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Firstly noone needs 3 new pairs of jeans at one time. Secondly they do not fit, her minge must be so sore cramped in those.
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So he’s done a follow up to the kidnapping story.
He is still adamant that it happened in 2015 and said it was at a London convention.

Well the footage he used was Summer in the City uploaded 11th August 2014, literally took less than 2 minutes to find!
Erika is indeed looking after E1 but seemed to have the times of their lives meeting creators backstage while A&J did the meet & greet.
Francesca looked after a 4 month old E2.
At no point did things seem tense (ie a kid was almost kidnapped) and you would think a normal person would cut things short if something like that happened (they actually stayed longer for people without a ticket too), I know I would’ve been out of there so fast!
Cut to them at home going through the mountains of presents with E1, reiterating with her they are all from the friendliest friends, you know the same friendliest friends that tried to kidnap her hours prior! Dumbasses!

So he claims the kids never went to conventions after that… well flash forward to actual 2015 lol
They took both E’s to playlist & vidcon, so another lie.

Literally what’s the point lying Jonathan?
This took me less than 5 mins to verify! You’ve documented your life everyday for years, it’s so easy to spot the porky pies!
And even if this did happen, why have you continued to risk their privacy & security?
Also! It doesn’t sound like kidnapping. It just sounds like someone was a little too friendly and thought they could hold Emilia and take pics and vids with her. To the person, it was ‘innocent’ because of how J behaves and calling them his friends. The person just lacked basic social etiquette. But of course, they’re going to dramatize the situation, instead of setting boundaries and letting ppl know what is acceptable and what is not.
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And also, until then he could claim it had never crossed his mind, despite people in the comments warning him, but since then he can't anymore. And yet he has continued to post footage of his kids that is exactly what Stacey warned him about.
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Does she say can I use your toilet because the others are disgusting and gross?
First why are the other bathrooms such a state to the point alessia won't use any, anna has all the free time in the world filming pointless video but won't bleach a toilet or do some housekeeping since she made the mess in the first place.
Don't tell me shes leaving a grotty mess filled house for the cleaner to deal with what a Christmas present 😬😡

The little mites shouldn't feel the need to ask to use a toilet it's a right just go ahead, wonder if Anna's nasty behind the scenes?
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FFS, he’s put in the comments that both him and Emilia are on the ADHD spectrum… he literally makes shut up daily! Aside from dyscalculia (which hasn’t been mentioned since, as it’s not s pull for views!) he’s never said ADHD before…
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Why on earth would anna leave the clip of A asking to use her bathroom cos the other bathrooms are too dirty?!?! Screams neglect to me :( poor kids
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I thought she was a intuitive eater that helped her recovery but then she spoke about how happy she is with her new body and size and weight loss. And also how she ate lots of cake but still lost weight! That goes against everything she has spoke about previous, plus she said she could now wear a bikini she couldn't before the surgery and it was indoors so that's ok then?? This is all so dangerous to younger girls following her. Plus she is still unhappy with herself talking about the scar. She is seriously so focused on how she looks it's scary.
Ya would think surgery like that would not be recommended for someone with a history of ED? Its really sad how she still isn't happy with herself I wonder will she ever be?
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They are on a one way trip to raising lazy, entitled and dare I say bratty children( might be too late for E2)
Stuff putting shoes away being on the chore lists they need to be tidying their own rooms, making the beds else they'll never learn to be responsible and keep making a mess knowing it won't be them cleaning it!
Anna's yet again tidying the kids rooms like a maid because she has nothing better to do give it up and go and find a job way too much spare time to be doing that
She actually has no good reason to be unemployed and out with matt daily
If you got the time to be brunching and making offensive tikotks then you can go and earn a proper living.
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I havnt been keeping up but why would they? Didn't they always post how accepting school had been over E2
yes but since the trans thing started e2 has been sent home "sick" a lot (especially on p.e days) but is magically fine at home 🤷‍♀️ clearly something is going on at school
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Can someone explain what Jonathan identifies as these days?
No. Not even Jonathan can.
Years ago, he would say male but rather feminine, absolutely not gay.
Then he jumped on the non-binary wagon for a bit, even wearing what we call 'the barrista skirt' once or twice in public, but mostly playing dress-up in the annex, which he seemed to ... um.. ... enjoy.... quite a bit.... This was also at the time his book came out and he was heavily pushing the 'I hear voices' story, which of course is not a mental illness, ohnooo... it's Giselle, who sometimes takes over and even buys him stuff without him knowing.

