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Surely all those weekends thats shes solo parenting and looking for company she could drive down for the day and let the kids see them.... obviously there's tension!
thats why I was asking how far away they live. You never hear of them taking a trip to visit Robs parents or them coming down to visit. Obviously they don’t get on.
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Chatty Member
Oh no Sarah doesn't use he annual leave for her children! She will most definitely send them straight back to childcare when she's home!!!

What is that dinner?? Just to be clear it isnt some Scottish delicacy!!
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I dont begrudge anyone having a break or letting grandparents have some decent time with the kids. Its the distance and the current crisis that really gets me. I couldnt physically be so far away from my kids. My eldest has been on a sports club today, 20 minutes away, i was panicking what if he broke his ankle and i needed to get to the nearest hospital, how long would that take me. I know its unlikely, but you never know with kids and I would hate to be in a situation where mine needed me and I couldn't get there for 10 hours at least?!

We know how quickly covid can change, and would you really put your children at risk on a flight and in the airport when it isnt necessary? An announcement could be made tomorrow that Sarah's town is in lockdown and then she is screwed. I don't comprehend why she wouldn't just stay in Scotland, shut herself away 9-5 and crack on with her day job whilst her parents have the kids.
I think she's hoping one of them to have a lockdown so she doesn't have to collect them and can spout out about how much she's missing them and it's not her fault she can't get them... All whilst secretly loving having them away!!
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Financially I dont understand how shes so willing to send him every day!
Nursery costs a fortune! We actively find ways to cut my sons days down! I've been known to book leave when my mum and hubby's shifts mean we've got too many nursery days! So for someone to send their child unnecessarily is beyond me!
Money doesn’t seem to be an issue for them - look how much she spends on her hair?!

she would do anything and pay any amount of money to off load Lachlan and not have to deal with him.
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'I'm surprised I can fit in it haha' Surprised or have you been trying it on religiously since you got it out for Isla to wear? Still not fitting so exercise some more, reduce food until it does. What next Sarah? Find an outfit from university to try and slim into? Why is it only us that seems to be concerned about her behaviour?
So many red flags 🚩 she just needs some help so badly. I second your question about it only being us who are worried. Anyone brave enough to venture into her comments? 😳
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Any normal person, even if not close to their in-laws would have had an overnight stop at the grandparents to break the journey for the kids and have time with family. It’s patently obvious that Sarah doesn’t want to spend any time with Rob’s family but it is v selfish for the children that they aren’t able to spend time and build that relationship.
To be honest though I can see it being that way with my brother and his wife. We as a family come second best to hers. My parents dont even get 'mum' 'dad' on birthday cards, always their actual name.
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Well-known member
Wow wow wow.
I’ve felt sorry for Sarah in the past. As much as we love our kids, sometimes it’s a struggle and I can’t imagine not having my parter there for months at a time.
But to leave your kids at the other side of the country in normal circumstances is crazy to me never mind during a pandemic.
If I was in her situation right now I would be on my way back up there no matter the rules. Who knows how long this lockdown will last? What if it goes on for weeks?
If she doesn’t go to those kids she really is an awful mother.
I am
Actually disgusted in her right now.
I just can’t get my head around why she didn’t she didn’t stay there with them or her mum came home with them (yes home, the place she actually lives)!
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Chatty Member
Omg the ad is awful why would you take that to the beach? A picnic maybe but not a beach this was obviously the day she took Isla without Lachlan!
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if she is going to get them, I just hope it’s done in a way that is the least risk to everyone. No contact between Sarah & her parents, no sarah staying over in Aberdeen again etc - the logistics of it are an absolute cluster fuck whichever way you look at it. What a mess she’s made of it.
The daft cow had better keep herself & those kids indoors at home once she gets them back down south - she needs to at least try to keep them isolated for at least a week, considering where they have been the last few weeks.
She wont, she cant cope being stuck in doors with them 24/7
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I think I am
Going to 🤮 , why show this publically? Weirdo. I don’t knwo what the hell it is but I’m pretty sure a grown woman shouldn’t be eating beans out of a tin 🤷‍♀️. No offence but to me they are a kids thing
Omg I love Baked Beans!!

She’s so weird and odd not a maternal bone in her body.she NEVER takes the kids for days out or does any activities with them solo, they go to childcare,schools, Costa and the beach. That’s it.

you never see her take them to the zoo or a day out somewhere different on a weekend or on her days off, her days off are for her and her weekends she try’s to do as little as possible

she makes motherhood seem like a chore , oh and don’t get me wrong it is sometimes but you never see the joyous times the endless love, pride etc.

they literally are Instagram props and she makes them seem like an inconvenience. It’s so sad.
Only happy when she’s in Scotland - children fobbed off yet again.

Seen a lot over the last few days from insta mum’s about less over sharing of the children (hallelujah) wonder if Sarah is going to take the same approach? DOUBTFUL.
I do wonder about the intelligence o se insta mums who are now panicking about safety and people knowing where they live! like WTAF??? It’s only now you think about it?!! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
She didn't because she's selfish shes had all day Thursday Friday afternoon and yesterday to take him and she hasn't! And why does she insist in driving to Scotland? Why not fly?
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Aunt naty is a gluten for punishment. She basically comes down to watch mamas kids while she fannies around in her crop tops on her phone and seeing other friends!! 🤦‍♀️ I couldn't have a friend as self obsessed as Sarah. Friendships 2 ways Sarah!
Shes literally just there to look after the kids and take photos!
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Just read upthread she had social services checking her last year? I did not know this, can someone fill me in please?

I follow the friend she is visiting- Hannah Lucy. Didn't know they were friends. She used to be friends with hannah michalak but haven't seen them mention each other for a while
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She’s vile. Getting her life back in control? It’s all about control with you isn’t it? You control what you eat to the nth degree, control your kids to make them pretend to be toddlers stole, And control your weight with a ridiculous exercise regime.
What you need is to not have control for a while
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Well-known member
Let's face it, she will probably stay up here and fanny about in Aberdeen before going back down, then more fannying around whilst she offloads her kids.
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