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Chatty Member
Surely that tik tok account of E2's is enough evidence for social services to realise something is horribly wrong in that house?!
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E2’s TikTok/reposts just prove how absolutely traumatised all the kids are from having this lifestyle forced upon them…. when children have depression it’s hard to point the finger at someone but in this case 100000% Anna and Jonathan are to blame for this. Imagine being content knowing your 10 yr old child is reposting things about suicide? Anna even follows that account so is aware of all that stuff they’re reposting and STILL puts up content of E2 (and all the kids).
All she cares about is being skinny, being rich and her lapdog Matt sucking up to her.
Those kids need to be taken off them.
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Poor emilia thrown to the side yet again
The As both have a sports day and everyone's getting ready for that only for anna to mention that Emilia also had sports day and it would be super difficult to do both she supposedly told them its fine she would support the "babies" instead.

Yes the planning wouldn't have been ideal bit that's the last year she will have a sports day with her friends before she starts somewhere new
But let's blow that off to support the younger ones at a school they just started at.

I do get it with the As being younger it's expected parents would go to theirs but Emilia is already so pushed out and E2 is the star she fades into the background.

I'll bet if matt went anna would have gone in a flash
Why didn't Jonathan go to one sports day and Anna go to the other? They're both at home all day, that's what most parents with kids at different schools do.
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I don't like judging kids, but does anyone else feel like Alessia's speech isn't really advanced enough for her age? It seems like even Andrea can enunciate better (though he also seems a bit delayed). Maybe it's just because she seems very shy?

It's just a stark contrast because I just watched Zoe and Alfie's vlogs and their daughter Ottie is already pronouncing and speaking more clearly than Alessia despite being a toddler (she is 2 or 3 I think)
Yeah I noticed this too I think A1 and A2 are a bit behind for their ages they seem mentally stunted and their motor skills are sadly not at the level they should be from what I have seen of them but of course none of that is their fault poor kids. A2 is treated like he’s a 2 year old and the two of them eat like babies food all over their faces , hands and sometimes on the floor too. Like you said their speech isn’t advanced enough for their age and I feel bad for them because they have the most useless parents who do nothing to truly help and support their kids to help them to develop and grow cause Jonathan is too busy being addicted to TikTok and Anna is addicted to Matt.
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Where’s the discussion and advice from her ? No where.

Buy pink glittery clothes and waving a trans flag isn’t bringing visibility, it’s just crass.
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Family of 6 morning routine & the thumbnail is A&J brushing the A’s teeth.

Why won’t they learn? They have been warned for literally years against posting that content.
This is totally done on purpose.
Deliberately serving your children on a silver platter to pweirdos should be a jailable offense.
They have learned, it’s why they do it. Anything to get some extra clicks and money, no matter who is watching or why….
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Seeing Anna's massive bowls of healthy meals whilst the kids are in the background with chocolate around their chops by 8am. Tragic really.
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Its pretty obvious that anna is in the depths of her ED again. The showing off her midriff in every single clip, the constant what i eat in a day videos to prove to everyone that she is eating when she’s probably skipping meals…. She needs to get off social media and recover and look after her kids mental health before its too late
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Tell me you read here, without telling me you read here, Anna…

“Social media exists whether you want it to or not, this is the world that they grow up in. I also think the more you restrict something, the more they’re just gonna want to do it behind your back. The kids tell my husband and me everything, there’s no secrets, we know everything that’s going on. Probably more than what most parents know. No one’s afraid they’re going to get in trouble. That’s just how we operate.”

You can restrict your child’s screen time, by saying no, setting boundaries, and not allowing them to have computers, with no parental controls, in their bedroom. I get a lot of kids want phones, but again, you can say no! Personally, mine didn’t have a mobile until they started high school. The fact that both parents are addicted to social media, doesn’t mean they’re experts. If they had any care about what they’ve accessing, they wouldn’t be allow to have social media until they’re old enough, and certainly wouldn’t be leaving up perverted comments, knowing they can access these.
Parenting isn’t about aspiring to be your child’s best friend, you bc actually have to parent, set boundaries, listen to your children, not parade around wearing clothes that an 11 year old wears, waving a flag, that 5 years ago, you couldn’t give a shit about.
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Even if it’s for attention it’s still heartbreaking, like a child at the age of 10 shouldn’t even have to do that kind of thing to get his parents attention… the attention shouldn’t have been lacking in the first place (and I mean real attention and love, not just shoving a camera in his face and pretending to care for views).
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"Every parents evening we've bypassed the academic stuff and gone straight to the child's emotional well-being" Tell me again how you don't care about your child's education. Both of course is important, but it seems like they put a huge emphasis on 'how do you feel', and not on whether or not they are doing OK in school. It's why they have now kept E2 out of school for so long, because it suits them with the filming schedule, and E2 probably prefers it, too.....getting all the attention and the extras.

