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Hasn't this gotten worst since Emma Willis showed her son with long hair and in girly clothes. If that wasn't shown. I believe E2 be still the forgotten child. Who wants attention.
Eduardo always says he is a boy.
He thinks Harry Styles wears a dress. That was once for a photoshoot. (I don't follow Harry so mot sure if he does but always seen him in male clothing).
Eduardo doesn't know what's happening. All he knows his parents like him dressed has a girl (its bringing in views) so he thinks this is right.
Yet he doesn't want his friends to see him dressed as a girl. He is already been bullied at school let alone at school.
Someone needs to get that kid out of the family.
I can't belive Oma is supporting this.
I hope other Grandma isn't and putting her foot down with it. Its wrong E2 is 6. He doesn't understand all of this.
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See their stil have well over Million subs.
But half the subs could be bought
Half could be people who sub but forgotten about them
Half could be sub but no longer use the account or be around anymore.
So their is actually probably only about 550,000 subscribers cause if theses have 1m subs how the 1m arent watching them. How come they views are like 45k to 85k. Soz maths is my bad.
I still remember how Jonathan, before Andrea was born, said he would reveal Andreas name when they hit the 2 million subs. They never did 😂😂
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Imagine being so fake and useless that three days before Christmas you need the nanny to help you fake a happy family afternoon doing Christmas baking. Shes so detached when she speaks to the kids in the vlog yesterday too, it’s all bizarre!!
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Who’s trolling her tho? I never see any negative comments about her on YouTube or Instagram. If they’re talking about us then they should stop going out of their way to read this page. Just another boring sob story of theirs 🥱
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Don’t wanna sound like a bitch but E1 is getting more and more frustrating
She’s proper turning into a sly lil girl and it’s showing more and more in the vlogs
If that’s ten mins of their days what’s she like for the rest of it? Fckin tell her off bc she’s becoming a bully to her siblings 🖕🏼
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Don’t wanna sound like a bitch but E1 is getting more and more frustrating
She’s proper turning into a sly lil girl and it’s showing more and more in the vlogs
If that’s ten mins of their days what’s she like for the rest of it? Fckin tell her off bc she’s becoming a bully to her siblings 🖕🏼
You can't blame her though. She's been the star of the show for so many years and now her dad has just tossed her aside for Eduardo's new storyline. Obviously there is no discipline there. She punched Eddie when Anna was right beside him. My kids at least do it when I'm not looking. 😂
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She walks (have you ever seen a sloth run?) like this because of her knock knees and her hyperextension (?), her arms and legs just are really bendy, I don't think that the clothing makes a difference.

I have no idea how this family lives on this posh street, the kids were heckling an oncoming car when they filmed the TikTok, then two gentlemen walked by, obviously wondering what's going on, Jonathan just stared at his phone, not even a nod, he always tries to come across as easy going and social, but as soon as he comes into contact with actual adult, non-arse kissing human beings, he becomes hostile and introverted.

Also, how much tuna wraps and Pomme Bears can those kids eat? Chocolate for breakfast and crisps for lunch, very healthy.

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He probably ignored the two bewildered gentlemen as he is secretly embarrassed to be walking around in an Elsa costume as a grown man lol! So much for all of his enlightened behaviour. If he really was accepting of dressing this way, he would have acknowledged them properly and we'd see him out in a dress in public now and again.

I can see now why they are hitting the tik tok so hard- yesterday's supporting my son in a dress video is only at 44000 views! People are bored lads....he must be really bricking it inside given how he has allowed his wife to sit at home hiring full time nannies and hoards of staff while he tries to show he can support this lifestyle....they really need to just accept the 15 minutes of fame is over, downgrade to a more manageable house, put the kids in a good state school (no one but the ultra rich can afford to have 4 kids in a private school anyway), and get Anna out working or get rid of the nanny and have her manage all of her own children all the time.
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Bon Qui Qui

