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Tomorrow will just be a generic talk about PCOS and ivf. Well listen Dr John I don’t need to hear that shit I have lived it. What we want to know is where are the 90 cysts ? Because they appeared so much even the radiographer knew Sarah when she came back for an appointment - the first radiographer in Ireland to remember a patients name or scan and to give her the feedback on the scan there and then!!! The fucking hilarity of it all! Never mind coming on with a vague talk about PCOS ‘cysts’ and ovarian cysts. Sarah told us she had 90 ovarian cysts. PCOS AND Endometriosis. Explain how you bypassed 90 cysts to collect 22 eggs?
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What makes me laugh is when they say “oh it’s a troll cos it’s an account with 0 followers and following no one” etc, but if the same type of account heaps praise on them then it’s great
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She is WALKING!!!!!!
She needs to be sent to a car valeter to be power washed and get the small detail brushes in and around her…. There’s dirt on her that would be entitled to squatters rights at this stage!!!

Is she that DESPERATE to be a “blogger/ Influencer” … there’s easier ways to make money none of them are trying as hard as her … if it doesn’t come naturally try something else… there’s a lot to be said for going to work during the week or doing your 40 hours and chilling out on ur time off. It’s a bank holiday Sunday the sun is shining and she’s sitting on her own in a caravan putting tan over dirt, complimenting her own dirty hair and trying to flog anythjng that will make her a few pound!!! Get a life girl for fucks sake ur pathetic!


I am nowhere near skinny so I’m not fat shaming but she’s back to square one with her weight and she’s a slimming world consultant! Is that not like being a painter that can tell people how to paint but can’t actually paint!!!! ????????
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After hearing that therapie fertility allows you to bypass methods like iui and go straight for the ivf, I’m wondering did a doctor ever tell her she will have trouble conceiving? I wouldn’t be surprised if this was all done for the poor me, attention seeking insta story!

Fact. If you ever watch the fertility hack (and I’m not a huge fan of hers) but she has a theory (science based) about being couple number 90, so basically it’s the stats out of 100 couples and just how literally there might be no conception/fertility issues but it takes you the longest to conceive out of 100 couples. It’s a science based theory and would bring a lot of solace to a normal healthy couple in their 30s trying for a baby with no joy. Sarah - as she has said herself has never ‘not’ tried to get pregnant so I would say there’s been no contraception with any man ever. She possibly used this to have ‘an accident’ with Keith which might have been the long term plan but then super sperm Brian got the new partner pregnant first and this has been what pushed the IVF etc. it’s only since then that the big push started and now all of a sudden they are ‘2 years trying’ when she hardly had the hotel cancelled this time 2 years ago and we all know Keith was not fully on the scene til summer 2021. There is very little ethics in ivf clinics with regards to couples - which is good and bad. I could arrive in with my boyfriend of 19, I could be 40 and say I don’t want to wait and they’ll take my money - it isn’t for them to say ‘ye are together a wet week, he’s 20 years younger than you’ - etc. it’s a business after all! So they wouldn’t have to prove how long they are together or anything that’s only for the gram she’s at that.
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Totally true!
I had a look back at the relationship timeline and when she had COVID was when she got the news about fertility and also when she unveiled that she had a "partner"
It's 65weeks ago - not a year and a half or two years

Oh and so much for keeping her partner off Instagram as well 🙄
It appears she has removed a few clips from her covid & pcos highlight, they cut off at weird times and when she's talking again it's missing a segment. Someone is cleaning up their mistakes. It's funny her narrative from pcos highlight to fertility highlight her timelime and stories don't make sense. Girl you should clean up your fertility talk too. It's showing blatant lies. Come on sayyyrah if you've time to hop on a sock account and get pissy with people, you've time to delete those other clips. Only issue is if you do, you'll lose majority of your baseline bullshit for this whole pcos/secondary fertility. She says multiple times she was told she had pco, no s and that the dr wanted to run further bloods because she had gut issues. Having gut issues isn't entirely linked to pcos, it can stem from other areas like diabetes. She claims that after a scan or 2 and a bit of bloodwork they would remove those big arse cysts and the small ones too, and that she suddenly had a diagnosis of pcos. Anyone who's actually had a diagnosis will know it's fucking more than that. BTW where's your anxietyyyy gone sarah? Wish it was that easy to switch it off.

