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I am in possession of a screenshot that has originated from a social media account that belongs to Dickie's daughter.
Obviously, with her being a minor I was loathe to even mention it, let alone share it.
However, with full consent and encouragement being received from both her and her mother, I am now in a position to post it here.
This is being uploaded for no other reason than to show exactly how deceitful Trasha and Dickie are being, with regard to the relationship (or lack of!) between the three of them.

Upon reading the post, it is so very apparent that this is a young child that has been cast aside by someone that purports to be a doting father, when in truth, he has chosen to put a 'woman' before his daughter's feelings.
The hurt is palpable and even though she is a very astute girl that has the sense to see through the charade that she is being used in, she is still just a young girl who should have never been placed into this situation. Who knows what emotional 'damage' this may lead to?

The correspondence with his daughter's mother gave further insight into the lies that are peddled on tiktok in regards to the aforementioned 'relationship'

The announcement that a 'holiday' (possibly to Egypt) in September, which included their daughter was news to her mother.
In fact when asked about the 'holiday' it was confirmed by the child herself that she also had no knowledge of any such arrangement and wouldn't even consider holidaying with the pair in England let alone overseas! A decision, I hasten to add, that was backed up by her mother who confirmed that she would never grant any such permission.

As for hearing that Trasha has claimed that her daughter has 'her own bedroom' in the house that Dickie lives in, this was also refuted by the child's mother.

Both the child and her mother, are very much wanting to show exactly what is really going on in their lives and how Trasha blatantly lies where they are concerned. As far as the mother is concerned, Trasha is not, and will not, be allowed any time alone with her daughter.
I think we can all agree that a child being used like this, to keep being spoken about online, purely to manipulate the viewers, with the pretence of illustrating an amicable and healthy relationship, that in reality doesn't exist, is abhorrent and cruel.
To my mind, her mother should be applauded for setting boundaries in place that protect the daughter as much as possible during this turbulent period of her life.

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The tik tok she put up proudly of her and Richard making a scene with the Canadians says it all . She literally has no self awareness . An old woman with expired balloon tits stuck on her old unfit body . A potty mouth and no command of her own native language . Only people who are like her , who are of the same or lower socio economic and educational level side with her . Everyone else is laughing at her and disgusted by her . Her and Richard will last a while as he is just the same . He’s violent to women ,
a cocaine user and a little simple . They work perfectly together and deserve each other . His poor child is all I can say . The fall out , whenever it happens will be monumental .
She will shortly fall out with the other drain on society Sindy , then eventually Richard . She will call them both the C word and will replace with exactly the same types . She bases her worth on cheap holidays and fake designer items and cheap old high end cars believing she’s classy when in reality she lives in a specially adapted old flat in Collier row and cleans toilets (again that is at least a job and not knocking it per se ) . What I am saying is her attitude sucks .
what can be said though is she shouts and screams about being so so happy … she’s not . You don’t need to scream and shout about how and why you are so so so happy with your life , you just are .
She’s a co dependent who HAS to have a man in her life , she can’t survive alone . Too needy,
Too incapable . Needs help to survive , needs validation from a man and total randoms online . Has no family who love her , no children and no long term meaningful friendships . Mean , poor , cheap and common 4 great words to sum her up .
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@rocksolidcrew can I ask exactly what you've been accused of ?
I didn't see Rudi's last live as was fed up of Trashers enablers being petted up so much after the vile way they had actted.... Yes they were victims of a Narcissist ... But they also had their own minds !!
Just my way of thinking folks .
Yeah course. I’ll happily explain.
Someone planted a seed which rapidly spread to a tree that this account was behind the Sasha Fontain Awareness account on the other platform.
I explained that i didn’t have time to be on this platform due to personal circumstances. I don’t mind saying what they are.
My marriage ended due to my husband not being able to keep his c@@k in his trousers or to himself it would appear. The other being my mother’s passing. Much like Trasha I didn’t get on with her but duty has fallen to me to clear the huge house and deal with paperwork, aswell as hold down a full time job and look after the mental wellbeing of my adult kids and get them through it.
So rather than a person come to me with whatever evidence they have/had or the background of their findings, they just said it on a live, with roughly 260 accounts watching, maybe more…. No evidence has been shown, No more from this person but I’m expected to go and beg this person for their reasons… no, that’s not me.
Over the last 3+ years I’ve worked alongside some clever people who have got some amazing info on Trasha and her wrong doings.
I too have played a part in contacting trading standards, Havering council, DWP, Caravan parks local to Essex and also various white label companies to give them info to help bring her down. I won’t apologise for that. We all worked together and brought our findings here… which she hated.
At no point have I had any conversations via inbox with Welsh Wanker, Lugz or SP, simply because I can’t stand them.
Rudely and his wife came along and I could only see clout chasers🤷🏼‍♀️
…They’ve accused everyone of us on here at some point of being someone who we wernt.
At one point this account was linked to Kathy who was a very well respected lady who had a beautiful life and family, but once again accusations not verified caused harm with them being vile to this ladies grandchild. Something I’ll always remember as they made horrible comments about a disability, something very close to my own life…who mocks children/adults with disabilities.😡
I have lost my shit in the last couple of days with someone I conversed with over time and for that I will apologise publicly here. I have also reached out to them on another platform that we solely use.
I hope this clears up whatever people want to know.
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Many thanks to @MissSaffy for the new thread (y)
Also, thanks go out to those tattlers (not least of all @slosher7777) for keeping this thread constantly updated, so that even if we find ourselves having no time to check in with tiktok or even find a spare couple of minutes to post on here, we can still feel able to make some sense of 'what's occurring' in the never ending cycle of predictability that Trasha calls her 'mazing, fab-lus, life :rolleyes:

