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Bon Qui Qui

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You can't make this shit up. 🤦‍♀️ This comment on J's latest IG post. "He'll be a proper man" 🤔 So what is a proper man then? I thought all the SJs fans were so woke and progressive. I truly believe J is bisexual and maybe even suffers from his own gender identity issue. He'll never admit it fully but will keep hinting at it like his 90% gay statement. Just think of all the attention and views he'd get if he came out and his wife stood by him. There is zero sexual chemistry between them so I'm sure Anna could care less. Do it for the views J. No better way to support your son being who he really is then by you being who you really are.

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Hands up all those who knew Andrea would be going to 'school' for 5 mornings a week, too...? Poor thing. Must be such a shock to the system for him, from doing nothing all day to having a properly structured day. 'It's just till 12, it's not that big of a deal'.
Anna complaining about the homeschooling because 'she hasn't got any work done'. What work? All parents will need to do the household chores like cooking, cleaning, and laundry. All you do is talk to a camera every now and then, not even the editing.

Does Anna not know that you need to cook peas, or have them in the microwave for a good few minutes before they get defrosted? Those kids must have had rockhard peas....... what a shit mum. Also, there's Emilia on a zoom class, Eduardo still doing homework, the A's running around screaming and her talking into the camera about her cooking. WTAF? Where is Jonathan when all this is happening? Why can't he entertain the A's for a bit? Why can't Anna keep her mouth shut?
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So many times I've watched/heard about Anna and Jonathan's despicable behaviour and 'parenting' over the years and hoped it would lead to them being cancelled. I've been constantly surprised at their ability to bounce back from controversy.

Please let this sickening TikTok treatment of both Eduardo and Emilia be what finally ends them as influencers. Please let that be the one good thing that comes of all this. It makes me sick to think of how he's exploiting them, what he's exposing them to, what he's actively encouraging on there. NO decent parent would EVER behave like that. He's an incredibly sinister and disturbed man, and I genuinely worry about what could go through his mind to justify any of this.

I know their end as influencers would mean a very difficult transition for the children, and maybe Anna and Jonathan would be even worse parents to live with if they weren't getting their online validation or easy money anymore, but eventually those children could live a normal life. There's a chance at least.

I know I'm not saying anything new here, but I haven't watched their vlogs for a couple of years now. I periodically check in on their threads here and just can't understand how they still get away with being worse than ever.
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Is it normal to drink an entire bottle of wine every night by yourself? He tries to come across as some sort of connaisseur in an attempt to hide, what, to me, is just alcoholism. Those wines he drinks also are all on the upper end in terms of alcohol content. I mean, he admitted to having ordered stuff off Amazon he didn't remember because he was so drunk.

Also, the bottle he showed yesterday that was £35 isn't that much more expensive than the 'regular' ones he drinks, they're still £24. Now if he 'only' drinks 20 nights per month (which I doubt if you've seen the amounts he bought last week for just himself) that still comes up to almost £500 per month on booze.
Wowww if hes drinking a bottle of wine a night hes way over the limit in the morning to drive children to school !!! I say the local police need to keep an eye on that before hes the cause if a serious accident 😡😡
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this! it took her so long to call him ginger, she used to say it was rose gold :LOL: she also blocked anyone who said he was ginger for the first few months
I always found that really bizarre and actually in hindsight very telling to how the kids act towards appearances ect the whole “he’s strawberry blonde” “golden blonde” “rose gold” he’s bloody ginger and that’s it, can’t do anything about that can you? Why would you make a child feel like who they are isn’t right they have to make excuses for their own bloody hair colour. Anna wanted golden curly blonde Italian children to match their names so perhaps a pale ginger Irish looking child wasn’t what she was after - so let’s set the narrative of he’s nothing to do with me, he doesn’t even like me 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ Never known anything like it
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Annas instagram story! Even with a filter on Eduardo still looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks. I’ve never seen dark circles so bad.
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Another thing they emphasized in the deleted live was that the kids love filming and they come up with the ideas etc. also that for example Alessia loves to watch old videos when she was a baby - like duh! My kids also like to do that! I like to watch old pictures of myself! Their mind is so deluded - like if it’s not on the internet then it does not exist?
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I'm sure they used to only have chocolate things for breakfast on a weekend... seems to have creeped into everyday of the week now. Plus why is it spread so thickly! It's probably twice as much as anyone else would give their own children.
I remember when I first found them I actually thought their kids ate so healthily (this was when Eddie was only 1/2) bare in mind I didn’t have kids either at this time.... but they had salmon and cream cheese, they’d had eggs, they’d have avocado and only allowed pancakes with Nutella weekends and now looking at them, they’ve just given up.
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I would have to agree there! And she’s always claiming to never sit down at all during the day 🙄 I would love to see their Steps ect on their watches loool
she does nothing but sit down all day!! And when she’s not festering in her own bed, she’s in the kids beds, on her Insta stories tonight why is she in Alessias child bed?? If you’re reading her a story surely that can be done with you sat on the floor Anal
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Apparently according to Jono's logic, the kids are old enough to read YT comments (hence he turned them off) but they can't read the tik tok comments which are way more disgusting and perverted! Makes total sense Jono
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Poor Alessia, the gap is so noticeable.. Why are these kids constantly covered in bruises and now losing teeth at a young age. It is pure neglect.

I’ll never forget the time that Andrea was left alone in the annexe in the garden and flooded it all. He could have drowned. They really do not care about their children at all.