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Blue hearts for Anna... wow... they're trolling themselves now.
Also, Anna.... Don't you like living in a large house? Not having to work? Having staff to look after your kids, walk your dogs, clean your house? Suck it up then.
This is great!!!
Also it was her husband who trolled her by posting that terribly unflattering screen shot on his Twitter the day they made that TikTok video. How would a husband who's well aware his wife has huge issues with her body and recent weight gain not be more careful about posting bad pictures of her?? It seems almost like he did it on purpose 🤔 My husband would never post a picture of me that was that bad. Also J is well aware of the lengths Anna goes to to manipulate her IG pictures yet he blows the lid right off her bullshit by posting her true body. I think he did it on purpose to low key shame her for her weight gain. He had to have known it would be a target of conversation here. He may be the village idiot but he's also is very cunning and manipulative. He knows what he's doing most of the time.
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Welcome to all the new members, I've seen quite a lot of you join us in the last few days! So great to see this storyline *might* be their downfall (touch wood) as they're now on a lot of "drama channels" radars. Interested to see how they spin the "stop exploiting your kids" comments from yesterdays vlog into hate. Prepare yourselves for the worst explanation video we're yet to see on ALL of youtube! (it'll probably take them a week because they don't want to address their declining audience but it's coming)
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Busy doing what exactly?
Busy doing absolutely fuck all..... do they forget that they’ve been daily vlogging for years? That he’s always said how quick those vlogs are to edit? Suddenly they can’t cope with all the pies they want a slice of? It’s actually pathetic, if you can’t cope with more than one channel stop bloody starting all the extra ones, certainly don’t charge people to watch them. You’re not “busy” you make money exploiting your children, you turn on a camera and point it at them.... you’re not curing Covid, or helping the homeless or doing in fact anything of note. If you didn’t want 4 kids (which clearly you didn’t) you should’ve stopped at two...
But no, they outgrew the cute baby stage so needed a new set of moneymakers and now..... that poor little boy... at least most people can see it for what it is, a pathetic attempt to plug a drowning ship.
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Am I the only person that hated this family on first sight? I dont understand how anybody could ever have been comfortable with them selling their whole childrens' lives online.
Personally I watched them when I was about 13/14 - basically the first time I got my phone as they came up on my recommended. I love kids and thought emilia was a cute baby and watched them, once Eduardo was born and they started to move to England for some reason there was a shift in the way I felt about them. This was around the time Eduardo was walking and wanting to wear dresses. It was very evident that there was a shift in which child had the most features in the blog. First was Emilia as she was a cute sassy toddler but once Eduardo started to wear dresses and it gained them praise he became more of the favourite. They then had other kids and by that time I just moved on. But couldn’t help but feel an icky feeling with Jonathan, went back to see what they were up to and stumbled across the #metoo video, as someone who has been in a vulnerable #metoo situation as well, I watched. That’s when things went south, see everyone talks about their #metoo situations differently but it rubbed me up the wrong way when the video was him sighing and going into different places and, in my opinion, making it seem very dramatic from a choreograph/videograph perspective. Talking about it is very hard to do but having these multiple scenes where he’s struggling to talk about it and calling his mum etc seemed way too dramatic. Since it’s a sensitive topic what you expect is a sit down video talking about it and the experience - if they wanted to - again it’s hard to do that I get it - but then again why talk about it. And you would hope there were links to website to help people deal with the trauma. That’s what you would do it, at least the way I would do it. However, that was not the case and to me it was very evident that he saw #metoo as a way to gain views and momentum which as someone who has gone through something traumatic like that, didn’t go well with me. Then the Twitter stuff came out and it was obvious how low he would go to gain subs and views. Now looking at the present things that have happened since then my question is this: if Jonathan can go that low to fabricate a story to fit a narrative for his own life, do you really think he wouldn’t do that to his children? E.g Eduardo —

Also I find it interesting how he is so for Eduardo being himself however when Eduardo:
-at the age of 1yr wanted to dress up Elsa he dresses him as Olaf and was visibly upset
- when trying for baby 3 he wanted a ‘real’ son
- when he bought cars for him and he wanted to play with ‘girl’ toys made remark and then started to call him names such as Edwina
- when he painted his nails blue - in which Anna says something along the lines of ‘did you pick blue? Daddy is going to be happy?’
- where he made a video, when Eduardo was two, and titled it his gender reveal - saying Eduardo is a boy, and saying “ I always played with my sister babies and doll ... but I was still at heart a boy” - ✨The name of the video is we have something to tell you?! ✨- if you look at the description it really just plain and simple that he is suing this kid now for views.
- where even now he talks about Andrea being his ‘real’ first true son and Eduardo is his third daughter 🙄

To now in which in one of the video when talking to Anna Eduardo says he was forced to wear the pink boots and coat

This is blatant child abuse and I hope someone does something to help these kids.
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In their latest tiktok alot of people were saying how it's all very forced for views... I genuinely think Eduardo is now dressing up to please daddy as anna once said in a vlog "daddy will be so happy" in reference to him wearing a dress.
Everyone catching on now thank fck 😂


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So... If we tattlers are wrong... And scumjonodad isn't pushing the transgender thing for content and views... Why hasn't Eduardo wanted his half of "Anna s wording " the boys room" changed... It clinical traditional boys half... No sense of clues to him as a child/personality..... Dressing area... Dressing table etc... ??? Cos it's 💩
A few weeks ago, Anna was gifted curlers for her and her daughters. Both Emilia and Alessia were not that interested, so Anna tried it on Eduardo, calling him 'my most cooperative daughter'. He shot her a dirty look, and after having them put in his hair refused to show his dad and sister. He was crawling behind the sofa to avoid his dad seeing him.

just looked at her Instagram- poor woman looks very unwell.

