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Jonathan looks like he's getting a proper sleeve of tattoos now, not just filling in the dodgy tattoo. Took no time in getting Emilia and Eduardos as soon as they came to England, but the younger kids were just for views.
(excuse the black spot in the corner I'm watching Netflix)
I didn't think it was possible for that tattoo to look any worse. I stand corrected!
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I don't know the first thing about tattoos, but do those 'filler' lines look really wonky to anyone else? Are they supposed to look like this? A bit like when I used to scribble on a notepad during a long phone call as a kid.

View attachment 180355

Oh and (again, I have no idea what I'm talking about lol) but thinking that his original old 'tribal' tattoo is like 20 years old, I would've thought it would've looked better to kind of re-ink those outlines again. Now it's just an old faded, wonky tattoo with fresh, also wonky filler lines, no?
He might as well have the kids doodle on it with a black sharpie. Oops I forgot no colouring materials allowed at home by Anna 🙄
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In the interest of fairness I should probably add that Johnny boy didn’t look too busy either. What a pair of wasters. Sitting in their big house, not even minding their own kids.
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She’s been on the same contraceptive pill for a long time though (as it happens same one as me) so I don’t know why it would suddenly be the cause of all her weight issues - not saying she actually has any but you know what I mean
She said she switched her pill in December, and that's when she started to gain weight and having a hard time losing it. I get where she's coming from and kind of understand her frustration, but again, crying because she was a size 12 for a couple of months is a slap in the face of every girl watching them who happens to be a size 12 naturally. She can be sad and frustrated all she wants, but as a grown woman she needs to understand what she's putting out there and that earning money with a young audience comes with responsibilities.

And can someone please tell them to stop filming their 'please feel sorry for me' videos in the kid's rooms? Jonathon filmed his 'assault' story in Emilia's bedroom back then, now Anna is crying about being a size 12 in Alessia's bed, those rooms should be sacred and not used by parents to lounge in and cry to a camera.

My doctor told me it’s a myth that pills make people gain a lot of weight, you might gain a pound or two but that will be it. People just love to blame the pill for their weight gain!
Besides, I think Anna looks lovely at the size she is, she looks healthy and has a normal body after having four children.
Her doctor should refer her to an eating disorder specialist because this is clearly all to do with ED thoughts
I absolutely agree, especially with today's micro pills. She's older and restricted for over a decade, that's what happens with your metabolism, you have a harder time maintaining and losing weight. Especially as she desperately wants to be skinnier than she naturally is supposed to be. All the energy and discipline she has for her eating disorder, yet none when it comes to being a loving, dedicated mother.
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It’s what they see their dad do.
Hideous. I honestly couldn’t imagine recording my kids whilst remaining nonchalant (and in fact laughing ) about them walking on, throwing GIFTED food and being so ungrateful. I’ve watched the sacconejolys since they were expecting Emilia but I stopped when they has alessia (no real reason just outgrew their content) and I continued to follow them as I couldn’t be bothered to unfollow really... but I think today is the day I unfollow. They’re ridiculous boils my blood.
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It really is. And then Jonathan trying to come across all professional with his light, all for a very simple 'last day of school' photo.
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" What do you think? is it safe to travel? i want to help support the Italians and the airlines and all the other services we would be using but i am so torn! the Gov says yes we should!! what do you think? "

Siiiiiigh. He just wants a freebie holiday, and they don't want to go to Butlins when it reopens. ;)

"I want to support businesses and restaurants and help all those people" Riiiight. Which is why you always want freebies and are rude to staff, leaving all your mess at the table and letting your kids run around....
They were only just in Orlando. Most of us won’t get in spitting distance of an airport this year. Yeah and he has no interest in supporting any businesses - he wants everything for free.
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there are a lot of things that she could do instead of the same WIAW.. let the kids and jonathan pick out ingredients and then make a meal out of whatever they choose- that would actually be interesting!
but she wouldn't do anything random because she has a schedule to keep :rolleyes:
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What's the point of those workout selfies anyway? Of course, we know it's to document her weight loss, but for someone claiming to be in ED recovery, she really shouldn't be advocating weight loss at all. It should be about being healthy, but she just can't help herself and has to show off and be better, skinnier and stricter than everyone else. She isn't working out to be strong and fit (fit for what? it's not like she does anything that requires physical strength) or because she enjoys working out, she works out to justify eating, to punish herself and lose weight.

I wish there were regulations in place for what those 'influencers' can put out to their vulnerable audience, because what this woman does is nothing short of dangerous and manipulating. She's taking her fans on this ride with her, one year she's all about that body positivity and loving yourself, 'eat those cookies if you want to!', then it's back to restricting and working out to be allowed to eat, does she ever think of anyone other than herself?

They really are a pair, he caters to pedos and has teenagers work for him (moderating, the girl who used to edit videos for him and came along to film the book tour, for free) while his wife is putting teenage girls in danger by suggesting that this is healthy post ED behaviour.
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I can guarantee by the time E1 is 14 she'll be in a clinic because she's picked up that being unhealthy skinny is the only way her mother will think she's pretty and the world only wants skinny girls.
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I am not sure if anyone is interested in statistics, but I have done a review of Jonathan viewing figures for last few weeks, and they make for some interesting reading.

