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Chatty Member
I wonder if there will be a look at the insidious nature of 'influencing' and how this role can have a similarly devastating impact on their audience. However, because this is dressed up with a blue tick as being acceptable, it's ok.
Right, women selling other women useless, often expensive, crap under the guise of the items being essential to modern life. If you don't have or use this product, wear these boots, you're falling behind. While maintaining a jolly, friendly, shhh I'm telling you a secret and just making a little recommendation from the goodness of my heart persona. I HATE THIS.

Esther Coren is awful for this. See her latest blog post on Winter fashion (socks and birkenstock apparently) and the affiliate links discussion (she adds links for everything while simultaneously winking at us and telling us what a rum business these links are and how influencers use them to make money off us). But, Esther's not like that. No! The links are there for OUR convenience so we can click through. Thanks so much, love.
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Chatty Member
The low hanging fruit first:

Satisfying Click
Fashion Singular
Donkey's Years
Welsh Cake

I'm sure Tattlers can find more.
Whip Smart
Nana Chic
Pleasingly Cheering
Cheeringly Pleasing
Rainbow Queen
Having a Nervo
Palest Pale

ETA honestly didn't see @Skiddidlydaddle's post before posting Nervo 😂

ETA ETA 3 more!
Loved It For Years
P@edo Candle
(I Bought It)
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Chatty Member
She’s fessed up to stalking people who said mean things, liking their photos on FB & blocking them (as if that doesn’t seem threatening or wouldn’t be considered as online abuse). She says she’s done some bad stuff she’s regretted but she stopped when she knew it was upsetting the other person. She doesn’t mind criticism but can’t bear lies. Poor ‘Becky’ is paying a very high price for doing stuff that Sali has done.
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I couldn’t watch it either. I’ve got a WhatsApp group about it. Wouldn’t dream of being so unkind in public.....🙄
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Chatty Member
Maybe I'm naive, but I'm disappointed at the BBC's lack of integrity and professionalism.

I was hoping that researchers might have found our wiki and been enlightened.
Sadly I don't think we ever had a chance of the BBC doing a balanced, unbiased and fair documentary.

That organisation is full of self serving blue tickers who would circle round to look out for one of their own. I bet they decided on the agenda and narrative to pursue right from the start without doing any basic investigation.

Imagine the fallout if the documentary wasn't stroking Sali's ego and telling her how right she is; Lauren Laverne and Richard Osmand would be fumin'.😂
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Chatty Member
it's very convenient for Sali that all her articles for The Pool are gone now, so very little of her non-beauty content is available.
Lots of it you can still see in the wayback machine, I didn't realise she had spoken so much about her marriage. Makes lots of her points redundant concerning that.

I'm sure this is already posted somewhere, but I highly doubt anyone here is aiming to cause emotional distress to an individual. Don't people say things here rather than someones feed so they don't get upset? Sali has said she doesn't even read here.


How exactly does she manage to trace people who are on here?
If the username links to a username on her forum or if they've posted something that gives them away. I think she was threatening to doxx me at one point, no doubt because I've posted an insta SS with my personal name it somewhere and Sali's assistant had the time to trawl.
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Lack of journalistic integrity if she's writing articles and doing radio shows about here and not looking herself.
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VIP Member
I don’t follow Sali or this thread but just saw the BBC article. What an absolute load of crap. This site is not dedicated to trashing people’s lives. It’s an outlet for criticism and feedback that is otherwise blocked and censored by instagrammers deleting comments and portraying a perfect life whilst making endless £££. I feel so irritated by it. And no way is “Becky” a real person who would say that they joined in because they’re projecting their own unhappiness. Absolutely bull shit
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I wonder when the deluge of supporters will register to call us sad, troll, beef faced sad, loser, evil people.
That reminds me, I wish Dawn Porter would come out against Sali and what her and her Twitter gang put her through. Dawn probably doesn’t spare them a second thought now she’s a successful author with a successful husband living the dream in LA, but if she did say something I bet it would hit the headlines.
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She said "if they don't like me can they not unfollow me?" By the same token if you don't like what is being said about you- not to you- surely you don't have to follow the thread here. See how that works?

