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Somebody I know sat beside Tina on her flight to Lanza. This person didn't know her from Adam.but Tina told her all about her lovely girls , how good they are to her. Her mothers passing and funeral and that her daughter is getting married in Lanzarote
I fucking love tattle 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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That chavvy Chinese symbol on her wrist 100% intentionally says I love spring rolls and she’s pretending it’s something like “sisters” 😂
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Ah lads, she's insane. She's already laying the ground work for the next hospital admission. The antibiotics should have done something for the scar infection by now but they haven't 🙄🙄🙄 back to hospital again Monday for sarah she will be delided. Probably not even taking the antibiotics to guarantee another hospital trip for herself! No sign of super dad Keet the last few days, is he sick of her antics already??
Oh I'd say its definitely one, two skip a few, 99, 100 with her! Oral antibiotics won't do her at all, it's the IV ones she has her sights on. Wouldn't surprise me in the absolute slightest that she's not taking those antibiotics properly. She'll be levitating with excitement if she gets IV's and the vac wound dressing. Her fucking tongue will be faster than a helicopter in her bloody mouth 😡
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I reckon all that baby holding is for the camera ONLY. When she's not on SM baby is passed to whoever is around or she has her in the bread basket. If it was a case that she sitting under the baby like a hen with an egg, she would at least look more maternal and the baby would look comfortable. If her baby was between my dogs paws she'd look more comfortable and the dog would look more motherly!
If she really was mother earth like she tries so hard to look like, she wouldn't dream of hauling her baby around the city at only days/weeks old not to mind the child only out of hospital and yesterday in the worst weather Cork has seen since 1978.....She's nothing but a fraud and cares for noone only herself and the fella she's trying to tie down, certainly not her kids.
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Lads the lies out of her 🙄 yesterday she was going to have to slow down and stay at home in her pyjamas for a few days because she wanted to enjoy the time at home, today she's raging because she wants to get out but can't because of the rain. The other day the rain didn't stop her getting to the butchers across the city! And as for her with "all her deliveries piling up" bullshit, that's a load of crap to try and pretend she's getting stuff, cos all she's shown is a box of sweets from hey candy 🙄
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Love how munch gets all her content from here… yeah mad isnt it munch that the sickness just goes… amazing… and you didn’t put any weight on at all… how do you still have that big bump if it was all baby? 🤔🤔🤔

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Her brands love her so much
Not one bunch of flowers from any of them
Are they going to pay for this wedding and her new house she buying in next 18 months
She delusional she hasn't a pot to piss in and Keith this weather she always films when he's not around
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She's going to Fota on Saturday, jeez she's a brave woman going near a zoo. I'd say the animals will be trying to feed her.
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Love how munch gets all her content from here… yeah mad isnt it munch that the sickness just goes… amazing… and you didn’t put any weight on at all… how do you still have that big bump if it was all baby? 🤔🤔🤔

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This special case is actually BEYOND delusional.

Stevie Wonder can see how she didn't have hyperemesis gravidarum AND how much weight she's piled on......

Sarah. Shut the fuck up. You're a joke. You've put on so much weight this pregnancy. Just fucking own it.

No go and be a mother to your children and stop plastering them all over social media.

Good for nothing, attention seeking gowl.
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Somebody I know sat beside Tina on her flight to Lanza. This person didn't know her from Adam.but Tina told her all about her lovely girls , how good they are to her. Her mothers passing and funeral and that her daughter is getting married in Lanzarote
Probs talking about one of the others unless burps is marrying herself 😂 they can plan all they want, we’ve seen how ballygarry ended 😂😂😂😂
I called the personalised Dylan oaks pisswire chain with everyone’s initials on it. IJKL 🫣 is there anything not personalised in that house
She’d get her tampax personalised if she could
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Sangwich 🫠🫠🫠🫠

also munch, clean your air fryer, you could catch leprosy off that 🤮🤮🤮 am I the only one that scrubs the arse out of mine after every use. No wonder you kept getting sick, it wasn’t HG it was the manky airfryer - fuck sake!
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There’s a fuckin want in this one, talking about swanning off to Lanza with a baby a couple weeks old. I’m here with tears pouring down my face watching the aftermath of the hospital bombing in Gaza. Defenceless children killed. You’ve this ****** then whinging she’s sick of take awas. The mind boggles.
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And tell us about Ballygarry we know you lost the date because you couldn’t afford it….
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Someone said today on twins and me page about not looking at the camera when she’s lying. Watch Burps last few stories there is no looking into the camera it’s very weird
If you google "17 physical signs of a person lying" you could put burps name to almost all of them. No eye contact, hand to mouth constantly, pulling/ figiting with ears or hair, long pauses, change in voice pattern to name a few. She really is a compulsive liar but it doesn't take even google to tell us that.

I don't believe Keith is pushing her at all, she's again saying she's put on no weight and the next breath was " oh Keet said he knows I'll be on it", I think this is another lie. She's just obsessed with food, knows she's put on weight and won't admit it but then contradicts herself. She has told so many lies about food and her weight that she actually doesnt even know what she talking about anymore. Everything she talks about its always " I said to Keet" etc hes always brought into the conversations and " how they laughed".... She got a serious obsession with food, that's all...
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what is with the constant kissing the baby then looking at the camera and talking to the camera like a baby it’s giving me the biggest fucking ick 😂 more ads coming with seamoss, in her hand, with the phone and a baby she’s meant to be supporting 🙄
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So she is getting married next year whilst living in her mam and dad spare room and saving for a mortgage she will never get approved for 🤦🏼‍♀️ eh C💫💫t here’s an idea don’t waste your money on a wedding you can’t afford and put a roof over your children’s head. If she’s so secure in her relationship she wouldn’t be rushing the marriage did she not learn from the 1st failed attempt. Just like wanting to have a baby and having lewk call teeth dad its her way of trying her upmost to make sure he won’t run off with the saxa
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A tik tok on how to make a toasted sandwich, thank the lord for sarah burke, how would we manage without her 🙄
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