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Busy mum chooses an off the shoulder shirt to wear for her busy day. I find nothing more frustrating than an off the shoulder shirt when I'm trying to do things
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And white trousers ... I know she’s all about not becoming frumpy and I totally get that - but there has to be a difference between frumpy and completely impractical. This would drive me insane.

I am a SAHM, in the winter it’s jeans and jumpers and in the summer, it’s dresses, preferably in darker colours. I cook a lot, and I find aprons impractical in the summer heat, I look after my children and - would you believe it, 7 pets !! It can be done, Anna !

There are ways around frumpy and it doesn’t have to be impractical.

Another impractical thing in my mind is the cooking with loose hair - how does she not get hair in her food ?!?! Tie it back !
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When Emilia told her she 'tried on' huge hoops that went down to her shoulders she looked so happy, for nothing in the world would I want to miss my daughter being this giggly and excited. And Anna's reaction per usual is focused on appearance, not the experience: Emilia "We found these huge hoops, they were like THIS big!" Anna "Really? Wow. Oh your pearl earrings match your new top"
You watch in a few years when emilia needs to go bra shopping for her 1st bra, it will be the nanny who takes her!! She just discusts me the way she does nothing with her kids, like mentioned already this should have been such a lovely mummy daughter day out, but no she decided to stay home and sit on her arse with her head in her phone!!! 😡😡
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Why should she? She does so much with the kids. Anna does nothing with them. Least Anal can do is make their lunches. But I can't for the life of me understand why she'd make them so far in advance. Sometimes she does just come across as thick as shit.
She is up at 5am like make them then, takes 5 mins. She has serious issues
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Does Eduardo have any hair left now or have the shaved him completely? His hair looked so lovely longer! Also Jonathan's hair looks like pubes.
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2 or so weeks ago Jon told us about his bathing routine. How he washes and what he smells like and so on. one fecking asked what you smell like, weirdo! Or maybe 'someone' did ask?

Then this vlog it got even more bizzare and personal .. he was yammering on something like "If it seems like I don't care it's because I have attention problems. I do care it's just I don't always show it properly because I have ADD" He spent FIVE full minutes over explaining his inattention.

Ugh, I've never spoken to you or been ignored by you so why are you explaining this to me? Or is 'someone' else annoyed at you for not calling/texting?

I do wonder who these monologues are meant for. Emily? A lady/gentleman down the street? Who?
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What was that fuckery going on in the vlog today!? Title was something like " Accidentally scaring the kids"! And it was Anna had a face mask on and only scared one kid, and of course that kid was poor Eddy! And, it was on fucking purpose, not accidentally!!
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And in autumn / winter some scarf indoors ...
I don’t get her constant dressing up. If we’re not going anywhere (and to be honest, sometimes even when we are) it’s yoga pants and a comfy shirt all day but then, I pla
And Anna simmering everything in stock and not any type of oil now will more so make turkey/chicken tough and chewy to eat. I agree where is beef in their diet it’s not as though they are vegan or vegetarian and are omitting it for ethical reasons. Anna just consciously chooses not to include that in the kids diet because she has said she doesn’t like red meat so that means nobody in the family has it but why deprive growing kids its such a rich source of iron which the kids so desperately need they look anemic in my opinion.
I don’t particularly like red meat either, I never have, but we still eat it once or twice a week as my children and husband both like it. My husband doesn’t particularly like fish, but will eat it one or twice a week because I do. We have a little give and take in our family and that’s how we all end up eating meals we enjoy.

I do wonder how much salt they consume on a daily basis. Not only does she cook everything in stock, she then seasons with so much salt. I’ve stopped adding salt when I’m cooking. It could be why the children are thirsty/do not sleep very well.
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I just watched About a Boy - what a great film. Hugh Grant “does nothing” living off the royalties of a song. He splits his day into 30 minute “units” to make it go faster. 60 mins is too much to contemplate. Mm who else does this remind us of ? Someone else who does nothing all day ?
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Hi everyone, clinical psychologist and long time lurker here. I just wanted to say that she is giving out some damaging advice by steering people away from seeking help from a qualified therapist or psychologist and advising them to seek out a coach or nutritionist instead. Just because it didn't work for her (which actually, most ED's are rooted in other issues that also need to be prioritised and worked on simultaneously or you will just get a band aid fix), does not mean that everyone else should follow this. She could have just had a poor fit with her therapist, or not been clear that her goals are to solely work on her ED (which can be done, patient's wishes and goals should always be respected by the clinician). We don't always need to solve the root cause of a person's issues, but exploring other factors that tie into it can be a really valuable addition to the therapy and bring about a lot of critical insight and change. Anna clearly struggles with depressive and anxious features, that is clear. However, she has a problem admitting things and acknowledging it, as this triggers her feelings of being "broken" or deficient. So she rejects anyone insinuating that more could be going on that will need to be addressed because her main go to coping strategy is to deny and deflect- which is why she contradicts herself with her body positivity posts followed by emotional outburts weeks or months later about how much she has been struggling. She liked her ED coach (coaches by the way are not regulated health professionals and receive very minimal training compared to master's trained therapists or psychologists who require a doctorate to practice) because that person told her what she wanted to hear and did not challenge her thoughts in any real way. She will continue to swing back and forth and contradict herself (whether for views, or whether it is genuinely what she believes about herself at that moment in time) because she cannot truly admit and work on the more deep rooted issues with perfectionism and control.

