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I just watched a couple of videos from back when Kurt and The Sezzdog lived in their first little apartment and yeah she is kinda loud and obnoxious and still is a bit disordered with her eating, but I found myself smiling and laughing. And Kurt and Sezz look so damn happy together, hugging, touching and laughing. It’s kinda evident that they just aren’t as happy anymore, maybe the pressure got to them, maybe the lure of all the money made them lose their way. Those days in that little apartment look like they were the best.

Here’s one for reference

Hahahaha nah a minute and a half in and she’s already saying “ocean swim” and talking about “absorbing magnesium from the ocean”. She definitely used to put a lot more effort into her older vlogs, with different environments/activities, nicer music, better editing etc. But she was definitely still very very disordered, always spouting junk science diet culture nonsense about super foods and stuff and allllllllways complaining about “sody (sodium) bloat” or having a “gurgly tummy” or saying how she eats huge portions but then 90% of the meal would be leaves.

I find her maybe 10% less obnoxious in her old videos compared to now. I still roll my eyes about 10 times per vlog when I watch the old ones. I find her and Kurt’s banter to be really irritating, immature and ignorant. However I will say she certainly seems much much happier in the old vlogs.

I was never an OG fan though. I had never even heard of her until the Shameless podcast girls talked about braid-gate and then about Sarah being antivax, which is when I finally looked her up and I’ve slowly over the years ended up watching all her old content as I’ve followed along with the car crash of scandals she’s gotten herself into.

I will say, even though I’ve never liked Sarah and always found her annoying there is something about her vlogs from when she was living at home and in their very first rented apartment that is entertaining.

ALSO lol sorry, but also keep in mind the timeline for Scuz and Kurt’s relationship. They were together about 6 months before moving in, they were together maybe 1.5 years when she got pregnant with Fox/they bought their first apartment and together ~2 years when they bought the house. Someone else correct me on exact timelines because I’m sure I’m a little off but for an early 20s couple they moved VERY quickly. They’ve run out of milestones and basically having nothing to look forward to except spending the rest of their lives together working and raising the kids. It’s no wonder they seem unhappy. From the outside it seems like they rushed through every stage and never really took the time to enjoy the present.
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Same same but...the same.The other couples look very much connected and happy together. Sarah could have easily put her arm around Kurt and Kurt/Sarah moved closer to each other. Tell me your relationship is doomed without telling me your relationship is doomed.

I mean I get it, I'm not overly physically affectionate with my brother either 🤷‍♀️
Like put Focks on the ground (he doesn’t need to be held), Sarah hold Milkshake, Kurt stand behind and hug Sarah? They look like distant cousins…

How long until either I’m blocked or a Sarah’s day ass licker has a go at me?
I just think about when I’m sick (mildly, like a cold or something) and how you just want to lay on the couch, in the warm house and relax, not be traipsing around the countryside. Why couldn’t she have kept her baby at home, in the warm, had a nice family weekend at home on the couch and just relaxed after what she she said “was a very traumatic event?”.
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Long time reader and first time poster here.
This video is SO insane to me (and obviously, thankfully others too). Reason why it’s insane to me? My 2YO has been extremely sick for the past 2 months, which lead me to needing time off my job (husband earns more and like a normal human, we don’t have paid for expenses like sezzy), then lead to my daughter needing emergency surgery and a week long stay in hospital, out of pocket expenses and a couple of days to come up with 7 grand, but we did it, because she’s our priority. The day of her surgery I got sacked from my job.
did I pick up my camera and take a photo? Try and think how I could get money out of the situation? Absolutely not. The fact that she has used this to get money and views is beyond a joke. She needs a rain check on life stat
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Such a pick me girl even with covid “I was hallucinating and couldn’t remember Malakais name” so over the top come on now.
Then saying right now her temp is 39 at the moment TAKE PANADOL you dumbass. Especially while you are home alone with a baby. She’s in for a rough ride unvaccinated and seemingly won’t even take panadol 🤦🏼‍♀️
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I always had a feeling she got Abbie to complete the "happy family" influenza look and that she didnt give a shit about dogs to begin with.
Now I feel the same way about the two offspring she's brought into the world.
Yes I think the same about Abby. She only got her because she’s that kind of typical Insta influencer breed that seems very common. Abby seems like such a lovely dog, but I feel like once she grew out of the ‘cute puppy stage’ she was no longer able to be carried around like a prop. I don’t even think she likes Abby. In fact I get the feeling she doesn’t care much for animals in general
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Chatty Member
You can’t say that your intolerances are “cured” and then turn around and say actually no I don’t feel well and my baby isn’t well either because of it.. like
Wouldn’t you have figured that out when you first started eating it all again?
I thought Mal was a chill baby.. what are the signs that he isn’t coping with the dairy and gluten? She must just make this shit up as she goes
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Here you go @shaaanxosucks
There's also a 👌recap on red**t.
Thank you, I’m actually glad I didn’t watch it now reading through all the posts on here I’m actually disgusted.
Remember back when she baited a miscarriage and we all thought she was disgusting and has gone too far then ?! I actually can’t believe she’s gone further. I’m lost for words which is very rare for me on ol raspberry tits. Don’t even have a joke to lighten the mood. Just disgusted
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How are these topics related in any way to health??
Two ads episodes about Big Brother? And don't even get me started on the rest of this steaming pile of pre-adolescent drivel.

