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It’s so weird how Sarah is like “you guys did the math, know where I live, where I could have trained and you guys know the teacher I’m talking about it makes me sooo happy!!!” No sarah, that’s creepy. You give off so much info and are not private people can figure out where you live, where you are at any time etc. especially when you have a child that you don’t protect from the interest.

Also I would LOVE to see her post pictures and video when she was 17 and was so good at ballet you know like she could have made a career out of ballet but whatever.

what’s her timeline of starting the YouTube videos and then her saying back then she had an unhealthy lifestyle and acne etc etc? So she was basically almost a career/professional ballerina then fell into the hormonal acne and not training?
As someone who did ballet age 5-16 I am pretty confident in saying that at 17 she should have been in professional training by then (they want you young as possible so after two to three years you are ready for your career) and hormonal acne doesnt affect your dancing ability. Very few people reach the level required to get into professional training and based on what I saw of her sickled foot I would say “i was almost a professional” is a big fat lie
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this is really, really sad and insensitive
she doesn’t love anything about herself other than being an able bodied human?

no scuz, ur not saying it in the right way. you shouldn’t need to compare yourself to
someone with disabilities to love yourself and nor should you feel the need to meet them to then again, feel your privilege
Totally agree, what a shocking ignorant answer.

She literally says self-love is based on being able bodied. So according to her disabled people have nothing to love themselves for? Mentioning her “functioning, CLEVER brain” was also a huge stretch.

Sez you’re a cunt, please remove yourself from the internet for everyone’s sake, thanks.
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I dont feel sorry for Sarah or her family whatsoever in the slightest, if you do, this truly isn’t the thread for you. I disagree with blatant hate and threats and have never and will never engage in that myself. But do I feel sorry for her in any way? No. Does she feel sorry for her actions? Does she or Tahlia consider the mental health of those Sarah has hurt? No. I’m so sick of people only piping up and caring about mental health when THEY are directly involved. You can’t care about mental health only when yours is being affected and expect people to validate you when they so clearly don’t care about others. Just their own. Very on brand for the Stevenson family I think. It’s actually infuriating
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Hahaha. Yep that’s any normal day for a working parent. And not to one up her, because all stages of parenthood can be stressful, but try that day with two overstimulated and tired school aged children fighting bedtime and screaming at each other. 🥴
You can tell its such a shock to the system for her when she actually dedicates !n entire instagram post about this schedule. Sarah, thats my schedule Monday - Friday along with many others. Although, try doing it alone while your husband works away all those days, as well as no family who live near you.

She as no fucking idea how easy she has it.
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I really don’t get influencers. My husband and I don’t earn anywhere near what Sarah would, and we managed to buy a high end coffee machine. Out of our own hard earned money. These people wouldn’t know sacrifice if it hit them in the face.
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How about...

Sarah's Day #22: Undereating for the collarbone pop, no filters doesn't include photoshop!


Sarah's Day #22: Bullied by the scum of the sea, still not addressing reviews for Sunee, give me everything for free!
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Sorry to backtrack the thread a bit but it’s been on my mind how Sarah had her weird flex about being ‘a cool mum’ that doesn’t care about her kids clothes getting stained/dirty. Without getting into a whole big rant about it, I just wanted to say it really annoyed me because it just highlights that she doesn’t care about wasting things or the cost of things (likely because she gets given so much stuff she has no value of it, plus she has a large disposable income).
I have a child a similar age and I look after his clothes as best I can because 1. I don’t have the money to replace everything, 2. I want things to last for future kids and 3. Because I care about waste/the environment.
Most parents try their best to look after their kids stuff for similar reasons, obviously stuff happens but deliberately not caring isn’t cool, it’s just wasteful.

You can see this behaviour in Sarah in other parts of her life too, didn’t care that she lost her Apple Watch, Dyson vacuum outside, new coffee machine when old one would be returned or fixed, excessive house renovations on a perfectly functional house, and I’m sure many more examples but I can’t off the top of my head.
Look after your shit Sarah! Stop trying to flex you being careless and wasteful as you being so cool and laidback and not like other mums/girls.
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Dude, not with the wine again! She's still not over the two measley glasses she had after THREE WHOLE YEARS.
Is it just me or is this just her struggling and being unable to process having stepped out of her stupidly rigid restrictive eating style, that she has to go and find a confirmation bias that suits her reasoning for never doing it again.

There goes the possibility of her ever having a glass of wine here and there. God knows it would really help her chill the fuck out, overall. She could really do with it.

I mean, she had 2 glasses in 3 years and it's made her break out a teeny bit. SO WHAT? Why is she so obsessed with perfect, blemish-free, impeccable skin all the time? Isn't it nicer to just be able to let go once in a while, without demonizing some food group or the other, have a sip here, have some cake there, celebrate with your family, relax a little, and break out if you must??

It's called being human.