What she desperately needs is a psychologist who she will let her guard down with and who can partner with her to work towards her goals while gently challenging her to go a bit deeper and examine other related issues that are relevant to a longer lasting recovery. But unfortunately she seems to only look for quick fixes to her problems- her broken pelvis needed an osteopath and suddenly she was so much better (oh wait, she still complains about that), her sudden weight gain is due to her birth control pill, her bloating was due to gluten and then was fixed with intermittent fasting- except it wasn't and she still struggles with it. She does not like to feel uncomfortable for long so she looks for anyone who will put a band aid on her problem so she doesn't have to feel like something is defective in her.

Also, if she truly now believes her self worth should not be linked to her looks, why does she continue to spend the majority of her time on her looks? Waxing, hair, nails, the obssessive daily make up, the shopping hauls for new clothes everytime her weight temporarily fluctuates? If she is really over it then we would see her bringing more balance into her life by focusing on developing other skills and abilities- learning a language, taking an online course, some type of personal development.
Thank you so much for your insight on the subject. I am a LCSW and worked as a therapist for a number of years before becoming a stay at home mom. (I plan on returning to work once my child is in school full time.) If I didn’t know who she was I would have found her comments about therapy very offensive. Over the years I have watched enough footage of her to speculate that she is a narcissist as she most certainly displays a number of traits connected to narcissism. Of course she would think it doesn’t help. She also most likely doesn’t want to put in the uncomfortable work and time it takes to get better. She is lazy in all aspects of her life, are we surprised she would be lazy about this? What I am angry about is implying to her impressionable audience that therapy doesn’t help. So fucking reckless.

I totally agree with what you say about the lack of regulation in being a “coach”. Also, ironically in high school and my first 2 years of undergrad I worked for a Registered Dietician in an assistant type roll. I remember one of her biggest pet peeve’s was when people who called themselves nutritionists and health coaches. She would get fired up when her clients would say “but my health coach told me this, etc.” and the information was just scientifically wrong.

Now in my profession I get it to. With how much schooling, supervised work hours, getting licensed, as well as the lifelong commitment of continued education just so I can practice in my field - it irks the shit out of me that people can create this illusion they are equivalent to us because they completed some 40 hour course online from a non accredited website.

The silver lining in all this is that the money she is saving by refusing to get help from a professional is that there should be plenty of money saved for when 3 of the 4 are in desperate need of therapy when they are older. One could only hope. Those poor children.
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Yeah that was Anna, and it's not out of character if you think about it: When the views are low and there's a shitstorm coming and Jonathan tells her to bring out the tears for her eating disorder/mum/grandmother, she does it every time. This is just Anna trying to look like a normal mother to get views, I can just hear her bitching and moaning about it "Jonithiin! My hair! Jonathiiiin, now my clothes are all dirty, what will the cleaner think? My make up! Jonathiiiiiiin! Ouch! I think I just broke a rib, that's disgusting!!!"

And his voice when he was out jogging showing us the fox dens, first, the stupid just keeps on coming, why would the council put animal dens right next to and ON a road? That's obviously a likely illegal dumping ground people use for their garden waste, it looks like dens because it took the shape of the container it was stored and transported in, and second, his VOICE when he's out of breath, didn't know it was possible but he sounds even more like an effeminate Mickey Mouse on helium. And that's what Anna hears when (if) they have sex, and she managed to bare it at least four times!
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Bon Qui Qui

