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So Jojo tries to school us today about how hard Youtube is. Dude, you just suck. Not only do I work two days a week, cook, clean, and do laundry, I run two Youtube channels. My main channel is an anime channel. I watch the anime, research a bit on it, film it, find GIFS and images from the shows, edit it, and upload it. Not only that but I upload it to HideoutTV. My other channel is about my plant-based life, but that one I just started and it's going to take a while to get more views. You wanna know how long all this takes me it get done? Two hours! I go outside and film for about 10 mins. or so for the first video, then I film the other for about 8 mins. I'm very organized with the way I do things that it doesn't take me long to do. I even add gifs and images, he just films his family. So Jojo you can just stick your rant where the sun doesn't shine! You got lucky that you started your channel at the right time and kept going.
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Just seen her story from this morning trying to do bicep curls. I didn’t see the story last time it was mentioned on here. You aren’t supposed to move your entire arm, Anna, just your lower arm to engage your biceps. What she’s doing will cause strain and damage.
I thought that too. Also what on earth was she trying to do on the exercise ball?!!
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He s lost another 2,000 Twitter subscribers!!! I reported few days ago he d gone down to 666.9k... He s now on 666.7k!!😆
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Not only do they not grow, but they don't develop. They are brainwashed in only liking roleplaying with Barbies and making Tiktoks. No educational toys, no outings (before Covid) that would actually benefit them, no connection with their parents except for when the camera is on. They have all their meals alone, they watch TV alone, they play alone. Their parents are always there, but they might as well not be.
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Oooh, I'm happy to hear SS have been in touch with this pair of imbeciles, hope now they are on SS radar?

I mentioned a few posts back about reporting them, didn't know how to go about it though, glad someone has. 👍
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I'm so glad that the message to Jonathan asking to be super dad of the week has now been deleted, I've seen more and more people tweeted that person telling him not to have him on the show and What jonathan is really like, I think he must have done some research and backtracked. I hope that's the case.
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hilartious when they are comparing E2 to Annas dad they don't use a pic of him with hair extensions and a dress on
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I actually reported the latest TikTok. I know nothing will get done about it but it just made me angry. He is basically telling his 6 year old that people call him a freak, that is bullying.
I’s emotional abuse.
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Those bastards
Gee I hope the cleaner is OK, she is sacrificing her health to keep a job. Isn't she allowed privacy btw??
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Would you really watch Anna cleaning and doing the laundry?
The few times she had to do laundry she looked so awkward, not a clue what she was doing with her stupid pouty lips and old fashioned hair. She ruined a wool jumper cos she put it on the wrong cycle. Can you imagine a grown mother of four not knowing how to use a washing machine! In the old house they used to fling their dirty laundry down the basement stairs towards the laundry room, couldn't even be bothered to go down and put it in the wash basket. She'd just fling it down and it wud appear all washed and ironed back up in her bedroom. Or the time one of the kids got sick all over their cot and she left it for the cleaner who was coming later to deal with it. She is a disgraceful bitch.
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Chatty Member
Nope the deep throat Ti kTok deep throat remote... Which sick male pweirdo comments such as posted...Good practise for when she s older... It was vile... Hence it being picked up on ... But he has left it there... Now up from 14million views to 14.6 million😭😤😤😠
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It’s funny how they try and ‘break gender norms’ with Eduardo yet their family is the most stereotypical nuclear family ever. Jonathan claims to do all the ‘work’ whilst Anna’s the one that looks after the kids, cooks etc (if you can call it that). I have an idea, maybe instead of hiring all this cleaning staff Jonathan gets off his fat ass and helps around the house too? Rant over..
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These poor kids. When I was 12(?) I created a page on a site called netlog the picture was me from that summer I was wearing jeans and a loose vest on a trampoline - not revealing or anything and I still had adult men messaging me saying I was “beautiful” / “sexy” - essentially grooming / attempting to. I shut down the profile, and it was only up for a couple of days. These kids have been online all their lives . It’s so unsafe.

The kind of people who like and follow the photos on the fan instagrams are bad enough, but I find it so troubling they will have no doubt received direct dodgy messages which they are just ignoring and instead focusing on “trolls”.
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CCTV in the kids' bedrooms? That is ridiculous. If he's that worried that something's going to happen to the children in their sleep, TAKE THEM OFF THE FUCKING INTERNET. It is awful that they'll go to such extremes just to keep the money machine rolling. No youtuber should have to go to such measures for their safety. If you're giving away that much information that people would be able to get into your child's bedroom and harm them, the answer isn't fucking CCTV, its deleting any trace of your location being identifiable AT THE LEAST. He isn't the prime minister or president or any other high profile figure that are at risk due to the nature of their job. His kids shouldn't have to feel unsafe in their own home for the sake of something as unnecessary as a vlog.
He doesn't have the cctv for the kids safety at all! He doesn't give a fuck about their safety! He has all the cameras on in the hopes of catching something funny or interesting that'll go viral! That's all that's in his fucked, warped mind!
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What about the sexual connotations of the tik toks, could we do something about that?
Joanie is like Teflon. Nothing sticks. They admitted to punishing their daughter with cold showers and nothing happened.
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How do they still have so many subscribers, yet so few views? Yesterday's video didn't even reach 5% of their subscribers. That seems quite odd to me. Are they all bots?
Probably people like me who subscribed in like 2012/2013 when they were in their early teens but haven't watched for years and didn't bother to unsubscribe. I don't think I unsubbed and unfollowed until the cold shower/Stacey Dooley incident even though I hadn't watched them for years prior to that. I'm subscribed to hundreds of people but only watch about 5 of them these days 😂
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VIP Member
Why doesn't she just join weight watchers or slimming world, noom or whatever their is.
Do a meal for her and Jonathan to loose weight and do a simple meal for the kids.
Oh wait.
1. To much hard work preparing two lots off meals
2. Want to be Sponsored
I went to charity shops back in 2019 got some weight watchers books. Lost 5lbs
She needs immediate professional help with her ED because her kids are at the age where they're going to remember all of her weird eating habits and the manic early hours of the morning exercise. She can lose or gain any amount of weight but it won't stop the demons in her head until someone actually helps her :(
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