Also yesterday's rants about being so busy. Every time she goes on about being busy she's listing the same 2-3 things. "Sunee app stuff", "sitting at my computer" and "Fox being a toDDlAH and running about" -- that keeps her BUSY enough to run late and be overwhelmed all the damn time? She has a whole team helping her with her badly made app, and she LOVES being a toDD-lAH muMM. What gives??

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Sarah doxxed a follower for "hate" way back when and it wasn't a threat of any type (IIRC the girl had to delete her IG account because she was being so viciously harassed by Sarah's stans). I just can't tolerate false equivalencies and perpetual victimhood. Sarah and now her family have consistently made themselves the victims in every instance. It is completely aligned with Sarah's white victimhood in the TWO cultural appropriation scandals. She, a white woman of privilege, centers herself as a victim in every narrative to garner sympathy and eschew any and all scrutiny and responsibility. It is the same mentality that individuals who call the police on BIPOC and then cry when police arrive share: I am never wrong, I am a victim, LISTEN to ME, I am untouchable. Sarah and her family see Sarah as "above" and entitled, insofar as they believe she is ENTITLED to a platform. The thing is, Stevenson family, NO ONE is entitled to a platform. Truly, no one. Sarah has demonstrated time and time again that she is irresponsible, culturally insensitive, unqualified, and straight up dangerous on her platform. She does not deserve it. Stop playing victim and leave the platform. You are not entitled to money and followers. You can slither off into obscurity and still never need for money again. Get a job for a company -- work for WFB in social media. At the end of the day -- she believes she is ENTITLED to a platform when she has no intentions of being responsible or honoring the reach she has, and so yeah, we are going to call her out on it...

ETA: like others have said, if she has received REAL threats that is so wrong but she can take appropriate measures to combat that including protecting her son's privacy by not posting all her locations and his face. She has 1.1 million followers -- you cannot avoid the random evil threat. But, stop equating actual vile behavior with those calling for accountability (at this point I don't think she can ever redeem her platform and I'm of the belief the only solution is for her to be de-platformed)
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Off topic but I always thought we were exaggerating when we point out the earthy Andy and other influencer timelines when Sarah posts but nope, now I can’t unsee it. 18 hours ago Elsas wholesome life posted this smoothie (espresso, tropeaka, banana, etc) then 11 hours ago sunee posted the same thing?? I think the only difference is sunee added dates. You can’t make this sh*t up


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I can’t be bothered to write a long post but I just wanna say anyone feeling sorry for sarah is absolutely f**ked. She literally couldn’t give two f**ks about you, your family, your eating disorder or anything, all she cares about is the dollars in her bank but sure you go right ahead feeling ‘sorry’ for her 😅😅😅😅
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Just going to leave this here. I’m disappointed because I was actually interested in buying it before hearing about all the issues people are having. (I have a terrible gut so I wanted a simple recipe app that understands restrictions)
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Em watching her stories about the non organic wine at the reception thinking ‘what an ungrateful b****’

Weddings are expensive without adding extra organic expenses. Just go to the bar and buy an organic wine, no one is making you drink the ‘regular folk wine’
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A calmly worded response about Sarah and her triggering behaviour, only to be 'seen' and blocked by Tahlia.

Her family are delusional if they don't believe Sez restricts her eating. She calorie restricts, over-exercises and (like this person mentioned) even admitted to be so unhealthy she lost her period!


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The wine thing is EXACTLY why I unfollowed Sarah. I suffered from acne and I’d restrict myself from eating certain things because she would say that xyz can lead to breakouts. I’d have an ice cream and breakout a couple of days later would associate it with eating the ice cream and would beat myself up about it. I know now my breakouts are usually due to stress/lifestyle/cycle factors but it took me a long time to get out of the restrictive mindset sez lead me to. I don’t get why she has to demonise pimples like breakouts are actually pretty normal and most people experience mild breakouts every now and then.
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If the internet is so bad, you can quit Sarah. Honestly, no one is forcing you to be an influencer. How about you start a little shop where you serve your Sunee meals? Too much work? Or be a personal trainer, or be a nutritionist and help people in person? Oh wait you cant because you are unqualified to do either of those.

It might be beneficial for you to leave social media where you can be anything you want without putting in the work. You are a glorified sales-woman, not a holistic-fitness-chef. ie if you are in sales that is not a bad thing! It’s the fact she claims to be an expert in everything then makes people pay for shitty products and then gives bad customer service

Sarah, you have the privilege to stop your personal brand. You could honestly focus on Sunee and make it a great app that people want to pay for. But that involves taking criticisms to better your product
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About Sarah’s day in the life post... so she left home at 7, started the workday at 8, and was home by 6:30pm to cook dinner and get Fox to bed... and she finds this exhausting? This is what most people do every single day lol. What a joke.

Hunny its 8:44pm not 9pm, if you could’ve predicted the future Sunee wouldn’t have been so shit
Right?! And if she’s just started her ‘turn’ looking after Fox, clearly she’s spent her time with him wisely by filming fox trying to go to sleep and writing up that post about how she’s a super amazing mum who works so hard 🙄
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