Not caring about your child's academic achievements is not the brag you think it is, Anna.
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400 pounds is serious weekly food budget when u take into account daily meet ups with gay Matt..
Looks like they are minted again these days. Jono is driving around a Bentley of all cars as well as a Tesla and Anna her own expensive car.

£400 groceries each week along with multiple trips to Starbucks, lunch and cake in expensive brighton and reigate, multiple takeaways a week along with paying off a mortgage, utilities, thousands of pounds per child in private schools, dog walker, cleaner, personal assistants, nail and wax appointments and even a body full of tattoos. Tattoos are expensive too and Jono has well I lost count how many!

That isn’t even all the expenses the children are in all sorts of extra curriculars and Jono is splurging hundreds on each child in these videos he’s been doing. They must be multi millionaires and I can see how they would have been a few years ago in their prime but how have they sustained it? It does anger me to see it when I would say majority of us on here are barely scraping by yet working 9-5s.

*Edit to add:

I saw a comment Anna replied to on her grocery shop video that annoyed me and proves how much of a privileged bubble she is living in. Someone commented £400 was a lot for her family each week and she replied to say that the other families she knows spend the same.

Firstly what other families do you know you have no friends bar one and he was married to a very wealthy man. Secondly, you live in an upper class community and are surrounded by wealthy families in private schools who only shop M&S, Ocado and can afford to buy organic. £400 is unrealistic for most of us some of us with even bigger families so we are shopping in Tesco and Lidl. I suppose that’s beneath you.
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Same old drivel. Comments are all calling her out as usual, telling her it's unnecessary. Someone asked "wheres Jonathan?" and she said "in bed with us 😂". It's actually really disturbing to see her churning out the same content again and again just to stir up hatred. This is no ally of the LGBTQA+ community.

View attachment 2994480
My blood boils…

This is up there with one of the worst things they have done regarding their children imo.

Anna couldn’t give two genuine fcks about E2 (or any of her offspring for that matter) and appears to be the child she gets along with the least yet she parades around exploiting their apparent identity. This in itself should be a crime.

Her child is crying out for help, evidently feels unseen by their own parents yet the parents turn a blind eye and instead exploit them it makes me sick to my core. I simply cannot put into words how disgusting their behaviour is. Jono was always the worse in my eyes but this witch on another level at this current moment.

Can’t anything be done to take these ‘parents’ down a few pegs?
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I agree but it seems A&J can pretty much do what they like without any consequences.

I would put money on Jono being behind these accounts. :sick:
Of course he is. E2 is too young to feel sexual attraction to anyone, let alone be confident in his attraction to other males.

The only person that gets off on the idea of a little boy, dressed as a little girl sexually attracted to boys is the grown up pervert father who admits to getting thrills as a boy himself wearing his sister's knickers.