And this isn't creepy. At all
I don't know about the rest of you but I'm not putting real information about myself on this board. Bless her.
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VIP Member
Valley Girl- a lipstick aimed at teenage tearaways, the name was chosen to reflect her experience growing up as a working class Welsh girl. The perfect red to wear during your first kiss, especially when paired with a spritz of Chanel no 5
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Chatty Member
I think comparing what Jess Phillips gets (death threats) to some piss-taking and searching questions about professional integrity is a joke.
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Too Much

VIP Member
Someone did contact admin, we were discussing it in the mods forum last week. I think they made it pretty clear was their objective was (no it won't be balanced) and all the mods agreed the standard media copy and paste with tattle's rules and policies was all it deserved.

It was asking for a response for statements from "experts" that said the site has messages that are a hate crime, harassment and cause emotional distress.

Along with the good old fantasist stuff; influencers say that:
  • Moderators create accounts when threads go quiet to revive them (bullshit from ptwm the Paypal scammer, as if we need to :LOL: )
  • Admin claims that messages are never deleted (that never happened, of course things are deleted on a moderated forum 🤦‍♀️)
  • Messages of support are deleted (see my post on the previous page for examples, people trolling / disrupting are deleted as they would be on any forum).

If I had to make a prediction I think they'll talk to a psychologist who'll say people here don't have much social interaction in real life and instead post vitriol here to vent their frustration in real life to get a dopamine hit on an anonymous forum :rolleyes: . Then talk to a legal "expert" who'll talk about the new online harm that acts to protect people from "trolls". Then if they're being really really distasteful they'll interview the parents of a teenager that tragically ended their own life through abuse sent, even though that's nothing to do with commentary on public figures that choose to pursue a business that involves oversharing their private life.

It's a shame as there are so many interesting things to explore around influencer culture. But I highly doubt this will cover it and instead amalgamate people discussing a public figure who publically overshares their life to hundreds of thousands with a teenager being harassed and sent abuse.

If radio 4 and their huge budget can't do something well researched and balanced who will?

Influencers really don't realise how much they've benefited from the lack of regulation. They're the first to call for more rules but are blissfully unaware that more rules and regulation are more likely to disadvantage them.

Gossip on public figures has been a thing before paper was invented. If someone turns their private life into a commodity to make money they can't expect to only have praise. "what people think of me is none of my business" and "don't read the comments" springs to mind.

You'd be surprised the number of people that think they can just request for a tattle thread about them to be deleted, there's a real lack of understanding that once you become a public figure you can no longer control the narrative. Tattle's law seeks to address this by educating people on the downsides of fame and creating a professional influencer agency to make influencers accountable for when they break the rules -

It would be an interesting conversation on the moral maze - how do you weigh up peoples freedom of speech to discuss a business when that business is a social media influencer who sells their private life and is effectively turning this so called private life into a commodity? Hopfully the real conversations about this world will start to be had soon.

Edit: Ha my post is already out of date

How many times is Sali going to talk about "My child’s teacher read how I would sell my kids for money." It was one post that was clearly figure of speach 🤦‍♀️

And Katie heyes is a known liar always making up stuff for attention. Last week she made up that her phone number and address has been posted here.

Maybe I'm naive, but I'm disappointed at the BBC's lack of integrity and professionalism.

I was hoping that researchers might have found our wiki and been enlightened.
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Chatty Member
The BBC article refers to a specific beauty influencer forum, or words to that effect. I had a google and couldn’t really find anything. I’m genuinely starting to become perplexed, because whilst I don’t agree with every comment ever made on here, I don’t see where people have been awful, so I’m starting to think there is some dark web beauty-specific gossip forum where people are making death threats or something.
It's 100% tattle, we had this with freaky Friday and the first "trolls" video. Everyone here was "ooh where is she talking about, it's not here as nothing she says was ever said here". Then she confirmed in comments that she was talking about tattle.

She's invented a whole different reality. I'd like an expert psychologist to give their opinion on that if there's any money left in the BBC budget :LOL:
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Every time this thread starts to slow down she does something to drive traffic here. Someone truly bothered by what’s written here wouldn’t keep sending people to read it all. Sometimes a person doesn’t care whether the attention is good or bad, they just need that validation they’re the centre of attention. One day though she’ll finally poke the wrong bear and someone more famous and with more reach than Giles might just post their own video exposing her behaviour.

That screenshot of her admitting to stalking peoples online profiles to figure out real names, and addresses is really messed up. Given Sali’s past threats to dox people and send her convicted sex offender friend to their houses, it only gives more weight to a legal suit against her.
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Chatty Member
These ideas are brilliant.

The brand name could be (I paid for it)

Has a Destiny’s child Independent Woman vibe and echoes Maybelline ‘Maybe She’s Born with it’
Maybe she paid for it: I paid for it
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