The kids will absolutely grow up to hate their parents - well, maybe not Emilia, I feel as though she’s following in her parents footsteps.
Actually with Emilia I'm not so sure these days. She seems less interested sometimes these days. Remember the christmas lights fiasco. She didn't want to be there then jonathan took her ipad right out of her hands with even asking for it then she shoved andrea and stormed off and jonathan carried her back into the room even though she clearly didn't want to be there. And now Eduardos getting all the attention, she's getting annoyed. I think she might not follow in their footsteps. Didn't she say she wanted to be a teacher? And I think if she did it made Jono annoyed because she didn't wanna be a vlogger.
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So inconsiderate to the poor cleaner, having her misery clickbaited while they whinge about having to get off their arses for once. I hope she's not feeling too ill with it :(
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Takes them out for a walk DAIILY 🤣 umm you never set foot outside the house 🤣🤣
She means the dog walker walks the dogs and the nanny takes the children out for a walk. If she ever spends time with all of the children out of the house, guaranteed she has her husband or nanny with her as she can't cope with all 4 alone.
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I really think they have a warped meaning of certain things like the 90% gay thing, if you’re not attracted to the same sex, which he claims he isn’t, then you’re not gay. I think he’s associating “being 90% gay” with what people would have traditionally called camp. There’s nothing wrong with being a feminine man but they have such linear views on gender like girls wear pink and sleep in the pink room and the boys with blue that they can’t seem to comprehend that men can be interested in traditionally girly things and woman be interested in traditionally boys things.
This plays into what they’re doing with E2, acting as if dresses, long hair and make up make you more “girly”. I’ve watched them since E2 was born and I always thought he was so interested in princesses and dressing up because of E1 being the big sister and the only influence he had, which is fairly normal and most grow out of it eventually unless of course you’re forced to keep the narrative. If E2 follows a certain path he should be able to do it privately and in his own time without the views of the world. I recently unsubscribed to them across all networks as I don’t agree with the narrative J is trying to create and their content has become repetitive and desperate.
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J will 100% screw up his kids future careers and education attempting to force them into a career on YouTube to make him money. Didn’t he say multiplie times that he thinks school is a waste of time?
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Their latest TikTok has made me so angry once again! When will they understand that a 6 year old cannot give consent? The cheek of J trying to pretend that he makes the videos because it makes Eduardo happy, I mean what a joke. What a horrible selfish creature J is. It’s genuinely upsetting that nothing can be done to help those kids
But can something be done?
Can we all somehow report them, send screen shots etc. Surely there has to be a way to report abuse, these parents have been getting away with it for far too long, it has to stop.

Does anyone know what route to take, I'm more than happy to report them but don't know where to start.
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Cannot believe the disregard they have for people who are actually suffering from covid. My entire household including myself have had it over the last 2 weeks and I would not wish it on my worst enemy, unfortunately lost my grandfather to it just yesterday. I would never wish it on anyone but they would not know what hit them if any of them were to get it.
Sorry to hear about your grandad, my uncle passed away due to covid yesterday as well, the Sacconejolys have always lived happily in their little bubble and just don’t care about the outside world, I remember thinking at one point does Anna ever leave the house? (pre covid) I just think it’s disgusting using covid for click bait titles, that goes for every YouTuber not just these idiots.
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Ellis hav

Sorry but why have they sent their 2 babies to nursery when they are both stay at home parents especially when the whole virus I get some people aren’t scared about it neither am I but come on that’s a joke you can’t look after babies at home yourself ?
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Jonathan, be a man and get a real job. Support your family with honesty and integrity. You think you're soo successful, but you have FAILED your children. x4. Your channel is spiraling because you and Anna have taken a turn for the worse and began operating out of greed and selfishne$$. Many of your OG followers have turned on you, including myself because we can SEE THROUGH YOU, not because we're "trolls". I used to watch you back when Emilia was a baby, and I'd watch every day. It *used* to be good, simple, innocent, relatable fun. Just playing around the house with the kids. Everyday usual life. Now, you have dollar signs in your eyes and are exploiting your poor kids. Evil and disgusting! It's no one's fault but your own. Since you like to sit down and say "we need to chat" all the time, perhaps you should swallow your pride and realize that you need to sit down and be honest about what you're doing, and STOP it. Take the kids off the internet, put the camera DOWN, live in the MOMENT, and go out and get a real job. The fantasy life is over. Every time you stick that camera in your kids' face and exploit them, we are just sitting here watching you dig your own grave. It's all going to come crashing down. It already is. In the end we all reap what we sow. Some sooner rather than later. So please, stop putting the kids' lives on the internet and selling them out to your fellow friendliest friend sickos! All will be exposed.
He's not a man though, he's a gnome.
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I can tell you from my own personal experience of having a miscarriage and talking with others who have also gone through a miscarriage that is definitely NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOR to act like she did after her doctor told her she lost the baby. Unless deep inside she was actually relieved...? Omg just looking at that photo of her beaming from ear to ear in her white dungaree shorts... 🤢 That is not a mother that is grieving.... I don’t care what anyone says. That is a sick “creature” I’m not even going to refer to her as a woman. NOBODY in their right normal mind would be posing for photos like that smiling like a clown (in white crotch suffocating clothing for that matter) as they are “miscarrying.” Like GTFO.....
Totally agree also from experiance, I bet all they could think at the time was 'think of the views we will get done having a miscarriage ' they are just sick people and were the same back then too!!! No grieving parent beams with joy on a freebie trip to disney !!!
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