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I feel compelled to talk about how worrying the Saccone Joly channels are, and how much I wish that these channels would be shut down in the interests of the children’s privacy and safety. As a member of Gen Z who grew up with the internet and watched the rise of online social culture, as I move into my twenties I’ve become absolutely disgusted by how exploited Gen Alpha children are/are allowed to be on the internet. Edie is one of the most egregious examples of this.

Aside from any debates about her transgender status, which I have no problem with and which I want to stress isn’t the topic of my post, the issue is the extreme exploitation, monetisation and publicisation of this very personal aspect of Edie’s life, removing all of her choice about her privacy in later life. This is a personal, sensitive journey involving a vulnerable young child…that millions of people have had access to the intimate details of thanks to her exploitative parents. She was much too young to make the decision to publicise her life on the internet, and now she can never take back the years of extensive personal content made about her. Edie has become the main focus of the channel and has been encouraged to grow up much too fast. The thought of this 10 year old, Year 5 child, wanting to play or have any interest outside of the internet, consumerism, and celebrity culture, is unfathomable, and how tragic is that? Her awful parents are fine with her acting like a teenager and being exposed to hate and inappropriate content on the internet because it keeps the money flowing.

In all of the family tiktoks Edie is wearing noticeable makeup and has been since she was about eight or nine. She clearly feels she has to wear mascara, lipgloss and nailpolish every day, because this vision of performative femininity has been so endorsed by Jonathan and Anna. On her own tiktok account lots of her reposts deal with issues of not feeling ‘pretty’ and ‘appealing’ to boys, as if that’s the most important thing a primary-aged child should be concerned about!! Edie is also allowed to, or rather enticed to, swear, dress skimpily and act very brattily with no consequences. It’s uncomfortable and saddening to see. I place no blame on this poor child for what her unethical parents have done to her, but at this rate she is going to be a very troubled adult, and likely a very unpleasant one, as her rude behaviour is actively rewarded on camera.

Edie’s own personal tiktok account is easily accessible through Anna’s ‘following’ list, and the content is beyond disturbing. Why does this ten year old child have a public tiktok account, on which there is clear evidence that she talks to (adult) strangers and has online fights with other children. Social media isn’t intended for kids, yet it’s overrun by the children of irresponsible parents who allow the kids to have accounts like this, with no privacy settings and lots of public content that’s completely inappropriate for their age. Edie’s tiktoks are full of swearing and revealing of personal information and feelings, which are honestly concerning. The account feels more like that of an angsty 13 year old, but this child is barely 10. Yet she has been so conditioned to act years older than her age, and is consequently struggling with complicated feelings from being exposed to mature situations/online content, which she’s being allowed to use tiktok as an outlet for. It makes me furious and sad to see such a page run by such a young child. And now that she’s been taken out of school it appears that even larger parts of her life are being lived online. The detrimental effect on this child is already clear, and it’s just going to get worse unless someone takes responsibility for her, which her fame-hungry parents are never going to do.

My friends and I (all aged in our late teens/early twenties) discuss online social culture a lot, and I’ve noticed that most people in my generation share the same opinions on content that features children, because it’s a phenomenon that we grew up alongside, but that we’re now old enough to see past and realise the damaging effects of. I hope that this will mean a huge backlash against online exploitation of children for ‘family content’ and the protection of the privacy of the next generation of children online, but at the moment Generation Alpha are all over the internet thanks to a normalisation of children’s presence on social media among the adults responsible for them. My friends and I have all agreed that we’ll never post our future children publicly on the internet, nor allow them to have any social media accounts until they’re teenagers. We also believe that all accounts with minors 13-17 should be private; public accounts should be for 18 and up. And this is coming from members of a generation who grew up online, often with public social media accounts as preteens/teens, who know first-hand the inappropriateness of this, and who are only watching it get worse for the kids younger than us.

I report every single one of the Saccone Joly videos that comes up on my page, and I do so for any other ‘family’ content that features children. I also follow @mom.uncharted on tiktok, who does a great job of deconstructing and explaining why children should be kept off social media. I urge others to do the same, although sadly it seems to have little impact, because as it stands there are still innumerable cases of parents plastering their children’s personal lives all over internet platforms, then of these children following suit on their own accounts that are subsequently created, and becoming more and more distressed and damaged as a result. Children under 13 shouldn’t be on any social media platforms at all, let alone the main cash cows on family channels, and I can’t wait for the day when legislation comes in to protect the exploited kids of family vloggers. Sadly it will be too late for poor Edie.
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If you have to keep saying you are best friends or besties in every public post- you are obviously not best friends. It’s a superficial and transactional connection. Not genuine.
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Scarlett O' Hara

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Edie is only10.. TEN years old, a child. Should be in school, playing sport and interacting with peers.

