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I really don’t like reading cringe sex stuff either, I’d genuinely rather watch a cringe sex scene in a movie rather than read it, idk why. I really would not like to read about graphic descriptions of non consensual sex either. I understand it’s educational and that, but I’m quite surprised how many books with that theme she has on there
I feel like cringy and graphic sex scenes are way less prevalent in literature than in movies. Like idk maybe I've been lucky and I've avoided most of them but if the book contains sex scenes, they're usually quickly described in like three or four lines max and they're not usually very graphic.
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A bit random but I wonder why her English degree at Exeter is listed from 2019-2023 on LinkedIn? Did she switch to a 4 year course with a year abroad/placement? Can’t imagine her leaving England for more than a week
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43% is pretty high tbh but it could be from having a lot of exact quotes in your essay. As long as they're referenced it doesn't matter. And if you've been told to attach a mark sheet or something similar to it then that brings your percentage up a lot.
Agree with this -- I used to have to put cover sheets on some of my work and I'd get 40% plagiarism scores, but most of it was the cover sheet!
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Thanks for replying everyone! I didn’t know British law enforcement were so ... easy going?
I know a few people who definitely got on the radar for similar things here in Germany, but of course there could be more to it.

Still extremely stupid of her, tho.
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I actually couldn't even finish Lolita because I found the subject material so gross. Like yeah I get it the writing is great blah blah but... 🤢 So kind of surprised Ruby could stomach it! I think a lot of her 'views' on these kind of things are just an act or exaggerated by people. Honestly I find sex scenes really cringey (especially in Stephen King books.. Lol) which doesn't automatically make someone immature, it's just a personal preference. But I don't throw down a book and burn it if I come across one and I doubt Ruby does either
Lolita was one of my favorite books when I was in uni, not sure if I would like it as much now that I understand the world a little better. I’m aro/ace and I don’t know if that has anything to do with it, but I generally find sex scenes just super boring these days. It’s all just friction to me 😂 My main objection with CMBYN was precisely that, it was a snoozefest with pretentious young people at the center.
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It’s not a UK thing - sometimes a cafe will make a hot chocolate with a mix of water and milk but normally now it’ll be made with steamed milk. Historically, I think cocoa was generally always made with milk or a mix of milk and water. I think this is another case of Ruby just interpreting something her own way, and seeing ‘cocoa’ and thinking that meant they literally just drank the powder mixed with water.
I've seen plenty of UK nationals do it at my London uni lol... maybe just for bad cooks?? her food is bland, so I'm not surprised that she used water for a hot chocolate
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Yeah tbh if I wanted to do a masters (which I'd love to in the future) my options would be limited but although disappointed with a 2:2, I'm at peace with it too. Kob wise, depending on the career path a 2:2 won't really hold someone back that much (my experience obviously!)

Theres always speculation with what she'll do after her degree! I'm surprised she hasn't mentioned it at all, not even in passing. Unless she has?? Maybe she doesn't know, I definitely see her doing a masters for sure but who knows, she could be hoping her writing career takes off and she'll do that instead
You can get onto some masters with a 2:2 :) hopefully you'll find one

I don't really know what popular job options are for English students. It's quite a vague degree so you could probably get a lot of jobs that are the type that just want you to have a degree and aren't bothered what it's in. But I feel like Ruby would think herself above a lot of jobs lol
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it's weird to imagine Ruby on a study abroad term. i don't know if this is a common experience but when i did mine in France there was a lot more emphasize on the travelling and partying experience than the studying part. i found the classes to have a lot less work than i was used to and most of the international students i met (especially those on erasmus) definitely saw it as a semester to party. it was tons of fun for me but i don't see ruby vibing with that environment
I’ve heard similar about Europe! I did a year in America and although the work was easy (Ruby would have loved it because it’s the type of thing she could get 100% on) there was so much of it, that it became overwhelming. That combined with the fact I couldn’t just go home for the weekend, or really see anybody I knew, started to weigh on me and I’m not even a home loving person. On the plus side, I think people would enjoy her in America because they were obsessed with my accent 😐
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Chatty Member
I read 7 books in January but a couple were 700+ pages and I'm also a full time teacher. Loads of Ruby's reads are children's books so I'm not surprised she gets through them so quickly.
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To be fair it’s still sort of worrying that she surrounds herself with so much child imagery, children’s books, acts like a child etc etc not sinister like you say but still concerning 😫
Lol! This is exactly what I was trying to say. I think it was because the imagery reminds me a lot of Vladimir Nabokov's nymphets in Lolita. Humbert Humbert also had an obsession with childhood, didn't he? Like he couldn't exactly grow up and continued his obsession with Annabel Leigh (reference to Edgar Allan Poe). Maybe that's why I felt weird about her collage. 😂
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The one thing that annoyed me about the internship (apart from the fact that her history with paid content for the uni may have helped her get it) is the way she phrased how she found out about it. "My seminar leaders sent it to me because they thought I'd be interested" - her seminar leaders probably sent a mass email about it to everyone in her department, why she have to make everything so ego-centric? I bet that she wasn't emailed specifically.
It depends sometimes there’s internal applicants before hand, seeing as she has worked with them before, I think she is likely to have found that first rather than the mass email, probably from the careers service more than anywhere else 😂
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I thought the same, again I have struggled with an ED so I'm cautious to say she is suffering from one but her face looked so slim when she put it up in a bun, idk if it's just because I'm used to seeing her with really long hair that makes her face look rounder than it is but I was really shocked at how slim her face has got. It could just be her growing into her adult features more but combined with the small portions and books she's been choosing it is a bit worrying
Added to all the other things, the possible conclusion is dark.
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There’s this thing in Scotland where if you buy a plot of land you automatically become a Lord or Lady. I can absolutely see her featuring this in one of her neverending What I Got For Christmas/My Bday videos.

editing to say that I’m not 100% sure how this works, I just got an IG ad about it and snooped around the site for a while, idk if there’s any more bureaucracy to it or not.
Ye man scott disick did it somehow too 😂 we can all become lords and ladies
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I remember when I was 10, my best friend and I both borrowed The Fellowship of the Ring from the school library and were implicitly racing each other to see who could finish first (this was before the films came out btw). Some days I'd even skip 10s of pages just to get ahead of her, only to find out she'd done the same thing! Neither of us enjoyed the book, as we were too concerned with quantity over digesting the actual story.

For Ruby, big numbers = amazing, but that doesn't account for the actual learning/enjoyment.
This was me with my classmates whenever a HP book came out, we all wanted to be first :ROFLMAO:
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There was a recent video where someone in one of her seminars discussed the same points as she’d written about in one of her essay plans(?) and it very clearly rattled her, to the point where I think she ended up asking for a meeting with her tutor to explain that she’d had that idea already and had planned work around it.
If this is the instance I'm thinking of, they had discussed the same scene in a play that she was planning to write her essay about and didn't think she could now write an essay on the same topic that they had just discussed in the seminar. But I didn't interpret it as if she thought that somebody had "stolen" her idea. I interpreted it as if it was just an unfortunate occurrence for her and she thought she had just been unlucky that that specific scene ended up being the topic of the seminar.
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Very interesting that she's posted she's reading Murakami's Norwegian Wood for a book club - it has heavy sexual themes, as well as being a bit of a wild novel and I'm so interested to see if she finishes it or what she thinks of it. Personally I'm a sucker for all things Murakami
I love this book but there’s so much sex! Even some questionable sexual scenes with an underage girl
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