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Oh fuck me dead this chick could not make it any more obvious that she reads here. ‘People have been congratulating me on my pregnancy. Apparently I’m having a girl’ you fucking wish babe. Shut up. She knows pregnancy content gets her views so she’s trying to make pregnancy content without being pregnant. So fucking cringe.
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Ignoring that attention seeking tiktok and her huge nipples for a moment, she said her activewear is being launched 28th March, but she's yet to receive her samples so she can do the campaign shoot. She's aiming to do the shoot on the 8th or 9th?

If this is how things normally work with WF no wonder her campaigns are always so last minute, half arsed and rushed. Does this also mean she hasn't yet seen or tried on the final versions? That feels ridiculous to me.

I'm not defending her, she's still choosing to work with them knowing this is what they're like, but it does explain a few things. It also proves how little input Sarah has in the process. She literally just decides what colours she likes from a selection of swatches WF give her. Then she sits back and waits for the final product to arrive, does a quick photoshoot, tells her followers it's her most fave collection ever, watches the money roll in and then never wears it again. Rinse and repeat.
We’ve seen that she is a mega-procrastinator with Sunee and other launches/promotions that she can control, but I do think your assumption that this is a WF issue more-so than a Sarah issue is spot on. They aren’t even trying to squash the angry comments anymore and their authentic engagement has massively tanked. She’s smart to have pulled back on the narrative that she has any kind of control in the process because I think this launch is going to be another clusterfuck and customers will have spent even more money to be disappointed. Recipe for disaster.

This is what happens when you lack the professionalism and draw to hitch your wagon to a more reputable horse, though 🤷🏼‍♀️

Speaking of, if she’s still thirsting for a Nagnata (or w/e) partnership, I hardly think manic videos about big nipples and poor bra support are going to get her far. If she would pick a lane, she’d go so much farther. Instead, her content is a smattering of everything (every aesthetic, personality, aspiration, etc.) that collectively amounts to nothing of value. Like sissy… Be the high class, kind of hot, bougie business mom and get that Nagnata bag. Or slut yourself out, cut out the kiddie content, and hock WFB. Or prance around in your floofy floral dresses and shop for budget decor like a Trad Mom. But good lord, don’t do them all and have the audacity to post every scrap of content on all of your platforms with little to no differentiation for the various demographics and features of each digital space.
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WTF is this. Girl has been snorting the poopy bloom and it’s affecting her brain. It’s just blatant…lies….how do people swallow this shit. And by “this” she means sitting on her filthy floor and eating in front of her kid and calling it “quality time”. Her lies aren’t even GOOD LIES.

Sis can't even post a video of Macca without rolling her eyes and giving him attitude. Yikes he's not even a year old Sez, relax.
In what world is ANY OF THIS TRUE?!


She prioritises working out over her children, she's creating exceptional memories of what exactly? The only thing they will remember is how vacant and disinterested their own mother is about their life.. her connections disingenuous ones with her followers - I've never seen someone LESS connected to her children. The best version of herself (according to her) is someone who works out all the time and looks fit for their husband.

Nothing about sitting on the floor rolling your eyes at your not even 1 year old says "this is important"

I'm sorry - he's Fucking WHAT?!

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Out walking with Mal who is HATLESS with ARMS/LEGS exposed on a warm day where UV index is VERY HIGH. Protection advised until 6pm. 🤦🏽‍♀️ she is so irresponsible
There is a direct correlation between sun exposure and sunburn as a child and developing serious skin cancers like melanoma later in life. With the recent news of Natalie Fornasier’s death at 28 from metastatic melanoma, exposing M to the sun and broadcasting it on stories is just so callous. Idgaf is she wants to burn herself to a crisp, but for the love of god please protect your poor baby who can’t protect himself 😡
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All I got from those stories was she had a big fight with Kurt because she was being the diva about the shoot and this was her way of having the last word.

M could easily be minded at the warehouse, and Kurt and the team could have gotten everything set up beforehand so all Sarah had to do was turn up and do the shoot. My guess is they don't actually talk to each other outside of work so Kurt had no idea what her "vision" was and wasn't prepared. They seriously make things unnecessarily hard on themselves. Also, how's your back, Kurt?

