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Jelly Bean

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Gosh I’d much rather read a review like that blog or your post @nienoe, which are honest reviews of a service. I’m actually shocked about the broken cash machine story and repeated requests for payments in cash and I’m also aghast that it costs £600 to have your eyebrows done - not that She Here would be aware as she doesn’t pay. I used to love reading blogs back in the day as they were often very good balanced reviews of stuff. Instagram has ruined so much, I just don’t trust a word that influencers say any more.
Yes agree with all of this. I had a quick Google of Nez Hasan and a poster on MN had a similar experience. Apparently NH called the police to say the poster was stalking her when she emailed to complain.
She seems to have gained such a good reputation by giving her services free to celebs/IGers who in turn sing her praises 🤔
How is that right or impartial? At £500 a pop?
No way would I ever give my money to someone to gives freebies to people who can easily afford it. The costs must be passed onto the little people. Sali I'm afraid is not special with Nez refusing to accept payment - seems anybody influential who will give her public positive feedback is similarly honoured.
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I’ve been influenced to purchase the IT cosmetics cc cream. Trying it out today, it went on well and seems to be sitting ok on my skin. I already swore by “bye bye under eye” which I originally had as a sample years ago, then bought.
I also treated myself to a new mini eyeshadow palette by Zoeva (precious?) I haven’t bought any make up since before C19 began as far as I recall. I am taking better care of my skin though!
Controversial I know, and at my own risk, but I’m keeping my palettes. I clean my brushes after every use, I don’t share them, I don’t care if they’re 5 years old, I use them occasionally and they last well enough. Yes as will chuck mascara after a year, but powder? I’ll risk it.
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She really needs to review the best lint rollers. And see if a can of Mr Sheen and a microfibre cloth can go through business expenses. Love the blonde hair though.

Edit - spelling
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I only have one face, why do I need so many products?
This!! These days I only replace skincare items when I've run out, I have routine that works for me, i.e. I'm happy with the way my skin looks.
I still wear make-up but I never change my "look" so again, I only replace products when I run out.

In the vid Sali said she gets sent 100s of blushers every year yet she still buys blusher (I PAID, M'KAY). And the 300 red do you ever go through this bonkers amount of products? I never even manage to finish foundation (one bottle!) in a year, mine last absolutely ages (though looking at Youtube tutorials I guess I just don't use enough).
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
So many Guardian columns are ending this weekend; Hadley Freeman, Jess Carter-Morley, Romesh Ranganathan, Coco Khan and Hannah Jane Parkinson are all going, as is The Measure. Is it too much to hope that Sali will be going as well?

Fingers crossed eh.
It would be a real kick in the teeth for a lot of readers if Sali’s column stays while we’re losing Hannah Jane Parkinson. She’s one of these rare writers who manages to write about mental health in an original, informative, honest, and non-patronising way.

Edited fo add, I know it’s completely different subjects, but sometimes you just want to read something well written. Sali‘s column used to be a good read, years ago, but now I wonder if a big part of that was also down to the comments.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
I don’t know. There’s always people better and worse off than you - it’s not a tragedy competition. Her face seems to have lost all definition - she had amazing cheekbones. She doesn’t look like herself but older - she looks like herself turned into a cane toad, and that’s got to hurt. I feel very sorry for her. Yes she’s not actually currently on fire but fucks sake. It’s bad.
Yes I feel sorry for her. But she is where she is. She is healthy and her face is quite a normal looking face now. She is just a normal person now and not a supermodel.
She actually now reminds me of Ava Gardner when she was older.
She needs to now explore avenues open to her that do not involve her looks. She has a lot of money which should help. She is in danger of turning into one of those Norma Desmond characters who cannot accept that time marches on. It is the danger of seeing your face as the only thing of value about you.
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Oh yeah that reason why she couldn’t interview Lisa Eldridge for the Radio Times seems more and more believable every day 😂
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Yes ive eaten there several times years ago (due to groups of friends booking) and its shite. Total tourist trap.
It just makes me laugh that she is so obsessed with it as there are much better places in Brighton if you want a more modern or high end Indian restaurant.
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I'd also assumed they were friends as Sali gave her a glowing mention in Pretty Honest and there was a photograph of Hirons, Sali and Ruth at the launch of Ruth's dry shampoo and a matey caption.

I honestly feel that Sali will be fawning to those she thinks above her- Mary Greenwell, Morag Ross, Sam McKnight and chilly to those not 'cool enough'- Lisa Armstrong, Rosie HW, etc etc

Yeah came across as v strange and also like she hadn't watched Jamie's videos at all? JG is pretty up front about the treatments and tweakments she has had and when, what she has liked and not liked and why, what she is intrigued to try in the future etc, which strikes me as someone who is very comfortable with how she looks and owning that she has changed it, unlike someone we know.......... 🤪
She really is a massive hypocrite. She has a passion for product (🙄) but she deduced that Charlotte Tilbury must be insecure about her looks due to the makeup in bed thing. No chance CT also has a 'passion for product'. She has had multiple tweakments herself but if others do it it must be because they don't like their own face. It's funny how she loves to position herself as being one of the few that has a healthy attitude to beauty.
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Chatty Member
And on insta. And her and her husband are having a twitter conversation about it when they are probably sat next to each other in the same room - it's all just too hilarious! He buys crisps for 4 year olds so his tiny wife can eat them when she's in bed with the dog!
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Speaking of turning points, the turning point for me was the ITB with Rosie Huntington Whiteley. Apart from the fact that Sali had previously made a big thing out of only having ITBs in actual bathrooms rather than hotels, she was so rude and surly. She sat there with a huge scowl on her face and was not in the least bit interested in Rosie. Compare that to how fawning she was over some others, e.g Mary Greenwell, Morag Ross etc. I mean, I get that we all have bad days but at least pretend to be interested and be professional. It really put me off her
I found it hilarious, Rosie looks gorgeous, behaves impeccably, and She Here is sat there snarling at her, with greasy hair, shiny oily face, acting like she’s doing her a favour and clearly hating every minute. The interesting thing about the whole ‘in the bathroom’ series was that Sali literally has one approach, and is completely unable to alter it to get the best out of the subject. Like journalists do.
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There's a lot of hubris involved in opening an "Indian" restaurant because you spent a gap year there
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A giant photo of Sali with another, tiny one, of her that was taken years ago but no room for a picture of the product or range??
There is in the paper.

'The very pale may struggle to find a match altogether, but few others will'

Wasn't she the palest person alive only a while ago?
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Chatty Member
Books AND Netflix? At the same time?
I think 'books' means she's reading the subtitles.

As for the jumper, I really want her to have commissioned Fuck You and Your Blusher, but that would mean she's been hiding a sense of humour - AS FUCKING IF
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