the footage of screaming, wailing middle-aged women trying to grab hold of this tiny, obviously unwell, middle-aged man. I think his family have managed to remove all video evidence of David's decline since his death.
Yes he was broke and about to sell his guitars - too many drugs and divorces.
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Well-known member
What like Gaynor Goodman, Suzanne Mizzi and Kathy Lloyd?
This will be quite an essay, so I will respond in the morning, if that's okay? 💋
Whenever you have time. Anyone you can think of. I remember reading about Kathy Lloyd and her bad girl behaviour
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VIP Member
I hope one day you reveal yourself. Even in a few years it will be like watching gossip girl all over again.
You’re not Penn Badgley are you 😂😜
I just saw this 🤣🤣🤣

Don't worry, I don't intend to go anywhere. 💋
Well until party restrictions are lifted.......😉😉

What the ...
Maybe its part of the fashion show make up as KM also didn’t look as normal... I just see this 🤣🤣

Tbh regarding MM's stories each to their own but I do get bored of the constant Q&A overtaking this thread too (sorry - because I do actually enjoy the posters here) and I don't like to bitch except about celebs. No doubt I'll now get "ignored" for not being fluffy and because many enjoy her posts. I'm not a "hater" nor jealous, I'm pretty sure many might hate MY own silly non actual gossip contributions
She brings light joy for some that follow her so maybe there should be a separate thread for her stories? She's famous enough here for it to happen😆 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(And btw I'm sick of the name Chris Evans and any Tom!!)
🍅 I didn’t say the name 😋😋😋


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VIP Member
Sorry, is there somewhere you can point me to catch up on this? Not heard about this band for years but I got the heebies a bit from them early on when a friend was raving about them. I watched the Cookie Thumper video and it was a bit... “ Lolita-esque “ vibey.
If you youtube Die Antwoord controversy its all on there, so many videos!!! A proper rabbithole that just gets worse.
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