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under the ivy

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So I’ve just read her piece on the BBC News app. I really don’t like the suggestion that she (and others) thinks we are sad, nasty individuals with no value in our life. What a superiority complex to have - and that’s why people talk about her. The same way you would if your boss or friend acted this way.
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But the things that do get questioned (her honest USP & the conflict of interest between claiming to be an impartial journalist & being an influencer) are a very sore point for her. Partly because I suspect she hasn’t reconciled the issue herself - she wants her cake & to eat it too.
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Regarding "Becky", isn't it most unusual that she was afraid of Tattlers finding out info on her but had no issue meeting the person who responded "yes, literally" to Eric Joyce asking if she had our addresses. And someone who was creepily liking photos of peoples kids on Facebook?
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I liked Sali’s column this week and absolutely love Eyeko’s Lash Alert.
I’m sorry, Baroo, but this level of positive comment is unacceptable. Your post will therefore self-destruct in 60 seconds. 💥

[sarcastic font]
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I think it is too! I do wear makeup and colour my hair, but it was never a choice made freely. I'd love it if women decided that they might actually feel like doing a bit less of this stuff now (if they want).

I was saying to my husband the other day that it'd be an amazing thing in societal terms if women all basically stopped wearing high heels and Spanx, and stuff like that. (Again, no judgement to anybody who does because I've done all of this myself, but only because I felt there was no alternative.) Armies and armies of comfortable women :D .
Well, serendipitous timing! I've just seen this
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"I am done engaging with you"
WTF does that even mean? I thought she didn't engage with us trolls anyway?
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I'll raise my hand and say that whilst some of you enjoy dressing up and putting on a face and find it relaxing, I never did. I never paid attention to what I wore or how to play with colour and light on my face. I found it all too complicated and still do to a certain extent. I freely admit that I am performing my femininity and have grown up in a world where I've been objectified by society, by men, by women, whether they know it or not, whether I know it or not. I'm not buying the nuface and using it every night because of the meditative ritual. I'm not googling the cost of fillers because I enjoy it. Sure some rituals can become meditative for me, but I do these things because my face and body are changing and I don't like it. And because we still live in a society that tells us that youth and beauty are more valued than the character, soul, creativity and knowledge of women. That we women still exist in a world to cater to and catered for the patriarchy. A capitalist patriarchy (fillers and skin care is NOT affordable to all). And I do all this knowing this and simultaneously trying to fight it both within me and out there in the world. It ain't easy.
Completely agree! This is what I meant when i said for me wearing make up and enjoying clothes and tacky gold jewellery are decisions I don't consider feminist as they are not my free choice. I partly (mostly) do it due to social conditioning and the attached vanity/social status issues related to that.

This is only my own personal view and I accept that everyone feels differently on this matter.

Completely agree! This is what I meant when i said for me wearing make up and enjoying clothes and tacky gold jewellery are decisions I don't consider feminist as they are not my free choice. I partly (mostly) do it due to social conditioning and the attached vanity/social status issues related to that. While simultaneously enjoying the processes and products. :rolleyes:

This is only my own personal view and I accept that everyone feels differently on this matter.
Laughing at IK giving out hair product advice. NO THANKS LOVE.
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I don't follow Sali or this thread either (though her insta video was what brought me to tattle in the first place), but I can believe 'Becky' said all that - it's quite normal when you're sitting in front of someone to say what you think they want to hear, especially if you're being asked leading questions. It really is a proper failure of journalism that fact checking seems to have gone out the window and depending on your follower size you can write pretty much what you want to write, regardless of its basis in reality, and it will get reported as truth.
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I agree @Toomuch ... the worst thing is we’re talking about someone who promotes makeup and skincare (and now clothes - Hush partnership) as having a stronghold within the establishment and media (BBC). Imagine what it’s like with really serious subjects ...... oh wait they get buried like the Eric Joyce stuff which is in the public interest .
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If you repeat something often enough, the perception is that it is true. She has to reinforce the ‘Trolls of Tattle’ line (even though trolling has a different meaning) because of the Freaky Friday meltdown. If instead she backed down the whole narrative falls apart & people will realise SHE’S the troll (threatening to dox people, stalking/liking pics of people’s kids on FB, cancelling Lauren Lukes, being vile to Esther Coren & Dawn O’Porter on Twitter). What Sali fails to realise is that people come here to see for themselves & the scales drop from their eyes. Nothing happens here that she hasn’t done herself.
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It's so bizarre to me that these people (e.g IK) go straight to calling us ugly or jealous. They have literally no idea what we look like and no appreciation of how much fun we have here just chatting, shitposting and sharing beauty recs.

Also this is a mixed thread TBF, lots of criticism but also a fair amount of compliments and credit where it's due so not much need for a separate rave thread. We're so bloody evenhanded and reasonable! Grrr!

Also -
Capitalism sure is a wild ride.
In the Graun this morning - a £170 candle, or £340 for all three recs 😄 Read the (scent curated, candle lit) room, Funmi!

View attachment 264651
That's bloody horrible. People are losing their jobs left, right and centre or are scraping by on furlough payments and our so called liberal voice newspaper is shilling us £170 candles. Yeah, let's just go and spend our monthly shop money on a scented candle. They've come a long way since its Manchester Guardian socialist roots.
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We raised eyebrows at her big March meal out and at her Greek holiday. Not even slightly sorry about it. She should have stayed at home.
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She’s at it again...

View attachment 247457

Who - apart from influencers - does this actually apply to? With NHS/care home etc staff ramping up for the next peak, I find this twattle hugely insensitive.
Does she honestly think working from home is some kind of holiday? If anything, people work from home harder because they probably stay logged in longer than they usually would because of no commute. And they don't want to be seen as slacking off. Not to mention those who have children at home and have to juggle that too
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Come to think of it I think Sali went to see Becky and the Sewer Rats do a very early set in Camden when she was 14. Someone weed on her Doc Martins but she was enjoying it so much she didn’t even care.
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I feel like this is a real own goal by Sali.

In the short term she may get some fawning support, but, long term, it will only serve to spike people’s interest in Tattle and bring more people here a la her Freaky Friday video.

Ultimately, she’s only going to drive more traffic here and I don’t understand why she would want to do that?
This is exactly right. I’m only here due to her video. I was curious to see what had been written, was prepared to feel outraged on her behalf. I found nothing like what she said was here, but I *did* read a lot of nasty stuff that she herself had done, and that I didn’t know about. I think that’s partly why this thread keeps going.
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