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Huh! Did she not say just a few days ago, it was the best holiday ever and recommended it to everyone. She’s fucking tapped in the head.
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I’m a bit behind. Had the most horrible sickness bug and now tonsillitis. All that troll poison coming out 😂. Haven’t been on TT or here since Saturday. Done nothing but sleep or attempt (rather stagger) the dogs out. But wow that poor girl. And this is always the saddest part. The kids. She’s got form but what kind of man is he to allow it? He’ll never undo that damage. My so called dad did it to me and my siblings for a woman and we were adults, we still don’t speak to him. DVP’s a fucking abuser anyway so with or without Sasha she’s best off without him. She’ll still be so hurt though. Bless her ❤
As an adult we can see the little girl is better off without him and the vile side kick GONZO , but as a child all she will see is that Daddy didn’t love or care enough about her to put things right . A father that chose a Charity Thieve, someone that laughs at DV , scams people out of money, a loud vile bully that wants her daddies inheritance. RICHARD DANVERS I hope you rot in hell
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I love the way she went to a different restaurant to the others Essex people because she wanted salad and they wanted burgers. Let’s see 👀. Battered everything with potato wedges 😂😂😂
Love a salad me…. A proper one, Not potato infused one deep fried 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
It’s seems she’s still being a big fat lying CNUT then.?? Why change🤦🏼‍♀️
Why does she always go on holiday and latch on to strangers.??
Personally can’t think of anything worse than going away to relax and or enjoy new cultures and surroundings to end up speaking to people from the same area you live in. Dickhead🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

Had a good read up and it’s not looking good for her return. Lost 3 cleaning jobs because of her lack of ability to keep her gob shut about personal and private things about her “clients”… she’ll never learn🫣🫣
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Just seen the video on Shaznay page and some man called Dean gyrating about and all you can hear is her her foghorn trashy voice
Screeching like a Banshee, if I was on holiday there I’d have lumped her one by one. Those are the sort of people we all try to avoid. Ewwww nasty , trashy and common
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What a load of bull 😝😝😝😝🙄🙄🙄🙄
Was the dress ever purchased? We think it was just a dress cover and a load of her old clothes in it. Did anyone see the dress hanging in her room - nope 👎. That was spends for the holiday. She doesn’t hate us because we are tats - she hates us because we are always one step ahead of her and her lies 😝😝😝
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GONZO - you aren’t getting TROLLED, you are getting OUTED, OUTED for all the evil, spiteful nasty things you’ve done and are continuing to do. There is no one that can find out who any of us are , you are deluded and making yourself look the liar that you are. Carry on shouting GONZO the more you lie the more we know we are getting to you 😂😂😂😂😂
Even if she did what she going to do with said info? She's known who I am for ages 🙄 she knows where I live and wouldnt be surprised if the bitter ex has given her my number too.... what she done about it? Fuck all that's what!
Not a single visit or call, not even from the popo. So because they had no interest in online drama she tried to get word out that she's sending the heavys round, I mean seriously come on Gonzo, practice what you preach eh? She has the cheek to tell others that it's just online yet she's the one throwing tantrum TTs spouting absolute BS throwing her weight around threatening people herself. Her TTs are just becoming more and desperate and pathetic. She is losing control so has to make up some unbelievable story about Rudi and his Mrs hiring people to hurt them in Mexico. Gonzo do you not realise how pathetic you sound?

She has no self awareness she needs help, and I mean serious help. You're not right in the head luv. I wonder if she was dropped on her head as a baby coz her behaviour is not normal. If she was around hundred years ago she would have been committed and given a lobotomy. That's how mad she is
Wonder how long Sindy will stick with Big foot before she also bails out 🤔
I say give another 2 weeks till the humiliation kicks in lol .
Because she's just looking like a PREMIUM knobhead going on big big foots lives after all that is coming out about what goes on behind the scenes !
And like it or not Sindy your just being manipulated into doing big foots dirty work for her you foolish woman !
All the awareness knowledge that's out about it and it still manages to manipulate. It just astounds me. I really do not get how such an openly horrid person still manages to suck people in.

