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I thought one of the most important things to do for your child's future was to provide them with an education.

E2 hanging around with his no-hoper father all day, thinking life is Roblox, skincare and starbucks making videos all day, acting like an obnoxious entitled diva, ain’t exactly a realistic plan that is going to prepare and set him up for life in the real world with a proper work ethic. Boy, will he be in for a shock when he sees people in real life don’t act or behave like him.
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When j asked e2 what they learnt at tutoring e2 said “you tell me” how is a couple of hours tutoring a week substituting 30+ hours of enrichment time in school with variety of activities and peer groups?! Im baffled at how theyre doing this
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I know home-schooling can work really well for a lot of families, but I don't see E2 coming out of this well educated. This "tutor" sounds like it's 2 hours a day max - the brain rot of their Tik-Toking make it impossible for them to concentrate for much longer. Anna and Jonno aren't going to be "teaching" him jack shit. It's going to stunt his social, educational, and mental growth. Not going to school with other kids and having a routine, not being around people his own age.

I think one of the reasons he comes across as so unlikeable is because he believes (and has been told) he is more important and more special than anyone else. I watched Lessies ear-piercing video and the night time routine vid last night, and seeing E2 with his seatbelt off in the car, the faces he pulls thinking he's a TikTok star, all the skin care products he loves to flex to the camera. It's grotesque.

E1 I think is a sweet girl. Despite all she has been through in this family, she seems level headed, sweet, and thankfully a free-thinker. I hope she decides to no longer do videos with her creep of a Father.
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E2s 10 year update, lost count how many times he touched his hair… Its no wonder it gets so greasy… Is this an anxiety thing? I know it’s been mentioned before…
Seems to me like it's an anxiety behaviour. To me, the hair is what makes E2 Edie and therefore feminine and I think that without it being that long , it makes them a 'boy.' I could be wrong but the hair might be a security blanket for E2 and the constant touching is a result of anxiety about how they are perceived. I could be talking nonsense though!
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I think by now it’s a better plan for him to drag the ugly tattoos across his scalp instead of going for hair transplant #51 once he sees that pic of his bald spot on here 😂. Maybe the neck penis needs a bit of a bush.
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Again not focussing on specific schools but theres not many full time stage schools left. One very recently closed its lower school. And one is extremely prestigious, I can’t think for a minute they’d let E2 in.
A lot of the stage schools are “up north” and the ones that are London based are very hard to get into. I’ve had ex pupils auditioning for stage school who were extremely talented. They’d been dancing for years, were in all the local pantomime’s, had singing lessons etc and not all that applied got a place. It’s extremely difficult to get into stage school. Of course there are plenty of talented kids who haven’t done as I described, but they had some performance experience. I don’t think telling your sister to fuck off on camera really counts. Often the stage schools are boarding and they don’t take them until they’re older, although edie is 10 now, so maybe they were waiting?
if edie does have a place, then at least she’ll have people looking out for her. I’m sure they’ll have experienced parents like Jonny and Anna before, so let’s hope it’s a positive experience for edie. I bet Emilia is feeling a little pushed out, considering she’s the one who started stage coach and LAMDA first.

on a side note, Emilia says “feck” a lot, I know it’s not as offensive as fuck, but it’s still a lot of swearing from all of the SJ kids (not heard Alessia swear) Why is he insisting on pushing the whole “Tommy” for Emilia. He mentioned it once that it’s a nickname, and now he’s calling her it ALL THE TIME. If it was, surely it would have been caught on camera before, and secondly, the others would be calling her it too? One of my siblings has a nickname as our youngest brother couldn’t say her name as a toddler. However, it’s something we ALL call her. The others had zero idea who Tommy was
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If I had an ear infection the last thing I’d want is someone sitting up in bed next to me yapping loudly into a camera about how sick I am… the lack of awareness is astounding
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I can't believe she thinks these workouts are doing anything whilst the machines that would make a difference sit their collecting dust.
You would never believe she went outside to exercise years ago happy to let a newly born andrea be shaken around violently in his pram on the bumpiest walks to loose the baby weight but now she wont spend a minute with the kids Inside or out(unless something is gifted!)
The dogs are walked by someone else and can't even enjoy the whole garden.
She even avoids all pools home and abroad.
Like some sort of aversion another good way to exercise but nope not a chance.
Those manic marches with baby Andrea were the most exercise she's ever done. It was so awful, and had nothing to do with bonding with her baby, or letting him have some fresh air, it was all about her wanting to lose weight fast so she'd be ready for her cousin's wedding.
Yes, she gave birth, but she's not a mum.
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She also said it’s the first dog she’s lost… yet didn’t they loose one of the litter too?? I can assure you, when your pet dies, you don’t just stop being sad. The last groom video… she was just putting a bow in his hair, not actually grooming him
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I felt the whole thing was sold to her by Jonathan so he could get another "first time" video out of another one of his kids.