Does Anna have much of a relationship with her?
I don't think she does. I believe it was in their NKA chat about 'my son is gay' she mentioned that Emma never came out properly to her, and that she just introduced her girlfriend to her, which to me sounds perfect because why would you have to 'come out'... but Anna seemed disappointed, and not understanding that her sister is a lesbian because 'she always wanted to play the mum when we played house'.

I also wonder if Emma disagrees with the SJs vlogging, she never wants to be filmed when she does come over.
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It's just disgusting how one child is always his 'muse' and he exploits them in particular over all the platforms. It's like his flavour of the month, and after he's had enough he moves on to the next child and what it can do for him to make him famous. He was like this with Emilia when she was a baby and toddler (he continuously ignored Eduardo for years, then even started bullying him), for some time it was always the newest toy, I mean, baby. It was Alessia after the cold shower, then after Disney it was back to peddling Emilia, now it's Eduardo. You just have to look through the thumbnails to see this.

I'm not surprised Eduardo is so compliant and does whatever makes daddy happy, he's been getting more attention from him these past months than he's ever had in his life. That's why we need to be very careful not to confuse what Eduardo truly wants and what he's just doing to get to spend time with his father and get positive attention instead of nasty remarks for once.

Anna mentioned in passing that Emilia also got extensions yesterday, but there was not one clip or photo of her in extensions as far as I'm aware. Just like with the high heels, Alessia got them too, but it was all about his little money making freak Eduardo, -because that's what Eduardo is to him, this whole inclusive, embracing attitude is BS, he's as backwards and in the closet as one could be.
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She was found guilty of tax fraud (undeclared income) of over a hundred thousand pounds and with that amount and the fine, she had to pay over £200K. She was a lecturer and it was very unlkely that she herself would have that amount of undeclared income so it is assumed that it must have been something to do with J and A, who probably asked her to hide it on their behalf to avoid paying tax on it. They had already been found guilty of unpaid council tax. It was all over the newspapers in Ireland, they even published Margaret's address so it must have been a terrible embarrassment for her, a presumably normally responsible citizen! It had to be connected to the dishonest SJs!!
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People commenting on his twitter. Interesting comment on his titles and clickbait
yes he goes on to say only 3 of his videos were titled directly with Eduardo relating to dresses/ hair/ shoes. Hmm let’s see......

‘someone sent him his own dress’
‘Why we let our son wear a dress’
‘How we made a viral tik Tok’ (feat Eduardo in a dress)
‘His first pair of high heels’
‘Christmas outfits’ (Eduardo in a dress)
‘Dancing in the street as Elsa- dad wears dress to support son’
‘He got his dream shoe collection’
‘Renewing our vows’ (feat just Anna and Eduardo in dresses)
‘He got hair extensions’
‘Big changes’ (pointing to him with the hair extensions in.

And the point being all this in the short space of time following Harry styles and Emma Willis son stuff. So yes in your mind Jonathan it was 3 but it’s not really is it?!

Plus the countless videos heavily featuring him as completely centred around him wearing dresses on Tik tok. This man really believes his own lies.
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Anna said in those dm's to Sloan that they pour all their money into trust funds for the kids. Yet Jono has said multiple times this year that they have been hit hard financially and had to cash out plans they put in place back in 2014. Then on NKA he said recently that instead of giving the kids a bunch of money when they grow up, he is using the money to pay for their education instead. So who is telling the truth then? I seriously doubt with all of their outgoings they have the money to do both, especially with a virtually non working Anna and declining subs, views, and ads/sponsorships. Perhaps if their outgoings were more reasonable I could believe this.
She's such a liar!
She said she always gets E2's permission to post online, what about those times when he was hiding from the camera and didn't want to be filmed? He is far too young to give consent for his entire life to be posted online or to understand the ramifications of it.
Also she complained 'trolls' are coming for them saying they are exploiting E2, maybe stop exploiting your children then!
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All those kids and their behaviour are a direct result from the terrible parenting, or rather, lack of parenting, they are receiving.
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