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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Completely agree. I can remember that being a bit thing in her forum too, particularly in regards to make up. People constantly quoting "And I wore ALL the make up"

Honestly when I look back at GTL and SHB, the amount of brainwashing is actually unbelievable.
People were probably (literally) almost bankrupting themselves while Sali was getting all of her 'recommendations' for nothing.
I actually remember one lady flying over from a different country just to get her hair cut at Hershesons.
So many stories like that on these threads. Yet the response would be (and actually has been by some on twitter not long ago about here) -
'well nobody held a gun against your head'
'you are an adult with free will'
'boohoo buying stuff you didn't need'
'Ooh Sali Hughes forced me to buy something I couldn't afford'
'Yes I walked into a car showroom and ordered a car I couldn't afford because Sali told me to. Lol'.

Which of course is absolutely true and nobody is denying that. I don't think anyone blames SH, they blame themselves for falling for it all. I know I do. It doesn't take into account a variety of reasons one person falls for the tricks in an influencer's arsenal, while another remains immune. That is where the shame element comes in that so many people have mentioned. Not anger against her or other influencers but personal shame.
In my case it started back in the early days of her FB group (which I really did love then). I *think* there was soft selling going on then (eg Whistles, Hershesons) and also linking in with the column. I obviously can't prove this and no doubt it would be dismissed as the ravings of a conspiracy theorist.
Again if I purchased a product through it then that was my free choice and entirely my decision. Not saying otherwise.
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Chatty Member
Dear god...she's so sanctimonious, isn't she? And of course she already knows someone who has died of the coronavirus. OF COURSE she does.

The current coronavirus death rate equates to approx 1 in 158,000 of the UK population. The population of Brighton is approx 230,000. But OF COURSE, SH knows someone already who has died. They were probably the very first individual, so ahead of all trends is dear Sally...ffs.
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After tonight it's even more dumbfounding that she thought it was ok. The PM of our country basically said he'd asked nicely but people weren't listening. Or maybe Sali eating out was just to keep the food and drink industry ticking over until the Chancellor had a chance to get things sorted. Thanks Sal.
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So far I've only watched the primer bit of her latest video - I found 2 things baffling: 1. the assumption that most women wouldn't use the same primer every day (I mean, I probably live behind a rock, but most women I know don't use primer at all, and if they do they only have one) and 2. she wouldn't rely on the SPF primer for sun protection - but didn't she say the other week she sometimes gets her only SPF from foundation?
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Speaking of friends I'm sure I've shared this with you all before but hey ho.

A few years ago I was out for an office leaving do dinner and there were about 20 of us. I was quite dressed up and had made an effort. Anyway at some point my friend shouted down the table to me apropos nothing - 'Jelly you could have such a pretty face if only you had Botox and a different hairstyle'. Awkward silence all round with people then looking at me closely saying 'but she doesn't need Botox etc' with my friend then pointing out exactly where I needed it. I have rarely been so upset and humiliated. Bizarrely we are still friends. She did one of those 'I was so drunk I don't remember a thing about last night' things.
Years later I still have not had it but those words do ring in my ears sometimes. It is hard I think to not look at your aging face as something shameful.
Also I wonder if I had lots of money would I do it? Is a sign of wealth and freebies a smooth shiney face? While we peasants fight over bog roll in Tesco's with our beefy wrinkly faces?
Not quite on the same level but years ago at a fancy black tie office do, I was asked by someone "why are you not wearing fake tan, you'd be so much better if you did" and someone else said "yes next time you'll have to get properly dolled up with fake tan". I love my pale skin and think fake tan looks ridiculous on pale skins. I sometimes think that pressure comes from other women and not men.
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This looks completely ridiculous. It’s of her own making, but to end up needing to state that you paid for your own dinner... 🙄


And all to avoid actually following the regulations properly...
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Broadly speaking, I’d say Sali is currently winning the competition for being the most obnoxious social media idiot with an opinion she’s convinced we all need to hear .
It is a crowded field but I think I have to agree with you.
The trouble is too many people at home with time on their hands. Surely there must be some films from the 80s that urgently need watching?
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The desperate Heresehons advertorial to secure her continued freebies. The hide of her. I bet she discussed it with him prior too. This crisis will make it clear to anyone still under their spell that influencers are just in-your-face cogs in the capitalist wheel. They serve no useful purpose beyond that. In the wake of all this devastation, are they just going to continue making vacuous videos about the latest product designed to separate you from your money? Would they dare?

