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Fuck me monetizing her nan's death doesn't even fall into the top 5 shittiest distasteful things she's done anymore. Where does it stop, honestly??? If not even your baby's emergency trip to the hospital can give you a reality check?? Fuck excusing everything with being "real and raw", she's crossed a line. At least don't show your baby for sympathy points? Why VLOG IT wtf just do a catchup after the fact if you must but holy heck she really wants to be seen as a martyr...Not everything is content by fuck

Also Fox's facial expression looking straight in the camera to S squeezing him all OTT gave me shivers. It's like "ok camera's on me, my mom wants me to act a certain way" 🤢

I'm not watching that fucking thing, the reel was enough to lose faith in humanity. It's so ice cold. Using your sweet bub's struggles for engagement with a reel, a vlog and three separate posts with call-to-action-buttons because she knows more stories = better chance of being picked up by the IG algorithm = more views.

Fuuuuck her and everyone enabling her. And fuck Kurt in particular.
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Do we know for sure Faulks doesn’t go to daycare? Because my son does abs I know for a fact that every item you send there has to have their name on it otherwise it doesn’t come home. Why would they write his name on his water bottle if he’s always cared for by people that know him? Just seems strange.

He does go to daycare. My husband did some trade work on the daycare a few weeks back (while they were baiting his haircut). Don’t have much to report apart from Durt would drop him off, made small talk with my hubby and Fox would say “I have a warehouse”.

In other news. My baby was in Sutherland hospital 2 weeks ago for RSV, and I struggled to keep my own family updated, you just don’t even want to touch your phone, you just want to hold, and comfort your baby, let them sleep in your arms. At one point I stood up and I had leaked through the hospital bed (I forgot I had my period 🤣).
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Does this woman think that all of her carrying on is somehow relatable or endearing ?

I don't fault anyone for having selfish thoughts occasionally when faced with crisis - it's a very human thing to do. HOWEVER, most of us have the self-awareness and empathy to then check ourselves and move on. It's disturbing to watch a grown woman who was "born to be a mum" bombarding her social media with "poor me!!" posts with zero self-awareness. I get that social media can be a strange thing where people feel compelled to post as if it is their personal diary (I am a product of 2010s Tumblr, I definitely get it) but for the love of GOD have an ounce of self-awareness.

I feel sad for her baby who has struggled since birth - I don't feel sorry for Sarah. While Malachi being sick isn't her fault, she has done nothing to keep him well. "Living her life" is put above all else, whether it be going to the windy beach or throwing a birthday party (a photo-op) for her other son, or going on vacation.

Sarah, you chose to be a mother. You also chose to be a mother of two small children at once. Your time is not your own anymore and won't be until they're grown and out of the house. You made this decision and parade motherhood around like a badge of honor, it's your responsibility to actually be a mother - not just for the cameras, but in real life.

Bad things are going to happen in life. She is incredibly lucky to have never gone through a single real struggle - but she also shows such a lack of any form of resilience or ability to cope that I truly worry for her children. Everything is their faults, everything is about the way THEY make HER feel. That's not how it's meant to be and it's how you raise children who will struggle emotionally, always feeling as if their actions will set their mother off or harm her in someway, who will feel like burdens. And when your children grow to resent you, that will be on you.
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Oh my fuckin god! She didn't! She fuckin did! What a shit human. What a shit mother. Why would you video this? Someone needs to say something to her. I have friend in the same hospital with her new born that will not be coming home anytime soon if at all! This bitch needs to see someone. This is a mental health issues? Any mother going though this is not videoing these moments. I can't stand her! She makes me sick!
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Sarah’s sick and she thinks it’s the flu?? Has she not had her flu shot? With a baby who has been in and out of hospital his whole life, if it’s the flu, anything that happens to him as a result is on you Sarah, you selfish prick.

Also surprise surprise, your son comes out of hospital and the first thing you do is take him out and expose him to a bunch of people (AGAIN), and then what happens? He possibly will get sick (AGAIN)

ETA: this is off her stories she’s just posted
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Beyond how generally vile that podcast episode sounds (and how vile it makes sarah sound) - it also sheds some more light on how she has wound up being so out of touch as a youtuber and influencer.

If she doesn't want to hear or see from anyone who is enjoying life without her, I doubt she is doing her research in regards to watching other creators within her niche and paying attention. That's part of the "job" that she claims to work so hard at - market and trend research.

She pays attention to everything and everyone on surface level alone, not caring enough to see anything beyond aesthetics.
I wish I could ❤ this x1000.
Sarah is not passionate about anyone/thing other than herself, and even then her ‘interests’ flex and shift to whatever she thinks is most marketable at any given time, but on every count her complete inauthenticity shines through with the force of a thousand suns.

For example…

Skincare - notice how now that her sponsorships and plugs have dried up there’s no more SkInCaRe ROuTiNeS? I thought skincare = lyfe, Sarah?

