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:sick: :sick:


Get an effing grip you weirdo…put some pants on! A father of 3 kids posing on the internet in his jocks! Real classy! What’s he trying to prove doing this?! It proves he’s a desperate weirdo wanting attention and embarrassing his kids! Mission accomplished!

And Matt’s post in his jocks is Liked by Anna, why am I not surprised! She must be getting her thrills when she’s got topless Jonathan in his stinky shorts as the option, anything looks good!

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In Anna's vlog, did anyone else see the side eye annoyed look Emilia gave Anna when she waved a rainbow/lgbtq flag infront of Emilia's face when she was in the car being picked up from school, and then asked her if she wanted to go to pride, to which Emilia replied “No”

I don't think it was a look or response from Emilia that was untoward towards the LGBTQ+ community, per say. To me, it was more a look of annoyance more aimed at her mum, she looked fed up, like she was saying...stop with your phoney fake act and all the over the top put on for the camera, because after Anna did that Emilia looked down at the camera to see if it was recording, and it was, she knew there and then it was all staged and planned for the camera to get a reaction from Emilia.

I thought Anna did a real disservice to Emilia by showing that clip, it wasn’t a fair play on Anna’s part. Poor Emilia just got out of school probably tired and had a full on day and here’s Anna camera on, front and centre, being the most annoying person she could be!

Emilia's tolerence of her mum's immature behaviour & fake and performative act is getting on Emilia's last nerve, i have noticed here and there in Anna's vlogs, it’s obvious, Emilia ain’t having it, who can blame her!

Today she looked like she had a gutful. She knows that her mum is phoney and this new role of her pretending to be a LGBTQ+ ally is all for the camera and because of Matt's influence and feigned support for E2.

I actually thought Anna shouldn't have included that clip in the vlog, because it makes Emilia look like she is homophobic when I don't think that’s the case at all. It’s more that she has had enough of Anna's antics and her excessive attention seeking behaviour, knowing it's all a charade for the camera.

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What a bitch. Anna, not Emilia.
She most likely said no fur multiple reasons;
She doesn’t like being on film
She knows how insufferable her mum is
She’ll be forced to prance around waving a flag and have people speculate about her
Edie and her don’t seem to get along, so she probably doesn’t want to spend him together
Anna will make her dress like ger
I can image she thinks Matt is a twat as he’s on a parr with Jonny, and she seems over him too

Did Jonny go with Anna, Matt and edie last year? Surely if any parent was going to go, it would be the mom binary one, not the one that didn’t seem to accept her sister getting married to a woman
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If E2 has social anxiety it's probably a result of being sent to school in a dress while their parents broadcast and monetise their private struggles.
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This was from Anna’s vlog.

E2 looks totally out of it! This was E2 being dropped off at tutoring, something looks totally off with him. He looks pale and extremely gaunt and unhealthy looking. He was just staring into space almost unresponsive when Anna was asking him what song he wanted to listen to. This is really awful to see him this way and such a concern.

What are they doing to this kid?! The lifestyle he is leading is a very unhealthy lifestyle, too much is expected from him, filming all day, staying up all night and god knows what else. I think J said he was unwell recently, I think with a cold, but he must not have it anymore if he is going to tutoring. With or without a cold he looks drained and in need of proper nutrition and he needs to be away from Jonathan during the day and back in a school environment instead of a toxic one in that house, and to be with kids his own age and just be a kid! How can Anna just watch on and pretend everything is all fine when it's not! She has no heart...she is a heartless woman.
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yeah, very unfair on E1, that.

because what she's been asked isn't anything along the lines of:

'do you think that pride is a valuable day of celebration for a historically horribly marginalised community?'

really it's more,

'would you like to spend a day, filmed for worldwide publication, tangling yourself ever further in the web of nauseating bullsh1t that your supposed parents have woven around your younger sibling in the pursuit of filthy lucre'

that curt 'no' is a more positive response than Anna deserves here.
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In Anna's vlog Jonathan said - " I used to eat animals" said the man unwrapping his and Anna's fish and chips take-away delivery for their dinner. 🥴
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So I went to check out E2’s TikTok- looked at all the moaning TikTok’s about his crush blocking him, “why does his crush have 1,000’s of followers and yet he can’t follow?”, etc. Then I went to Jonathan’s page and saw this, 🙄🙄🙄


Jonathon making his son act out his own sexual fantasies of running off with a man?

