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VIP Member
I haven’t posted much but I’ve been watching. I watched a few of his lives, he’s a nob.
He’s using people for clout, he’s a complete dullard.
Just block him and forget him, he’s worthless.
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What the fucks that shit 🤣🤣 gotta be a joke whoever sent her that 🤦‍♀️ it just gets worse cheap tat 🤦‍♀️
What does it look like with that on 😳
Fuck sake I’m belly laughing. That has to be a joke yeah !!! What in the name of are you fucking kidding me is that cheap net curtain from Romford Market all about. Doesn’t she realise it’s meant to go on the windows and not her fat head 😂😂😂😂😂
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When you are presented with the opportunity to view (and download) some old tiktok files so have to cancel a day sitting on the sofa of work, miss what's going on currently in the shitshow that is Trashas life on tiktok, but most importantly can't read what's being written on Tattle, :cry: finding a few little gems that include some familiar faces makes it all seem worthwhile. ;)

⚠⚠⚠Trigger warning⚠⚠⚠
May contain images of a very scared and manipulated individual from way back on 17th June 2022
Or just a cnut!
I'll let you decide 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️
Oh what a time to be alive, and fall into the trap of follow the leader, must do as the threatening voicemails tell me or i will lose the only best friend I’ve ever had. Must be the ADHD coming out in her🥴 seriously, I don’t think she has a diagnosis, it just fits her narrative🫣
I love how both her and SP had to follow the same lie of “Tell them I’ve moved”🤣🤣
Weird, because around the time when SP 1st said it I called Havering council, they had no clue that there was a flat swap/eviction/move pending or going on🤷🏼‍♀️.
What a sad little life to want to impress some scraggy haired thieving Cnut off the internet that you’ve never met🥴🥴
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You could play sasha fontain bingo with how predictable she is. Dickie boys effed off, pictures of herself in a variety of poses and bikinis. Not well, then the I'm so blessed clips. Strong business woman will follow...she's already said on camera there's been cross words. Only folk that get sucked in are the enablers 🙄

Richard!! knock once for you're in the basement and twice that you are ok!! ✊️🤣
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Call me old fashioned - but don’t young children grow considerably in a year? So how can the “beautiful”. I use that word extremely loosely - bridesmaid dress still be able to fit the young child? You know I don’t have a lot of experience with children - only from having my own and knowing they GROW 🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣.
I’m 1000000% convinced she is getting all these gifts to sell - that desperate for money! Shameful
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Exactly and why didn’t the midlands minger back wibble wobble up over the PayPal payments as she said Waynetta was bragging about stealing donations and raffle money and donated prizes
They’ve all forgotten what they’ve actually done and that Tracy hasn’t done anything short bloody memories
And we all know who the hero was taking the cunt to task over the charity money wibble wobble
All of these misfits were her friends, every single one of them stood by her, it's only when she turns on them it's honestly I HAD NO IDEA.
The only friend ever to question the CHARITY EVENT was NICKI, I'm sick to death of hearing from every single IDIOT, "I TAKE PEOPLE AS I FIND THEM", NO you all loved the attention 🤡🤡🤡🤡
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I’m thinking dingy sindy may have been a bit too eager in pressing pay when looking for a frock 🙄🙄🙄
Why would anyone purchase a outfit now, for a wedding that's booked for May 2025 is beyond me 🤡

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Richard wasn’t even their ha ha. She has precious for talking to imaginary men but he usually grunts or says the only word he knows ‘yea’. She is such a bam
He definitely wasn’t there ..😂😂😂😂😂
She’s probably declaring squatters rights in crackton .
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And as predicted...
So am I hearing right,? The woman who went to dress fitting who is off work with broken neck/back, and now going back to the gym so she won’t be on Tickety Tok much now (unless it’s PastaJs live) as she’s going to be too busy (cos the person she’s enabled for 3+ years has thrown her under bus). 🫣🫣
Also the 12 yr old who she has never met, also been thrown under the bus (snake with tits) aka Ironing Board , who was filling her kids with unrealistic expectations of letting them be bridesmaid to a 64 yr old princess, pensioner has now gone.
Me thinking that the only option for guests at this shambles wedding will be us Tattlers.???
Well at least she’s got Spindly Poo to stand by her🙈🙈🙈

Tshirt anyone.?



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Someone needs to turn her around a good few times on Clacton pier then give her a good shove with any luck it will do everyone a favour and fall off of it with all this horse shit that comes out its lying big fat vile gob
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She really can't help herself being a vile cunt can she, again mocking disabled people. Diety nasty no good stinky big nose cunt 😡🤬😡🤬
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Chatty Member
Soooo much to unpack about the last night don’t know where to start but my God they are all so simple
. All I will say is ADHD has nothing to do with the vitriol that spewed from Laura’s mouth of late . The Rudi bloke is insufferable and wibble is a legend . This has all been about exposing a fraud , a thief , a racist a bully a liar a scammer and until she goes away we will continue to expose her .
Now Sharon is retaliating this morning . Zero self awareness or realisation that all of us here said this would happen. What kind of wedding has dates continually changed and bridesmaids chosen from people you have never met online .
Has dopey strawbs not yet been informed about Sharon’s many racist remarks or the fact that in 2024 she didn’t realise calling anyone in the black community coloured s highly disrespectful. Sharon is now clinging on to the few remaining dumb dumbs who again will eventually see the light .
Richard will be next , how long before he cant handle his prospective wife living on her phone in her dirty pyjamas and not engaging with him .
I notice his child is never with them both. Not once since Xmas has she been seen .
What a horrible horrible life they all lead .
Also Brotherton just gave away that she tells her minions what to say during lives . Imagine being so dumb that you listen to that and agree ,
Like HOW STUPID AND LONELY do you have to be ??????
Also what’s the whole point in trying to find out who we are ? It won’t change anything . I’m here because we have proved we are right again and again and again over this woman .All Rudi and Laura should be saying right now is “sorry you were all right !” Rudi even said last night it wasn’t a tattler who put his picture up so why is he still threatening constantly to find out who we are ? Furthermore why is a man like him getting involved in any of this ?
Anyway back to Sharon …. Told u you would have a fall out … next the wedding
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I agree, this Rudi chap has done nothing but stir the 💩. Been here 5 mins and all of a sudden he's judge, jury and executioner on sharon. Feck him, don't give him anymore attention and lets get back on track 😍
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It was a long night, but from the horses ears mouth 😛


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Chatty Member
Reporting for duty here !!! Here for the Mexican punch up and the brits abroad Cancun resort . The old clothes shoved in a case from previous olidays and the knotted old hair extensions . God bless the poor people on holiday the first few days . That loud mouth arriving is everyone’s worst nightmare , although I suspect the clientele of this sort of package deal will be very similar Clapton types . Jaywick on tour if u will
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Chatty Member
Funnily enough I was going to ask if the gullible husband to be owned his own house or is it rented.
The posts above have took the words right out of my mouth.
If there is property owned .... Well then that is definitely the prize she's after 🏠 .. Narcissist dream ❤
He would be an absolute fool to marry her ..
I would bet money on it that she's got something on him that she will use against him ... Usual old Narc dog move.
She will most definitely have all his passwords to all his accounts .. email .. social media etc ... She does this with all her men.
If you remember her on holiday with Heath .. she made a comment " Remember what I have on you ."
She shared a recording of Steve pleasuring himself with her WhatsApp group .. She stoops real low and doesn't give a flying F ! .... Isn't it actually an offence to do that !? If you haven't given your consent to show sexual footage of yourself 🤔 ..... Georgia Harrison got Steven Bare nicked for showing it on social media .👍
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