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Well-known member
I wonde
Interesting, on Kurt's IG grid post announcing his project with Oceana, he's tagged a qualified and registered nutritionist called Jess Barber who's working with them.

The plot thickens. I wonder what his project is that involves an influencer that isn't his wife, a nutritionist that doesn't work for Sunee, and potentially food and fitness related content that isn't affiliated with Sarah's Day, The Health Code or Sunee 🤔

No wonder Sarah is spiralling. She must be having some serious FOMO jealousy going on.
I wonder what Jess thinks about Kurts health issues and the food Sarah feeds him 👀 👀

Edit: I browsed her instagram and she definitely doesn't eat much lol
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Well-known member
Oh this reminds me! In her stories the other day about Fox’s 20 hour tantrum marathon she said Fox climbed into bed early in the morning and snuggled into her because he thought she was Kurt! Gave me a good giggle that even their kid mixes them up

No one has yet mentioned that raspberry leaf tea tastes like arse. I was so shocked the first time I drank it. I really thought it would be a lovely fruity tea
Hahahaha, I had one sip of it with my second pregnancy and poured it down the drain 😂 I couldn’t do it to myself

Also, I hope Beth has/had her baby earlier then Sarah because we all know that will drive her crazy lol…. Oh, and can we just take a minute to appreciate that Beth looks nice with her bob and it doesn’t look like Sarah’s dry brittle fail of a bob 😂 another thing to piss scummy off.
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Active member
I actually disagree! Too many women are offered inductions when it’s not medically necessary. I was offered induction at 40weeks and I politely declined. Then I was almost forced to have induction at 41+3 because most hospitals don’t go over that. When I tried to refuse they said around that gestation the placenta starts to deteriorate and made me feel like I was putting my baby at risk so I agreed to induction. But guess what the day I attended my induction they sent me back home saying the birthing suite was full and because I was low risk they couldn’t induce me that day. I ended up coming naturally on my own 41+5 but if the hospital wasn’t so busy I probably wouldn’t have had that chance. No doubt Sarah is exaggerating that she was pressured to be induced for no reason as it seems like fox wasn’t growing in utero.

Also she didn’t even have that the real induction with syntocinon drip because that hurts like hell compared to a natural spontaneous labour that gradually builds up. I have experienced both and if I can avoid induction I would as long as baby’s is safe.
Fair enough!! I guess I was misinformed, thanks for the info. I’m glad you got to avoid it :)

ETA : that wasn’t meant to be rude or sarcastic lol I hate saying stuff over “text” sometimes. Genuinely love hearing other peoples experiences :)
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VIP Member
I always read your name as "Cumstard"

Also you're spot on. She will get the Turkey baster out of the draw in another couple of years.

The banana we saw her down today is the most action anyone in that house has seen.
Cumstard also works. 😂 I actually had a different account but my name was too close to my actual name so I deleted it last year and made this one.
At least the less they do the deed the less trauma for focks. Considering he’s at the end of the bed. He’s already damaged enough.
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Well-known member
Imagine that monstrosity of a lasagne as a gift for giving birth. 🤢

What is worse:

Hearing about pregnancy and seeing ham belly 24/7


Seeing Sarah post her snap back and body updates for the next year starting day 2 pp?
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Well-known member
So watching her most recent vlog it’s safe to assume it will be her last one before the baby is born.
For comparison this is her last vlog before fox was born.
She’s actually fairly tolerable here?! Crazy how much she has changed.
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New member
Sarahs Day #49: Fuelled by her constant lies, misery and narcissism on the rise, hates everything and everyone so husband and son are on the run
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Thanks beautiful, I'm ok! I have some incredible people around me supporting me. I know deep down I'm a good human, and sadly these things just happen. I did all I could do! unlike old mate ham belleh. I'll be ok. Thank you for the love and thank you to this community for calling her out on her utter bull shit! 🤍🤍
Youre so strong!! Lean on the people around you and this hardest challenge that life can deal you is only going to make you love more and be stronger then ever. Xoxox
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VIP Member
This was recommended to me. I haven’t watched Tina in years and wow! She is glowing , looks the same as I remember her, is as down to earth as ever, and is so open in the most wonderful way about her pregnancy (including straight up discussing the top 3 names she and Alfred picked). This is utter chalk and cheese compared to Sarah. Take note, Sezzy…Tina’s channel is TWICE the size of yours 💁‍♀️
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I kinda hope Sarah goes to the toilet and the baby pops out there or something (safely and born healthy of course) but I just would love if it happened to fast she couldn’t vlog it (or Kurt forgets the camera or something) because you can tell she is just waiting on the bank her labour vlog will make and the engagement she’ll get from that
When she goes into labour 🌊 we need to make sure there's a reminder of how to watch the video without her getting the views/ad revenue

I haven't watched her vlogs/followed her on IG for about a year but I don't think I'll be able to resist that one
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Let’s not start speculating rumours like this one. We already had miscarriage-bait. We don’t need a new theory circulating that the baby will be still born as I’m sure many women reading here will have traumatic still born experiences of their own that they don’t need to relive just because someone took the their theorising too far.

Her stories last night honestly just seem like she has no real content so is grasping at straws and crapping on about nothing. I think she’s showing signs of being high risk for post natal depression. I think she just hasn’t connected with this baby in this pregnancy and that’s what the not talking about the baby/only talking about herself is about.
It's possible this baby, if he indeed has a genetic condition such as Klinefelter Syndrome, has weak muscles and simply hasn't been kicking a lot and Sarah doesn't want to acknowledge it so she doesn't focus on the kicks or draw attention to them at all.
It would explain why she's dubbed him her "gentle boy". Especially if she was hoping it would be mild and undetectable, but if he's showing signs in utero then it's probably a severe case and she's probably in denial and pretending everything is okay, even to herself.

Just a thought, who knows though - you would think she would have been more closely monitored and be going to way more doctor appointments if this was the case, especially if he isn't kicking much at full term; doctors usually monitor that extremely closely.

Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Weak muscles
  • Slow motor development — taking longer than average to sit up, crawl and walk
  • Delay in speaking
  • Problems at birth, such as testicles that haven't descended into the scrotum
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Let’s not start speculating rumours like this one. We already had miscarriage-bait. We don’t need a new theory circulating that the baby will be still born as I’m sure many women reading here will have traumatic still born experiences of their own that they don’t need to relive just because someone took the their theorising too far.
Sure I agree, sorry I shouldn't have said those words specifically and didn't think about how it affects others.

Just to be clear…. Baby arrived safely and mum and baby are OK? Sorry, how is this “truly quite tragic”? 🤔 Use of the word tragic makes it sound like there was a different outcome (such as death /loss).
Yes baby and mother were all fine in the end. I guess tragic is the wrong word, but it was certainly very traumatic until it all resolved which is of course, a wonderful outcome.
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Not sure if it’s been posted but poor focks had to ask his mother what sauces SHE had!! And of course the Sez continues on with “I have .. I have .. I have” 🙄🙄
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Sentient Yam

Chatty Member
What the hell is a "labour shirt" and why does it say "No Peeking?" :sick:

She posts this omitting Kurt's guess (because he doesn't matter) either sincerely or as bait and then wonders why she gets "thousands of DMs" about it.

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