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How much do we think the church paid her to get on stage and speak? Surely she did it for money, not just to inspire her congregation. It seems so out of character for her to be up there, she’s barely left her house in years other than to go to the gym or an all inclusive holiday resort. She mostly seems to watch her church at home or from the kids room in the building.
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I wonder how Sarah’s sister-in-law Kate feels about Sarah only just having her children alone for the first time? Kurt’s brother is in the army and goes away for many months at a time and Kate manages really well from what I can see….Sarah could never.
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This sMoOtHiE that Fox apparently prepared himself is pretty much every orthorexic's weekly shopping list.
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You ladies are scaring me! 🤣 I don’t have kids yet, but hair washing takes 10 mins max! Could I wheel baby and stroller into the bathroom to make sure I can see they aren’t crying? The thought of not even having that much time is abjectly terrifying.
Don’t mean to scare you. But currently, I cannot leave the room or my baby will cry like they are being hurt. All because they can’t see me. I bring bub in the pram, high chair or bouncer so I can go to the toilet. I shower when they have their arvo nap because by night time I have no energy left. Fifo wife so have no help. You will literally get fuck all time to yourself. I thought that was fine considering I have no hobbies anyways. No no I was wrong. It mentally screwed me a bit. But it is only temporary. Once they get older they gain a little independence with each milestone they hit and it’s so fucking amazing. Can cry about missing your old life but be so happy with your new life with this amazing tiny little human you grew. Being a parent is a rollercoaster of emotions on a daily basis
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aPriCoT bOObiEs

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Because nothing says SPRING and COOKING APP than a dimly lit shot of the Sez fawning over herself in some random room in her house…but obviously not in the kitchen guyyys, because how weird would that be for a cooking app 🌷🌼🤦🏼‍♀️
I swear NONE of their campaigns for any of their clients make ANY sense anymore. I'll include their excuse of a shitty podcast in this. Every single thing she and they collectively do is nothing more than a vanity project that's unconsciously designed to inflate her ego and feed the giant vacuum inside of her, because she is too blind to realise it. And I cant believe some of it still flies with clients paying money for this? People deserve the shit they tolerate.
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Chatty Member
Why is she so obsessed with boxing rn?
Like she’s posted 3 reels in the last few weeks where she’s boxing… She better not think about coming out with a boxing ebook…
Because she thinks she’s really good at it and she needs people to comment about how good she is at it. Her ego is bruised from the continues drop in followers so she needs a boost.
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wow she’s so boring

honestly at this point I’m just waiting for the inevitable vlog explaining why Kurt moved out of her house and that they have decided to split.
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“Love Your Liver meal plan” is just the 2022 vernacular for “Detox Diet.”

If your liver is unable to properly function, a diet is not the fix you need. A liver that is not functioning is a liver in failure (or near failure), so you need a goddamn liver or digestive health specialist.
Right? I literally ran here after hearing her claims on "LOVE YOUR LIVER WITH SUNEE RECIPES" fuck off sarah you dickhead. Nobody needs Cronullas dumbest blonde to educate us on our "major organ".
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Why is she so proud of not showering?!
Getting super sweaty at the gym and then going to work is gross for your employees, they don't want to smell you.
And yes babies take up a lot of time but surely she could dive into the shower for 2 minutes before going to the warehouse.
Do you think she gets infections? Like fungal infections or UTIs? At the very least all her bits must smell absolutely rank. Combine that with squeezing into too small Lycra and I truly feel for her staff.
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aPriCoT bOObiEs

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Will never understand why she thinks putting herself in her underwear and/or loungewear is a good way to sell her failed food app
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Who died and made Sez the baby led weaning expert?
If she was this expert like she’s trying to make it seem then she would know you aren’t supposed to introduce solids until they’re at least 6 months or age as well sitting up unassisted and quite a few other readiness signs that M does not show. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Actual BLW experts would not be happy to see this.
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I feel like HOG being associated with Sarah’s Day makes it seem way less professional… if somebody was considering working with Kurt, they could see his intimate family moments on YouTube… including Sarah belittling him and interfering in his creative processes. That thing where she lied to him and said there were only 4 designs to choose from when there were like 50 was so bad lol if I were him I’d be absolutely livid. The best thing for Kurt’s business would be cutting ties with Sarah 😂 easier said than done.
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