Js a perverted freak.
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The only reason annal gave any attention to e2 ‘transition’ was because it gave her an in road with Matt.

Those poor kids having two creeps as parents
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I’ve never watched the Stacy Dooley documentary before and it Got recommended on YouTube so I’m watching it now.

eduardo was so adorable back then. All the kids were. Even back then Emilia expressed a dislike for being filmed.
I do love that Stacy really did show Jon and anna For their true colours
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Good on them? I bet they were told by the school there would be a fine. They are not doing this out if the goodness of their hearts,or because they care so much about E2 / E2's education
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The thumbnail is very intentional. Highly inappropriate dress even for a teenager and she is a pre-teen. Why Anna needed to shop all the way to Brighton to buy basic black dress?
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It's so weird how the Es always get treated like they are much older than they are, and the As are babied.
The Es of course had the advantage of (many) nannies, the nanny money dried up before the As could truly benefit from them. And Anna herself said that she's not interested in her children's academic achievements, so....

They pay for expensive schools yet do nothing at home to further their education, despite having the time and the means. It's so sad to see them being exploited day in day out.
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After A & J dropped of Alessia and Andrea at the sports day event, they went with Emilia and E2 to a mini supermarket before the event started, to buy snacks. One of the things Emilia chose were macaroons. I always find it odd when Anna constantly keeps asking, do they like that particular sweet food and if it's nice, not just once but a lot. How many times did Anna ask Emilia and then later on that evening at dinner, to Emilia again, and the kids if they liked the macaroons. I mean, calm down about the macaroons, Anna!

It's like she gets this weird satisfaction to hear how all the sweet stuff the kids consume tastes like and to know they really liked eating it. It's like she has to hear it over and over again from them. I know it has been mentioned on here before.... she does what's known as 'feeding' in the ED world, but everytime i hear her keep asking her kids on a loop about a sugary sweet and if it was liked and if it's nice, is highly irritating and so strange. It's like an obsession with her!

The other day she said in "things I do care about (mom of 4) parenting edition” IG post, "It's all about balance. If the kids have been eating unhealthy and too much sugar, she says to them, lets maybe rein it in and think of healthy snacks we can eat"

Ummm I’ve never heard her say that! And their diet is never balanced! She’s the one that encourages sweets and gives it to them, have you seen all the sweet laced foods she orders in her weekly Ocado order!! And then when they are either home or they are out, she is always pointing out to them, the chocolatety sweet foods above more savoury or healthier type foods.

I'm sorry, I don't buy this new ‘motherly’ act she is doing at the moment in her posts and videos, making out like she is all concerned and this overly ‘nice’ act, nope, it's just her trying to rebrand herself and putting it on for the camera. Turn off the camera and it's the same Anna as before.
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The whole E2 thing is just so sad. I’m on the fence about their gender identity but the way E2 has been exploited & treated is awful. And what’s most concerning is E2 has now been removed from any institution that would have had their best interests at heart & be looking out for signs of abuse (mental or physical). E2 is now’s totally isolated at home with no other adults looking for them. E2 is having no social interaction at all with children their own age, will be completely missing out on friendships & I can only imagine the impact that will have on their mental health in the future. If E2 was being bullied, then change schools. They’ve moved the youngest two.. why not E2. Give them a fresh start in a new class going straight in as a girl. It’s dodgy as f*ck they haven’t done that. I’ll be interested to see if anything changes after the summer holidays..
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Oh boo hoo, Anna is 'still grieving' her dog? If only she had actually cared for him when he was alive, and taken him on walks, spend time with him, played with him.. even house trained him.. but she did none of that...
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Where’s the discussion and advice from her ? No where.

Buy pink glittery clothes and waving a trans flag isn’t bringing visibility, it’s just crass.
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Seeing Anna's massive bowls of healthy meals whilst the kids are in the background with chocolate around their chops by 8am. Tragic really.
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