I have seen people posted on this forum in the past detailing viewing figures for individual video's, but as I have said also in the past this is not the full picture, as Jonathan does have a large back catalogue of videos, which the minions do look at regularly.

So to get a better overall picture of how Jonathan is doing with regards to his viewing figures, I have totalled up all views for all three channels on a weekly basis for the past few weeks and have detailed the figures below.

The first interesting thing you will see from my figures is that since he has been talking and adding videos to all three channels, his week on week viewing figures have dropped by 350,000 views.

Then to put my data into further context, if you compare last week’s viewing figures with the same time last year, when Jonathan was outputting one video every other day, to now, Jonathan is now having to working a lot harder just to stay at the same level.

Time Period ................................................................Views per week
For the Week Monday 01/06/20 to Sunday 07/06/20..........1,392,562
For the Week Monday 08/06/20 to Sunday 14/06/20...........1,668,967
For the Week Monday 15/06/20 to Sunday 21/06/20...........1,470,293
For the Week Monday 20/06/20 to Sunday 28/06/20...........1,383,252
For the Week Monday 29/06/20 to Sunday 05/07/20...........1,275,171

Just to give these figures some context here is viewing for this time last year
For the Week Monday 01/07/19 to Sunday 07/07/19............1,233,561
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Eggs? For BREAKFAST? Has Anna been taken hostage??
View attachment 182173
WTF is she punking us!!:oops:

But you know what is really annoying about this post is that Alessia loved scrambled eggs back from when they dined in that place in Orlando Florida and I have never seen Alessia enjoy eggs again but today eggs is on Anna's diet radar and probably because michellemariefit has recommended it now she gives a shit to cook eggs for herself! But her kids no. :mad:
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Was the vlog in Ireland or when moved to the UK.
I don't have much on today up to now. I can skim through videos.
I remember when Anna was on Instagram she went to the patio doors filming Jonathan doing something he came through door not knowing Anna was filming his voice and attitude was different then Anna moved the phone around and drop of the hat Jonathan attitude changed to hyper hey guys.
I seen this before in the past of other YouTuber vlogs when at the glem party his attitude is like soild and good but then the camera comes on on he act surprised n his whole body language changed. He buts on a act all the time.
This! I think Jonathan is actually a very sad and depressed guy and is constantly looking for new distractions partially due to his ADD, but I think also to distract himself from his unhappiness. The happy go lucky act is mainly for his audience, but I think he also tries to convince himself that he's happy. He's the definition of overcompensating. I think we very rarely get to see the 'real' Jonathan. When he crosses his arms and goes "hmm" and tries to look intellectual or like he's actually listening to what is being said, that's just another act. It must be exhausting to never be yourself, it wouldn't surprise me if he has some extensive online 'life' under different names where he's his true self.

You really think Anna is considering the comfort of her child? The woman who had no qualms about announcing to the world that her daughter’s feet were bleeding as her shoes were so small? Then we were actually counting how many days it took them to get the poor girl’s feet measured for new shoes. As I recall, they shoved her in Emilia’s old Ugg boots for a couple of weeks as they couldn’t be arsed! And shoes have got to be WAYYYY too small to make her feet actually bleed, no?! But joggers are comfy too, which was what little boys were dressed in when my son was small. I always thought leggings were for girls. Maybe I’m just not PC enough in these days of gender fluidity?! He still looks daft though. Like she had him in pink Scamp & Dude clothes for most of his babyhood. She can’t seem to get to grips with the fact he’s a ‘boyish’ boy.
The kids wear what companies send them, this family lives and breathes freebies. Leggings seem to be 'in style' for little boys so that's what companies make and send them. Anna only cares what Anna wears, unless it's to dress the kids up in leather jackets for a staged photo or to buy some Italian designer onesies for £200, but on a day to day basis? She's not interested. Remember Jonathan wearing some kind of UGGs? The women's sneakers? Or the floor length coat last winter? Or the leggings? There's never a hint of shame on her face when they leave the house together to go to an appointment or restaurant.
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That vlog showed she is deep into her ED and not really good content for her young followers. Not sensible showing the pills, anyone else taking the same brand could stop taking it because she said it makes you put on weight.
But changing her pill isn't necessarily going to stop weight gain, any estrogen or progesterone hormone can cause weight gain, that's what female hormones do. Even if you aren't on the pill, you could see weight changes during your cycle when progesterone and estrogen are highest. It's disappointing she felt she had to have that cry about her pill causing weight gain and contact her GP immediately. If you're that upset about your body contact your doctor asking for help with weight problems
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so anna did roll down the hill- but none of the kids did! :LOL: also andrea was running and jonathan said "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, fall" like he was expecting him to fall, but he made no movement to go and stop him (he didn't fall and emilia grabbed his hand right as he was about to trip).. jonathan said "good recovery" like he was disappointed that andrea didn't fall (would've made good content I guess?)
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