She's fucked me off.
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You know that she’s sending the questions to herself because she always asks the same shit to herself…… esp the “not a question….”
Fucking idiot, shes to be pitied
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The obsession she has with food is not right. Back on plan, up 20lbs, down 1/2 a pound, driving it on, been very good the past 2 days, having self control not to get an ice cream, talking about what’s for dinner at 7 o clock in the morning. Healthy B, speed, Food, food, food.
Imagine that being your life and still nothing to show for it. Jesus.
If anything it just shows what an absolute load of shite slimming world Is. Calorie deficit Sarah. It’s literally that simple.
Not only that, that poor child is going to have such an unhealthy relationship with food when he’s older from listening to her.
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In honour of our Dealz Disney Princess and her video last night staring wistful out the window while basking in the sunlight, my fellow tatters, I give you a diary entry ....

Dear diary,

Sayyrraaa here. Diary , I have has such a week. I have been so emotional behind the scenes. Like I said to Keet there now, I said "Keet , like no one really knows what goes on in someone's life behind closed doors" and he said "What are you shiteing on about now you dosey cow I'm trying to watch the football " but not in a nasty way ❤

I have been recording my very loud silent journey in the back ground and I am going to release the footage a little bit at a time . I am now an expert on IVF cos I have read so many Google pages on it even though I still haven't figured out that my payriod is only part of cykele

I got my botox and my lips done during the week to make myself feel better. Its 100% safe and I checked with Dr. Mairead but I didn't really need to check with her cos I am a bit of medical expert myself you know from all those "illness" I invented for myself and Luke so I could wreck their heads in South Doc and get some attention ❤

I only got my top lip done. So I got my bottom and top lip done and the Dr said I would bruise. She said " Sayrahh hun you are going to look like a battered ham hock that's in the reduced section in Tesco after 9 on a Saturday night" She did. Didn't she , she did. I bruised cos you know I am on meds. Did I say I was on meds for my silent journey? Don't think I said that 🤔 Anyway I am only beadifuuuulll. Like Keet even said he would do it with the lights on facing me this weekend ❤

Anyway gotta go , have to try and squeeze out a few more tears while trying to rub the triple chin off myself .

Chat soon xoxo

Such a way with words take a bow 😜 we need to get your dear diary entries published 🤣🤣

Could anyone share that Oscar winning performance?? And should I get the tissues or the popcorn for the show?🤔
It was actually quite disturbing to watch you know ones the try these hardest to out out a few tests give her an Oscar she definitely had it practise just like the last video when she was been injected by bigot the facial expressions to the camera , yet no problems going off for injections of Botox !! Drama queen !!! She's coming across mentally unstable at this stage !!!

Here’s our situation at moment just to compare.

