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This one 😤😤😤😤🤬
Anxiety anxiety ad
Worry worry ad
If I can help one person my ass… it’s “I’m running out of ways to get attention so I’m posting this”
If this thick bitch knew anything about anxiety she would know that it’s so crippling you could barely hold ur phone let alone turn on the camera. Does she ever fucking get sick of the sight of herself she’s some pain in the hole … same shit every … single …. day .. you have no new followers so stop repeating the same diarrhoea …. Luke goes to call her in the video and she says “one sec” n prob got given out to for interrupting the saaaaayra show 🙄 then please sir can I have one more
DID…. NOT… FALL….. FOR …. THAT …. VIDEO…. And will be watching through my fingers when this Netflix limited gold edition is “released” 😂 god bless and pray for those who watch and fall for this gombeen 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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Its very unsettling to watch her lately, her behaviour is worrying. How can her family not see it? Its disgusting that a 6 year child allegedly said what he said, way too much information for him. He doesn't need to know any of this. Keet must be glad of the break from her for the weekend.
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She introduced him to her followers in May 2021 with a pic in Killarney. A week or 2 beforehand she told her SW group - pleading with them to keep it in the group as he was a very private person and would not be on the gram. When he moved in during their first Covid spell - people were congratulating her when she said she was isolating with ‘himself’. She went on to say it was the test of their relationship as they were just dating. That’s the hard facts taken from her own posts. Ok she may have known him or had an odd one night stand before this - but she’s only dating him 15 months.
Also she fancied him years ago and he had no interest because she was over weight , what a great man to be stuck with 🤭
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Where is she going this weekend? Another trip just for herself and Keet? She wouldn’t take a trip to Dublin half as quickly to take Luke to the zoo or to Tayto park. The summer will be over before they know it and Luke will have done absolutely nothing all summer holidays, while his mother is busy planning baby number 2 and his father busy pretending he doesn’t exist. Shame on the pair of them.
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The thing is, besides the fact there is no huge stigma around IVF anymore (I would talk to anyone about my experience) she’s not even talking about ivf she’s just snorting and licking her mouth/lips/teeth with a sad face about not being pregnant yet.

Tell me about the HyCoSy procedure? Explain how Keith felt about the sample? What happened the 90 cysts? If Keith’s Sperm is perfect why bypass IUI which has a high success rate for your age under 35?What bloods did you have done? How was your AMH? Was your prolactin high as mine was and they attribute that often to self employed stress or other stresses? Did you get meds for that ? What meds were you on? What day was your trigger shot? How did you find the pain? Did you get OHSS before egg retrieval? How did you find the pain post procedure ? How many mm was the lining of your womb?

You aren’t breaking any stigma you fucking clown you’ve told so many lies you can’t even discuss the basic steps above! You’re only sharing that you’re not pregnant as you want the cards, flowers & attention from ‘ friends ‘ and a reason to get fat. Fatter.
Someone woke up and chose violence today 😂😂 but very well said queen 🙌🏽👏🏽
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I'm sorry now that crying video. How long was this cunts tongue hanging out for? Jesus Christ she is obscene
I just watched it again. It kinda reminds me of that scene in the Blair witch project where your one is crying into the camera about how scared she is 🤣 great movie
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Here we go, series 6 episode 2. The crocodile tears. She was so smug heading off on her silent exciting journey that she gave no thought to the heartbreaking "journey" she was starting out on and not an ounce of respect or regard for other people going through IVF. Burp would do well to zip it going forward, she is a selfish and self centred person and is doing IVF for all the wrong reasons.
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Sarah just put this quote up… isn’t this what she does to other people? Throwing water in her child’s face for laughs? According to others on her she constantly put down Luke’s dad when they were together
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Ah lads. Isn’t that the cutest. Lukeys first ham roll. That coy ‘big boy’ look - you know the one you share with your stepped up Dad when you’re trying to be a mini ham head - smaller version of old hog mug. Is she trolling us ladies?????
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Chatty Member
Imagine the head of Keith when she rings him up to tell him another shit storm...he's probably like here we fuckn go again..

And PS the if I was Sarah you would know about it comment 🙈🥰🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Surely she's not entitled to HAP if he's living with her. I'm sure he's on a good salary. Is she mad being with him? Is it not his ivf journey too, 🤔

I think people think that Sarah isn’t her hap. She absolutely is. She would have lied and lied on her application day 1 and probably never mentioned Brian and now Keith. And it doesn’t matter what she puts on socials- yes, welfare investigators can look and see but they obviously haven’t and people get away with this more than they ever get caught. She would be homeless if she was to pay the €1300 a month rent as she pretends she does, her life is too spend spend spend - it’s obvious she only has home security because of HAP. Her ‘business’ would be easily able to hide some cash and also downplay the earnings (she cut her groups remembers) PLUS she was into the system
As a single parent before her placenta was delivered no doubt. Sarah is on Benefit Street and that I know for certain.
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Chatty Member
I just find her so insincere. She makes it out that she’s the only one discussing infertility (her non existent, rushed version) and that no one else before her has spoken about it. She’s following pages herself who are and have been very open ffs. Saint Sarah at it again. My heart breaks for anyone struggling to conceive, it takes over your life, it controls you but Sarah blatantly went into ivf rushed, lying about symptoms, lying about diagnosis’s and has admitted she thought it would be easy and boom pop out a baby. Shows how warped her reality is. I have no doubt in my mind that Keith will not go for another round especially when they are probably paying monthly for this round for the next 2 years. I have no doubt he will say no way. As for all this inside information about Tina and her views on Keith and Sarah’s relationship. If my daughter is was coming home telling me all that Sarah has supposedly said about money etc and buying his own house, I’d be holding an intervention and telling her to wake the fuck up. She’s setting herself for a life of financial struggles and a loveless relationship.
Sarah focus on your child and your own happiness and stop trying to force it. You’re settling and rushing everything to try make yourself feel better
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