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Lol these two balding douches just love to claim youth, don’t they. Almost like they’re compensating for something…Despite looking 40 something, they’re both approaching mid 30s right (33 and 34)? And oh looky…that’s an entirely average age to be fathers in Aus, and is older than other national averages 😂👴
Believe it or not… according to Brenton’s birthday post from February he’s only 26 🤷‍♀️
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Sorry for the multiple posts y’all - just on a roll with thoughts tonight and was going through the welcome to the womb Instagram (first post about Focks’ birth)

Does Brenton HATE THEM or something? Why is he such a rude prick to one of his supposed best friends?! Kurt’s getting hit from all angles and while he’s problematic in his own right - nobody deserves this kind of taunting.

I hope Brenton looses some hair in the future and gets mocked just as hard.
Brenton, like Sarah, seems to suffer from "being mean to my friends is peak comedy" syndrome.

I've never understood this... Like, I understand being playful. My boyfriend and I definitely tease one another, but it's ALWAYS followed with some kind of affirmation. It's such a juvenile way to "connect" with other people - you put them down, and if they have an issue you get to cry "I was JOKING! God, you're so sensitive :rolleyes:" Absolutely vile.
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Me too!!! And how many times does she need to say “like”?!?!?! 🤮🤮🤮
She reminds me of a desperate 8 year old Lisa trying to fit in with the cool crowd.


But unlike Lisa, Sezzy has no substance, personality, or character. She is always attempting to be relatable, but sadly never is.
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aPriCoT bOObiEs

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Imagine keeping your son, who was former star of your socials, off your socials, because his haircut isnt good enough/aesthetic/suitable.
Imagine being this person and then claiming you are born to be a mum.

She disgusts me beyond belief, this woman. There might as well be a scarecrow in her place and it'd probably do a better job of mothering these two than she ever can.

More evidence of how unfit she is: bellowing "come inside but dont wake him up" while Malachite is literally on her boob, is 100% more likely to wake him up, than anything Fox could do. She's so thick man. Stop shouting for the camera if you dont want to wake your sleeping nuuuuborn up, maybe???
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Haha ffs. She does my fuckin head in. I have 5 and a half week old baby, a 10 yr old and 9 yr old on school holidays. Baby has covid, I have covid and guess not on maternity leave.... im still working. I manage a wedding venue and there was no way i could take this year off after 2 years worth of catch up on weddings....but guess what that's my choice, I don't whinge about it. Sure im tired and my husband works Monday to Friday 10hr days but fuck we make it work because thats the decision we made. Yes im working from home and I pick my hours but i still have responabilites to my couples and vendors. This bitch has no idea on real life. Shut up!

Sorry for the rant but fuck shes annoying.
I feel better now 🤣
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This foul soup/pasta with chicken and veggies must be so soggy since she’s swallowing it without chewing. Reminds me of those cheap dog food cans that have gelatine in them. 🤮
I also love how she’s like ‘someone came at me about taking the food off my spoon with my teeth’. Hey Sez. Think that was probs me on tattle. But can’t admit you read here so have to say it was ‘in your DMs’.

I’m seeing a reoccurring narrative. She complains about something someone says about her, but then goes on to say ‘but whatever’ as if she doesn’t care right at the end. It’s clearly getting to her if she addresses it.
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The birth vlog looks like it belongs to a completely different person. We see there a real, emotional woman, a mother who cries from happiness meeting her baby and holding him on her chest. It's not the Sarah we see daily on her stories, who seems to hate being a mother and her behavior towards Fox is so ugly from what she shares. To me it looks like a different person's labor. We know she was back to her narcissistic self the day after.
Kurt was absolutely awesome. Period.
Also I think it's something sooo private, it should not be shared with millions of people. But yeah, we know why Sarah does it.
Also a labor is nothing nice to watch at. It's emocional at the end of course, it's beautiful and awesome but also so uncomfortable to watch.
I had tears watching it though.
The saddest thing is that that's not the real Sarah.
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I fucking HATE this face she pulls at fox. Tell me you hate your kid without telling me you hate your kid...
The way she talks to her 3 year old reminds me of how bratty kids would talk to their parents/siblings infront of their friends. Like they wanted to be sassy or funny instead of how they would normally be polite or nice because their friends were around.

Difference here is that Sarah is 30 not 10, Fox is her son not her parents and her "friends" are a heap of strangers on the internet.
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I don’t think they will end up breaking up, they’ll just be miserable, Kurt will continue to have anxiety attacks, F will be a brat, M will be shilled for dollars and sympathy points and Sarah will be adding more fillers and Botox to make her a MILF
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Called it that they were filming HoG content. So predictable. Also love that Sarah dressed up "professionally" for a meeting with Madi in her own house. She's so tryhard it's tragic.
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when the f is she going to show his haircut? she’s lowkey baiting it as per usual. does she think it looks bad hence why she won’t show it?
Nah she is just baiting for her vlog. Her content is so shit these days she has to bait a 3 year olds haircut to get people excited about a YouTube video.
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Has anyone listened to the Health Code episode 113? It was a real insight for me into how Sarah treats Kurt.
They’re talking about Kurt having decided to start CrossFit. Here are some quotes from the episode that stood out to me:

Sarah: “Kurt used to be that guy who would say “oh all I wanna do is put my earphones on, lift heavy weights, I wanna train by myself”, and I feel like you have finally gotten to that point where I was at last year where you wanna be in more of a community based gym, people that uplift you and goals that you’re achieving outside of just you and your earphones”

(so basically disparaging the way that Kurt liked to workout, implying that her way was better?)