I have it on very good authority that the gruesome twosome did in fact part ways (once again) but are now back together (yawn yawn) safely holed up in Dickie's Dad's property in Clackerwick awaiting their £4800+ holiday to Mec-ee-co, departing Monday/Tuesday this week 😛

I am awaiting definitive confirmation, but it's possible that the car which was gifted at Christmas/New Year time, has been involved in an 'altercation' and sustained some damage, obvs I will update as and when definitive proof is received 😮

It's sad to see (and hear) that there has been some 'falling out' between members here on the good side. ie:Tattle and the account holders on tiktok that continue to raise awareness.
Here's hoping that everyone can eventually see past/forgive/overcome recent words/actions that may have caused some division and upset, after all, we ARE ALL on the same side, we are THE GOOD and we are ALL against the evil monstrosity that continues to plague tiktok.

That being said, I for one, am more excited than a good digging old hag that has once again secured her position of fiancee so as not to travel alone on a Premium flight to the Caribbean Mexico, to see what this holiday brings 😂😂😂

Hasta la Vista people 🇲🇽 🌮🌯
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2016 called it wants its nylon cold shoulder nan dress back . Plus it’s a fire hazard . No shame in that bikini for a lazy lifestyle and a horrific diet of fat , sugar and booze . What a wasted holiday sitting in a concrete gazebo staring at the overcast sky and banks of empty sun loungers . Concrete everywhere …. LOVE that for her
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Is there room for a newbie?
Christ, I've only really concentrated on this horror since she returned to tik tok....the first time around, I missed the goings on with her.
I'm trying to go back to the beginning of the thread and think I've got the gist of her disgusting " antics."
Since she reappeared I've watched the whole wedding fiasco, at first I just thought she was/is pathetic...but, as time has gone on and I've watched the lives all this week, watched the you tube videos, etc, I've seen that she's just pure evil.
I don't think I've ever come across anyone as hard faced and manipulative as her, and that's saying something.
I can't wait to see how this pans out, and I am hoping that once back from holiday, she will get what she deserves.
I take my hat off to all of you who have been here for so long and not give up.
I know there was a little hiccup on the thread a couple of weeks back, and I'm just glad that you haven't let stuff " get to you."
I wasn't going to post, I was just going to continue watching from the side lines, but decided to go for it.
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We’ve all stuck it aaahhhtt fru fick and fin 😂😂😂. Just waiting to see how she’s going to come back from the slurry of shit that’s been thrown at her these past few days. Surely to god the people supporting her must be dwindling. If not the human race is well and truly fucked!
See, You havnt missed me, Youve got it all covered..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Firstly, sorry for my sharp exit. Few personal issues that had to be resolved that needed my full attention and secondly i just felt this wasn’t going anywhere apart from raaauuuunnnnnddd in the same circle🤦🏼‍♀️
I’ve tried to catch up as much as I can, so hopefully I can join back in where I left off and get my suitcase packed for Mexico, bus on Friday.?🤣🤣 Xx
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Voice note of Sasha talking about hating his daughter and not wanting to see her also his parents . She doesn’t want Richard seeing his daughter and makes it as difficult as possible . She’s hit an all time low
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The tik tok she put up proudly of her and Richard making a scene with the Canadians says it all . She literally has no self awareness . An old woman with expired balloon tits stuck on her old unfit body . A potty mouth and no command of her own native language . Only people who are like her , who are of the same or lower socio economic and educational level side with her . Everyone else is laughing at her and disgusted by her . Her and Richard will last a while as he is just the same . He’s violent to women ,
a cocaine user and a little simple . They work perfectly together and deserve each other . His poor child is all I can say . The fall out , whenever it happens will be monumental .
