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She is such a bitch bringing teet over to put the nan to bed when she knows it would embarrass her and make her feel uncomfortable. Honestly, there's a consent issue here. She's a bone head who keeps forcing him and everyone whether they want him around or not
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Remember a time when Fridays and then Wednesdays we’re gonna be mommy and lukey days jesus that didn’t even happen over the summer holidays
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God she loves much would they pay her for being a BA?
Surely she isn’t getting a fee to advertise that shit? Is she just advertising it in exchange for freebies? I can imagine anyone sitting in an office thinking “I must contact that silverback gorilla from onslow gardens to showcase my white label shit makeup”
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OK... I kinda feel a bit bad for her now looking back over her stories. She says a couple of times I think I came across well in the video I hope ye think I came across well.

She was genuinely delighted and didn't foresee how badly this was going to go down

So bad, therapie even turned off the comments.
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Can anyone tell me what the fuck she's actually 'sharing' bout her journey? Like its just 100% vague whining that some days are 'hard' she's going through alot waaah waaah waaah.. I've no doubt that IVF is hard but this gowl offers ABSOLUTELY ZERO insight into anything whatsoever about the process. Am i wrong like? She'd wanna get a grip now & not be falling out with her own family just cos her mam was talking bout himself to someone and it got back to her. Was Sonic wrong tho??!! Nooo. And isn't she lucky they give a shit enough to care how he's apparently treating her?? (If all thats true which it seems so as she shares nothing about or with them lately) she seems so lonely and unhappy and she's only codding herself that she's otherwise. She must think now that this baby will make everything perfect and THATS the only thing thats causing stress & any unhappiness at the moment
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What’s the bed rest/get well soon shit about?
I don’t think she would have had the transfer, in my experience with a frozen transfer i didn’t know when ‘D day’ was going to be until the day before, and that was after 5-6 days in a row of scans to check lining etc. she definitely didn’t have that level of checking lining unless therapie have a different protocol to every other fertility clinic. She loves the ‘being tired’ attention doesn’t she ? Care packages, cards from the boys 🧐, cards from ‘friends’ and flowers from sisters etc. she wants this attention and a pregnancy will bring her more attention of course! But once baby comes & the freebies stop & it’s an actual child to look after, then it’ll be shipped off with anyone and everyone. Why wasn’t she in the grandchildren and great grandchildren picture? She’s as much of a blow in as Luke?!
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Madforreallife clown

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Just watched her story of deleting the reels… she said imagine I can’t talk about how I’m feeling? … you tell us everyday how you’re feeling😂not even 1/4 way through her ‘ journey’ and she’s not coping, get a grip girl, you don’t know the half of what’s ahead
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Mary Mary

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Keith’s not stupid either, he only gets those cards and “care packages” for her because he knows she will put it straight up on insta and he thinks it makes him look good. It’s obvious he does it all for show and not because he truly means it 🙄
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I’m dead at everyone complimenting her on the first pic and nothing about the others ✋🏽🤣
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She’s so “glad that she did that collab tonight, cause she was like nah, then she put them on…” no Sarah, you prerecorded it because your nails are two different colours in your story, you were in the salon ages before your upload, so you must’ve been in bed since then!
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Chatty Member
Couple of things.
Botox kicking in=ming the merciless eyebrows.

In regards to IVF, I can't speak from experience but a family member is currently at the end of the line with it with no success, they are now looking abroad at surrogacy options. And so many of you legends on here have shared your fertility struggles.
And then you've this one who is using her weeks, not months or years, of ivf for content. Its infuriating.

Also she mentioned her day in the life was for tiktok, she is clearly aware of the views ivf/fertility videos get on tiktok, and I would imagine as loathsome as it sounds, she is aiming for this 'journey' to be her breakthrough on that platform.

That is all, thanks for coming to my ted talk xoxo
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Jesus she has a new before & after now with 2020 vs 2022.
It is sad for sure but she’s such a cunt you can’t feel sorry for her.
luke has been shown no love this summer, the boy Is farmed out more than any orphan would be. An orphan would have possibly a foster home and or guardians and have a regular routine, be in the same house/family every weekend, have a weekend routine & real friends that aren’t just cousins or madeup in law cousins from Keith etc. he needs friends from school or on his road to have consistent friends as he doesn’t have consistent parenting or sleeping arrangements. Why bring another baby into this? She’s already mentioned she will be exhausted today because she woke up at the time most of us get up at every day! She’s no job to go out to though, doesn’t do housework. She will take to the bed for 9 months if she gets pregnant & then cute baby pics/attention about labour story then BAM - lazy parenting # 2
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If her gorging on foul junk food and being pickled from booze half the time is what constitutes a year of an IVF journey…she’s a fucking joke.
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u k hun ?

Chatty Member
Imagine posting on Instagram about tucking yourself up in bed for the day over a headache! And being brought a get well soon card 😂😂😂 Then on she spiels about bloody grocery shopping !

She really needs a hobby if this is what classifies as riveting content !
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This is exactly what I was trying to say in my earlier post, she is getting further and further down a path that she will have no control in her life. And is to stubborn to see what her family and all of tattle can see. Keet may be good to Luke but he doesn’t seem like a good guy. I have no doubt that he will drop her again when the time suits
Keith will definitely leave her, he already has his escape in sight. He wanted a baby with his ex but she wanted to focus on travel and her career. He always knew his medication would have an effect on his fertility and he is just glad he found someone desperate enough for a welfare baby to pay half the costs!
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How come she doesn’t do a thing with Luke not one thing she ships him off to anyone that will take him. She hasn’t brought him to parks zoo fota even the beach for the day. When she talks then about cooking it’s all about her and Keith what they are eating. Could she not put a roast or stir fry or something nutritional for all them on. Also has anyone notice all the meals out and nights away have stopped. She needs to take a reality check now and realize that Keith isn’t for her and she has become very toxic since she got with him . I feel sorry for Luke like why doesn’t she do something with him especially when all she does is sit at home
It’s actually shameful. Gagging for a newborn but neglecting the child she has!
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