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I definitely think Sarah has some sociopathic traits. This behaviour is not normal and it would be interesting for her to have some form of psychiatric testing done. It’s pretty evident that she’s got some narcissistic personality traits but the other stuff? The mania, the lack of empathy for even her own offspring and husband. It’s concerning.
I worry that as she becomes more and more irrelevant her mental health will go downhill, potentially resulting in her having some sort of breakdown.

not to mention the fact that she is very clearly suffering from an eating disorder/ exercise addiction.
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"You guys love my 15 min fat burners, I know you love free recipes, I know you love my skin care tips"

No Sezzy...we actually don't.
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aPriCoT bOObiEs

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A little off topic but over on R*ddit there's a post about the Health Code daily podcast Ep.154: How enthusiastic are you?. Someone recaps that Sarah says she hates when people post updates or pictures about their holidays and gave an example of how one of her bridesmaids did this about their recent trip to Italy and Sarah hated it.

Her bridesmaids were both sisters, Tanika, Madi and a random woman. Guess which one went to Italy? Yup, Tanika.

Tanika obviously saw through their fake friendship in the end and got out. If only the rest would wake up too.
I read that and the thing that struck me the most, AGAIN, is Who in fucks name thought these two are worthy of a podcast contract with Spotify. Why are these 10 minuteprivate conversations on air for the general public. There is ZERO value in them. Its not like they're celebrities that people care to know any of these details about them. Moreover, everything sounds so manufactured and, like, straight up cultivated lies.

They think its scintillating content to be bitchy, and passive aggressively snarky on air, about nothing at all. Are they 16??? If we needed any more confirmation that she has no friends, this is it.

That she thought it was a good look to rant about how little she cares about literaly anyone or anything else in the world says SOOOO MUCH about her stunded emotional self. That she thought it was okay to declare how little she cares about literally ALL the things that constitute HER OWN EXISTENCE and all the content she ever puts out on the internet, says a TON about her peasized brain.

Em is a co-host now? These guys are in such a shitty bubble of their own making. They will never grow beyond the self obsessed, entitled, utterly disgusting low-lifes that they are.

Sissy standing like she’s shit herself 💀
Well she did say she was constipated, so maybe something was half way out.

She is insufferable and so manipulative with what she shows and doesn’t show
The manipulation and baiting aorund this kid, since he wasconceived, has been gut wrenching. What will it take to just cancel her???!?!?
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aPriCoT bOObiEs

VIP Member
I just feel the need to say many of us on here called it.
Yes its scary when a child stops breathing and goes blue, but the way she built it up and baited it, for this monetized vlog. And then went off on a holiday.

M had a cold.
I repeat: M HAD A COLD.

She doesnt deserve any of the kindness and empathy and benefit of doubt that people give her, she's just a disgusting lying, manipulative PoS.
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Did she just a say MakkaPakkas Doctors said it would be a good idea for her to give up gluten and dairy??

Why would they give a crap about her 💩?
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aPriCoT bOObiEs

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This unscrupulous bitch is going to do a "big update on YouTube" about Malakais health.
Suddenly it all makes sense yeah??
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Wow when the doctors used the sticks on his head you can see his face changing to a painful and uncomfortable look about to cry and she is holding a camera on him? This is terrible and very inappropriate in front of the medical staff filming them while they do their difficult jobs on little children. Did she even asked? You can see their faces. Just baffled at this point.
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7 minutes. That’s all it took for the Outspoken admin to turn off the comments. Apparently only they are allowed to discuss Sarah on their podcast but nobody in the community can 🙄 they’ve now deleted all comments.


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clickbait queens

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It looks like all the negative comments on the podcast insta page have been deleted 🙄🙄🙄 I’m so sick of these problematic losers getting away with terrible behaviour time and time again 🤯
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Wonder where Abbie is 🥺 haven’t seen her in the background for what seems like ages.
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“Kurt told me to workout for my gut health”

I literally laughed out loud. Wtf does this even mean? She is talking garbage.
could you imagine leaving your sick newborn (who just got out of hospital) at home and going out for Pilates in the name of ✨gUt hEaLtH✨, just because you went a couple of days without taking a shit?
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Shows a completely normal amount of food for 6 adults.. and there’s nothing sneaky about a meat pie

Work on your relationship/guilt around food or don’t but no need to post this to 1.2 million people if nothing else it’s just cringe
I’m totally side-eyeing her over the meat pie thing because I feel like there is no way she actually would eat one. K & F probably wanted to stop at the bakery. But I just can’t picture her eating more than a bite and then complaining about her gURgLY TUmMy for all of eternity afterwards
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I'm ashamed to say I have been an avid Sarah supporter up until today. Today I felt wildly hurt when watching her stories about having to share a room and it dawned on me that this women is so incredibly self centred that she doesnt give a toss about the lives of others who might be in those rooms. Today when I saw thkse stories, for the first time I felt this wave of anger wash over me, like this women has been tricking me and pulling the wool over my eyes.
Everything came crashing down and i knew id been fooled.... stupid me for buying her products, liking her posts, watching her content. After years of following and keeping up with Sarah, right from the days of Mitch in fact, today I washed my hands of this self obsessed narcacist. And in my moment of complete realisation, I even had the thought... could this actually be a case of Maunchausen Proxy.... does this baby actually have a medical condition? Has she baited us and lied this whole time, is there any real proof of these blue episodes or is she making her poor baby go through all of this testing for monetary and selfish gain..... why do i feel like theres red flags waving here.....
Make sure you check out the Wiki. It’s the pink button at the top. It’s crazy to go back and read about so much stuff that I missed and didn’t realise was happening behind the scenes when I was a stan.
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Sentient Yam

Chatty Member
So House Of Grift is just going to be a studio for her and her family's vanity prodjekts? The daily 5 minute podcast (Health Code), Sunee photo shoots, sister Em's midwife podcast and Sarah's Day (whatever that encompasses now)? It seems more suited to Kurt's media company/real contracts that require video and creative elements. But of course she can't claim that as HER project. Noticed she hasn't mentioned health scammer Dee ("holistic nutritionist") podcast "What A Mouthful" lately...any other family members starting a podcast??
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Feel sorry for baby M, the last thing he needs now is to catch Covid :( perhaps if they’d just spent some time at home recuperating after his hospital stint he wouldn’t have to go through this.
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I am actually living for the rude awakening sis is going to get in the children's hospital.

Edit: looks like she has gotten her own way again and has been given a private room. Her entitlement knows no bounds.
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Sentient Yam

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Is she going to announce her first bowel movement post hospital stay? Or will we have to wait for the vlog? 🤭
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