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So, a 'hypothetical' question for all you Tattlers. ❓❓❓
If you know you know
Let's say that your boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance/client/Insignificant other half etc had a non-molestation order placed against them (for 12 months) :oops:
If you know you know
How would you chose to spend the evening?
I'm not sure how I'd react tbh but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't make a full on, cringe-worthy attempt of happiness (for a flurry of on-line 'followers' that only watch me to take the piss out of my shit show of a life) with acting that is worthy of being cut from the final edit of 'Mile High'. 🎬
If you know you know
I also wouldn't dress up like a black widow and feign over excited happiness about the aforementioned partner that I have berated and slagged off repeatedly over the past 3 months, including leaking private medical details about their close family as well as accusing them, on numerous occasions of taking illegal drugs and saying that I've been advised to leave them once our up-coming holiday is over🌬
If you know you know
I'm also confident in saying that I wouldnt be presenting them with a large bottle of Prosecco (for the benefit of the previously mentioned watchers of the ridiculous fake life portrayed before them) to try to cover up that in fact the case was not found in their favour at all 🥂
If you know you know 🤡🤡🤡

Oh yea and by the way, did anybody notice this familiar name in the public court listing at Chelmsford today???

I'll just say it one more time, for those at the back, in case you didn't hear me, If you know you know!!!


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I don't know about the rest of you unemployed reprobates but for me, as manic Mondays go, that's gotta be one of my faves 😂
Strap in for what could possibly be tantrum Tuesday 😲

I really don't like to do this, as it's almost like dangling a carrot but......
I've been told (from more than one source) that someone from Dickie's side is looking to pass some interesting info over!

Fingers crossed it materialises shortly, to keep the momentum going, and let's just say this could really blow things up - eeeeek! 💨

That is all I know at the moment but will obviously update as and when info becomes available 🤞
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I’m going to play devil’s advocate in a way here. I was manipulated by my partner for 25 full years, a situation I’m now out of. So I do, in some respects, understand the tactics and methods of a master manipulator and narcissist. I walked through and ignored multiple red flags until I didn’t even know myself, all the while putting up a front of having a solid, happy relationship.

That said, I was very young and naive when I met him. Groomed really. I was not a grown ass woman with kids and lots of life experience. Also, I did not take on his behaviours and characteristics. He’d gossip/criticise and try and manipulate other people and family members, which I always pulled him up on. I refused to be like him. You can be manipulated. Very easily. But you always have a choice on how you behave. Always. And if I can walk away after 25 years then I’m sorry, you can walk away from someone you’ve known for five minutes and, in some cases, not even met. So no, manipulation is not an excuse. They all made the choice to actively be involved in the drama and enable her behaviour. End of!
I’m going to play devil’s advocate in a way here. I was manipulated by my partner for 25 full years, a situation I’m now out of. So I do, in some respects, understand the tactics and methods of a master manipulator and narcissist. I walked through and ignored multiple red flags until I didn’t even know myself, all the while putting up a front of having a solid, happy relationship.

That said, I was very young and naive when I met him. Groomed really. I was not a grown ass woman with kids and lots of life experience. Also, I did not take on his behaviours and characteristics. He’d gossip/criticise and try and manipulate other people and family members, which I always pulled him up on. I refused to be like him. You can be manipulated. Very easily. But you always have a choice on how you behave. Always. And if I can walk away after 25 years then I’m sorry, you can walk away from someone you’ve known for five minutes and, in some cases, not even met. So no, manipulation is not an excuse. They all made the choice to actively be involved in the drama and enable her behaviour. End of!
And I feel I may have shared too much here but it’s very relevant to the excuses being made.
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Another 'interesting' couple of lives tonight. 😵
A few bullet points and my opinions (for what they are worth) on some of the key players, and that which I witnessed. 😊

First and foremost, utmost respect for, as previously stated WibbleWobble's (@nottobeforgotten) amazing clarity on the situation. Her calm and collected demeanour was highly commendable 👏👏👏

paul Rudi, still loves the sound of his own voice, even when he is talking on things that he doesn't fully understand and/or have full knowledge of 🫤

Lugz finally admitted that she has indeed withdrawn from 'Camp Bullshit' aka 'Team Trasha'. 🤡
Although this was as predictable as a very predictable thing with a special reason to he predictable, it's always good to hear 👂👂 straight from the horses mouth so to speak.
Quite why she believes that simply because she has decided that she doesn't want to be mentioned on Tattle forthwith means that we will all comply with her request is beyond me 🤯
Approximately 3 years of vile insults, lies and generally enabling behaviours is A LOT to be 'brushed under the carpet'! 😡

Ableist Annette is still proving that she really isn't the most clued up on the full history of what's gone on even though she's 'been with Sash from the beginning'😴

'Dance Party' Gemz was as diplomatic as ever ⚖

During Paul's Rudi's live, I was directly asked to relay a request to cease mentioning PastaJ (in any derogatory manner) within this forum.
His inclusion on this thread was mentioned multiple times and by numerous people.
I do think that he (PastaJ) was unknowingly (by Paul Rudi, I might add 😡) brought into this situation.
In his (PastaJ's) defence I cannot recall him 'getting involved' and, as I can testify from personal experience 😅, he does seem to block those that he identifies as 'Tattlers', purely to avoid any of the Trasha drama occurring on his platform.
Personally I don't feel that this is an unreasonable request, and as such, I will comply (unless circumstances change obviously 😉)

I know that we here on this thread are proud of the community we have built. I am also aware that we don't always agree, but we do respect each other and accept that it's ok to have a difference of opinion.
I am grateful that this is a space where I feel comfortable enough to air my views In the knowledge that I will not be 'shot down' but by the same token I am perfectly willing to enter a discussion (if anyone wants to 😊) about any of my opinions that I share.