Not being coached and traumatised by his parents as a source of income. I personally think he looks ill, pale faced, listless and all the front hair touching is an anxiety/tick reaction to his current situation.

Why aren't child protection services paying them a visit. It's alarming what's going on. :cry:
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The"trans girl mum & gay dad" Ig comments section was full of comments calling Anna out and rightly so! Here's a few

Well said abmackk 👍
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“We need visibility too” you really don’t Anna. Supporting your child through anything doesn’t deserve a medal, it’s what’s expected. You’re not special for doing what you’re supposed to just because some people don’t🤣
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Plus she didn't go to her child's naming party he chose a new name and she was in bed I think
Until Matt came along, she had NO interest in any of it. Not Jonathan's 'journey', not Eduardo's sudden social transition. But then she became besties with Matt and all of a sudden she's a flag waving mum of a trans child. It's all for attention. Nothing is genuine in that family.
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Same old drivel. Comments are all calling her out as usual, telling her it's unnecessary. Someone asked "wheres Jonathan?" and she said "in bed with us 😂". It's actually really disturbing to see her churning out the same content again and again just to stir up hatred. This is no ally of the LGBTQA+ community.

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Yes, and yet, I don't see Anna waving a non binary flag for her fraudster, lying husband Jonathan, who made out he was non binary, all lies to sell his book. In fact, when he was re-telling everyone his story about his "traumatic" childhood and talking about all my friends are invisible, Domdie, bs crap, and all the Giselle stuff, and wearing little barista skirts and long dress T-shirts and pink tutus, mainly only wearing these things in his upstairs annexe not in public, unless it was on his book tour, he wore a floral shirt, long leggings with his little skirt over the top, all done to keep up with the facade and keep the book PR machine rolling along.

I never saw Anna once dance around with Jonathan in a video post or even a mere mention of anything about her husbands "journery" or "true self" or "skin machine" or gender indentity, there was nothing, not a peep. She put her head in the sand like she was the only person in the world that didn't know what was going whilst everyone else was talking about it except her.

She never gave her husbands 'gender identity' any air time, anywhere on her social media platforms, never! But here she is today milking her so called “trans child” waving little flags all over the place every chance she gets, with her bestie who is gay, for engagement and clickbait and misleading everyone with the “trans girl mom” label while at the same time making a fool of herself while she's at it!
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It is genuinely quite disturbing. It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion. I pray to god E2 goes back to school of some kind in September where someone sensible will actually look out for them.

Christ, Anna & Matt 😵💫 It’s a full on emotional affair from her end. It obviously isn’t physical but she is absolutely in love with Matt one way or another. She acts like a loved up teen with him & appears to pay very little attention to her actual husband. And he’s looking for something to fill the gap his husband left - she’s a safe option. What parent of 4 kids has time to meet up with their best friend daily?! I have 2 kids & see my best friend maybe once or twice a month..! It’s insane the amount of time she spends with Matt 🥴
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Thank you @November Girl for the winning thread title with 37 reactions.

Anna is vlogging again. She miraculously bumps into Matt on days they aren’t scheduled to hang out. And she goes outside now and preaches to “get out with the kids!” -because of Matt’s influence most likely. Now we are seeing her at a park while not being paid to be there (for the first time in a decade). Go Anna! 🤣

Also in the news is her “what I eat” video resurgence. She eats a lot of salad and paaasta with seafood, and of course the large mug of latte. Too bad she feeds her kids 28 ounces of Nutella and tuna every day.

I haven’t kept up with Jon, if anyone wants to recap his shenanigans, be my guest!
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No Jonathan ddn't attend. Only flag waving teenager Anna and her gay bestie.
Funny, isn't it. Jonathan started this whole circus, and yet he's stuck at home making all these 'look at what a supportive parent I am' videos, but never wears his barrista skirt anymore, and certainly not out in public.
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In Anna's vlog, did anyone else see the side eye annoyed look Emilia gave Anna when she waved a rainbow/lgbtq flag infront of Emilia's face when she was in the car being picked up from school, and then asked her if she wanted to go to pride, to which Emilia replied “No”

I don't think it was a look or response from Emilia that was untoward towards the LGBTQ+ community, per say. To me, it was more a look of annoyance more aimed at her mum, she looked fed up, like she was saying...stop with your phoney fake act and all the over the top put on for the camera, because after Anna did that Emilia looked down at the camera to see if it was recording, and it was, she knew there and then it was all staged and planned for the camera to get a reaction from Emilia.

