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What sorry excuse of a parent doesn't use booster seats for their 9 and 7 year olds. The LAW in the UK is to use carseats until the child is 4'9" tall AND 36kgs minimum or age 12. Both children look super light for their build, height and age. It's also illegal to allow any child U18 in the front passenger seat without using the correct restraint. It literally takes one accident for those precious children to get seriously injured or even killed.
Unfortunately there is a loop hole in that LAW :-( if your child is over 3 and you have 'good enough excuse' they can travel without booster seat 🙁
The law is 135cm(4'4") in UK not sure tall Emilia is but with her parents... who knows
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As much as I’d like her to say that I heard “So is my live” meaning her Insta live. All about filming the kids for the Gram not a profound realisation that this is such a terrible way for children to live!
Nope, she wasn’t doing a live then and you can clearly hear the F in life
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My sister is only 18 months younger than me, and I hated sharing a room with her. I can't imagine sharing with a sibling that the family refer to as a 'baby' and they all treat that way.
There's a 2.5 year gap between me and my sister, and we had our own rooms but wanted to share. Our idea was that we always had such a good time when staying over at family and having to share, and that the unused room could be a play room. Our parents gave us a hard NO, and boyyy were they right. ;)
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2.”Why are both festivals on at the same time?” So working parents don’t have to take two mornings off (if they can afford to) and can divide their time between their kids. Like so many other things, Anna really doesn’t know how good their jobs are.
I don’t understand your point. How can a parents divide their time in this case ? You mean stay 15 minutes at one, not watch till the end and then watch 15 last minute of a second one ?
I think that since the parent is already off work for the morning the shows should be one after the other so that the parents cas see both. It could be just one morning and two different hours - 9:00 and 10:00 for exemple. Except if à parent doesn’t want to stay more then 1 hour max or is not permitted by the boss to take more then an hour off.
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Chatty Member
Hey guys, I'm going to show you this expensive handheld machine to try and get you to purchase it, although I got mine for free. I'm going to go on for about three minutes, so just skip this part. I've had botox and that's my anti-aging, see how I hardly touch my forehead, let's move on. Hey guys, I'm cooking dinner, I'm making fish pie, oh look dog poo, let's continue to talk about dinner. Anywho, I'm making a fish pie, I tell you this about six times, and I made a chicken and mushroom pie yesterday, I like pies. I'm really, really tempted to go veggie, because I don't really understand how it works, like we only eat chicken, like, once a week, and we have fish once a week, and the rest of the week is pasta, I mean veggie, I mean takeout. Here I admit I don't buy enough food to feed a family of six, but I do it for ethical reasons. I know all about ethical things because I'm so ethical. I would never go vegan, for sure, because that's too ethical, but I have been vegetarian in the past, I mean pescatarian, maybe, but I'd really like to go vegetarian for ethical reasons because I love animals, but I have an ED and what I said is a reasonable argument for not doing it. However, as many of you know my ED disappeared because I phone called a lady in the US so now I can go veggie. Now, back to the fish pie, I don't mind eating the fish. I like seafood, but I love animals, you see how well my dogs are kept. I really want to go veggie, but I love squid, the animal, not the game, but then I watched this clip about an octopus, and it changed my life, I'll still eat the fish, not the octopus. It's time, though, I've always been a huge animal lover and I have an aunt who is veggie. She is an amazing lady who sticks with her convictions, unlike me. I craved meat with both boys, how masculine of me. I ate chicken again with Emelia, but then I had an eating disorder, and it still appears that I have very blatant ED tendencies to this day. Did y'all like my deep discussions? I'm so deep. Again, I admit that the fish pie filling isn't enough to feed a family of six, but I still do it, because honestly they just wait for me to give them chocolate. Here I state that the kids aren't big meat eaters, but I'm the one that feeds them so they aren't actually able to have a varied array of foods to form an opinion. I get stuff out of my frig and point out my kids are using the hell out of the hot chocolate machine because that's healthy. Oh look at my neck, my thick makeup that I run down the entire length of my neck on an ordinary day of doing nothing has creased. I look at my phone for hours, no wonder. Here I make the fish pie. I point out the weather, you have that, don't you, weather? I make dinner early, remember like last time I made it at lunchtime, y'all I'm a chef. I cook dinner early because I'm less stressed, even though that meal took less than thirty minutes to put together. My nerves are more important than a decent hot-cooked meal, even though the kids aren't in school at this moment. Oh, I got some things for the kids. I got Edwardo a unicorn onesie because that sounds right for a gymnastics class. Y'all know, like a full-blown nighttime onesie because our gym is extra like that and teaches nothing apparently. He has to be just like his sister, so Jonathan is trying to arrange that, but blue and meat, am I right. I got Emilia one also, our gym likes full fabric clothing to practice backflips. Nothing like a spotter unable to see where their hands are going. Now of course Emilia is now a teenager, she had to have a leopard print or we'd never hear the end of it. I got Andrea a bat costume, it feels pretty horrible, like it should be made of real bat material or it's crap. OMG, it's made out of 100% polyester, I mean it was good enough for my Christmas pajama line, but FFS that shit should go on my own kid. It's cute and basic though. I asked him if he wanted to be a zombie because I'm trying to cut back, but he said no, he didn't want to be anything but kept going back and forth on pumpkin and bat. I said hell no to the pumpkin because he was one already and when he wears orange it reminds me that I need to take another millimeter off his hair. Emilia is going to be a zombie bride, you know what the other two are going to be. How could you miss the tik tok?? I burned my fish pie, I'm still going to serve to the kids and fox, how ethical. Here I'm scrapping out all the burnt into the casserole dish, you can't see it or you'll vomit. Did you guys really think I'd stoop so low and eat that burnt pie, no we got take out to watch You. Here I take a dig at intuitive eating, oh yeah, this was our date night, I show JONATHAN'S giant-ass glass of wine, look at my egg. I talk about making tofu and laugh at how I can't cook it, I mean I can't really cook, but hey. Garbage, GARBAGE, I gotta go inhale my dinner as I intuitively eat. Night y'all.

