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"Bra shopping with my daughter!" Ugh, yup, I can see it now. And they will beg Gleam for freebies, hoping to get some cute 'first bras' sent so they can film a 'haul'... ugh.... enough to make you feel sick.
Just like that Family Fizz , they actually took their daughter bra shopping and filmed her trying them on! Family vloggers are so fucking sick in their heads!

I'm now convinced that his minions are not quite the ticket, look at this, these people also need help & education.
I swear those idiotic minions piss me off more than Anna and Jof do! And they fucking piss me off just looking at their ugly grubby faces!

I can't read this or I will combust. the woman has a stay at home husband and nanny ffs.😠😠😠 how HOW can she give tips😠😠😠😤😤😤
Fucking lies! She doesn't home school four kids, she sends her two little ones off to nursery , risking their health! And fucking moans about the other two non-stop! And it's NOT home schooling, the kids have live lessons with their teachers! Fucking insult to REAL parents out there doing their best !
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Who taught this kid to be so superficial at only 6!? 🤔 I can take 1 guess. How sad that he looks at his grandmother as "ugly" because she doesn't have long styled hair and wear loads of makeup like his mother. Anna must talk about appearances and what makes someone Beautiful loads for her 6 yr old to feel this way. His idea of beauty is already so messed up and his parents will only make it worse.
P.s. Anna looks way more like her mother then she cares to admit.
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Gosh that looks so like Anna!
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they have a large trampoline in the garden. Why not take the hint and get the kids out in the garden to jump off their energy there and not on a bed? They were gifted those really expensive tempur mattresses and they let their kids jump on the bed like that. It's exactly why they don't value anything because they get it all for free. Let's not forget they complained and complained about A2's "cheap" John Lewis mattress until Emma mattresses finally chucked them one for free months later. I don't know how any self respecting working age adults can feel good about themselves literally begging for free trips, parties, and mattresses....
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fyi there’s nothing wrong w having a cleaner, UNLESS you are stay at home parents, don’t work a full time job, oh and most of your kids are at school and/or taken care of by a nanny. Then you’re just lazy and irresponsable *cough* Anna Jonathan *cough*
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My son used to be extremely imaginative as a child. He was an only child and would be as happy playing alone as with his friends. Even up to the age of 12, walking to and from school (yes!! Walking!! Not ferried to every single place by car!!) he would engage in imaginary sword fights, doing all the sound effects, without actually having a sword or an opponent. He would be deep in his own game and having a ball. What the SJs are doing would be like me going on the internet and telling everyone we know that my child believes he is a knight! Please no longer think of him as a little boy because in his head, his imagination, he’s most definitely a knight from an ancient realm.

If that sounds stupid and ridiculous, it’s no different to any of these horrendous, damaging ‘woke’ people, setting their CHILDREN up for confusion and trouble. Talk about pandering to the teeny tiniest of minorities in order to score liberal attitude points. Great for you maybe but not for the poor child who now believes it’s somehow bad to be a boy and like traditional boy things and vice versa for girls. Statistically speaking it’s very much most likely that a boy will believe he’s a boy and a girl will believe she’s a girl through to adulthood. So unless you have very definite evidence, without any influence from yourselves as parents, that your child believes they’re in the ‘wrong’ gendered body, stop making gender this weird ‘choice’ your children have to make! 🤦🏻

Someone posted a couple of threads ago how in the 70s, there were many people campaigning for the right for children under the legal age to have sex. If that sounds icky and ill conceived, well I don’t think any of this ‘undecided pronouns’ and ‘non-binary gendered’ is any less icky or ill conceived.
As margaret quoted, trans Eduardo is just another one of J’s new toys to play with. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s trying to make him the new Jazz Jennings and get a TLC show out of it
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Something that I also found off was when he was doing the Amazon gift card giveaway, he said in the discord chat that he was planning on giving it away to the Emily’s anyways but needed to plan it at the best time so it doesn’t look suspicious... isn’t that illegal ??
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I think drinking is his new coping mechanism- he uses it as a reward of getting through the day with the 4 children they chose to have, along with his financial worries and numbing the pain of a career that is tanking.
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He s now down from 667k Twitter subscribers to 666.9k!!! In one evening he s lost 1,000!!😆😆😆 go jonny!!!
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they really don’t get it do they. What if Eduardo grows up depressed or suicidal from online bullying? Will they tell him to just brush it off?
Yes. Anna said she would tell her kids 'well, don't you like your big house and your private school'.
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God, I feel bad for the cleaner. I already know they’re the type to complain at her for ringing in sick. I used to work for someone that made me feel bad whenever I rung in (which wasn’t often) and it gave me such anxiety to ring up
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Is it normal to drink an entire bottle of wine every night by yourself? He tries to come across as some sort of connaisseur in an attempt to hide, what, to me, is just alcoholism. Those wines he drinks also are all on the upper end in terms of alcohol content. I mean, he admitted to having ordered stuff off Amazon he didn't remember because he was so drunk.