Nice back track on Focks being eXcLuSivElY breast fed for 10 months to him now having solids from 8 months. And M DID take a bottle, albeit briefly. Stop lying and saying he never has because we've literally seen you bottle feed him with no issues.
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Only Sarah would make 2 days after her husband comes home from hospital with spinal compression fractures about her.

Today she rants about how empty her cup is, and she feels Saaaahhh Guilty because of not working while there is a baby sitter.

So what does Sez do...goes to the gym to use a band and floor....but don't worry, it's like she is working because "it's part of her job". What ever helps you sleep at night scuz
And all this on top of the fact that she has not 1 but 2 home gyms - including weight racks if she really was serious about doing weights (we all know she wasn’t, hence why she went to the gym only to fuck about with bands, yet again).

I say this constantly but who does Sarah think she’s kidding?! It’s painfully obvious at this point that she will do and say ✨a n y t h i n g✨ to get out of parenting her own spawn, no matter how nonsensical, or how bad a mother and wife it reveals her to be.
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View attachment 1941530In Sarah’s latest stories she said Kurt acts like she’s a diva because she’s on a ‘breastfeeding time limit’ but then says she doesn’t pump because she “just doesn’t like it”. If it’s costing their business time and money, isn’t it kind of a diva move to say she’s not going to pump just because she doesn’t feel like it?

I’m not a mum so idk how hard pumping is. I just thought if it was compromising the quality of their work, she would make it a priority?


M is almost 1 and is eating solids, he can 100% go more than 3 hours without a feed!
I’m pretty sure it’s like 3 feeds a day at that age? Wouldn’t you just feed him just before you leave, have your nanny (she keeps saying he is being minded but he has a nanny) feed him while you’re gone and then come back a couple of hours after that? She must be feeding to sleep and he won’t nap without it but she doesn’t wanna reveal that.
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I also just couldn't care?
Like showing us your pumped milk and your baby on the boob/drinking from a cup just isn't exciting content.
Especially if your 'kids aren't content' and you DONT actually want to be a mum vlogger
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Welcome to a new thread! I think the last one was the slowest thread we've had for a long time and that's because our extra smol milf boss babe has been extra boring of late.

Thanks to @Triceratops for the title!

There isn't much to recap.

We ended the last thread with the news that Kurt has fractured two of his vertebrae doing ju-jitsu and is now out of hospital and on bed rest at home. Sarah has already made it all about her by palming Focks off to her mum's because life is just too hard - "When it rains it doesn't just pour in this family, it hurricanes."

I'm sure we all wish Kurt a quick recovery (back injuries are no joke) but get your popcorn ready for weeks of tragedy content and Sarah's inevitable meltdowns because she's now a single mum and can't go work out whenever she likes.
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What on earth is going on in the House of Commons Groms?

Also 💯the sezzy has had Botox in her masseter muscles. It explains why she lost all her face shape and is now a pin head
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Vlog Update:
She writes a to do list and finishes if apparently. Absolutely thrilling content. 10/10 Sez.
- productive content fills her soul, okay Hun
- sings/whines about the builders
Her to do list:
1. She's going to make some cushions for their podcast room at home. So.... She's not going to podcast from the warehouse?
2. Rebranding the podcast so she can 'action it'.
3. planning the campaign for her activewear.... That's IN A MONTH. Nothing like last minute filming as per normal 👀
4. I stopped listening....
5. something about the lamp, I think she needs to make a decision on it? Whether to bin it? That takes a second, not sure why it's on the list...
6. Finalise her bathroom? Okay?
7. sponsored skin care routine! It's been a while