And now, who knows? He mostly seems to get off on doing the 'my trans daughter' videos on Tiktok that he'll then repost on Youtube.
Guess the 'exploiting parent who does not care about the physical or mental wellbeing of his children' is still how he identifies?
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He has shown it on the vlog years ago, and surprisingly, it didn't look anywhere near as small or run down as he would like you to believe.
His family must have done quite well.
He grew up in a nice part of Dublin. His Angela's Ashes childhood is all a fabrication.
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I noticed E2 wears eye makeup, upon waking and waiting on the stairs. That’s crazy for a child of 9.
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I haven’t been commenting on here in like forever, but it’s just getting worse isn’t it?

Seeing his new type of YouTube videos and TikTok’s is making me feel so angry and so disgusted more than ever before. I just feel so bad for the children I really do.

First off, calling E1 a teenager when she is still in primary school. WHEW.. that’s quite something that’s not appropriate and then Jonathan saying things like “you going to a club dressed like that”, zooming in on E1’s skirts and shorts and putting the weirdest photos of E1 to gain views on his TikTok’s.. sickening. To then buy books for E1 that contain incredibly dark and sensitive material which should not be read by anybody over the age of 13. But, she’s a TEENAGER to Jonathan so it’s all fine.. right??

E2 buying really bad skincare that’s already been proven to not be good for any child. E2 is literally 10 in April. They don’t need any of it. If anything, just keep to bubble. Drunk elephant is not ideal.

Letting E1 and E2 watch “The Act” Nothing could scream irresponsible more than letting your two children still in primary school watch a series based on a girl who was severely ab*sed by her own mother for literal years. The show has s*xual themes and inappropriate scenes in it. It’s not a series any child should be allowed to watch in any circumstances. Jonathan’s excuse is “well they asked to watch it” So if your two children went up to you Jonathan and asked “Dad can we watch Fifty Shades of Grey?” Would you let them?? Knowing the Sacconejoly’s they would 100% allow it because they seem to not want to say no so they can get views. They don’t care. Same if they asked to drive their new Mercedes, Jonathan would probably have E1 or E2 driving it down the road given the fricking chance because they’re “technically grown up”

It just sickens me. They aren’t setting up their children for adulthood, they treat them as if they’re in adulthood now which is going to have severe repercussions in the not so distant future. Feel so sorry for the children as I said. All I wanted to do when I was their age was to watch Disney films and Despicable Me
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And also, until then he could claim it had never crossed his mind, despite people in the comments warning him, but since then he can't anymore. And yet he has continued to post footage of his kids that is exactly what Stacey warned him about.
remember when he was told about pictures of baby emilia being using on roleplaying sites and all he said was "there's some weird stuff out there friend" :rolleyes:
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Supposedly A2 was up at 4am AGAIN. That's not a normal hour for a 5 year old school going child to be out of bed. It's shocking , I'd imagine he is completely and utterly screen addicted and is waking up so he can play on his tablet. Unless they send him to bed extremely early, he must be falling asleep at school.
No it's not but those kids aren't tired out before bed no exercise outside and stuffed full of chocolate right before bed and the minute they wake up.
The kids probably on a constant sugar rush and hungry

Anna won't care though only cares about herself and laughs off any issues brought up about the kids.
Even ones brought up by the school and concerned viewers.
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She’s absolutely vile, grinning from ear to ear ‘I’ve done nothing but eat panatone and I’ve lost a dress size’. You’re a horrible human Anna, a fake fuck and a terrible mother and role model. I find her so unsavoury.
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The comments on Jonnys TikTok, are mostly calling him out, especially the fact they continue to give person details about their kids, putting them at significant risk. It’s like they want something to happen to they’ll become relevant again! A lot are saying the kids are precocious and entitles, which they are (not their fault!)
We know they both have a TikTok account, so can read the comments. Jonny will say that anyone making comments about Edie are homophobic (even though the majority aren’t) What will be say about those who call them entitled? Jealous? It blows my mind he ignores to many comments, yet replies to the ones asking for Edies Roblox account?! I’m not too sure how that works, but giving out your child’s details to a stranger to potentially chat with online, is just appalling. Just a bit of information for you, Jonny, just because Ella10 says she’s ten, doesn’t mean she is! I mean, he knows all this, yet continues to pretend it’s ok.
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It is utterly ridiculous how E2 is 'obsessed with skin care'. The kid is almost 10. The most 'skin care' needed is a good wash, and maybe some Nivea cream or something. Certainly nothing like what sthey got E2 in the latest video.
I would find it quite worrying too that a child this young is 'obssed' with skin care? I guess this is what happens when you let your children have unlimited and unsupervised screen time?
Having Anna as mother definitely doesn't help either. She's obsessed with her looks and skincare. E2s life has been ruined by the scum that call themselves his parents.
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