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Is there room for a newbie?
Christ, I've only really concentrated on this horror since she returned to tik tok....the first time around, I missed the goings on with her.
I'm trying to go back to the beginning of the thread and think I've got the gist of her disgusting " antics."
Since she reappeared I've watched the whole wedding fiasco, at first I just thought she was/is pathetic...but, as time has gone on and I've watched the lives all this week, watched the you tube videos, etc, I've seen that she's just pure evil.
I don't think I've ever come across anyone as hard faced and manipulative as her, and that's saying something.
I can't wait to see how this pans out, and I am hoping that once back from holiday, she will get what she deserves.
I take my hat off to all of you who have been here for so long and not give up.
I know there was a little hiccup on the thread a couple of weeks back, and I'm just glad that you haven't let stuff " get to you."
I wasn't going to post, I was just going to continue watching from the side lines, but decided to go for it.
Welcome to the crazy gang. Some people might be daunted by commenting because we’re a tight bunch who’ve been here a long time so well done 👏. We have the best laugh but we’re for a serious purpose, as you’ve already sussed. Take a seat 😂😂😂
He can’t speak properly, so maybe he can’t hear properly either 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
He clearly can’t fucking see properly either. He’s no oil painting but she’s more manly than him 😂. Maybe she’s damaged his eyes with her conk 👃
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She’s not appy got to make statements to 👮‍♀️ when she gets home, she’s making out Rudi and his mates are threatening her😎😎😎😎
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The receipts would have to be provided by the 'accuser', whom we all know doesn't have access to post on this forum.
It seems that liasing on a platform that you both have access to (ie: tiktok) could be a step in the right direction. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Given that the “accuser” deleted me from the other platform speaks volumes. 🤣
There’s no reason it can’t be put on here, But I’m not pandering to someone’s request to beg, I’m not that sheep type as you have well known over the last 3 yrs..

But just putting it out there that I was not the awareness account… FOR THOSE AT THE BACK.🤣
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Chatty Member
Hahahahhahahahahaha what a joke !
imagine being in your sixties and still having dumb relationships that end in raaaaaaahs and punch ups after a few months and bogus engagements . They are both idiots and will make up with each other again in a few weeks . They are mentally and educationally delayed remember , they don’t know how to be grown ups . We told you Sharon , the wedding was never going to happen ! I for one would like an apology ! As ever we were right from the start , oh well it’s shut the ol big gob up for 5 minutes , long may it continue . The internet is a better place without her
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The cake lady ain’t happy cunt face even causes a load of grief over it’s fucked up wedding cake can’t Mrs bbc make it and fill it up with dog food and horse shit now that would be justice 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It’s unbelievable the amount of shit that evil cunt causes fat shaming and both those pair of pricks are massively over weight and just causes mayhem and hurt where ever it goes its father should of pulled out the night that thing was conceived
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Morning all… So I’ve spent a few days away from toxic shit, Mainly TT, only to discover the deceitful people are still trying to cause trouble.🙄🤦🏼‍♀️

Anyway, Where’s Trasha at since the premium holiday.?🤷🏼‍♀️
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Oh dear she’s not having a very good day, got a burnt nose and the £3.49 nails have started to ping off
Never mind Sharron shit happens
I noticed the nose 👃 😝😝😝. Wow she is uber obsessed with a “golden” tan. From what I have seen looks like a sunburnt mess. 😁😳
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I see she's deleted the video of them both being vile
She’ll have shat in her big sweaty knickers when she saw Mrs B’s envelope 😂😂😂. Too late. It’s all over TikTok you pair of vile, fat, ugly, lying, begging, useless, cheap and nasty cnuts!
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Imagine being in Mexico supposedly having such a wonderful time premium and all that 🤦‍♀️ and all you're holiday has been about so far is drama drama and tik tok what a waste of 5 grand 🤣 could have bought her own dress with that money poncebag 🤣🤦‍♀️
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Richard is a rather strange creature, he speaks his words really fast, think that has something to do with the marching powder,

He always says things and tries to be funny, when in reality it’s only Sasha laughing, always trying to make a joke of things is a sign of being insecure, low self esteem and trying to please people with joke as it’s the only useful skill they seem to have, personally find it rather cringe