“Fitness” aka having low body fat - She’s only ever feigned interest in fitness for health when she’s had a related ED book to promote, bogus pregnancy guide, or sponsored supplements to shill. Notice how her viewing audience never see her training with a PT (even though it’s confirmed she sees one), or otherwise promoting a truly well-rounded view of fitness and health? She only recently has attempted to pivot to the ‘balanced’ brand because that’s what’s popular now, and because she is hiding (and editing) a pp body, but all it’s done is revealed her fakery and intense struggle with food, binging, over exercise compensation, and body fixation. She’s trying to appear as if she’s made a shift because it’ll get more views, but she’s struggling hard and the inauthenticity shows.

“FaShUn” aka sponsored sweatshop campaigns - As with skincare, suddenly sissy has zero to nil interest in WFB precisely as her agreement with them ends. So much for genuinely loving the company. They’re a perfect fit! Trashy, cheap, unsustainable and owned by cashed up bogans.

Copying other influencers - There’s a reason creators like Ellie and even Beth are more likeable than Sarah, in spite of being in the influencer space and therefore being somewhat unavoidably problematic at times: It’s because they’re true to themselves! Whereas Ellie and Beth have both made professions off of the back of their formal education and qualifications (which indicates genuine interest and investment), Sarah’s MO is just: “does that look AesThEtiC, and will it get views…mmmkay!! I’m ObSeSseD with this now”. Where other successful influencers are consistent she ricochets around, just bouncing off whatever is popular in the minute. Then the next minute POOF! ‘Obsession’ is gone.

It makes complete sense that Sarah takes the same approach to her so-called friends. She doesn’t care about them because she doesn’t care about anyone. Beyond narcissistic, it sounds sociopathic! It also explains why she could care less about world affairs unless there’s a donation scam to be had or a trending hashtag to jump on.

Sorry for such a long post but it really just all clicked for me. Sarah Stevenson has nothing, is nothing.

She’s had zero passion for anything in life. Not her non existent friends, not her family, not a business venture. Just money? I just can’t even imagine being that empty inside. Is it worth being able to retire at 30 if you’re a shell of a human, and only ever surrounded by people who hate you, or are financially reliant on you? I swear Sarah must have these moments now and again when she looks at herself and just asks ‘who am I?’

So Sad. Also all the comments about being a bad friend have made me realise I have some bad friends in my circle, and maybe it’s time to grey rock outta those relationships. So thanks tattlers for opening my eyes yet again!
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so far, half of the entire vlog is her complaining about not getting enough sleep or sun. also the music seriously sounds like someone died. I can't even Sarah you are so fucked 😂
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Sarah on stories, at 4.30pm Sydney time Fox is asleep in the car. And she thinks this is an achievement. Good luck getting him to sleep tonight hun.

Also, Kurt is driving and just parked at the warehouse. You hear his door open and close, Sarah keeps talking (assume he’s walked off) and then she goes to get out of the car too. Let me get this right - you’re leaving your three year old and your 3 month old WHO LITERALLY JUST GOT OUT OF HOSPITAL AFTER TURNING BLUE IN THE CAR in the car, asleep, unsupervised, while you go and check out the warehouse?!?!? God I hope she gets him out of the car and takes him in with her.
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Sis is wild. Ma’am they are there to do their job, not perv on the hot-boss babe-life saving-CPR giving- ecowarrier,constipated,clavicle snapping-diet coke drinking-pre made soup buyin-MiLf sitting in the corner in her SHEIN active wear talking to her audience about her last sh*t. Get a f*cking grip
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Who the fuck goes through something apparently as traumatic as your child needing urgent medical attention and thinks "one sec, gotta film this 🤑🤯"

It's fucking disgusting.
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You know what helps your immunity against flu/covid? Vaccines Sarah. Vaccines.

Because surprise surprise their daily cocktail of immunity boosting supplements, so-called healthy diet, going to the gym and denying it exists hasn't stopped them from getting covid.

Who's the wicked now?
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Such a transactional way of describing relationships and marriage.

Surprising? No
Depressing? Very

I still struggle to find any sympathy for him, you made your bed mate.
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-Yo, the “swallow people” are called ENT’s (ear, nose, throat specialists). It’s not that hard.
-I absolutely cannot fathom just coming out of hospital with a baby who allegedly had multiple blue episodes and just offloading him WITHIN HOURS so I could get a workout in.
-the mirror selfies and body checking after said hospital stay is insane to me. HOW is this a priority?

I don’t know how somebody (especially a Mother, by which the very moment you become one, typically put the needs and health of your child first) becomes this self obsessed and narcissistic. And then the cherry on top is to give a “big update on YouTube” so that (hypocritically) her child will be CONTENT.

how do people consume this and think it’s normal/inspiring/healthy/goals?????
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Chatty Member
I thought she didn’t believe in Covid. Wasn’t she going to be saved by god’s grace? I feel bad for Malarkey, he’s been through enough.
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I’m jUsT foCusinG oN my FaMilY anD FrienDS 🥰
She’s such a liar. She was ranting on Insta constantly when in hospital this week, and now she doesn’t want anyone to know that she’s gone on holiday because she doesn’t want any backlash for leaving days after her baby was discharged with breathing difficulties.
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