SacconeJolys #95 Anna is vain, Jonathan is insane, and the poor kids are just used to entertain.

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After A & J dropped of Alessia and Andrea at the sports day event, they went with Emilia and E2 to a mini supermarket before the event started, to buy snacks. One of the things Emilia chose were macaroons. I always find it odd when Anna constantly keeps asking, do they like that particular sweet food and if it's nice, not just once but a lot. How many times did Anna ask Emilia and then later on that evening at dinner, to Emilia again, and the kids if they liked the macaroons. I mean, calm down about the macaroons, Anna!

It's like she gets this weird satisfaction to hear how all the sweet stuff the kids consume tastes like and to know they really liked eating it. It's like she has to hear it over and over again from them. I know it has been mentioned on here before.... she does what's known as 'feeding' in the ED world, but everytime i hear her keep asking her kids on a loop about a sugary sweet and if it was liked and if it's nice, is highly irritating and so strange. It's like an obsession with her!

The other day she said in "things I do care about (mom of 4) parenting edition” IG post, "It's all about balance. If the kids have been eating unhealthy and too much sugar, she says to them, lets maybe rein it in and think of healthy snacks we can eat"

Ummm I’ve never heard her say that! And their diet is never balanced! She’s the one that encourages sweets and gives it to them, have you seen all the sweet laced foods she orders in her weekly Ocado order!! And then when they are either home or they are out, she is always pointing out to them, the chocolatety sweet foods above more savoury or healthier type foods.

I'm sorry, I don't buy this new ‘motherly’ act she is doing at the moment in her posts and videos, making out like she is all concerned and this overly ‘nice’ act, nope, it's just her trying to rebrand herself and putting it on for the camera. Turn off the camera and it's the same Anna as before.
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We've all seen her wave chocolate in their faces all day even when they haven't touched the food on their plates.
Not once has she encouraged them to eat more or offered healthier snacks.
Emilia craves ham and andrea loves egg but she won't allow it.

Do we need to mention the regular posts where chocolate spread is slathered everywhere including across their faces.
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All the clickbait titles!! It's getting a bit much!

Today it was "He Cheated- (mom of 4) Cheater!" The other week it was " We tried" (mom of 4) with a picture of Anna and Jonathan on the thumbnail looking as though they were having a heated discussion, and another one was "Dad came to visit! (Mom of 4) Oh please! Plus adding “mom of 4” to the titles for extra effect.

They are trying to make out their relationship is on the rocks, or they have split up, or Anna's been cheated on. Desperate much! Really making use of the whole Matt and Anna narrative and all the rumours circulating about them. Desperate for clicks.

Then when you see all the time Matt and Anna spend together, and all the comments to each other in the comments section on one anothers social media platforms, what almost reads like they are declaring their love for each other with all the "I love you" and all the gushing comments to each other, and all the heart emoji's on top, it all adds to the speculation fueling these rumours.

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I’m convinced that she’ll spilt with Jonny (if she hasn’t already) and then move in with Matt. They can have all the sleepovers, mood board making and trips to Gail’s they want!
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Nah, she’ll never leave Jonathan they have a ‘brand’ to protect, they are in it together. Their cash cows they are exploiting are bringing in an income, that supersedes making a move with Matt and having his 3 more children to ‘look after’ on top of the 4 kids she already has. She would never survive without her crooked husband to shoulder her. She gets her Matt fix through out the week and still goes to cafes, shops and all sorts of outings together, enough not to disrupt hers and Jonathan’s ‘business’ exploiting their kids.
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Apart from cooking soggy meals during the week, Jon does all the family work in the house. I guess Anna washes a couple loads of laundry and lets the dogs out. But she can’t be in charge of homework, kids free time, baths, getting ready or putting to bed, etc. Her time with the kids is when they drift by her makeup vanity while she’s doing her hair, or in passing in the kitchen when they ask for a hair-do before school. And grabbing them more Nutella, or whatever for their breakfast.

It’s all in passing. She also folds and stages outfits for Jon to make the kids wear in the morning and sort of tidy’s a bed before or after the cleaner comes. That’s as involved as she gets, it’s funny to see her actually have to drive the A’s to class in the morning.

So to sum up, actual time with kids is minutes in the morning, and a drive to or from school, then heaping a bowl of plain pasta in their face before her and Jon shut themselves in the living room with large personal pizzas to watch garbage on tv.
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I might be very wrong but surely if you are trans and have changed from boy to girl you don't want to associate with your time before ie as a boy for E2. So why would E2 have a screensaver of when E2 was small/ Edwardo on their phone?

Surely you didn't like that period of life and want to forget it and be reminded they were born a boy everything they looked at their phone?


