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All these "fan" accounts are definitely grown men pretending to be kids... Anna and Jonathan should protect Edie but they won't. It's really sad to see.
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Anna suddenly realising that having lots of dogs of the same age might not be a good idea. I wish them lots of expensive vet bills.
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In Anna's vlog today

According to Anna, Wednesday's is Tortellini with butter night for the kids and said it is their favourite except for E2, he doesn't like it, and Emilia only likes Tortellini with grated cheese ontop without the butter. So, really her Tortellini with butter dish is only liked by Alessia and Andrea. So, it's really not all the kids favourite, then.

Anna’s rule is when one of the kids don't like something she 'cooks' which in this case was throwing a packet of Tortellini in boiling water and putting a splodge lump of butter in a bowl and mixing that lump of butter around with the pasta. I feel ill just thinking about it and also how bland it would taste and the thought of having butter right out of the butter dish spooned into their bowl with gluggy pasta and how that would actually taste and feel like eating, ugh. No wonder the E's aren't a fan.

But my gripe is, not only is she inflexible if one or two out of the four do not like that particular meal, and think, maybe I should make something perhaps they will all like, but it's also that she said to E2

“if she want's something different she has to sort it out herself, I think that's fair. I don't want to be that parent that makes multiple meals for different people. So that person has sort themselves out"

What!!! She doesn’t want to be that parent?! What parent?! She doesn’t know how to parent, that’s first of all, and second, is that she thinks that's fair that a 10 year old has to sort himself out to find something to eat himself?!!! She has got an absolute nerve to make her child sort it out and work out another meal! And what also irks me is that she won't budge on her "Tortellini Wednesday"! If it's not liked by all her children, time to move on and introduce a new Wednesday night meal ffs's and make something else! It's not that hard! Not expect her kid to "sort it out themselves" because of her laziness and no fucks given attitude! Plus, she also made an excuse she had to do some "brand stuff, work/editing" to do that night. She could of done it during the day instead of spending it with Matt. And what's that got to do with anything, it's a meal for one of your kids, that's more important! And it's not as though she's catering for an event for 100 people!

Also... that child she won't make a different meal for is the kid that is bringing in coin for them and keeping them afloat and is working nonstop! I think they deserve a meal they like!

And mind you, again, she's been out all day with Matt swanning around the shops and eating a gourmet dish for brunch/lunch at a cafe, plus that same evening her and Jonathan had a takeout delivery from one of their favourite places enjoying another meal to her liking, but E2 has to sort himself out and had to resort to a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich, that has been given to them daily as a constant lunch since they were babies!

No, Anna, your the 'parent' you sort it out!!

(I use the term parent very loosely)
i can completely understand parents who don't want to cook multiple meals because they don't have time or whatever, but anna has literally all the time in the world- she just doesn't care about anyone but herself and spending time with matt :rolleyes:
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Nah, she’ll never leave Jonathan they have a ‘brand’ to protect, they are in it together. Their cash cows they are exploiting are bringing in an income, that supersedes making a move with Matt and having his 3 more children to ‘look after’ on top of the 4 kids she already has. She would never survive without her crooked husband to shoulder her. She gets her Matt fix through out the week and still goes to cafes, shops and all sorts of outings together, enough not to disrupt hers and Jonathan’s ‘business’ exploiting their kids.
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Here’s a screenshot from a TikTok video from E2 of a message of a link from one of E2’s online friends. I thought I would just share what they have been sharing with a 10 year old. Have no idea what this means, but doesn’t look too good. I’m only posting this out of welfare/general concern. I don’t know what E2 is being exposed to and I don’t know how old the person who sent this to them is either.
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And what opportunity does her 10 year old have to sort out their own dinner? Does not have money to buy food, no shops around, and can't cook. Such a great mum.
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E2’s tiktok posts and reposts are very concerning…. anyone of any age posting that stuff it’s sad and worrying to see but especially seeing a 10 year old post all of that!! judging from everything on E2’s TikTok the poor child sounds extremely unhappy and depressed. E2 is talking to strangers online messaging them which is so dangerous and should not of happened in the first place but Anna and Jonathan are two self absorbed to properly look out for their kids and be good responsible parents. The conversations E2 is having with people online are extremely inappropriate how do Anna and Jonathan think this is ok for their child to talk to strangers? Anna follows E2 she sees this going on but I guess because they have exploited their kids to strangers their whole lives that’s why they think this is ok, shame on them!!

E2 being sent messages no child should be seeing and responding to and it’s dangerous and scary that a 10 year old is able to do all of this because Anna and Jonathan couldn’t care less they aren’t supervising what e2 is doing online they allow e2 to have access to everything online. They are awful parents and are doing nothing to keep their kids safe! E2 is definitely addicted to social media and the phone. Very weird how Matt follows e2 and sees those posts and think it’s normal to be following a child and for a child to be posting that stuff? I know Matt isn’t E2’s parent so even if he was concerned which he obviously isn’t as he’s happily following E2 but it’s not like Matt would be able to do much to stop it cause Anna and Jonathan are the parents they are the ones who are responsible for e2 and his siblings but they really don’t care and they’ve never cared cause anyone who exploits their kids is a terrible person who only cares about what they can gain from it which is attention and money.