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I have to wonder if her narcissism gets in the way of her admitting she has a host of deep rooted issues besides her ED. Will her ego not allow her to admit she's "broken" (her words)? I imagine if anyone dared point out other disorders or mental health issues she would immediately get defensive and stop going as they dared to point out things she herself has suppressed in order to not admit she's "broken". She only wants them to focus on the disorder she's willing to admit to and completely ignore the rest. I personally don't think she'll ever get proper help. Like I've said before her mental health issues are her security blanket in some sense. It's all she has, all she's ever known etc. Kinda like a drunk or drug addict who can't even imagine life without their crutches. I'm sure she's used it as her excuse over the yrs to get out of loads of things she doesn't want to do like raise her own children or anything normal functioning adults do. Jonathan goes along with it so she keeps using it to her advantage. It has crippled her to the extent they have to hire help to do literally everything for her. Somehow I don't think she's ashamed of being an uninterested mother and wife. She's very content to stay in her superficial bubble primping and preening herself all day ignoring the outside world.
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About 2 minutes into his first video and I feel like I have ADD: the music is all over the place, the lightning is horrible, the noises, the cuts, the zooms, Jonathan absolutely loving himself. And the challenge hasn't even started yet. Then Anna and Jonathan in their leggings, like the king and queen of the trailer park, telling Alessia that they're going to check on Eduardo and Emilia and Alessia's face is like "what? never heard that sentence before? checking on your kids? what does that mean?". It's just more boring child exploitation.

Also: the segment with Alessia and Andrea shows the clock at 2:20PM, the one with Emilia and Eduardo at 2:25PM, it's just mass produced child exploitation at this point.

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Maybe it's another challenge video, see if mummy dares to eat. ;) (Oops, shouldn't joke about such things but I've been in the ED world long enough to have acquired dark humour when it comes to the topic)

" Anna is having a hard time at the moment, being this is the longest time in her life that she has been away from her mom, the last time we saw her was the 1st of Jan this year and when we said goodbye we had no idea it was going to be for so long! "

You mean that mum she hadn't phoned in over a week eventhough she had just lost her mother? She is lucky that her mum is safe, healthy, and capable of using technology that allows her to speak to her 'face to face'.
What’s stopping her hopping on a flight and visiting her mum ? She wouldn’t be missed in that house given the nanny & cleaner will be there. But then this is Anna - she’s not capable of flying alone, hiring a car & driving Dublin to Cork. Imagine being so fucking useless?!!
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Honestly my motherly instincts wouldn’t let me do that even if I wanted to. It’s scary out there and they’re literally publicly letting followers (potential wronguns) know where they are, what time and what the dynamic is (who’s with who) it’s terrifying, but It’s all for the gram🤷🏻‍♀️
I don’t think Anna realise’s it can take a split second that things can happen when you are not looking and Anna is so brainless, detached and not used to looking after and keeping an eye on her kids indoors let alone outdoors because Anna is used to their nanny looking after all four of her children so for Anna this type of caring and responsible behaviour towards her kids is foreign to her. It doesn’t come natural.🙁
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Why on earth do they only take one dog with them? Can you imagine the other dogs getting their hopes up that they're going on a walk and escaping their confinement from the kitchen, only to see that one of them is going 😔
They should never have kept all those dogs, they can't care for them properly.
I’ve never understood the need to have six dogs, even if don’t have kids. At that point you just look like an animal hoarder unless you live on a farm or something.

Those dogs do not look well cared for imho. They shouldn’t have had more than 2 really.
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She is only American when it suits her, just like she is only Italian when it suits her. I was shocked when the other day she referred to herself as being Irish. ;)
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The pill does not make you gain weight. It makes you hungrier. It’s up to you whether you give into that or not. I’ve lost and gained weight on the same pill.
Not entirely true, when hormones come into play, it can mess with your metabolism and eating the same amount of calories can lead to different results. BUT, she's more than likely on a micro pill, not enough hormones to make a difference, we're not talking about thyroid issues or menopause here, so in her case, you're most likely correct. Especially when she said the clothes she packed for Ireland were too tight at the end of the week. It's pretty much impossible to gain that much weight within a week, more than likely, those clothes were already super tight when she packed them.

Jonathan said he started running because at the start of the lockdown he went on walks with the dogs, so now he just leaves the poor dogs at home and goes on runs by himself. How selfish can they get? It's always mememe! If you have time to go on daily runs or work out at 5AM, you have time to take your dogs (and kids for that matter) on daily walks!
He said that while the shower was running steaming hot and he was still completely clothed, he said he's "heating up the shower", is that a thing? I have a horrible boiler but it never takes longer than 15sec for the hot water to come in. He's so wasteful, just like when he was heating up the car in the winter.
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