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Good spot!! It’s like when they had Eduardo on a train in their room! And how they will share weirdo Montagues that people do which include Eduardo. The documentary they did, edie says that “Emilia said I was half boy and half girl”. If they were trans, surely they’d would have said they were a girl. Again, they make stuff up like Eduardo dreaming about a witch, although I can’t remember how they linked this to being trans.
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E2 has another TikTok account. Came up on my FYP. No 10 Yr old should have access to TikTok. It's a toxic social media platform.
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What is up with Jono's spanish youtube channel? He's posted old videos in the last couple of weeks, with Spanish captions His next hare-brained idea for an untapped market perhaps?
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What is up with Jono's spanish youtube channel? He's posted old videos in the last couple of weeks, with Spanish captions His next hare-brained idea for an untapped market perhaps?
Spanish??? Not even Eyetalia?? Anna is bilingual you know, as you can tell by how she pronounces payyysto...
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I know that Edie is just a kid so looking deeply into how he acts and what they say is pointless, but at the end of Jono's last video when he got the rainbow flag around his shoulder, the vibe was truly weird. It was as if they were mocking LGBT/trans, like it was a joke to him

Also, incredibly cringe that Jono asked him to plug the book randomly.
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If edie was asked, unprompted, with no Jonny or Anna (or Matt!) around, “what being trans meant to them”, I honestly worry what the answer would be. It would be about having long hair, wearing crop tops, skirts, pinks, purples and rainbows (despite being colour blind!) They’d also say something like “fuck all the haters!”, then pout, peace sign, ended by “slay”. Nothing would be about how they feel now they are presenting as a girl. I think they’re totally unaware of how they won’t magically develop like Emilia, and I don’t think Anna or Jonny have any idea what’s to come!
I completely understand that for trans women, appearance is a huge factor, but I think they’d also say that how they felt was a major part.

Just because Matt is gay, it does not make him knowledgeable about the trans community. I have several gay friends who don’t know anyone who’s trans, and all their experiences of being a gay teen, coming out, how they’re treated by family, friends, colleagues etc are all very different.

For a family that lives their lives online, they don’t appear to be doing anything to support the trans community at all. I’m pretty sure, if anything, it’s pissing people off, that they’re parading Edie around like a precocious drag act. They’re always late with it comes to trans awareness day, pride etc, and aren’t actually educating anyone about anything. Now I’m not saying that edges journey should be told; as I am very much against this. I just think there are subtle ways for Jonny and Anna to show support for trans issues, or positive stories. The only time I’ve seen them discuss this was when Jonny and edie acted out a scene (although they wanted people to think it was just caught on camera!) There was a trans woman on MAFS, and Jonny showed edie. Highly inappropriate show to be watching!! It would be better if they were watching the trans character in, Doctor who!
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E2's screensaver pictures of himself as a little boy on his mobile phone is telling. I may be looking into it more than it may mean, but here are my thoughts. I know he's only 10 but I feel he is doing a lot of reflecting of his earlier childhood and looking back. I feel he is searching for answers about himself, confused and questioning how he got to this point and is in a dark place. I think as he gets older he is painting a picture and connecting the dots, things are starting to surface in his mind if this is where he really wants to be with his gender identity, and starting to question what role his parents played and how he got here, coupled with some of the images and disturbing and concerning comments he liked, reposted and posted on his TikTok shown on here the other week, there is a lot going on with him, to say the least.

He may be putting all the pieces together of when he was a toddler til now, and realising, liking what Emilia liked growing up, may have been just that, liking to play dress ups together and just him copying his big sister. That it may all have been just a phase and it was just him copying his sister and not a true indicator that has transformed his life thus far, groomed by his parents. Plus the fact Anna and Jonathan only pushed ‘girl toys’ onto him and didn’t buy ‘boy toys’ for him at the time.

I feel he is carrying a lot in his head and so many thoughts are swirling round that is eating up at him and needs help, but too scared to reach out to anyone because of his parents, and who knows what they have said to him behind the scenes to make him feel guilty and frightened if he spills any secrets about them. I bet they have said to him along the way and drummed into him, 'things will get taken away from the whole family if things change, bad things will happen, look at all the perks you are getting, and all the things you can buy and get given to you....

Similar to when Anna said to Stacey in the SD documentary, “don’t you like having nice things” "don't you like what we can give you and living this lifestyle and the things we can afford”. I fear this may be the case.

J & A have a lot to answer for. I hope he makes them pay one day for what they have done to him.
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I am sure E2 has been told/ is aware that these Tiktoks is what is keeping a roof above their heads. They said before that E2 'can always go back to being Eduardo ' but it's not as easy as they made that sound. Poor kid.
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e2 is to my mind most likely a somewhat effeminate, quite possibly gay, boy. but even if I'm completely wrong on this and the S-J's are completely right, which I concede is possible, the proper, well, the only place for e2, supported but not directed by his family, to work all of this out is in private.
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Came here to mention e2 screensaver but see many of you feel the same.
that poor kid just wants to be back as a boy
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