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Chatty Member
She’s flying after the fluids and delighted it’s all under control now. Fastest recovery of all time. Even after fluids you’ll be exhausted and not 100% regardless. Also she may have missed that cariban takes around 2-3 days to take effect as it takes time to build up in your system. Interesting she didn’t mention it she got an injection for the sickness? They normally inject if you’ve been unable to keep anything down.
And please, very little appetite. Pull the other one.

Retested for GD, she would love it, she’d eat away shite and they’d section her early.

Lads, what show was it and the one was after finishing with the husband 7 months ago and with the new BF a few months and she was heavily pregnant, and she went into labour and goes “ sometimes when babies come this early they also come out black”. 🤣🤣
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Luke has had just a few days in school this term so far and his so called excuse of a mother has failed to collect him from school, once for a spa stay in CUMH and again for a spa stay in Glengarriff! He surely has to feel this level of abandonment at almost 7 years old.

I’m sure Luke would have loved a little night away with a swimming pool but as usual he’s been left behind!

It sounds like they’re absolutely killing each other, she didn’t speak a word to him on the way to their magical babymoon, imagine spending almost €500 for a night away and she’s like a bull - him calling her crazy just weeks before she’s about to birth his little ham fillet too! I’d be tearing stripes off his little chops!

This little one’s Daddy Pig will be back in his Momma’s Sty before they turn one!
She won't need to worry about this baby daddy going awol 🙈
Faaar too early for a thread title suggestion but:

Sarah Burke #83 She's the size of a battle tank, bet Teet's wishing he'd had a wank
WEAK, for the potential next title :ROFLMAO:
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I wonder how long it will take herself and keet to tattoo the babys name on their bodies? Does anyone know why Jeremy Kyle heads do this? As in rush out to tattoo baby names on themselves? It’s always certain type. I dont give a fuck if I offend anybody either. I had a tattoo of a rose on my shoulder from my youth… obv it’s removed now because I got older and was mortified by it.. but like grown adults getting random names on their body is so weird
I usually find the men in these situations do it to try keep a track of the several kids they have, bonus points if they put in the name of the ‘baby mamma’ in brackets after it. Helps with the confusion
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Imagine it’s not even with teet. He is MIA big time 😂😂
All part of the bigger plan I’m telling ye…. She’s going for the council house, now I’ve nothing against people who live in council houses that deserve them but when you’re determined to stay sat on your hole instead of working even part time, and your fiancé won’t spend a cent to put a roof over your head so you keep him off social media and pretend he doesn’t exist in case someone from the local authority is watching, don’t go rocking up to the local office barefoot and pregnant with a sob story and expect the rest of us to pay for you!! I for one will be tipping off the city council’s housing office as to what you’re up to Burp, I’m sick of my taxes being used to bankroll you!!!!!!!!
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And then also says that she is very good to him, if that is the case then shame on her for not telling her brother to cop on and stop biding his time
It’s obviously Brian that takes him twice a week. But that doesn’t suit Sarah’s lies. Luke is never with her or else you would hear/see him on camera. They all live in her parent’s house, Luke is hardly in the west wing where he can’t be heard.

Also what happened to the stepped up dad? He didn’t take Luke to the Johnson family day. Pretty shitty for a man Luke calls dad. I reckon that was why there was a trip to CUMH. It was a cover up in case she was asked why wasn’t she and Luke weren’t at it.
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I thought she was dying for one of Tina's roast dinners there a few weeks back, and now Tina can't cook? Her food obviously wasn't that bad growing up Sarah with the size you turned out 🙄
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haha voduz have a very low bar for BA's, scarlet for them and burps
That should still be sent to the voduz marketing team though.

Seeing an unhinged lump of lard pretend to stare off into the distance on a hospital bed with her own blood dangling from tubes in her arm surely won't translate into sales ? There's no way she should get paid for that.
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What makes me laugh about her trying to make out that she can get emails etc is that people literally die and their relatives can’t get access to their accounts. She thinks it’s so easy that instagram or Facebook will just give her what ever info she wants.
Also love how she conveniently left out the parts in the message where they probably called her out for advertising from a hospital bed. I wouldn’t waste my energy messaging a low life like her. As if she would even take anything someone said into consideration anyway 🙄
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Chatty Member
Swore I would never look at this psychiatric C U next Tuesday ever again... But i am sick in hospital with the past few days so decided to have a peak at this thread to keep my mind off my pain. Christ on a bike it's working!! Over 3 threads to catch up on and tis worse she's getting it seems, since all the drama she caused over Beddys passing. How is she not in a padded cell somewhere by now and Lewk taken off her?
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Shock horror woman wears perfume, hospital staff absolutely blown away by the concept 🙄🙄🙄🙄 another F***ing #ad while taking up a hospital bed
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Chatty Member
the cheek of her to call Shatinas food diabolical!! She’s certainly well fed so she didn’t starve! i suppose she thinks she’s Gordon Ramsay herself, every sauce she “makes” involves a fistful of stock cubes and enough salt to give a rhino a stroke. And she’s living there rent free, Jesus she’s a spoilt brat.
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Chatty Member
Is this crazy c*nt OK 😡 so sick last week she couldn’t keep a bit down and this week scoffing stuff she never touched in her life to bring on labor. It’s the men in the white coats needed here. How can ham head watch this especially his 1st born you think after the loss last year he would be more protective of the poor little baby and put a stop to her carry on. It’s like she is wishing an early birth the trips to NICU giving her time to just be and exhausted from being up and down to the baby 20 times a day in between still suffering from hg despite no longer being pregnant and stuffing herself full or food.
unfortunately, due to her being deranged, I think on some level (not that I think she has many levels 😳) she wants the baby to be premature and up in the NICU so she can cream herself in all the attention 😞 how else can she explain eating and drinking stuff that she acknowledges brings on labour?! It just shows she hasnt a maternal bone in her body, most normal women do everything to protect their unborn but not this bint 😤 either that or she really did ride some poor bastard barebacked and she needs to meddle with dates. I’d never stop laughing if the baby was born a different race 😂😂
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