Have to say that I did have a chuckle when wibble wobble said she's still not convinced it doesn't tuck. I thought the exact same thing when I watched Gonzos look at me I'm so gorgeous video 🤣🤣🤣
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I am in possession of a screenshot that has originated from a social media account that belongs to Dickie's daughter.
Obviously, with her being a minor I was loathe to even mention it, let alone share it.
However, with full consent and encouragement being received from both her and her mother, I am now in a position to post it here.
This is being uploaded for no other reason than to show exactly how deceitful Trasha and Dickie are being, with regard to the relationship (or lack of!) between the three of them.

Upon reading the post, it is so very apparent that this is a young child that has been cast aside by someone that purports to be a doting father, when in truth, he has chosen to put a 'woman' before his daughter's feelings.
The hurt is palpable and even though she is a very astute girl that has the sense to see through the charade that she is being used in, she is still just a young girl who should have never been placed into this situation. Who knows what emotional 'damage' this may lead to?

The correspondence with his daughter's mother gave further insight into the lies that are peddled on tiktok in regards to the aforementioned 'relationship'

The announcement that a 'holiday' (possibly to Egypt) in September, which included their daughter was news to her mother.
In fact when asked about the 'holiday' it was confirmed by the child herself that she also had no knowledge of any such arrangement and wouldn't even consider holidaying with the pair in England let alone overseas! A decision, I hasten to add, that was backed up by her mother who confirmed that she would never grant any such permission.

As for hearing that Trasha has claimed that her daughter has 'her own bedroom' in the house that Dickie lives in, this was also refuted by the child's mother.

Both the child and her mother, are very much wanting to show exactly what is really going on in their lives and how Trasha blatantly lies where they are concerned. As far as the mother is concerned, Trasha is not, and will not, be allowed any time alone with her daughter.
I think we can all agree that a child being used like this, to keep being spoken about online, purely to manipulate the viewers, with the pretence of illustrating an amicable and healthy relationship, that in reality doesn't exist, is abhorrent and cruel.
To my mind, her mother should be applauded for setting boundaries in place that protect the daughter as much as possible during this turbulent period of her life.

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Ffsake what a fucking pair of absolute scumbag Shitcunts and that knob van prick needs his balls placing in his mouth he doesn’t deserve a daughter the lowlife
Think the ironing board chose the wrong people to shoot with the farmers gun
I think those two pair of cunts need a holiday to the burmuda triangle where they never come back
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New thread tattlers. Shout out to @pompom99 and @RUexcited. Both got equal votes so I combined the two.

Let’s see what March and Mexico bring. Will the relationship survive? Will Sharon come back with all her toes intact? Will security need to be called? Will there be a greasy meat platter? Banana vodka galore? How many photos of her huge bazookas in the hundred year old, too small bikinis do we think there’ll be? Will DVP get drunk and commit DV? Let’s get ready to rumble!
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carrot top

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So there she was at 4am her time on a live with Sindy being the vile lowlife she is calling Melissa all the nastiest names she could think of and then started on Kerry AGAIN.
They are all disgusting.
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Please 🙏 have the voice note where Sharon is crying over DVP spending probably his own money from the joint bank account.

Comedy gold of the night had to be Melissa in the box, phone ring's "it's Sasha" 🤣🤣🤣
You honestly couldn't write it 🤣🤣

Mexico has to be my favourite holiday so far, just when you think it can't get any worse, it DOES 🤣🤣🤣
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So, "I've had a lot of people message me" ;) #IYKYK

Seriously though, some people have questioned my stance on the situation that has been given a lot of attention in Rudi's lives lately.
Primarily (what I consider to be) the very unfortunate 'fall-out' between two long-standing 'awareness creators' over on Tik-Tok.

I uploaded a statement from @nottobeforgotten/Wibble yesterday because (as most of you know) she, herself, cannot post on Tattle.
It is no secret that I wholeheartedly respect Wibble, as both a 'Tattler' (she always will be in my mind) and an awareness creator.
I applaud both her diligence, and her tenacity in all that she does to 'out' the abhorrent, past and current, endeavours of Trasha.