She will shortly fall out with the other drain on society Sindy , then eventually Richard . She will call them both the C word and will replace with exactly the same types . She bases her worth on cheap holidays and fake designer items and cheap old high end cars believing she’s classy when in reality she lives in a specially adapted old flat in Collier row and cleans toilets (again that is at least a job and not knocking it per se ) . What I am saying is her attitude sucks .
what can be said though is she shouts and screams about being so so happy … she’s not . You don’t need to scream and shout about how and why you are so so so happy with your life , you just are .
She’s a co dependent who HAS to have a man in her life , she can’t survive alone . Too needy,
Too incapable . Needs help to survive , needs validation from a man and total randoms online . Has no family who love her , no children and no long term meaningful friendships . Mean , poor , cheap and common 4 great words to sum her up .
Knew we could rely on them to give us Brits a bad name. Common as fucking muck.
Only just catching up with the skank and Mr Personality .. considering how much she’s harped on about this “premium” Mexico holiday, it’s looked dull as fuck 🙄. Her “golden tan” will be non-existent as soon as she steps off the plane .. she’s burnt to an absolute crisp 🤣. Loved the footage from the (kids) disco last night, reminiscent of when my grandparents used to take me and my sister to the children’s Christmas party at the local social club 🤦‍♀️. Nearly 6 grand for that, no ta 🫤
And Billy big bollocks gobbing off round pool .. has he got a permanent cold? Definitely got some nasal damage that one ❄. If me and my husband/mates were in the same hotel as those 2, we’d have a) avoided them at all costs, and b) definitely nicknamed them 🤪
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Is it Melissa who has that well-annoying laugh?
Yes Melissa who openly admitted last night she has no friends , has never met Sharon Brotherton and that she was asked to give money towards the wedding .
She obviously has some kind of learning delay or disability and is therefore very vulnerable . All of these people in contact with Sharon seem to be the same . Larger ladies of the same socio economic group who either don’t work or the bare minimum 16 hours so as to achieve benefits . Sharon feels that because she’s stuck on plastic tits and hair ,and filters that she is the lead gang member . The real version of herself is an older lady from a poor area who cleans for a living ( nothing wrong with that btw ) She tried to emulate some kind of glam life that she could only dream of . It would be very sad if she wasn’t so nasty .
she has met someone just like her and I hope it lasts . He is also another of life’s losers and wasn’t blessed with looks or the command of the English language . Perfect together ! I’m just so glad I did well at school and landed what I know for a FACT would be her dream job . That’s all I can say but trust me Sharon there’s NO jealousy here . In fact as I have so much time free with said job I love to watch from afar as you monumentally lose at life , thanks for that hun ! Oh and good morning as I know as soon as u wake up in the concrete jungle you will read here . Don’t forget your embarrassing HP bottle for breakfast
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Many thanks to @MissSaffy for the new thread (y)
Also, thanks go out to those tattlers (not least of all @slosher7777) for keeping this thread constantly updated, so that even if we find ourselves having no time to check in with tiktok or even find a spare couple of minutes to post on here, we can still feel able to make some sense of 'what's occurring' in the never ending cycle of predictability that Trasha calls her 'mazing, fab-lus, life :rolleyes:

I have it on very good authority that the gruesome twosome did in fact part ways (once again) but are now back together (yawn yawn) safely holed up in Dickie's Dad's property in Clackerwick awaiting their £4800+ holiday to Mec-ee-co, departing Monday/Tuesday this week 😛

I am awaiting definitive confirmation, but it's possible that the car which was gifted at Christmas/New Year time, has been involved in an 'altercation' and sustained some damage, obvs I will update as and when definitive proof is received 😮

It's sad to see (and hear) that there has been some 'falling out' between members here on the good side. ie:Tattle and the account holders on tiktok that continue to raise awareness.
Here's hoping that everyone can eventually see past/forgive/overcome recent words/actions that may have caused some division and upset, after all, we ARE ALL on the same side, we are THE GOOD and we are ALL against the evil monstrosity that continues to plague tiktok.