Also, the bottle he showed yesterday that was £35 isn't that much more expensive than the 'regular' ones he drinks, they're still £24. Now if he 'only' drinks 20 nights per month (which I doubt if you've seen the amounts he bought last week for just himself) that still comes up to almost £500 per month on booze.
i remember the lockdown last year (start of april) he had around 32 bottles of wine and said that was that months delivery :rolleyes: its definitely concerning..
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Common p*rn reference due to a category of Stepchild/parent. (Disgusting in my opinion however since I’m 19 I hear a lot of jokes about it in college) the female tends to end up ‘stuck’ and asks the dad for help. Hence the jokes about Emilia being stuck. Disgusting jokes. Aswell the 🟧⬛ Emojis are the colours of a particular p*rn website. That’s what they’re insinuating
Did not even make the connection, but you’re right! They are such disgusting parents. It boggles my mind they don’t care, let alone seemingly encouraging these people and comments by exposing their children in this way. I hope one day they feel the shame of what they have done. There is no way they both don’t realise exactly what they’re doing and how they are exploiting their children.
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Is it just me or does Eduardo have foundation on in the newest vlog? I thought they had edited the thumbnail to give him more colour (instead of being grey) but it actually looks like he’s wearing dark foundation in the vlog, particularly when he’s on the sofa in the playroom around 6:20 ... they don’t mention it so is this actually an attempt to hit back at comments that he looks ill? They are warped
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I have a picture in my head of him sitting alone all night as Anal escapes him at 8pm and shuts herself in her room. He at his computers downing a bottle of wine whilst talking to who knows who & sharing photos of his kids to the highest bidder.

Nothing this man does is the norm, I think he has a very dark side, hope I'm wrong, but I just can't see him watching the latest Netflix with a bottle on his own every night.
He reminds me of the new Shay Carl, he will get caught sexting and blame it on alcohol and end up in rehab.

We see time and time again, on vlogging channels how it screws up mental health, but nothing is done to protect the children of these vloggers. The kids must suffer at school and be forced to work at home, it's so sad.
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Can you imagine what a nightmare Jono would be if he was employed by someone? He's so arrogant and rebels against any sort of authority. As for Anna getting a job...!
As previously mentioned by @amyrebecca it would be such a shame if the kids had to change schools. It's the only place they can escape from the camera and have a nurturing presence around them. The only decent thing they've used their money for. Totally disagree that the kids 'earnings' from the vlogs are being used for this and not put aside for them instead. It's their parents who should be providing for their education if they wanted to send them privately.
There's no way they can sustain the lifestyle they've had up until now. It's starting to feel like the family vloggers tanking is finally gathering momentum 🥳
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Does Eduardo now sleep in a nightie? Looks like that's what he is wearing in today's vlog when the As are getting ready to go to school.... Sigh.

Yet they go over the top with cold shower punishments, and I'm pretty sure Anna hits her children!
When the Es were little, she once said on a vlog that when they are naughty, she asks them to hold their hand out so she can smack them. Of course we also know that if they were/are really naughty, they get a cold shower.
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I think whether its the cleaner herself who's unwell or she came into contact morally the whole family should isolate aswell right?
Especially when they have potentially put HER at risk by sending two of their kids to nursery so as to not impede on Anna’s phone scrolling time and Jonathan’s whatever he does time. They are so selfish and self centered it’s unbelievable.
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