Notwithstanding, it is true to say that we do not always share the same view on all matters. However, we hold enough mutual respect for each other to allow for these differences of opinion to not come between us, nor to interfere with the fundamental basis of (ultimately) why we are here. In fact it is these very same differences that can allow us to each explore any given situation from a differing point of view which often reaps more reward.

Wibble and I have spoken at considerable length the past few days and without 'dangling a carrot' so to speak, it has been made abundantly clear to me why certain things have been said (during the aforementioned 'lives') and also why certain things have not been permitted to be said by other guests whilst in the box.
It is frustrating to ALL involved 'behind the scenes' that it cannot be made clearer at this stage as to why certain behaviours may seem somewhat 'out of character' for what we have come to expect from those that we trust so dearly.

One example that springs to mind is, Wibble's insistence that the 'Whatsapp group' messages tell a very different story of what does go on between the groups of women that Trasha 'employs' than what everyone is led to believe.
We know that only snippets of the voicenotes in hand have been played.
Rather than berate those that are sharing only specific ones to us, maybe we need to trust the process and assume that certain recordings are being withheld for a very legitimate reason.

In summary, I would say, take heed from what has been said rather than trying to decipher the meaning behind what hasn't, as in due course, all will become clear.
Suffice to say, there is still lots and lots going on away from TikTok/Tattle scrutiny, for obvious reason.
This is all very much not over, more so, I'd say a new chapter!

Let's all carry on, carrying-on. Doing what we do best.
Let's show Trasha that we are here to stay, on the same path; to prove what a conniving, evil, disgusting, cruel, vile, monstrosity of a corrupt, lying individual she really is!


*and men ;) (IYKYK)
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No shock about the daughter. All those vids she posted about “the baby” coming round and the activities she would have planned. Never happened. That poor child has lost her dad now. And as much of a prick as he is, his FB page was full of pics of her before so he clearly did spend time with her. She is pure evil. Children of her partners are inconveniences and are always pushed out. I would chose my dogs over a partner, let alone a child. He’s fucking dim and right under her fat thumb. Deserves all he gets!
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I’m just at a loss as to what to say. I hate all this. And I really don’t understand the purpose 🤷‍♀️. It makes me want to just not post anything/be part of it because if this is how it’s going to be I want no part in it. And I’m not saying that for attention, like the dying swan, I mean it. This is nasty. It’s not for me 😞
And this is what I have felt since all this started with the accusations.
Someone has got a bee in their bonnet and put 2+2 together and equaled whatever.. still no proof but more accusations. Childish behaviour that has never been apparent all the time someone wasn’t here to post ..🤷🏼‍♀️
I won’t be as stupid to ask anyone to take sides,
That’s not my thing… you have your own minds.

I havnt seen what’s been said or posted and really can’t be arsed with it any more.
So I'm bowing out and I’ll let the “ring leader” crack on with the deluded ideas, no one has won, No one has been crowned.. But I will say one final thing. Go get yourself some help for whatever issues you have going on there…you’re not normal.!!🤡
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@rocksolidcrew can I ask exactly what you've been accused of ?
I didn't see Rudi's last live as was fed up of Trashers enablers being petted up so much after the vile way they had actted.... Yes they were victims of a Narcissist ... But they also had their own minds !!
Just my way of thinking folks .
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Wow they’ve got wibble wobbles voice what they going to go on the knocker be like a scene out the omen 3 when Damien sends its followers after the child of god sindy your fucking pathetic thick as fucking shit a true gonzo dimwit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You’ve got all the voices in the boxes and what you going to do with em 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Absolutely fuck all 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Can’t get arrested for speaking the truth 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And only thing that voice has proved is wibble wobble is not mrs brown gonzo your a fucking thick cunt 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Anyway, where is the old slag? I’m bored 😂😂😂. Could do with some new content to rip the piss out of.
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So Rich has come in, not shut up and not ate his Chinese and hasn’t stopped talking a million mile an hour 😂😂😂😂😂❤. Definitely not on the ❄
Meanwhile she’s demolished the lot 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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