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Maybe it's time they got off their arses and got a real fucking job
It's kind of satisfying seeing them squirm, neither of them has the qualifications (or work ethics) to find jobs that pay for the luxurious life they've become accustomed to. The only way those two can afford this lifestyle is by exploiting their children, they're both 100% dependent on their small children and some teenagers on YouTube liking them, that can't feel nice for a 40 and a 32 yo.
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Jonathan now claims that they never had family holidays, just one child a year would be going on holiday with a parent. REAllllyyy? So what about those family holidays to France, those boating holidays for weeks every Summer? That trip to New York....?
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I don’t get how they have so many leftovers all the time? Does no one finish their dinner? Cause when she films herself cooking it doesn’t look like she makes that much. Either she doesn’t give the kids enough or they won’t eat it cause it’s disgusting .
I actually think the nanny may make the kids dinner. There’s no way she cooks enough for 2 adults, 4 growing kids and have enough for multiple servings of leftovers
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My doctor told me it’s a myth that pills make people gain a lot of weight, you might gain a pound or two but that will be it. People just love to blame the pill for their weight gain!
Besides, I think Anna looks lovely at the size she is, she looks healthy and has a normal body after having four children.
Her doctor should refer her to an eating disorder specialist because this is clearly all to do with ED thoughts
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Yes to all of this! Also while she's gladly dumping her kids off on a nanny she's at home doing things like sitting on her ass browsing her phone. 😡 This is from J's Instagram today. No kids in sight, dead silent house (kids probably out with the nanny) all so they can open freebies and she can lounge around. Emilia already notices how uninvolved her parents are and will soon if not already start calling them out on it. It's really sad.

View attachment 177861
She still looks chunky.

Her ED comments on IG........ sigh.
She's just so wrong!
YES you do need to work on underlying issues. EDs are often a symptom of other issues. Learning to eat properly again is important, but without doing the work on what's underneath that, you'll get right back or find other destructive ways to deal with them. She may not see how they are related, but EDs are so often a coping mechanism for other things. Her constant need for control and planning her life in 30 minute segments would be something a therapist would want to look at, for example. What would happen if she would let that go, even a little bit?
And sure, not all therapy works for everyone, and some ED patients have to go for more than one treatment. I personally know people who have been in and out of clinics for literally years. But that does not mean that it does not work.

YES, you can recover from EDs, but it takes work, and being aware of your triggers. Anna has not done any work and clearly isn't aware of her triggers.
She also claims that she does not work out for weightloss and that in her mind the two aren't even linked. Such BS. If that was the case, what was that manic walking with very newborn Andrea just before the Italian wedding they went to? Once they went there, the walking was over.

Needing therapy does not mean you are 'broken'. It means you need help in certain areas of your life, and there is NO shame in asking for help if you need it. For her to suggest that people in therapy are 'broken' is so damaging, and could cause a huge set-back for her vulnerable audience. What a disgusting comment to make!

And lastly.... why does she post these on top of pictures of her kids?? Her children should be left out of this! If anything, her kids should be yet another reason for her to finally, finally take this serious and get some proper help. But she won't. She'd rather bring it up every now and again for sympathy and attention than actually do the work.


"Is it true that your nanny lives with you?"
Eduardo has to think... 'No... once, because she was a live-in nanny but not anymore' So the previous nanny WAS live-in like we had talked about here. When she moved out is probably when Jonathan did that passive agressive house tour, showing the empty wardrobes in the spare rooms.
So they had a live in nanny so they didn't have to get up in the night with Andrea. Do you think johnno knows there is something wrong with Anna re the children (either she doesn't want anything to do with them or she's not capable for whatever reason of looking after them). Did they make some kind of agreement - I'll have the children but after that I'm not looking after them so you'll have to pay for someone to do that. It's all very weird.
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these children are bringing in the money (lets be real, they do about 95% of the work) but how much of it do they actually get?
they don't have appropriate shoes or ones that fit properly, a lot of their clothes are gifted and don't fit properly, they clearly don't eat well as they all look very pale/ deficient of things, quite a lot of their toys are gifted.. :rolleyes:
emilia and edwardo are at ages where they could have pocket money but they don't even go out so they wouldn't be able to spend it anyway.
they've been working every day since before they were all born and they don't even get money to spend on themselves.. i bet it all goes into the house/ school fees/ whatever else anna and jonathan buy :confused:
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Jonny is getting desperate. Not only does he mention the 'pink food challenge' in the description of today's vlog, he also has it as a pinned comment, saying ' i need as much help as i can to get this channel off the ground!! thanks!! ' It's only had 77k views so far.... and he has 344k subs. So much for him being such a magnet for subs, and how everyone wants to watch him and Anna.... ohwell....

The kids have a very long summer ahead of them, working for 3 channels and Tiktok.

Anna and Jonathan claiming they had not filmed anything over the weekend. "We went to a zoo, we saw gorillas" Somehow I doubt that you went and did not film anything other than a short clip on your phone. You could not pass up that amount of footage.
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“why couldn’t Emilia say anything”.... mmmm, maybe because she’s not Alessia’s MOTHER?!
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nice to see that the kids have proper shoes on for once! its lucky that they have the nanny really.. who knows what would happen otherwise :confused:
They had their feet measured, and I suppose they got new shoes as well. But as there was no footage of them going into the shoe shop, it was more than likely the nanny who had to deal with taking all 4 kids out, something their own mother has never done.

Of course having their feet measured now means that their new school shoes will not fit, or not for long, anyway........ Their parents are such idiots.