Kurt: “when you have kids life gets so much harder, you get a little bit of guilt going to the gym and just being in your own zone for a bit”…

Kurt: “What can happen sometimes is that if I’ve been at work all day, and Sarah’s been at home with Fox, or vice versa, by the time work finishes and I can go to the gym, Sarah’s going “ah can you please come home and help me, I really need help. Fox has been so hard today”. It’s hard being a parent.”

So evidently every time that Kurt tries to have some me-time and workout, Sarah's guilting him about it to make him come home and cut his self-time short. What a bitch. (but then continues to rag on Kurt's "dad body")
Apparently Sarah does this to herself too without Kurt even asking her to (so that afterwards she can moan about it and blame Kurt for that?)

and the worst of all:

Sarah: “I just wanna update you guys that FINALLY Kurt has started CrossFit after saying he’s gonna start it forever, and MAYBE…. I just want your Ken body back.
Kurt: “Nah.. dirty hands! You just come home with dirty hands because the gym’s just like full of… you know?
Sarah: “Great, go have a shower. I don’t care about your dirty hands, I want your Ken body back, I want, I WANT-
Kurt: “Ken body trained like 6 days a week, 3 times a day, and was a carpenter as well!
Sarah: “Just do better, I want my BOYFRIEND Kurt back, because husband Kurt…
Kurt: “High expectation here, I don’t know how I feel about that”
Sarah: “Look it’s fine, I’m in post-partum recovery, you’re in… dad bod recovery… we can do this together, alright?

This part for me was actually really painful to listen to. I couldn’t ever imagine speaking to a loved one in this way, let alone my life partner. So dismissive of whatever he feels, and focused on what she wants. She doesn't get it that maybe, just maybe, Kurt doesn't care that much about getting "Ken body" back (which required an enormous time commitment), but maybe has evolved to care a bit more about creating a balanced life, focused on family, career, and other passions. She doesn't care about his happiness, his health, his well-being, but just his physical appearance. It makes me sick.
Why the hell don't they simply work less is beyond me. They take on so much and then winge about it non stop. They're multi millionaires. There are so many people who would kill to have the option to work less and spend more time with their families.
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aPriCoT bOObiEs

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Sarah, sitting at the specialists waiting room: no better time than now to update you on what Kurt and I finally did last night.

Sarah: *disappears*

Also Sarah: *deletes the entire set of stories*

Tell me you have nothing interesting left to share so you bait every little thing, without telling me you...🙄🙄🙄🥱🥱🤡🤡🤡
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I think her food is just hot but then couldn't see steam so who knows. Poor Kurt, no privacy , always storying . Such an intrusion of privacy

Speaking of intrusion of privacy I'm shocked she put up her midwife's face to 1.5million people and distinguishable features. Surely there would have to of been consent there to share video . I'm just shocked she didn't give the courtesy of protecting her midwife's identity, even by blurring her.
It’s actually not legal to film NSW Health staff - you could report Sarah’s video to them and potentially get it taken down 😉
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'Shutup your dumb' 'your dumb' & that is exactly why focks talks like he does.
Also the whole vlog was around focks. He is her money maker because she is so damn boring. Also did anyones heart break when he asks for more presents to unwrap? Personally I do a few smaller presents and wrap everything (even batteries) over one (expensive) present.
Give the god damn child 2 or 3 toys from Kmart and let him upwrapped them isn't that the joy we get to witness being parents?
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the funny thing is, she doesn't want the ken body back because she's attracted to it, she wants it back because it looks good on social media and gets more clicks.
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aPriCoT bOObiEs

VIP Member
OMG just watched the stories, and im seriously worried for this baby. She looks so disconnected. Like she's babysitting someone else's baby. And not even because she loved kids or has a flair for it, but because she just needs the extra pocket money. KWIM?

The number of times she swapped Marmite's position around, just so she could talk about how there's "a bunch of people in DMs" who don't like watching her eating. DUDE HE'S NOT A PROP!!!!! I'm so furious. I don't think I've ever seen her hold this kid in a way where he looks happy or comfy. Literally every picture or story she's ever posted of him since he was born, has him looking like the life is slowly leaving his body, against his will, and his own mother is just talking to a phone, not doing a damn thing to help him!

Block those people and get a move on, like you usually do, you don't need to make an issue. But no they're not real people, are they? It's all of us here. And "my DMs" = Tattle. Shut up, you lying manipulative person.

The resentment at being saddled with this little human is low key writ all over these stories.
Guess what, Sezza Bear, news flash -- you did this to yourself. And now your poor baby is going to suffer because of your self obsession and narcissism.
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Sarah; “Seeing Kurt struggle with his health and “SiBo” is really hard for me because I care about him so much and just want him to be healthy again and feel good”

Also Sarah: *Constantly body shames him* and says she wants her “boyfriends body back”
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