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A lot of the z listers who would be nobodies in London seem to move to Manchester. A lot of the reality tv people are up there
No one here gives a fuck about them either - they do it cause it’s cheaper than London.

I suppose it’s very possible that the Corrie cast want to live just outside of Manchester.

Is Manchester like Essex in the way of most females all walking about dolled up to the 9s even through the day or not?

Anyone live in Essex here - are all the females, or the majority, like the TOWIE lot, in the way of surgery etc etc?

I walk about in jeans and trainers the majority of time when off work and I would feel completely trampy and ugly in Brentwood in all honesty...
Nope, Manchester is very casual unless you’re going to like a good restaurant etc but day to day it’s more like converse and jeans. Liverpool is more glamorous clothes wise etc
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It's Scott I can't stand. He seems so arrogant and stuck up
Yeah that’s the one I don’t like, the one that isn’t famous for fuck sake!

I like the one that was in Emmerdale, the best, he seems the nicest person and the brightest out of the other 2!
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Ryan is the ultimate grifter, he’ll take anything for nothing. A lot of people would be incredibly embarrassed to have a Rolls Royce when you have let creditors go unpaid, it looks terrible and shameless. Ryan couldn’t give a fuck, it’s all about the show. I dread to think how much he takes off Lucy.
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Oh my god! I hope he isn’t taking pics of people!

It was brilliant wasn’t it?! So much more entertaining than TOWIE and they were dressed better than the Essex lot too!

I remember them saying that in Liverpool then it’s quite normal to see women walking about with curlers in their hair, can anyone from Liverpool please confirm or deny this?!

In Edinburgh then we just don’t dress as glam as some English cities, I know not all women in Essex and Liverpool dress glam but there are lots, and they all had beautiful glam houses! Even though crushed velvet was more Essex.😂😂
Yep, walking round the shops on a Friday or Saturday with curlers in is definitely a thing. With lip fillers, thick tattooed eyebrows, bright white teeth that look like chewing gums and rubbery looking lip fillers. Don’t forget the eyelash extensions either!
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^ We will have to agree to disagree. Yes, it was years ago, and no, he didn't actually rape anyone; however, part of the reason why women are still seen as commodities and 2nd class citizens is because we normalise things like this. If he'd been racist and talked about killing n***er b**ches the fallout would have been HUGE. I hope he has learnt and moved on, but I can't think of anyone who uses language like this as a 'lovely guy'.
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Carry On!

Saw Ryan's car parked in the disabled bay opposite their restaurant today.
Seeing as it's a huge, two-tone Rolls-Royce with personalised plates he's being very brazen about it.
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Kebab girl

Chatty Member
Is there a thread for the other Thomas Bros?

sorry to say this about a child, but, Adam Thomas’ son looks a brat and is very annoying
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He'd love that, it would get him in the papers at least, exposure without actually having to graft seems to be his sole aim now
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💯 this 👌🏼 They think they’re Manchester’s social elite..I find them so fake! I thought Scott’s post the other day about taking a break from social media and how therapeutic is was to be very strange! They literally have their phones out at EVERY opportunity, the kids never get to enjoy a party or family day without being on their uncles insta’s fucking weird! The fakest bunch out there, they honestly seem manic with the fake laughs every second, they laugh at nothing 🤔 Ryan needs to pay back his debts..all smoke and mirrors with these jokers! 🤡

I just cannot stand the trio of Cheadle W#£@5RS.

Ryan and his ridiculous dress sense.

Adams fake laugh.

Scott's Faux High Class Businessman Wall Street Persona.

It's not exactly hard to believe is it.

They really think they are A Listers.

Ryan is lucky Lucy chose him she was doing well in Life with her fitness business and Ellese Sponsorship money to not need the Bankrupt unemployed actor.
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I think her and their dad split up years ago
Their Dad left them when the Thomas boys were kids and they were brought up by their step father.
He told the story when they did the Mancs in Mumbai with their real dad whose family were from India (who has since died)
He did buy his stepfather some new teeth :LOL:
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Daddy Cool

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I would disagree. She’s with a man who’s bankrupt and barely earns a living and told his last baby mother he didn’t fancy her after giving birth. Why would you up root your life to be part of the Thomas clan
You make a very good point… Essex doesn’t seem far enough away when you put it like that 😂 always thought they were an odd match.
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Cute little babies shouldn’t be monetised by fathers who’s careers are at a dead end though…

maybe he should stop relying on his other half and rich friend
Not that I believe for one second that Lucy knew nothing about it, but he must be doing ok if he’s managed to buy a house recently. Previously bankrupt people can’t just stroll into a bank and get a mortgage.

Having said that, I think that (like Scott) he seems to like to portray the really flashy lifestyle when anyone with eyes can see that he doesn’t have regular work. At least Adam seems a lot more down to earth with his family, Ryan and Lucy seems like that would be beneath them.
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Running in a ‘Hot Suit’ which is designed for very specific athletes to wear in a sauna to cut water weight quickly in order to get down on the scales ahead of a fight or contest. Not advised for aerobic exercise, not advised for use during cardio work, only used outside of weight cuts for vanity reasons (to appear more ‘cut’ for photo shoots for example)

Sums Ryan Thomas up that he fancies himself as a fitness influencer now but quickly gives himself away as simply a vein show off. He should team up with Mark Wright!
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Lucy’s house is literally a bungalow with a loft conversion. Not the mega mansion that she’d like you to think.
I thought so coz she’s got a full on bathroom downstairs with a bath and romans nursery etc… it’s beautifully decorated her house like I do really like it and the kitchen living room area is lovely. But it’s like a very average house in Brentwood. Probably worth about 500/600k. Just annoys me that the attitude of these influencers is look at us in all our designer / we have so much money etc and it’s all fake. They will continue to waste money on cars, jewellery as opposed to making sound investments.
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I really don’t know they all seem to get away with so much like Scott when he butchered that poor dog and hit kady…
Ryan was that bad in neighbours they re-worked the role so it was only a brief appearance but was first intended a longer one.
He said that the cast was very offish and unpleasant hmmm
So all those cast members were horrible and he was the only nice person there huh.
I use to think Adam was ok also but he just masks it better. His restaurant is an overpriced Burger and chips bar. He’s blown all his money and left emmerdale because he needed 100k that panto were offering at the time. He’s really childish and intitled they all are.
They were all skipping about Manchester a while back saying “Ryan’s gonna work with michael Douglass lol ….
Scott had hardly any clients before at his PR place but then PLT got big and as I’m sure everyone is aware they grew up with umar who litterally sends Scott clients as when big celebs sign with PLT (it’s umars family that have done all the hard work to get they business to where it is.If you look at umars insta it’s almost shot for shot the same
As our scotty because scotty has convinced himself he’s on par with a successful entrepreneur LOL
He makes sure Scott gets the rep all the molly maes etc.. that sign with plt.
Same as he’s put in most of the money for Adams cafe “spinn “
They all preach about reading using you’re brains and hard work lol one look at Scot’s gram is enough to make you want to vomit. But not one of them have worked and been successful in their own right. It’s always using others and other peoples money !
A few years back we were all out and the famous 3 were out with that equally nasty cunt Brad Howard. Him and that nasty squished miget (Ryan) got into a fight. Wanna know why ? Because Brad had dared to state he was better looking then Ryan lol I kid you not.
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I quite like Steph, but she has awful taste in who she copresents with. What exactly does Ryan bring to the table. He knows nothing about nothing
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