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I’ve never watched or read anything about the Kardashians other than the OJ Simpson trial. I wouldn’t be able to pick any of them out in a line up.
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Cheryl Cole really did have malaria!

Not only have I met someone who apparently helped with her treatment (being vague because obviously they shouldn’t be talking about it), but just think about it - wouldn’t they have picked something way more common and less suspicious than bloody malaria if they were trying to cover up an overdose or anorexia??!

As for diets, Honey Ross is absolutely correct that diets do not work. The evidence shows they fail in the longterm and most successful dieters end up heavier than when they started down the line. Look up the study into Biggest Loser contestants and their metabolisms - it’s actually really interesting.

I do have an issue with people taking this correct claims and bastardizing them to the point of ridiculousness, though. Diets don’t work, but healthy living does help keep you healthy, and we shouldn’t lose sight of that.
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I am sure it was this area I mentioned the BBC 3 model documentary he was featured in recently, never a TT fan, but that man gives me bad vibes.

They get six-eight sessions with a therapist after the shows. Not nearly enough, as can send some almost insane with all crap behind the scenes with his scripted shows. The contracts people have to sign so do not disclose things are just as vile.
About ten years ago there a was a huge scandal which was covered up where an older 30 something male contestant, who’s name I can’t remember was caught in bed with a teenage boy contestant. I can’t remember their names, but I want to say the older guy was called Dan/Daniel and the younger one Lloyd? The NOTW was going to break the story on the front page, it was all over Twitter the DS X Factor forum was awash with it and then the story vanished and instead the NOTW ran a story about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie that they got sued for. Obviously Cowell and Max Clifford hushed it up. After that Danni Minogue and Cheryl could barely hide their revulsion at Dan/Daniel. It provided some really awkward moments on the live shows, and was the one time I ever saw Cheryl show any kind of basic decency.
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BIB - Totally agree. I personally think she looks angry and unhappy in her photos, that there is aggression in her speech and that she still has a lot of therapy to go through - proper therapy.

"Today Honey is part of feminist activist collective The Pink Protest, which is also run by Scarlett Curtis, daughter of screenwriter Richard Curtis, Grace Campbell, daughter of Alastair Campbell, and Alice Skinner, author of The Revolution Handbook.
Further down the line Honey would like to train as a psychiatrist but for now, her aims are to prevent other body-conscious women from going through what she went through."

Hanging around with other "feminist" daughters of rich indulgent parents isn't going to resolve the real issues this young woman clearly has or count towards actually getting the qualifications required for psychiatric training - hint she needs medical training first so she she'd best get a move on.

All in all, whilst I do feel a wee bit sad for her, I just can't find myself liking her.
A bunch of rich kids, hanging out together and moaning about their privileged lives. My heart bleeds🤮
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Won’t you have a cup

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Probably Bryan sounds a bit more Oirish than Brian.

Did anyone see the Simon Cowell episode of Star Stories? That was a masterful takedown of Westlife, who are shown tarmacking a drive before being turned into a band (‘five blokes, five stools’) by Cowell. Louis Walsh is shown as a leprechaun doing Cowell’s bidding.

Westlife’s debut hit, in the show, was called ‘To be sure, to be sure, to be sure’.
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Cowell is a nasty piece of shit. You only have to look at his treatment of Susan Boyle and Lucy Spraggan to see that. He uses people and tosses them aside with no consideration for their wellbeing.
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😂 My mum met RG and says he’s lovely. She has a knack for meeting random celebs...

She hated Ian Hislop. Called him a pompous little git. (Sounds about right.)

You would be surprised how many celebs get paid to turn up to charity events let alone present them.
Someone on here mentioned Judge Rinder a while ago and how he never takes a penny from any charity gigs or appearances that he does, but really famous people expect payment. This makes me like him.
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Is enjoying Caribbean, Indian, Jewish food also seen as cultural appropriation? Surely people wanting to enjoy and immerse themselves in another culture is good. Not rascist. I think if we are to become a unified community then these things should be encouraged and appreciated.
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Fat activism is very “in” right now. Honey Ross is pretty shrewd to have captured the zeitgeist and turned taking pictures of herself into a career. Beats the office 9-5 🤣

Of course it’s a damaging message though. Health at any size! It’s not unhealthy to be fat! Don’t lose weight, guys!

She’s so young, of course she’s healthy. You don’t find many fat activists in their late 30s onward though, and that’s because you can’t keep peddling “health at any size” when your knees are screwed and you have type 2 diabetes.
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Reckon it might be ok, actually. It’ll give it a different vibe.
Hopefully the challenges will be more boot camp/skill/strength/endurance based things instead of eating revolting stuff/having insects poured over you.
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I remember once as a kid I went to a community centre for coffee mornings etc and a lady had her whole wardrobe of saris and insisted on dressing up all the white ladies in her saris, along with providing henna/mendi for their hands and giving cakes and sweets from her culture. I find in real life a lot of people used to love sharing their culture. I agree with posts above that social media has made it very difficult to be seen to take part in a cultural thing such as a carnival without being called an appropriator. That said, of course people face aggressions due to their culture I.e. dreadlocks in the work place. Of course society needs to be more tolerant of cultural identity, but I do tire of seeing people being criticised for wearing box braids when they are teenagers having fun on instagram playing with their own hair. Social media is such a critical place these days.
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Was thinking about this a few days ago when my nephew was watching Nanny McPhee - does anyone know what caused Raphael Coleman to collapse and die whilst jogging. He was one of the children in the film and only 25 when he passed.
I read somewhere it was a heart attack. He was so young.

Also echoing @TeaLover49 and their positivity. Genuinely brought a tear to my eye and put my own bullshit problems into perspective. Kudos to you and yours.
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Very traditional

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So Esther Rantzen has been mentioned a few times previously, I’m just listening to a true crime podcast (about the Babes in the Wood Murders) and her brother in law is brought up as he was questioned about the murders, turns out he’s a sex offender!
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I can believe it about Caroline sadly.

I've nothing personally against her other than SHE SHOUTS EVERYTHING SHE DOES AND IT'S REALLY ANNOYING.

I'm wondering if it's a hangover from being on stage potentially? Bloody annoying when it's late at night and she's narrating something at a normal volume and then STARTS SHOUTING AND YOU CAN'T FIND THE REMOTE.
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I watched her interview on GMTV and it started out ok. She was talking about the confusion with the information given out regarding Covid. I thought ok, there does seem to be some mixed messages to be fair.Then she sort of lost the plot and was shouting. Was a car crash of an interview and ended up as a Covid denying/conspiracy rant. For that, I’m out.
I just don’t understand how people can say Covid doesn’t exist?! Of course it exists, some people get it and don’t even know they’ve had it(asymptomatic), some people only have it mildly, some people are really ill, and some people sadly die of it. The reason for the mixed messages is because it’s a novel virus that scientists are still learning about. We still don’t know enough about it. These deniers like to think they are superior to the rest of us, obviously makes them feel better.
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I think she looks so weird! Can’t put my finger on exactly what it is but she just looks really odd. Leaning towards the eyebrows? Just very harsh and tired 😂
She used to have beautiful arched brows and now shes got the current trend of straight Spock lines.

Her figure is amazing considering the huge weightloss AND childbirth. Got to be surgery, surely? As another poster said - not knocking it, its her body and she looks fab. But I think it’s been helped along.

ETA: shes folding her arms which would hide any scarring from an arm lift.
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