This is what I hear when she talks, I don't know about you guys, this is just allegedly heard from my iPhone.
this is class, I will be laughing all night about this.xx
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Is anyone else suspicious of the SJ's maybe trying to disguise their source of income. There are certain things they do that make me question this and the most recent is her clothing line. I feel there are so many red flags. That fact that it was poorly marketed. The last minute "surprise" reveal. You could tell it's not a genuine made clothing line that had hard work involved. Because it's been a long time since I have heard her mention it. Gets me thinking maybe they put it out there just to disguise where they are bringing in their money.
So how are they making a living do you think? Or are you suggesting they are heading for bankruptcy ?
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Active member
This one just did me in! 😂😂😂 sometimes I feel bad for laughing at someone so obviously mentally challenged, but then I remember what he's doing to his children and tell myself he's fair game

Just putting it out there it looks like them exact leggings on the top shelf of them clothes could this be his own ‘gender neutral clothing line ‘
Also Anna has lost an alarming amount of waight !
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Nobody with an ounce of commonsense, its not worth risking embarrassment. then again anyone with commonsense wouldn't get waxed during their time of the month either 🙄
erm, i do both and more. let’s not stigmatise periods pls, there’s much worse stuff anal has done that you could comment on.
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In Ireland profs or above the bar lecturers aren't particularly well paid either, some at the higher end of the scale will have salaries of 150k per annum to 200k but they would be very rare and in subjects such as Medicine or Veterinary. Wasn't her mother a stay at home mother who gave up her job so it wasn't two salary household ? Anna's mother would have got the house, savings and maybe something from his pension but that's about it. Of course he probably had life insurance but he was 70 when he died but that wouldn't be much either most of those policies laspse once you turn 65 or even 60 in Ireland. I doubt the girls got anything big.
I feel like everywhere in the world, lecturers don’t have great salaries unless as you mentioned fields like medicine etc. Didn’t Eduardo teach Italian literature? Plus he had 5 children and a wife so once you split everything there isn’t much left.
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tranquil oasis

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I'm heading out to pick up Alessia, but first I'm going to sit in my car and talk about an app that is paying me to say nice things about it. I never use it, I don't go anywhere, but I had to make up some stuff and involve my doctor's receptionist who had to move the entire schedule because we were super late "suggest" we get it. I talk about this for two minutes even though I will never use it, but I'm being paid. I'll never really recommended this to anyone, but I'm contractually obligated. I have to buy my kids new slippers, I don't know why, do feet keep growing? Now I complain about spending money on designer shoes for kids, it was a bad idea, but here I'm going to make a weird sound and tell you I did it anyway because I can. I'm making Mac and cheese, I make it all the time because my kids don't eat real food. Oh, my dog is scratching the hell out of my floor, that's just normal. I make mac and cheese all the time, but I don't cause it's every three weeks you see, but not really. We don't do date nights anymore either, but we do. Now I have no idea what I'm saying, is it date night because we don't do them, but we do but technically it's only when you go out. I learned to go out from "therapist" he encouraged date night it was a really good idea, but all the other "ideas" he had were shit. Here I explain date night vs a night out with friends because my audience is teenagers and women that are lost. I don't know why I'm telling you this, because Mac and Cheese, but here I go again about date night vs a night out with friends. I didn't mention it, but I have a babysitter for tomorrow, this isn't uncommon as we've had childcare for years, but I'm going to call it date night, but it's not date night, it's going out with friends. This recipe is easy, and now I'm rambling about things I haven't done. Here I talk about the same shit I always do like picking up my kids, but it's important for you to know that I do this with a nanny and I'm still bitching about it, but I really don't mind it that much. Look at my face and how much I REALLY DON'T MINE IT.

This was a very hard one to follow, she is really all over the place and something is slightly off. I just can't put my finger on it.

That is it for now. I'll do part two tomorrow. I worked today, did all the things, and now I'm going to go watch tv with my husband. We are going to cuddle and watch a show. We don't sit 15 feet apart and my husband doesn't need a bottle of wine to deal with life.
He mum suggested she do date night not a therapist
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Well, now we all know what make-up to stay the hell away. Cake that shit on and you too will look like a clown all day. Whatever is in that long-lasting makeup must contain chemicals so powerful that it doesn't rub off on sheets after a full day of napping. Whatever you do stay away from Estee Lauder ( who uses that still?? Like grandma's?? Old Aunties???) Ivory beige or you will just look beige with no hint of Ivory.

Please don’t bash that, I love that foundation, it’s not their fault Anna loves it, too.
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I thought this important information was worthy of posting.

Anna is actually wearing different workout clothes this morning to workout in, instead of the Pink Barbie Ensemble!! 😱

Breaking news, I know! 😂

Okay goodbye! :m
must have lost enough weight that these fit her again, if I was Jon I would be concerned that she was back in her ED
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