Have several embryos left since our son was born in 2020. IVF was our only option due to me, I have MS & my pregnancy needed to be controlled to the second of conception as I am on long term muscle relaxants and other medications for my dwlindling sight. the plan was one baby if we are lucky, 2 if we can.
Pregnancy and birth affected me in ways I was advised might happen. Tore my bowel muscle so much that almost a year after my ‘temporary colostomy bag’ surgery I now realise it’s for keeps.
Our only option is surrogacy.
We had been looking at the Ukraine but then the war happened.
We have looked at USA, Canada, Portugal and Spain. You might ask about legislation/ what I will tell you is that there are agencies and there are just women who do this as a career. I’m not saying it’s all 100% clear on legislation. We are currently in talks with a few women, but one who we found via TIKTOK is just after her third surrogate baby for a third family & it’s literally her business model - no judgement please. You’ll do anything for a baby!
But even with all the time we set aside for legal discussions, travel, zooms to talk to women, saving, bank meetings / it it nowhere near as hard as what the ivf process was and that’s not because of my MS. It literally was the constant fear of - what if there’s an issue with the sperm? What if they get no eggs? What if they get 100 eggs and they are all bad? What if the embryos all have MS? What if the embryos don’t make it? Should I have implanted 2 that time and now I’d have 2 kids? The moods from the hormones, the upset- at no point did I ever ever think to record myself and cry (without tears) into the phone! Not even when my friends and family asked would I have done it. Whether you need IUI, ICSI or IVF it is possibly the hardest road to go down and that’s before you look at the cost or the time off work (if you’ve a real job) etc. she thought this was a hobby like Botox hair and nails. If you are trying to get pregnant you will avoid ANYTHING that might pose a risk even if there is no evidence there yet. Botox is a NO NO and I say that as someone who gets Botox injections as part of MS for muscle movement. It was one of the reasons I was doing IVF to time my pregnancy. She is only crying cos she thought she would be pregnant and getting attention and freebies by now. I absolutely detest her she has no idea of the real hardship of TTC
You are our hero thank you for sharing your journey I hope someday you'll be blessed with baby no2 ❤
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Poor luke,how fucking dare she post that of him being forced to say all that crap,a disgrace,she needs to take a long hard look at herself and her toxic behaviour and the effect it has on that poor kid.Shameful.
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I can’t believe after reading how tight Keith is that she’s going ahead and try for a baby with him. Imagine being such a stingy miserable fucker that he won’t pay for a few drinks with her on a night out and she has to stay home otherwise. She clearly has zero self esteem about herself to be settling for the likes of him.
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She’s already getting the excuses ready to binge and fall off the bandwagon later after a total of 3 days of being “good”, which included a breakfast sandwich fit for a builder each morning. I despair
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I have to say Burp has me fascinated around the ethics of fertility treatment! Like if someone is publicly a shit mum to the kid they already have and then pops out another one the old fashioned way then that’s just a misfortunate thing - maybe social work get involved and take the child away, but no-one can really stop said shit mum from having another one and another one if she feels like it. When you get to fertility treatment these doctors are actively helping you to create a human being you probably wouldn’t be able to create without their intervention. Now imagine the publicly shit mum from the first example (I can’t think of one in real life either so just pretend 😜) comes to the clinic wanting your help to create another child. Maybe they’re not so shit they’re on social work’s radar yet but they’re very open and shows receipts about how little she cares for the child she already has….

My mind boggles on the ethics of it. I’m sure Therapie are following whatever the ethical guidelines are for the sector but I can tell you based on their association with her they would be the LAST fertility clinic I would ever consider if I found myself in the market for fertility treatment.
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Sarah gets HAP and pays the balance herself, I am not sure how they work food and bills but Tina said he contributes as little as he can, she was really annoyed at him.

On the surface, it may look like Sarah has a 'lavish lifestyle' but in reality she has nothing. She rents a house( nothing wrong with that but she must be insecure about it as she has lied about buying it), she cannot afford to run her own car, she must share with Tina. She wears cheap or fake clothes and luke either wears fake jerseys to match the stepped up bigot or hand me downs from his cousins.
She must also pay half of the cost of fuel for the Dublin visits
The only fool that thinks she's live a "lavish lifestyle" is herself, a blind man at the side of the road could see if its not #gifted or free then it's cheap knockoff tat.
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Dear Jesus that video just screamed fakeness. It’s all for attention. When she said I’ll be releasing some videos of our journey-does she think she’s the star of some movie or what. I feel for anyone with infertility and undergoing treatment (I had ivf myself) but she’s doing it for all the wrong reasons.
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