This once again Is Jono playing out his sick fantasies about little boys, under the cover of being an "LGBTQ ally" to his "trans daughter".
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I don't understand the pasta swimming in butter meal week after week. Just add a jar of store bought sauce and E2 would probably eat it. And it would not take Anna any more time away from her boyfriend.
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I 💯 agree that the children are living on a household with a lot of issues. However, I don’t think social services would intervene. They’ve clearly been called before as Jonny made a joke about them being friends with social services.
We see things and if were to believe wests on edie tiktok, they’re struggling with their general health lot.
If you wrote it down, a lot of it is their parenting choice, filming schedules, constant unsupervised screen time, provocative attitudes, limiting their eating. We know there’s way more to it, but proving their are issues that need investigation, would be tricky
I taught in a school with a LOT of children with SS involvement and also a few LAC children (children in care) There were children who were coming to school in soiled clothes, that they’d slept in for days and didn’t eat until they came to school the next day. Not because their parents couldn’t afford to feed and bathe them, sadly because they were spending their money on drugs and alcohol (I know it’s an addiction as I’m a nurse now working with addicts) Social services visited abd found the children were sleeping on a shared mattress, no bedding or bed, which was covered in human and animal shit. There were dangerous electric cables hanging off the wall, and the children weren’t cared for. What happened? Nothing. Kids stayed at home with a “promise” they’d make changes. We were told to “make notes” if they came in unkempt looking, and tell SS. Which happened again and again and it took months for anything to be done. Another child was found at home, living with his mum and her partner, he was drinking and eating out of the dog food/water bowl and again, in soiled clothes. There are multiple stories like this.
There are great social workers who do all they can for the children, but often their hands are tied. They didn’t even have time to check in on a family that were being fostered. It wasn’t until I put in a formal complaint about the foster mother and her family that anything was done. This particular child had been physically and sexually abused by her dad and gone into foster care. The carer didn’t care for her, to a standard she should have been- in it for the money. The child was eventually given back to her mum and writhing 2 weeks back in care.
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I’m watching E1 (is that what we call her? Correct me if I’m wrong) leaving primary vlog, and firstly I think she seems like a lovely well rounded gal who knows who she is, secondly I like that J was willing to write an email to get her out of swimming every week, and let her not go in on the day when all the others went to their secondary school settle days so she wouldn’t be alone.
I know he has many faults but I think he does advocate well for his kids sometimes.
Emilia said she 'can't swim', so why is it a good thing her dad wrote her an email every week to get her out of swimming lessons....?? Why would someone who claims to have been a swim instructor not want his child to learn how to swim properly?
Not liking something is not a good enough excuse, especially with swimming as that is a life skill.
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Not sure about Erika, but I do remember Anna saying she was annoyed that she never got a big coming out from Emma. She felt like she'd missed out on that. She never went to her wedding, unlike Erika and their mum.
Anna 'you have to leave the house every day' Saccone could not manage to fly out on her own.
Screams raging narcissist if you ask me! People shouldn’t have to ‘come out’ and members of the lgbtq* community don’t owe straight folk anything. I have never known a family so focused on labels which is laughable as jono went on to attack that Irish radio host for innocently asking what he and his child identified as. I still can’t believe he got away with queer baiting hundreds of thousands of people and even the media all in a bid to try sell a book seeing as the money was running dry SMH
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E2's screensaver pictures of himself as a little boy on his mobile phone is telling. I may be looking into it more than it may mean, but here are my thoughts. I know he's only 10 but I feel he is doing a lot of reflecting of his earlier childhood and looking back. I feel he is searching for answers about himself, confused and questioning how he got to this point and is in a dark place. I think as he gets older he is painting a picture and connecting the dots, things are starting to surface in his mind if this is where he really wants to be with his gender identity, and starting to question what role his parents played and how he got here, coupled with some of the images and disturbing and concerning comments he liked, reposted and posted on his TikTok shown on here the other week, there is a lot going on with him, to say the least.

He may be putting all the pieces together of when he was a toddler til now, and realising, liking what Emilia liked growing up, may have been just that, liking to play dress ups together and just him copying his big sister. That it may all have been just a phase and it was just him copying his sister and not a true indicator that has transformed his life thus far, groomed by his parents. Plus the fact Anna and Jonathan only pushed ‘girl toys’ onto him and didn’t buy ‘boy toys’ for him at the time.

I feel he is carrying a lot in his head and so many thoughts are swirling round that is eating up at him and needs help, but too scared to reach out to anyone because of his parents, and who knows what they have said to him behind the scenes to make him feel guilty and frightened if he spills any secrets about them. I bet they have said to him along the way and drummed into him, 'things will get taken away from the whole family if things change, bad things will happen, look at all the perks you are getting, and all the things you can buy and get given to you....

Similar to when Anna said to Stacey in the SD documentary, “don’t you like having nice things” "don't you like what we can give you and living this lifestyle and the things we can afford”. I fear this may be the case.

J & A have a lot to answer for. I hope he makes them pay one day for what they have done to him.
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