He does not seem that into social media, seems to always read books, probably KS 1 books 🫢 however, I have heard the following - on his FB page he or maybe Sasha had blocked his ex, Carly, now not sure if Sash reads these pages or someone reports back to her, but Sasha go and have a look at his FB account NOW, as I have it on VERY GOOD authority that Richard, very recently has UNBLOCKED Carly 😲
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Chatty Member
You know what ? Nothing makes her back down , nothing makes her feel shame , she will come on and deny it all . There has to be a very very VERY big distinction here between her calling us trolls and the reality of it being we are just whistle blowing who she really is. She will give us another glimpse of the spam and watery yogurt counter at breakfast , the concrete structure Richard melts under all day and more shots of her blocking the pool filters with her cheap “air extensions “ . There will be no mention of the vitriol spat out in all the voice notes . She’s called her followers “bastards” re the go fund me , slagged off his daughter and family and been caught out big time …. SHE DOESNT CARE People ! Narc Narc NARC !
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100 % agree with above, we are a team and I think we ALL need to move forward. Forget all TT drama , it’s probably that Welsh Lisa behind it all, sort of thing that cunt would do. Stick with what we know , keep posting , keep the awareness alive. Stop pointing fingers , we’ve all been here for a couple of years, all the same names and never had this drama. RSC and Wibble are major players , do not fall into the trolls traps and leave. DIVIDE AND CONQUER and that’s what they are trying to do. We stand together as a team and won’t be STOPPED !!
Meanwhile I’m still waiting for those receipts…..
SP and Lugz seems adamant that this account is linked to The Awareness account..🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
I’d love to see how… wasn’t too long ago that They were all accusing SF herself of being behind it, that’s a quick turn around🤣
Of all the things that this account has been “accused of” this is the funniest.

The way everyone is now falling at Lugz feet after she openly threatened to get a g?n from a local farmer and hunt everyone down, she called Kerry various names on Trashas lives openly, vile horrible names, but that’s forgotten as she has ADHD….Is that normal behaviour.??
It’s not about playing detective between us on here and working out who’s who, it’s about bring that vile bitch down…. So let’s continue to do so.!
Exactly. I have no time for Lugz, she was vile , yes she apologised, so what !!! The things she said about Kerry are unforgivable, Rudi I warmed too and did enjoy the lives, Wibble was amazing as ever. Wibble I could listen to all night she has one of those voices. Please folks, let’s not spend anymore time on this subject , we need to remember why we are all here. Whilst our focus is on each other , that thieving scamming bitch is not being mentioned. Let’s get her name back out there. X
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How many contradictions in a space of minutes can one person make 🤡🤡 Been in bed coz bad back - was out dancing Friday and Saturday. Had hair done yesterday - it's lasted 2 days. Not mentioning her mother or family - proceeds to slag em off. Had loads of messages won't mention names - mentions names. Having a chill day in bed - going out for lunch. Won't be on for another week - does another TT. Won't be on or goin live coz it's got a busy week - says she'll be live later this evening 🤣🤣🤣 the womans off her nut. It needs medication coz it's got Dementia, it forgets what it says from 1 minute to the next 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡

People aren't laughing with ya Gonzo they're laughing AT YOU... what an absolute fruitcake. Needs a straight jacket that one. It's delusional!! She has the cheek to mock mental health when she herself clearly has all the signs of a narcissistic psychopath.

Oh and since when did anyone say she'd been beaten up? don't recall anyone saying she had a black eye 🤔 personally I'd say it's more than likely the other way round with her track record. Someone needs to do a welfare check on DVP 🤣🤣
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Chatty Member
She can’t speak properly ! Literally can’t speak English . Hates the Americans ?? You know why ? .. because they would have avoided her like the plague and sussed that she’s a loud Brit abroad . Crass , uncouth , no manners and someone to avoid . Note that the area they sat in day in day out was banks of empty sun loungers ! No one would have wanted to sit next to the foul mouthed old woman and the simple old man .
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People in the comments obviously asking why you not leaving the complex gonzo getting the hump saying you paid for this holiday well gonzo you cunt don’t stream
And make videos then and sit their trying to show off with your fat ****** of a cash machine div van prick who’s even thicker than you and that’s saying something
Both a pair of Shitcunts ponces
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