- she's tidying the cupboard, it's dull and she's doing a weird voice. Pretty sure tidy the cupboard wasn't on the list
- fox and Kurt leave for a 'yeah the boys playdate"
- she shows off her sad plant, not convinced it's a peace lily though
- she rolled a towel to give her bathroom a 'resort vibe' and called it a day
- whines about the lamp, says they sent her the wrong stuff. STRONG DOUBTS. And also if they had they'd send you the correct parts. It's been donated, bet people will be rushing to buy her broken lamp
- she did a 'comment below' , doesn't often do that, clearly wants engagement
- she's made a stupid Pinterest podcast board that gives "italian summer', not sure how that relates to podcasting...
- miss professional didn't know when her WF meeting was and almost missed it
- she "doesn't know how to express her excitement about the active wear without growling"
- the cushions are going to have the vibes of 'yeah the girls Europe trip" why can't she use regular adjectives
- Kurt and some other lady hate the fabric that she spent $100 on
- no cushions today...
- she's now cleaning her makeup brushes, this also wasn't on the list
- she's giving a 'life altering update" which is just that Kurt broke his back. ITS NOT LIFE ALTERING IF HE WAS FINE AFTER A DAY!
- she lets slip she was filming this vlog 2 weeks ago then stopped for Kurt's injury. So all her 'im having a productive day of tasks" clearly took a few days 😂
- she's pretending that she was in 'full carer mode looking after all the boys". Your mum helped and Kurt went to work 2 days later.
- another call to comment on the video and also did a 'comment, like subscribe'
This was a hot MESS.
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Some things to remember:

M regularly took a bottle before with no issues
Kurt, family, babysitters and nursary have fed M
Sarah has pumped in the past
M has had both pumped and formula
M now eats solids
M can drink from a cup

So this current narrative of "mum guilt" for now having to pump so she can do the upcoming photoshoot is just a performance. She outs herself in the first sentence of the TT by saying "We have both gotten into the habit, well I've gotten into the habit of feeding M to sleep." M isn't exclusively breastfed any more and he isn't exclusively fed by one parent. Kurt could have fed him a bottle while Sarah made those tiktoks, yet they made M wait until Sarah had pumped, AFTER she made the tiktoks and took a photo of it.

The issue appears to be M won't sleep unless he's been fed or cuddled to sleep. This explains the "breastfeeding" selfies where he's clearly asleep and not feeding, he's just being held to the boob. She hasn't shown him actively breastfeeding for several months, yet she's desperate to maintain she's still breastfeeding him every three hours day and night. In truth it sounds like he's waking every three hours and she either assumes he's hungry or knows putting him on the boob gets him back to sleep quicker. Doing it is the easiest option. Just like the easiest option of dealing with Fox's sleep issues was just letting him sleep in their bed. I don't begrudge parents choosing to take the easy route when things are tough sometimes, but these two don't seem to ever put the work in.

And it doesn't matter how M is being fed btw! It only matters that Sarah keeps lying about it.
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Ok but what’s the point behind her latest tiktok (that she’s just promoted on her stories?) It cut her off as she was rambling about her “huge nipples” and how she can’t wear her expensive sports bra to her boxing class or else her nipples will pop out..

What the fuck?? Does she really think that this is the type of content people are genuinely interested in seeing/hearing about? 🫠
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I don’t get how a blank book works? Wouldn’t you pay to have it all mapped out rather than blank?
⚠ spoiler alert ⚠
It's actually a blank book with a super aesthetic cover which you can ✨sTyLe✨ on your kitchen bench on a slut-tray with a kmart vase/$10K fruit bowl on top, because that's the real and only reason people buy books.
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Sarah - doesn't post on Instagram on weekends for months

Also Sarah - oh Kurt broke his back on a Friday night - time to start posting on weekends again $$$$$
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Kurt cannot get away fast enough and now Fox can't stand to be with her either 😂
View attachment 1938815
^^^ bad qual - says: "little man needing along time to kick start his week"
I hate her use of season. Why can't she say 'period of my life"
View attachment 1938816
I feel like all she does is complain about her current 'season' 😂 it's the season of “tiredness” and, to quote her reel from the other day about Kurt breaking his back “when it rains, it doesn’t pour in this family, it hurricanes”. Make up your mind, Sarah. Is it the best time of your life or are you in the middle of a hurricane?? Should we all be feeling happy for you or sorry for you?!
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