That being said, I for one, am more excited than a good digging old hag that has once again secured her position of fiancee so as not to travel alone on a Premium flight to the Caribbean Mexico, to see what this holiday brings 😂😂😂

Hasta la Vista people 🇲🇽 🌮🌯
Well said @poola , we are all fab together and that’s how I hope it stays. I’m so looking forward to this holiday. Thank you for all the updated info on this vile cretin xx
Don’t forget Kerry Allen is doing a “live” Monday at 10.00am on Gonzo
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Is there room for a newbie?
Christ, I've only really concentrated on this horror since she returned to tik tok....the first time around, I missed the goings on with her.
I'm trying to go back to the beginning of the thread and think I've got the gist of her disgusting " antics."
Since she reappeared I've watched the whole wedding fiasco, at first I just thought she was/is pathetic...but, as time has gone on and I've watched the lives all this week, watched the you tube videos, etc, I've seen that she's just pure evil.
I don't think I've ever come across anyone as hard faced and manipulative as her, and that's saying something.
I can't wait to see how this pans out, and I am hoping that once back from holiday, she will get what she deserves.
I take my hat off to all of you who have been here for so long and not give up.
I know there was a little hiccup on the thread a couple of weeks back, and I'm just glad that you haven't let stuff " get to you."
I wasn't going to post, I was just going to continue watching from the side lines, but decided to go for it.
Welcome, welcome, welcome:)
There's room for everyone on this thread - well I say everyone, obvs not WW ;)

Very happy to hear that you're catching up from thread 1, it's only then that you can truly appreciate the full shitshow of a life she leads :LOL:

Now that you've stepped forward, it may encourage any other 'lurkers' join in - we really aren't a bad bunch even though I do say so myself, and we definitely don't gate-keep. The more the merrier! 🎉🥳🥂
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That foam party though 😂😂😂. It was going oooofffff. Not. Foam machine was pathetic. Looked like Warwick Davies was jizzing into the pool. Macarena comes on and Walter Titty announces “tuuuuune”. I was howling. Foam parties at 54? Really. Maybe when I was 20 in Ibiza but I’ll pass thanks. I’ve never known anyone with a tit job with baggy tits. They need a refurb but I don’t think she’ll have any spare change out of her £50 holiday spends. Another GoFundMe maybe. Just £2 a month could help Sasha get new tits 😂😂😂
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Hi....two massive knob heads, for very different reasons!
Sharon Brotherton is evil. So we had the charity theft which she did have to pay the thousands back too. She has mocked DV and people with cancer, laughed at a man she flirted with for weeks when he was so down and said he was going to “unalive himself” took money from people with gofundme scams and other scams . Lies continuously, gaslights and is 100% a narcissist. X
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Dickie with his £45.00 sunglasses and in a mood cause she got the price wrong 🤣🤣 That'll be all their spending money gone now 🤣🤣 Why is he in a huff, thought they were minted I mean, they travel first class, premium, and stay in 5 star resorts 🤷‍♀️
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I am in possession of a screenshot that has originated from a social media account that belongs to Dickie's daughter.
Obviously, with her being a minor I was loathe to even mention it, let alone share it.
However, with full consent and encouragement being received from both her and her mother, I am now in a position to post it here.
This is being uploaded for no other reason than to show exactly how deceitful Trasha and Dickie are being, with regard to the relationship (or lack of!) between the three of them.

Upon reading the post, it is so very apparent that this is a young child that has been cast aside by someone that purports to be a doting father, when in truth, he has chosen to put a 'woman' before his daughter's feelings.
The hurt is palpable and even though she is a very astute girl that has the sense to see through the charade that she is being used in, she is still just a young girl who should have never been placed into this situation. Who knows what emotional 'damage' this may lead to?

The correspondence with his daughter's mother gave further insight into the lies that are peddled on tiktok in regards to the aforementioned 'relationship'

The announcement that a 'holiday' (possibly to Egypt) in September, which included their daughter was news to her mother.
In fact when asked about the 'holiday' it was confirmed by the child herself that she also had no knowledge of any such arrangement and wouldn't even consider holidaying with the pair in England let alone overseas! A decision, I hasten to add, that was backed up by her mother who confirmed that she would never grant any such permission.