Also, where was Anna? Why didn't she go, too. She went with Emilia when she went to get her ears pierced for the first time, why not Alessia?! Oh that's right... she would of been having cake and coffee with Matt. Alessia is way down the pecking order on Anna's list of importance, if at all.
I wonder where he got the inspiration from 🤔🤔🤔

And I thought it weird Anna wasn't there too, but then I realised she is weird.
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Firstly Jonno, I don’t know anyone who calls it ‘stage school’, he is such a moron. In two months the UK will be on summer holidays so this is 100% a paid summer school of some description. My daughter is in full time training at a top school and is going to another to do her BA in musical theatre. The audition process is absolutely brutal, a few lessons at stagecoach is not going to cut it. unless Edie has some amazing secret talent, but, of course, we would know about that wouldn’t we! I follow this thread as I’m waiting patiently for them to be cancelled but so far no joy
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I have seen a lot of people in their comments spouting on and on about how amazing it is that A&J are sending the kids to schools that are more "fitting" for them as individuals but I'm not going to lie, I think a lot of it is because they are academically stunted, A&J can blame covid as much as they want but thousands of other children went through the same and didn't come out of it as behind as the SJ children, it was down to A&J having no interest in helping the children and their education.

I do genuinely believe E2 left/was taken out of the school because of their behaviour and wants to be the centre of attention so tutoring would be better for them.
A1&2 likely struggle in mainstream schooling because of A&Js lazy parenting, not being interested in their education and constant babying of them, so I hope this new school helps them get to where they *should* be. A1 at least seemed to be excited when showing J some of the things they had been doing at school.
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No, probably since Easter break...
Yeah jono is a pathological liar.
E2 went to school up until February half term in uniform and then never went back
So to say he's been homeschooled for a year is a blatant lie again.
2 months at most.
But that doesn't sound as good.
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She was referring to the dogs, not the kids.
Ah ok! Thanks 🤣 is it obvious I had a terrible nights sleep. 😴
The whole thing with Edie bothers me so much (like it does with most people). My son has always been drawn to more ‘feminine’ things. As playgroups when he was little he ALWAYS dressed up in princess costumes, and we knew from the age of about 3 that he was very likely to be gay (mannerisms etc). HOWEVER he naturally grew out of wearing the dresses etc. I think they just ran with the idea of Edie wanting to be a girl as they were the same at that age. There’s no way if I asked my son if he wished he was a girl now he would say yes! But still definitely going to come out as gay (he’s 11 now). I feel so sorry for those poor kids with how they are moulded into what they want them to be and constantly expected to perform for the camera 😩
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Just letting you guys know I saw on Twitter this guy/account apparently creates the thumbnails of the videos for Jonathan.
He must be a sicko too so, the fact he photo shopped E1’s head onto a more “mature” body with a tight top on when in the actual video she was covered up in a baggy hoodie.
She seems to wear that a lot, poor girl probably trying to hide from her fathers oogling eyes 🤮😢
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I grew up in Holland where nobody wears school uniforms, so I think they are overrated and in most cases, terribly old fashioned.... Having said that, I am sure the SJ kids will look scuffy now that there is no strict dresscode... Just because Anna can't be bothered.
I thought the whole point of a uniform was that it makes everyone equal in theory. Some children from more deprived families wouldn’t be able to constantly rock up to school in different outfits etc
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