Anna put out another video. 'Baking with babies'. I understand, it's a catchy title, but the children are 3 and almost 2. Toddlers, not babies. She should stop calling them that, especially since Alessia was showing regression during the lockdown and it's now the summer holidays for them.
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Yea very focused , focused on herself and that's it!!! 😠
Exactly. And if a child is screaming, she does not even hear it.....

I thought it was very worrying that she said Eduardo stresses out when he can't make his bed perfectly and there are still a few wrinkles. What is she doing to these poor kids??
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He didn’t even count to 10 anyway as Jono said half the numbers for him, if you’re going to record him doing it at least let him do it by himself :cautious:
Dont be stupid, jono has to be in every single clip he does, can never be just the kids, well not unless he's using the nanny clips of there lovely days out!!😔

I said well done nanny for teaching Andrea and got blocked

To be fair I'm surprised gnome can count to ten
Seriously!!! 😆😆😆 you were blocked!!! Any wonder there losing views with the amount of people they block every day😆😆
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I know we mention this all the time, but I just can't get over it. They have nice full lips. I don't understand the overlining by so much in such an obvious manner when it's not needed.
View attachment 180708

Anna's sister, Erika, for those who may not know.
View attachment 180709

If they carry on the way they're going with trowelling on that lip liner, they're going to look like this by Christmas 🤣💋
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The way Jonathan's been using this girl since day one, first as his 'best friend' (or toy, as his mother put it), because no one else wanted to be friends with him, then slowly but surely as a means to make money and now he's just flat out exploiting her innocence. And of course she enjoys it, it's all she knows, the concept of parents wanting to protect their children and spending time with them in other ways than through a phone screen is completely alien to her :(

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Chatty Member
Jonathan posted this video of A2 counting on Sunday. This following comment was posted under this video, as well. No mention of seeing J and/or A.

Also, if they went to the zoo over the weekend & this was posted Sunday, wouldn't the poster say yesterday for Saturday? Friday could be the weekend if you worked outside the home & took the day off, BUT they don't work. Also, means the kids sat home, as usual, all day Saturday & Sunday.
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Chatty Member
It really is. And then Jonathan trying to come across all professional with his light, all for a very simple 'last day of school' photo.
It’s actually so fucking sad. Pathetic.

Also in that still, I’m certain Emilia is silently screaming SAVE ME.
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Hi everyone, clinical psychologist and long time lurker here. I just wanted to say that she is giving out some damaging advice by steering people away from seeking help from a qualified therapist or psychologist and advising them to seek out a coach or nutritionist instead. Just because it didn't work for her (which actually, most ED's are rooted in other issues that also need to be prioritised and worked on simultaneously or you will just get a band aid fix), does not mean that everyone else should follow this. She could have just had a poor fit with her therapist, or not been clear that her goals are to solely work on her ED (which can be done, patient's wishes and goals should always be respected by the clinician). We don't always need to solve the root cause of a person's issues, but exploring other factors that tie into it can be a really valuable addition to the therapy and bring about a lot of critical insight and change. Anna clearly struggles with depressive and anxious features, that is clear. However, she has a problem admitting things and acknowledging it, as this triggers her feelings of being "broken" or deficient. So she rejects anyone insinuating that more could be going on that will need to be addressed because her main go to coping strategy is to deny and deflect- which is why she contradicts herself with her body positivity posts followed by emotional outburts weeks or months later about how much she has been struggling. She liked her ED coach (coaches by the way are not regulated health professionals and receive very minimal training compared to master's trained therapists or psychologists who require a doctorate to practice) because that person told her what she wanted to hear and did not challenge her thoughts in any real way. She will continue to swing back and forth and contradict herself (whether for views, or whether it is genuinely what she believes about herself at that moment in time) because she cannot truly admit and work on the more deep rooted issues with perfectionism and control.

What she desperately needs is a psychologist who she will let her guard down with and who can partner with her to work towards her goals while gently challenging her to go a bit deeper and examine other related issues that are relevant to a longer lasting recovery. But unfortunately she seems to only look for quick fixes to her problems- her broken pelvis needed an osteopath and suddenly she was so much better (oh wait, she still complains about that), her sudden weight gain is due to her birth control pill, her bloating was due to gluten and then was fixed with intermittent fasting- except it wasn't and she still struggles with it. She does not like to feel uncomfortable for long so she looks for anyone who will put a band aid on her problem so she doesn't have to feel like something is defective in her.

Also, if she truly now believes her self worth should not be linked to her looks, why does she continue to spend the majority of her time on her looks? Waxing, hair, nails, the obssessive daily make up, the shopping hauls for new clothes everytime her weight temporarily fluctuates? If she is really over it then we would see her bringing more balance into her life by focusing on developing other skills and abilities- learning a language, taking an online course, some type of personal development.
Yes yes yes thank you. She needs professional help (and not from some “coach” with no medical degree). Her spouting all this misinformation on IG is so negligent and shows she really has no idea what is going on with her mind and body. It’s all about the quick fix and she’s unwilling to dive in deeper.
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so in her insta stories Anna encourages people to sign a petition to prevent puppies being trafficked in from Europe or something and says how horrified she is....interesting that she was not horrified enough to sign and share petitions for the whole black lives matter protests, even when so many people pointed out they weren't doing enough with their generic post on it, that was then followed by silence. So she cares more about animal lives than human lives....
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Jono explained it all in the description Alex visited as a friend who just so happens to be a hairdresser and then gave them all a haircut.
Oh so just because she's a friend it doesn't matter. How many other friends homes does she visit and not wear ppe.
That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard.
Comments are mostly against him.
If she was there as a friend as per government guidelines in another household you need to still be 2 metres, it’s just bullshit
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