As for hearing that Trasha has claimed that her daughter has 'her own bedroom' in the house that Dickie lives in, this was also refuted by the child's mother.

Both the child and her mother, are very much wanting to show exactly what is really going on in their lives and how Trasha blatantly lies where they are concerned. As far as the mother is concerned, Trasha is not, and will not, be allowed any time alone with her daughter.
I think we can all agree that a child being used like this, to keep being spoken about online, purely to manipulate the viewers, with the pretence of illustrating an amicable and healthy relationship, that in reality doesn't exist, is abhorrent and cruel.
To my mind, her mother should be applauded for setting boundaries in place that protect the daughter as much as possible during this turbulent period of her life.

View attachment 2850183
Bless her heart, that makes me so sad, Richard Danvers you are a disgrace and don’t deserve the title of father , you are a mere Sperm Donor. You vile nasty creature.
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What a night.....
Wibble & Rudi gone
SFA gone

I personally enjoyed his lives, he didn't 🚫, everybody was welcome & the awareness he raised was fantastic, a job well done 👏

Wibble Wobble.....
One of our own, respected on both TATTLE & TT.
Tattle will obviously survive this loss, TT I'm not so sure, she had to be the most influential awareness page 😔😔

Now the other awareness pages, my problem with the majority of them..
1, An awareness page is solely to raise awareness to all people.
2, it's not about who likes or dislikes your posts.
3, nobody should be 🚫 for having an opinion.
4, what's the point in going private before a live, your not raising awareness, your solely chatting to your followers.
5, the sole aim of these pages is to bring down SF/SB

Each page has its merit but I do find it strange that SFA disappeared straight after the live.
I really don't understand the problem she had with Wibble and Rudi being friends.

I 🙏 that all is not lost but SF/SB is returning from Mexico (best premium holiday ever, what a blast) she now has free reign, has she WON, time will tell 🫣🫣🫣
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Yeah course. I’ll happily explain.
Someone planted a seed which rapidly spread to a tree that this account was behind the Sasha Fontain Awareness account on the other platform.
I explained that i didn’t have time to be on this platform due to personal circumstances. I don’t mind saying what they are.
My marriage ended due to my husband not being able to keep his c@@k in his trousers or to himself it would appear. The other being my mother’s passing. Much like Trasha I didn’t get on with her but duty has fallen to me to clear the huge house and deal with paperwork, aswell as hold down a full time job and look after the mental wellbeing of my adult kids and get them through it.
So rather than a person come to me with whatever evidence they have/had or the background of their findings, they just said it on a live, with roughly 260 accounts watching, maybe more…. No evidence has been shown, No more from this person but I’m expected to go and beg this person for their reasons… no, that’s not me.
Over the last 3+ years I’ve worked alongside some clever people who have got some amazing info on Trasha and her wrong doings.
I too have played a part in contacting trading standards, Havering council, DWP, Caravan parks local to Essex and also various white label companies to give them info to help bring her down. I won’t apologise for that. We all worked together and brought our findings here… which she hated.
At no point have I had any conversations via inbox with Welsh Wanker, Lugz or SP, simply because I can’t stand them.
Rudely and his wife came along and I could only see clout chasers🤷🏼‍♀️
…They’ve accused everyone of us on here at some point of being someone who we wernt.
At one point this account was linked to Kathy who was a very well respected lady who had a beautiful life and family, but once again accusations not verified caused harm with them being vile to this ladies grandchild. Something I’ll always remember as they made horrible comments about a disability, something very close to my own life…who mocks children/adults with disabilities.😡
I have lost my shit in the last couple of days with someone I conversed with over time and for that I will apologise publicly here. I have also reached out to them on another platform that we solely use.
I hope this clears up whatever people want to know.
Thank you for getting back to me.
Now correct me if I'm wrong ... But isn't that what people on TikTok are doing anyway... Awareness pages about her ?
Surely if you had done one which from reading above you said you didn't ... What would of been the problem with that anyway. ! ?
The more Awareness pages the better I would have thought 🤔
But that wasn't nice to publicly bring your name into something on a live .
I too would want proof of what I'd been accused of to be honest .. before my name was mentioned.
I do hope you can get this resolved ...sounds like your going threw enough stress as it is x
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