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Why is her gym mouldy?

Rather than clean it, she’d rather build a new gym in the pool house. This girl has more money than sense.

also - Fox saying on the vlog (I watched 5 mins in about 45 seconds andleft) he said ‘I’m so hungry I’m gonna get chunky’
That breaks my heart that he associates eating a tangerine with getting fat.
Funny, I was watching an olllllld ollllld vlog and Sarah is unabashedly talking about how she wants to be 51kg and get her bf% to 17, or she’ll be chunky. I screenshot because it’s just messed up, not knowing it would come up so quickly.

No surprises where Focks learns this, especially as she’s clearly forcing it on him with the EducAtionN about SoMeTimEs FoOdS - Sarah you’re a dropout, you’re not fit to educate anyone.

But so sad to see that at 3 Focks is already displaying concerns and fixations around food. At 3 you shouldn’t even have a conception of these things, and yet he’s already got it set that he doesn’t want to be ‘chunky’ and that eating too much will cause this. 😭😑


All the rain on the east coast of Australia has caused mould problems for a LOT of ppl. Not to white knight for sezzy but it isn’t surprising. If you live in qld or nsw you should check your houses for mould xx it can be so bad for you
Yeah when that happens most people clean their damn space, not build a new one.
We’re had mould with the weather event (south coast) like everyone else, plus we also just finished renovating, and we spent weekend on weekend airing and sanitising and washing. Sarah could never, but she also lacks the brain cells to figure she can also pay a professional to do it. Next thing she’ll be moving because her carpets are scuffed.
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aPriCoT bOObiEs

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I thought Abbey made some important points, but nearly not as vehemently or forcefully as needed.
She is ultimately a youtube creator too, and I think she always plays this dual role of calling whats wrong out, but padding her real critique with a polite smile and feigned friendliness. Softening the blow with shallow appreciation for the stupidest parts of sarah's wellness week was a stupid and hollow tactic.

I think this is part of the turf of being a fellow creator, you can't really afford to piss your competition/contemporaries off too much. I know Sarah is not even remotely in the same league as Abbey, but I've seen a lot of influencers do this sort of thing where they'll cash in on a wave of dissastisfaction, but only as much as it benefits them, without really putting their weight begind the issue. If they did that they'd have to have actual scruples and values, which lets be honest, doesn't gel too well with preying on people's minds and monetizing their dissatisfaction.

What I mean to say is, she made the video because a lot of disgruntled people sent it to her. So she saw an opportunity for $$$ for herself, in calling Sarah out. But she wont call Sarah out loudly enough because that's detrimental in the long run.

Theyre all cut from the same cloth if you ask me.
Influenza culture as a whole needs to die.
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What’s the bet she barely posted anything yesterday so she can make a DiRtY tHiRtY vlog 🤮
The intro to the vlog will 100% be her in the kitchen making a coffee alone, and then it will zoom into her pulling a face saying “so this is how I’m staring my birthday… alone… while the boys sleep”
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It’s funny how Sarah will only admit something is “wrong” if it’s a disguised flex. Eg. “I’m so burnt out and stressed cos I’m SO BUSY BOSS MUM”. Or if it is to sell a product “I’m getting back on track, project comeback buy my tropeka”. If she was actually real and raw she would say “I have a lot of hair breakage which is common post partum, so I’ve cut a fringe to work with it while my hair grows”. But she won’t unless Bondi Boost gets in touch
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Obligatory 'my kids aren't content'. Literally why is M in this? What's he got to do with Omega 3?
These silly slide show pic adverts are so funny though, they make no sense and she looks like she sits on him 😂
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“Mum voice”
“Real Mum”
“Deliciously joyful” (what the fuck?)

Sarah really latches on to the most nonsensical and mundane ideals of parenthood. Never once since she’s had kids have I seen her reflect on how her kids have taught her patience, made her reflect, matured her; or how (#) blessed she is to witness them gaining skills, passing milestones, etc. Nah, they give her a chance to live out her own girlhood playtime of pushing a pram, using a fake saccharine voice, and give her a real life compliant (read dependant) prop…that is until they learn to ‘VeRbAliSe’ and say they hate her 😂
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It’s the pose in the mirror for me; the collar bone pop, the jacked up elbow to give the appearance of toned upper body, and dare I say it with utmost disgust bc it was UNMISSABLE, she’s really used that lighting to turn her A cups into C’s
Give it a REST Sarah

So is this just me or is this just really bad advice.

I don't work in marketing or content creation but was under the assumption. It's not about the “out of the box” idea but more about how does this content serve it's intended audience?

Also spreadsheet ideas in sex. Bloody hell shows how depressin their sex life is
It’s hardly advice; they’re basically saying…note down your ideas ? well…duh
And the sex thing? They’re trying to be cool and relatable— except neither of them are very sexually appealing atm so it just feels corny and forced
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Pretty sure its really easy to self publish via amazon or if u have lots of money
Loads of people self publish lol.

‘Reshooting’ the images to suit the book instead of the app is pretty much 100% proof that she was just going to put the recipes from the app into the book and not do any new content. I bet someone pointed out what a stupid fucking idea that would be and that it would seriously piss of her followers. Hence the reshooting to at least make it seem different even if all the recipes are exactly the same.

Designed the entire thing herself? Oh please. It just goes to show how lacking in creativity and ideas Sarah really is. She’s so used to doing her “collabs” with other brands where they basically do all the development for a product and then just let her pick the colour (which she thinks somehow makes her a designer?) that having ANY creative input into this cookbook is making her feel like she’s doing something special and unique that thousands of other people have done when they’ve published books. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Tattle seriously needs to have an eye roll react because it’s all I ever do when I read about what Sarah is up to.
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The outfit she's wearing today to the wedding, weird! I'd love to see her photographed amongst the other wedding guests. It's definitely not spring wedding vibes lol! It's more underground dive bar on a Saturday night vibes 🤣
I came here to say the exact same thing! The dress could maybe pass with some strappy heels or her hair out in waves (although don’t think it’s long enough). The boots and blazer just make it super Melbourne grungey bar vibes, definitely not wedding attire 🤦🏼‍♀️
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sMaShInG OuT some house maintenance. Glamourising everyday adult tasks to make her sound like a hard worker anomaly
Yeah, I mean they basically picked up a few palm fronds. If that's "smashing out some house maintenance" then I'm Don Burke. 😅
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Why didn’t she run the sale along side the competition? It would’ve increased the number of people who signed up because they would’ve had double the incentive.
And of course it’s going to piss people off now that you run a sale RIGHT AFTER the competition closes.
I reckon her competition was a huge fail. She probably thought she would get heaps of new subscribers and now that she didn’t she’s desperately trying to get more by offering a discount. She has really been making so many changes to Sunee lately.. adding dairy and gluten recipes, competition, meal plans and now 20 % off.. this to me looks like she’s not getting the amount of subscribers she needs and is desperate for more
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She definitely went to lunch by herself, all her “friends”, are her employees who would be working overtime to make up for her doing 2 hour work days
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I Love the bangs…..Mainly the content it will give us when it isn’t a posed photo. No way that will be scraped into a bun……bring it on. Live video next please 😂
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