Clearly they're just taking the piss at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if they are just riding out the rest of their contract until they can move off Spotify and onto their next SeCrEt PrOjEcT. #HouseOfVomit
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Hi Sarah. Thanks for explaining what this is after we discussed it here.

View attachment 1321601

Gotta laugh that she said she's about to tag team with Kurt because they both have a busy work DAY and it's already lunchtime and she's just been to the gym 🙃
Sarah instead of bitching about Kurt’s equipment in the house (which he needs for work, while you’re work ethic has lowered to not even checking your camera is charged), why don’t you let him put it in your Pilates room with the multi thousand dollar reformer machine you never use? 🤔🤔

Also it’s been how long since they sold “her apartment”, and the warehouse still isn’t ready? She says it’s annoying for her, but I’d be fuming if I worked for them, and had to work in their messy house with a baby and toddler running around. Maybe that’s part of the reason Tanika left 🙃
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um are they away for the weekend with makkapakka 👼???? beth posting they are away for weekend then posting pic of 👼!

edited for more info
This could explain why she is so quiet on her stories because she perceives backlash if her followers knew she was away days after her baby was released from hospital after almost dying. As if she would let this ‘inconvenience‘ ruin her holiday plans
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Kurt’s face when he realises she’s got the camera set up lol… (this is from her story, idk the context in the vlog but I feel like it will still be something like this)

Also can someone comment something disguised as being nice, something about her donating the money she makes from this to the children’s hospital?

Something like: “Keeping you all in my prayers, was so hard to see you go through this, you’re so strong. A good idea would be to donate the money from this video to the childrens hospital? Or a foundation like tiny hearts” (need to kiss her ass a bit so her ego is stroked and she doesn’t delete it)


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I'm ashamed to say I have been an avid Sarah supporter up until today. Today I felt wildly hurt when watching her stories about having to share a room and it dawned on me that this women is so incredibly self centred that she doesnt give a toss about the lives of others who might be in those rooms. Today when I saw thkse stories, for the first time I felt this wave of anger wash over me, like this women has been tricking me and pulling the wool over my eyes.
Everything came crashing down and i knew id been fooled.... stupid me for buying her products, liking her posts, watching her content. After years of following and keeping up with Sarah, right from the days of Mitch in fact, today I washed my hands of this self obsessed narcacist.
I hope it's okay that I ask you a genuine question I have been hoping to get some clarity on, since you have said you literally supported her both by engaging with her content and buying her products.
How did it make you feel as a fan and a follower when she would get on her stories and rant, calling her followers who sent her DMs stupid, bitches, idiots, and when she would give you all the middle finger repeatedly?
And how did you feel when she would reply to comments sarcastically, or make a snarky remark, or doxx another follower she didn't agree with?
I really have wondered for the longest time if her stans noticed how often she called the people who were bankrolling her idiots and laugh at them as though they were beneath her.
Did you see it when you were a proper fan? Did her rotten attitude show or were you so wrapped up in the bubble of fake positivity that you didn't realise that middle finger was at you, her fans?
Would appreciate any insight I could get on this, from you or any other longtime followers who wish to comment. It genuinely has puzzled me for the longest time, because if anyone I supported called me an idiot or a bitch, I would have immediately cut them out.
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She just doesn't understand how to care or look after anyone. I myself spent 3 days on a chair in an emergency department in Ireland due to a chronic illness and my partner who's 30 stayed by my side the whole time and not once did he complain about not having a bed or a private room. When you or someone you love is really sick you're just glad to be getting help.
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New member
And Kurt and Sezz look so damn happy together, hugging, touching and laughing. It’s kinda evident that they just aren’t as happy

Ngl, this was one of my favorite times. When they had just started dating and she still actually filmed workouts and did more interesting shit than walking around the block and making it a big deal. At some point, her vlogs morphed into “here’s how I keep my family’s clothes clean and make a watery smoothie with half a banana, also here’s an ad, YTG!”
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