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Well-known member
I’ve just ordered my next batch of jabs, decided to stay on 2.5mg as I feel the appetite suppression is still strong and whilst my losses are relatively slow (7lbs in 4 weeks) it’s much more sustainable for me. Plus, I seem to get a lot of side effects so increasing the dose gives me the fear.
I used e surgery and with the code provided it was £118. Thank you to the poster for sharing the Reddit thread!


Chatty Member
thanks for the new thread!

So, over 48 hours on Mounjaro. I was worried at first that it wasn’t doing anything, but I definitely have decent appetite suppression now and getting full very quickly. Side effects wise not a lot yet - a bit of nausea, burping - only thing concerning me is constipation. Due to some surgery I had to repair childbirth injuries I really can’t afford to strain. I am already quite constipated even though it’s only been 2 days. I always drink loads of water anyway but I’m not sure what else try - I’ve never had this problem before.


Active member
I want to start on Mounjaro but not sure if I can afford it based off my food bill monthly. The only way I can afford it is by decreasing my food bill basically.
When you all started out on the 2.5 did you find you actually ate considerably less?


VIP Member
Hiya, does anyone know if Bolt pharmacy send out reminders when your next order is due?

My fourth 2.5mg dose is due tomorrow, I feel I’m definitely ready to go up a dose. I haven’t really felt any effect this past week, I’m 2.6kg down in total over the past few weeks (my first week I lost 2kg which was probably just water weight). I know you can get a 5th dose out of the pens, will there be any issue if I double dose the 2.5mg tomorrow (using different needles of course), essentially taking me up to 5mg a week early?
They don't. I took my 4th dose last Wednesday and not heard a peep from them. I am taking my extra dose this week and have ordered from Med Express for my 5mg as they are cheaper for the higher doses than Bolt.


Well-known member
Thanks All - I have submitted a request but they are offline now so it will only be dealt with tomorrow. Do you think the pen will spoil / lose its effectiveness if it’s stored in a drawer tonight?
The quickest way to get needles might be to pop to a pharmacy in the morning. They'll have them and you can jab tommrow. Posted ones will take a few days

It'll probably be fine, but can you not pop it in the back of the fridge behind some random jars that no one will touch?


VIP Member
Whilst I’m chuffed with the weight loss my hair has taken a battering. It looks dry, broken and thin. Anyone else had this and how did you fix it?


Chatty Member
I took my first shot yesterday evening. Felt a little weird and had some burps in the middle of the night but feel nothing today. Ate my usual breakfast and lunch and now feel absolutely starving and dreaming of dinner. Am also craving sugar. Feeling quite disappointed / deflated about it all
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April Ludgate

Well-known member
Something similar happened to me on Sat, I don’t think it’s the pens I just don’t think the needles fit well. I injected but when I pulled it out my skin was wet which has never happened before so I panicked & done it again & then spent the day worrying if I had double dosed. I really don’t think I did though as felt ok & appetite same as before on this dose, hoping to get the last dose out by using a different needle to tide me over.
I slightly bent the needle I used on Sunday by accident. I still used it and it seemed to work but I'm absolutely starving this week so I'm not sure it did- it squirted out when I did the little test push so I reckon I ruined it.


Well-known member
I could have written this only my child is 5!
I’m going to bite the bullet and order but I’ve decided to wait until after our summer holiday. I know that’s a stupid attitude but i’ve waited nearly a year for this holiday and one of the things I enjoy on holiday is eating out and drinking.
When’s your holiday, minimal side effects on lowest dose, certainly able to eat and drink, just stops me over eating!


VIP Member
I’ve restarted saxenda this week but the headaches are brutal, they’re why I stopped in the first place. Is it any better on Ozempic? I’ve got just over one pen left and thinking of switching when I’m finished these.


VIP Member
Does anyone know if you can count the clicks with Mj? I’ve got the 7.5 ready to take tomorrow but after not working out the correct dosage of MJ using the insulin jabs (and basically giving myself almost 10 after a month of 5 🙈) and not being able to eat for a week I’m anxious to have anything more than 5 atm. So just wondering if I can count the clicks or whether that’s just Wegovy pens


Active member
Just quoting my post to see if anyone has any insight?
I’ve had what feels like a heavy chest sometimes going up my throat! And not blocked ears like when your sick but kinda blocked somehow and they kind of crackle duno how else to describe it. I took an anti reflux tablet today and my chest felt much better so I think I’m having indigestion issues from it? I’m on MJ though


Chatty Member
Not yet, I'm waiting for the June codes to drop as the others stopped working a couple of days ago
Ah ok I think I’ll wait to order my next pen too. I just got twitchy as a friend said that several online pharmacies aren’t accepting new MJ patients, I want to make sure I get my next pen!
Not yet, I'm waiting for the June codes to drop as the others stopped working a couple of days ago


Just seen this.... 😕
Oh no! I wonder if that will apply to all the pharmacies.
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Active member
Hey has anyone been feeling heaviness in their chest? I can’t really explain it but my chest and the back of my throat/up my neck feels heavy. My ears also keep crackling but I’m not sick. No sinus issues. It’s such a weird feeling and I’m wondering if it’s because on Mounjaro?


Chatty Member
Is is under your rib? I got this early doors. It did go and I think it was my body clearing out as it affects how you pancreases works.
It might be slight constipation, I took an ibuprofen and stocked up on senna tablets to take if I needed. Try and drink plenty of water x


VIP Member
Has anyone ordered from curate? Ordered on Wednesday and got an email to say it was approved but nothing dispatched or received. Panicking as I need it Wednesday!