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Shows how much she learnt about healthy eating from his plan! His recipes and plans actually seem pretty good but she totally just made the same three dishes over and over again and ignored the message and as a result she didn’t learn anything!
I think he was a decent PT back in the day. But he sold himself out sell to the masses and now goes against alot of things PTs stand for. Selling generic plans to anyone without knowledge of their history, current lifestyle and gloals being the main issue. Sarah is a prime example of this. She should never have been sold his plan with her past history of an ED. She should have been seen 1 to 1 by a nutritionist and PT who could talk to her through much more in depth and do things specific for her.
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Chatty Member
It’s funny - she literally gets more ME time than any mum I know and that’s ALL mothers, the single mums, the married mums, working, non working etc etc I don’t know anyone who has 1 1/2 days off an actual job and theIt kids are both in childcare, I know Islas at school now but this has been happening a long time before she started school. Most mums work part time to spend the rest of time with their kids.

Not this CUNT.

shes no maternal instinct, I don’t give a flying fuck if captain Birdseye IS not on land, why does she moan constantly and think she needs so much help with her own children.

fucking hell, they are reaping the rewards for rob in the navy no ones put a gun to her head, it fucks me off she thinks everyone should Give her a special pass cos he’s in the miltary. I applaud are service men and women. BUT don’t complain about the life you CHOOSE, the job that pays well the pension that pays well.

Fucking dowdy debroah, morning Minnie, white chick doppalnager, ikaya shagging botox bitch.

final note- I’m glad those kids are at grandmas and she’s ducking left them. They’ll actually get loved, nurtured and fed properly - I’m just mad shes gone for a jolly down soUF tobw The ultimate cat lady she craves - her only punishment in life is being with her kids how awful is that
Preach 🙌🏻
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She cares more for other peoples children than her own. I guess though once they get to the point they can move/talk she isnt intrested.
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Chatty Member
I would lay money on not seeing Isla in those clothes more than once....if at all! Primark sizing is terrible for kids and once you’ve washed it properly a few time’s she will be lucky if it fits again. Is she buying clothing for the children’s ages or because it fits? Because I would have put Isla in bigger as she’s a tall girl..

She thinks she is Tess Daly, doesnt she? The constant rocking from foot to foot.
I love watching the outfit videos 😂 I find all the hopping around hilarious!
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I can just imagine this one laying it on heavy with the “0h mum it’s ao hard you have no idea how tougher this is for us young working
Mums (and influencers) these days you have no idea and I’m a navy wife so woe is me please give me childcare so that I can have some internet prescribed self care & Botox Cos I need to for
My job posting pics of fajitas and laptops” We all know one ! More fool the parents for
Not forcing her to grow up and get in the real
World .
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She didn’t even apply for her catchment school she arrogantly applied for the two best schools in town (no where near her house!) and she didn’t get either of them so Isla had no school place at all. She’s so lucky to have gotten into the school she did. People pay a big premium to be in that catchment area!
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Chatty Member
Made me laugh too that she said there was so many magazines and she tried scrolling down and there was just 6 😂
They have all been showing this app off Mama Reid done it weeks ago! I really think Sarah isn't doing as much brand work as before and when she does its way after most others....definitely not through choice I bet!
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Absolutely shocking behaviour. We are still very much in the middle of a fucking pandemic Sarah. I really hope she’ll be going back to pick them up and not exposing her Mum and kids to huge risk by making them sit on a packed plane with zero distancing 😡 I couldn’t imagine my kids being that far away from me right now (or actually ever?!) out of choice 🤷‍♀️ Also I have been thinking about the potential risk she has put on her parents and brothers, coming up from the south coast where the kids have been in school and nursery and Covid numbers are still very high, to the other end of the country where (apart from this new wee cluster) has been dealing with Covid pretty well. Very irresponsible

Nope, no annual leave apart from days off to do bikini photoshoots on your own on the beach 😳
To be fair the local hospital near me (and Sarah!) has had 8 weeks of no covid deaths. We seem to have it under control 🤞
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Croissant Moon

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Any normal person, even if not close to their in-laws would have had an overnight stop at the grandparents to break the journey for the kids and have time with family.
I don’t really think this is a fair comment in the midst of a global pandemic 😂 I’ve been doing 4 hour round trips to visit my parents because I still won’t go in their house, my mum is shielding. Yes, maybe they should see Rob’s folks more but no need for a sleepover at this precise point in time.

If she stayed people would moan she’s putting them at risk. FFS she annoys me as much as the next person but she can’t do wrong for doing right 😂
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I mean, I’m happy for her that some cooked her tea but who cooked? Was it someone that hates her? Was it one of us? No way a mother would serve that to her daughter who she’s been missing so dearly for 7 months.

I live about 5 minutes from my mum and every time I go to her house (pre corona) she’s like “you hungry? Lemme whip up a quick roast for you” 😂 “you haven’t eaten in two hours! Sit down, I’ll fix you a lasagne”
The lengths she goes to if my kids mention they’re hungry in her house! 🤣

jeez, mashed something with beans...I’d be embarrassed to serve that to anyone! I certainly wouldn’t be posting it online.
I think Lachlan cooked it?! 🤣
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How is someone staying over and socially distancing when she doesn't have a spare bed? Where are they sleeping?
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Also while I'm on, can I say how much it annoys me when she calls where she lives 'the South coast'. I live in Plymouth. I don't say 'the West Country' I simply say Plymouth. 🤷‍♀️ Does she think she sound more American like West Coast/East Coast 🤦🏻‍♀️
I think she says that though to try and hide the actual town she lives in
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I'm really shocked by that post about Lachlan. "I'm struggling to bond with my baby", "I'm finding this difficult", "Having a second child is harder than I imagined", "I'm concerned that I don't feel the way I 'should' " are all understandable ways of saying "This is tough and I don't feel overwhelmed with love in the way mothers seem to be expected to be", but "You make it hard to love you" is awful. It's laying all the 'blame' at the door of a baby, as if it's his fault?! It's just a horrid thing to say. Really distressing.
It’s al me me me. Typical narcissist
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