I thought Anna did a real disservice to Emilia by showing that clip, it wasn’t a fair play on Anna’s part. Poor Emilia just got out of school probably tired and had a full on day and here’s Anna camera on, front and centre, being the most annoying person she could be!

Emilia's tolerence of her mum's immature behaviour & fake and performative act is getting on Emilia's last nerve, i have noticed here and there in Anna's vlogs, it’s obvious, Emilia ain’t having it, who can blame her!

Today she looked like she had a gutful. She knows that her mum is phoney and this new role of her pretending to be a LGBTQ+ ally is all for the camera and because of Matt's influence and feigned support for E2.

I actually thought Anna shouldn't have included that clip in the vlog, because it makes Emilia look like she is homophobic when I don't think that’s the case at all. It’s more that she has had enough of Anna's antics and her excessive attention seeking behaviour, knowing it's all a charade for the camera.

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The amount of times Anna referred to Alessia, 7 and Andrea, 5, as babies in her current vlog was ridiculous! All the time!

And does Anna’s vocabulary extend further than “that’s cool” “cool” and “good boy, good girl” when her kids are telling her a story or talking to her?! I notice sometimes she says it when it’s not even in the right context of the conversation. And also, It’s just said just to say something and to make it look like she’s listening and paying attention to them when she’s really not.
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Thing is she doesn’t look young - she looks like a well preserved/had work done Surrey housewife in her mid 40s at least. I was really shocked when I found out from this forum that she was only in her 30s. 😮
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The kids are way too old to have chocolate all over their cheeks and chins when they eat Nutella or donuts, it’s not cute it’s manky and so rough to not teach them how to eat with manners.
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In Anna's vlog, did anyone else see the side eye annoyed look Emilia gave Anna when she waved a rainbow/lgbtq flag infront of Emilia's face when she was in the car being picked up from school, and then asked her if she wanted to go to pride, to which Emilia replied “No”

I don't think it was a look or response from Emilia that was untoward towards the LGBTQ+ community, per say. To me, it was more a look of annoyance more aimed at her mum, she looked fed up, like she was saying...stop with your phoney fake act and all the over the top put on for the camera, because after Anna did that Emilia looked down at the camera to see if it was recording, and it was, she knew there and then it was all staged and planned for the camera to get a reaction from Emilia.

I thought Anna did a real disservice to Emilia by showing that clip, it wasn’t a fair play on Anna’s part. Poor Emilia just got out of school probably tired and had a full on day and here’s Anna camera on, front and centre, being the most annoying person she could be!

Emilia's tolerence of her mum's immature behaviour & fake and performative act is getting on Emilia's last nerve, i have noticed here and there in Anna's vlogs, it’s obvious, Emilia ain’t having it, who can blame her!

Today she looked like she had a gutful. She knows that her mum is phoney and this new role of her pretending to be a LGBTQ+ ally is all for the camera and because of Matt's influence and feigned support for E2.

I actually thought Anna shouldn't have included that clip in the vlog, because it makes Emilia look like she is homophobic when I don't think that’s the case at all. It’s more that she has had enough of Anna's antics and her excessive attention seeking behaviour, knowing it's all a charade for the camera.

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I really don't blame Emilia she sees so much behind the scenes
It makes you wonder just how much she knows.
The favouritism is never hidden in that house the fact that anna immediately made the convo about E2 says alot.
Ask about her day for goodness sake.

Everyone knows kids are tired out and hungry after school it's best not to shove cameras their way it unfairly makes Emilia look bad
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Seriously? she really needs to stop filming her awful workouts.. this is not an example for anyone working out.. 🥴

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Why does she bother doing those useless workouts?
Go for a run, take the kids swimming or even use the dust covered machines anything would be better than flaling around with no real purpose.

At the very very least put some actual effort into the workouts

I'm surprised she hasn't started joint workouts sessions with matt ( with the amount of cake they have it's not out of the question yet)
Seems like something she'd jump at the chance for??
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