On that note, I bid you all goodnight. 💤
It's time to recharge the batteries as you never know, we may well be facing another 'Manic Monday' very shortly 🤪🤪🤪

See you on the other side TeamTruthTellers 😀
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To Laura , no I’m sorry playing games all day online on tik Tok lives while you have two little children is despicable . Swearing , using threatening language about people , having almost a love affair with your leader Sharon Brotherton and hanging on her every word like an absolute idiot . All the evidence was out there ALL the information and also here . What do you mean you were manipulated ? Sharon can’t even make a spag bol let alone have mind control over a grown woman . Now you have moved over to no better in Rudi , a loud mouthed narc who thinks he’s hard being the leader of a bunch of brain dead women . Wake up properly and be a real woman and mother. Be a role model to them instead of wasting all your days on tik tok . Personally I have worked my whole life even after children, my time on social media is limited to moments of boredom , bedtime or on a beach or something or breaks at work when I’m bored . I cannot imagine speaking all day to a loud mouthed bully all day every day who I have never met and then offering up my tiny children as bridesmaids ! Involving them as well to speak to said bully is baffling to me . ADHD is not an excuse for your behaviour . You are searching for friends in the wrong places .
The rush to the police videos in other news …. Hello mr officer I wish people dead on tik tok and want to make a statement because none of its my fault “nah wot ah meeeaaaaan ? “
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In the interest of full transparency, the pic on left is a screenshot from today's (1st March) upload on tiktok, currently unconfirmed if any 'enhancers' used 🤐🫤😬
The pic on the right is a screenshot from a live on 4th January, whereby a tiktok lipstick filter (at the very least) was activated. 💄

Genuine question - which is the more realistic depiction? 🫣🤔🙄

Answers on a postcard please, to:
Prisoner 090670
Mental Health unit
Delulu Wing
Land of Make Believe
PI55 0FF
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New thread title courtesy of @pompom99. Here we go shitc*nts. We all missed the 3pm bus again but we can have our little rendezvous at 8pm tonight. Our own little Dance Party on YouTube. We’re burning through these threads faster than DVP can snort a line. Let’s see what this evening brings. Are we ready? Course we are 🍿🍿🍿
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Is it just me??????
Why the hell is Sam Payne and Laura sitting in boxes pretending that they are victims of Sharon's, as for Rudi, he's getting word out, FUNNY how not that long ago these people SUPPORTED HER, belittling others, now were all friends.
They are all clout chasing, laughing, joking, I personally stand with the people that got hurt NOT these bunch of 🤡🤡🤡
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I pray everyday something bad will happen to her - that’s Karma for you GONZO. - do those words sound familiar you vile evil creature !!!
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The only trouble is someone has just bailed who we really need
I’ve not bailed my friend. I’ve just got a lot going on at the moment to be on here as much and I also can’t be bothered with all the drama about who is who. We’ve all worked as a unit despite the fact none of us know each other in real life. And that’s how it should be.

I’ve been on this thread since almost the start and you lot actually make me belly laugh everyday. So let’s just get back to what we do best ❤

Throw me some thread suggestions and I’ll make one when I’m not elbow deep in paint 😂😂😂
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I think we all need to remember the original crew , the really genuine people that have been trying to “out” Gonzo for the last few years and that are still around now. The likes of Rudi, Laura etc mean nothing to me and I will never trust them
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Well big up @nottobeforgotten (WibbleWobble) She spoke so elequently and put her point across so brilliantly. 👏👏👏
Unfortunately she was talked over quite a bit but held her own and defended herself/her actions fantastically.❤
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One word BULLSHIT oh no wait ….. also Karma ! Drink to much did we Sharon ? Someone grab your arm Sharon ? Funny wounds for a fall from a stool don’t you think ? Almost looks like an altercation doesn’t it ? I mean I’m not one to speculate or anything 🤔
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The last 2 tiktoks of Trasha looking like she's about to burst into tears have absolutely made my day 😂😂😂
What was it she was busy spouting this week? Oh yea, "God talks"
If that's the case then, (in the immortal words of our very own @Mrs.Wummin) FUCK ME!!! God must be using a loudspeaker today 📢

Not looking quite so 'bright-eyed and bushy tailed" now are we? 😂🫣🤭

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So he’s just said Sharon has 24 hours to get off the app or he will expose her as he has so much information to reveal .
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I've been reading on and off here and barely on Tiktok over past few weeks so not contributed as my connection not been great plus I've had stuff of my own to deal with.... all i can say is WOW! what a shift in just this last week alone, especially this weekend just gone. I've got alot of catching up to do. Anyways thought id pop on and say hello to my fellow twattlers... I'm not about much due to family commitments however I'll still pop in and continue to have a read to keep upto speed with things. Keep up the good work guys and gals 🤩❤
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