Did that Guardian writer really draw on wartime propaganda to flog high-end lipstick as somehow essential?
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I'm so glad I've been told to buy some plastic miniatures instead of reusing LITERALLY ANYTHING UNDER 100ml when we're about to become Quarantine Island and never fly anywhere ever again. What about some intensive moisturiser recommendations for all the handwashing? Got meathooks like sandpaper here!
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Wot? 🤪 Why on earth does this need stating? Who is going to confuse it with blood serum? Is this an attempt to sound science-y?

The indolent? :ROFLMAO: She is so ridiculously pompous
Imagine being SO BOTHERED by the mere thought of pedantic knob heads leaving “actually I think you’ll find serum is medical term referring to a blood component” comments that you waste so much of your word count getting in ahead of them. It goes to show how attuned she is to criticism no matter how inconsequential and irrelevant. Or even imagined. Explains a lot.

And her writing is so overwrought, it’s painful to read. Like this

“If, however, you fear hand cream texture, or are lucky enough to have winter hands that don’t appear wrapped in parma ham and need only moderate help, I love Neutrogena’s Fast-Absorbing Hand Cream(£4.19), though that’s not to be confused with their classic, concentrated formula, the presence of which is, at least for me, impossible either to forget or ignore.”

How does one ignore a hand cream?
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Chatty Member
This belter of a product, called Scandaleyes Volume On Demand Mascara (£7.99;, may well be wasted on the young.
Going back a page or two, but this mascara is the shit. It's so good if you love a very mascara-y mascara (that description is why I don't have a beauty column).
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Chatty Member
There is a double edge to the beauty industry. One side is all 'It's great and empowering and fun to make the best of yourself', but the other side is debt, competitiveness and obligation. Behind the dark side is all the knotty stuff we don't like to consider: oppression, vanity, female solidarity, racial preference, gender stereotypes, environmental destruction, animal testing etc.

The centre of it all is taking female normality and then shaming us for being that way. Leg hair, periods, fat, menopause etc, but at the heart of of it is aging.

It's one thing to adorn the body, which is joyful and fun, but anything obliterating female normality is oppressive. Hair dye becomes an expensive faff, let alone the pain and side effects of injectables - these are 'obliterating' how we are, not adding. That's why we're conflicted about them.
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She tends to write the same thing over and over again, remember the line about Chanel no 5 being like a loaded pistol in her knickers
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Chatty Member
Such a good point. I'm in the same dilemma. My daughter's birthday next week and she has asked for the L' Occitane almond shower oil and body oil (
You can get this from Feel Unique and a few department stores - JL, HoF, Debenhams and M&S all stock it. Good luck with the present buying!

For anyone thinking about doing a big boots shop. Just went on their website (or tried to anyway) and they have a queuing system in place 😣

On the issue of key workers.. my sister is one (frontline) and I'm worried about her.

The cheering and clapping last night was a genuinely lovely gesture and not to take away from that *but* I think being properly resourced and renumerated right now would mean a lot for key workers.
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So how long before she complains that the beefy skidders are still bitching* about her even in the midst of a global pandemic?

* ie attempting to hold her to account/puzzling over her ethics/sharing tips.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
She still doesn't get it does she on Twitter? She was at the forefront of minimising the importance of staying in your house. We were told this on Monday and she went out for a meal on Tuesday. She only went on later to explain the circumstances and that it was probably safe, but originally just left it hanging that it was good to support local businesses.
If people had heeded the warnings nearly a week ago and taken them seriously we might just not be in such deep shit as we are now.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Before Sali tries to say she never said hyaluronic acid is some sort of skin panacea, let’s remind ourselves exactly what was said:

“If you buy only one serum your whole life (and I use the word as the common cosmetics term for thin, viscous skincare treatments, never in the altogether different biological sense), make it a combination of hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. Both ingredients benefit everyone of any age, skin type and skin concern, depending on concentration.
Hyaluronic acid is a no-brainer: it clashes with no other ingredient, aggravates no one (it’s present throughout the body to keep joints, eyeballs and other moving parts well lubricated) and holds water in the skin for a plumper, healthier-looking appearance.”
Oh lord. So the research shows it can inflame - but SH actually said it 'aggravates no one'.
Of course she would argue, quite rightly, that she did not know. But there it is - she did not know.
It is the cult of more and more products wandering away from natural that have done this. Plus the unknown results of people putting a cocktail of relatively new things on their skin to tackle more and more 'problems' experts and influencers identify.
We need to move away from the insidious cult that a line or wrinkle is a horrible thing to be tackled harshly. Acids, Botox, injectables - wft are we doing to ourselves?
If men came up with this shit and said we should do it we would rightly be up in arms at being told advised to be a Stepford Wife.
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What is this interesting bedtime activity? 🤔 But it'd better not involve a Tory because my stomach isn't that strong.
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