It doesn’t shock me they don’t care cause I know what type of people they are they are awful but at the same I can’t wrap my head around how it doesn’t upset them and concern them the things their child is posting. This is all Anna and Jonathan’s fault! they never deserved to be parents and I can’t wait until karma pays a visit to the two of them.
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E2 has another TikTok account. Came up on my FYP. No 10 Yr old should have access to TikTok. It's a toxic social media platform.
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I swear Anna never labelled herself as a ‘trans mom’ until Matt came along. It’s like she thinks that having that label will bring her closer to Matt.
The thing is Anna, it’s not your identity, it’s your child’s! And they could literally change their mind at any point over the next few years. Then what? It’s all over the internet for everyone at their school, uni, workplace to see… forever! They’re ruining that kid’s life.
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A1 can actually be fairly well spoken, Anna kept in a clip of A1&2 in the car whilst she nipped back into the house and A1 was speaking clearly then, but because Anna insists on babying them they both often put on a baby voice, which yeah kids do at times but with A1&2 it's pretty much constant whenever they are around Anna.
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in his latest tiktok Jonno has got E1 wearing a really tight crop top.

she looks uncomfortable for most of it, by turns adopting a 'shoulders hunched forward' pose, wearing a cardboard box over her head and upper body, and consistently wearing her long hair arranged so that it covers her chest.

still, if it wasn't for these videos we wouldn't have nice things etc, eh kids?
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I can't believe anna had the guts to film the latest video every word of it is a blatant lie
There not bothered about the academic side of the kids only care about their emotional wellbeing said the parents who use their kids to make a living and pulled E2 out of school to spend all day filming content, enjoy scaring the kids causing pain and fueling bullies should they not cooperate.
They raised kind children to seek out lonely kids
Ermm she's mentioned before about Andrea's violent tendencies and the As flashing themselves and the fact that next to noone visits their house anymore bar liv.

And this one is the biggest lie she encourages the kids away from screens to go outside as a family she hates spending time with anyone other than matt no way would she voluntarily spend time with them and
Is all about balanced snacks
She literally shoves chocolate cereals, spreads, brioches, and desserts infront of them every meal.
Very rarely is fruit offered instead.
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Seriously? she really needs to stop filming her awful workouts.. this is not an example for anyone working out.. 🥴

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Chatty Member
I just skimmed through the latest Youtube video, it was a 100 years of birthdays, and I honestly just feel pity for Edie and anger at Jonothan. It was just me being annoyed thinking that instead of being in school that day and being 'home-educated,' Edie is making all these crappy videos instead of actually getting an education. I am not even against homeschooling as it does suit some children, but it is evident that this was not done for Edie's sake or education, but it was just a reason to keep them at home the whole time to make content for her dad as there is no other kids to mess up the videos. You would think that with how much time it could have taken to make this video for all the different challenges Edie had to do for prizes, it could have been used for educational purposes.

I do wonder how much time is spend on education a day in Edie's homeschooling. I wouldn't be surprised if it was for an hour or two a day, and that would be with the tutor. Jonathan and Anna are failing to prepare Edie for the real world and life outside their bubble. I don't know if Jonathan and Edie as well are expecting to get a role on a tv series or film in Edie's stage career after some weekend drama school and until then, they are going to need to exploit Edie online and cross their fingers to hope that something will fall in their laps.
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Let's us assume that the reposts are mostly for attention. But the chats, it made me cry. I, as a middle aged woman, could never handle the rude comment till this day. E2 is facing the harshest and nastiest comments from homophobic/haters. And his response is even unbelievable, the swear words and replies. Children below 18 shouldn't even have DM open for chats. This means that people, especially pedos, have found that E2 has un-superviswd account
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You better werk

Chatty Member
I have an 11 year old girl who's doing swimming this term who is also going through puberty and she loves doing swimming, in fact there's not one child who 'gets out' of it in her class. It's not really a 'i don't fancy it's sort of lesson. Girls in her class are even wearing the period swim suits so that's not even an excuse.
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I am not on tiktok it's banned in my country, but here are some comments on Jonathan's channel, i couldn't take any more because few were disgusting. Few grown men calling E2 cute and that they love him is ultra creepy


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She has just alienated a large chunk of her long time loyal audience whether she meant to or not with that out of touch weekly shop video.

A quick search on Ocado, that bird seed is one of the most expensive (I did her trick and filtered high to low and I’m pretty sure she gets through one of those almost weekly iirc) £38 or giving her the benefit of the doubt £22.50 just on bird seed is ridiculous especially when she always “accidentally” buys the big bag.
22.50 just on bird seed?! almost every week? 😮 birds get fed better than the kids
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So she started doing the what I eat Wednesdays again because her viewers kept asking for her to bring them back... now I could be wrong here but I can't be bothered going back through her videos but I am like 90% sure that in the past she had mentioned that they made her ED worse.

Now I know someone in real life who has struggled with an ED and was dangerously skinny with it, during that time she would CONSTANTLY share pictures of large meals and as soon as she gained weight after having a baby those pictures stopped, unfortunately recently I noticed that she had started sharing pictures of large meals again; only for my mum to tell me that she had slipped back in to her ED.
I think it is quite common for those who struggle with an ED to share their "meals" so it looks like they are eating, but in reality they might be taking a couple of bites.

I hope this makes sense- I've not had any sleep so my brain is mush and I think I've just word vomited.
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Matt is there only for attention. He is wee bit of a fruitcake, doesn't seem to have much common sense. All he wants is to date
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