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Erimentha arrives for PE before her peers as she now wishes to demonstrate her physical superiority. She hears her classmates talk about 'meaningless' things such as TV shows and weekend plans.

They start playing tennis and her serve is perfect, because of course it is.

There's a bit of back and forth between her and the others.

Suddenly, everything goes white


No, she's not dead, it would be God meeting her at the gate anyway, not some amateur like St. Peter.

She's concussed and the school nurse is there.

Kimberly hit her with the tennis ball. Her mum is on her way to take her to hospital.


She's in A&E and having a wonderful time observing the sick people around her. She guesses a man has a broken arm by looking at his ulna bone and notes how much pain he is in. You stay away from him, Erimentha Shipman!

Her mum bought some things to the hospital - not packed by her, because in this novel, she is mentally regressing at an alarming rate, she wouldn't be able to pick the right stuff - Erimentha had already procured an Emergency Hospital Supplies Kit. This is not a joke.

The doctor marvels at Erminetha, telling her she's the most medically-informed child she has ever met, because that's what most NHS doctors have time to do. Ruby needs to read House of God and understand the meaning of the word GOMER

Erimentha passes the broken-arm man on the way out, offering her condolences and hoping he recovers quickly and painlessly. Never, ever, let this girl near you with a syringe.
I love the House of God reference🤧
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wtf was her pose like.. I dont get it. she was trying to look 'effortlessly beautiful" or whatever. she just looks stupid because she even half assed an Instagram story
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They wouldn’t just be looked down upon, but the children would probably be referred to social services for neglect. Trust me, this stuff happens in more in deprived areas, but when you’re middle class a lot gets over looked.
Idk man, the middle-class people I know are the most judgemental about personal appearance? Plus, if someone I know makes a huge fuss about someone wearing trackies/pjs/scruffy clothes I just get the impression they're a bit of a snob 😬
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It looks like some sort of mud room maybe? I see that the dog bowls are kept there. Maybe that's why it looks kinda dirty. Not that that excuses having a dirty floor lol.
I think it was just for show and she didn't actually mop the floor. She just did it a couple times for the camera and that was it. Which would explain why she doesn't have shoes on when that would be so unpleasant (dirty/wet/cold floor) and dangerous for slipping.
I would have thought so but who keeps a piano in their mud room?
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She also gets very stressed about people using ‘her’ ideas so I can she why she wouldn’t talk about her work in detail.
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I'm only just watching Ruby's reading wrap up for January and...well, there's a list:

  • she uses "disjunct" as a noun which is so, so jarring to my ears. Things are either disjunct, or there is a disjunction between them, but Ruby says that the book is about "the disjunct" between something
  • she says On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous is a memoir but it's a novel, memoir is used for non-fiction
  • she says the end of Jane Eyre doesn't "sit quite right" and I assume that's because of the marriage at the end. Personally I didn't find the ending incongruous with the rest of the novel at all, and Ruby also suggests maybe Charlotte Bronte ended the novel that way because "she thought it wouldn't get published if she didn't write a moral ending" but Wuthering Heights was published the same year and there is so much explicit immorality and amorality in that novel that it just doesn't really make sense for Ruby to suggest that. For a self-framed Victorian nut Ruby seems to have quite an inflexible idea of what they were like
  • why did she announce halfway through she was going for lunch? Why not just...go and then come back and carry on with the reviews?
  • on a positive note, her friend Blakeney's book looks so cute! The art is beautiful and that children's book is such an accomplishment, especially when compared to Erimentha 💩 AND all of the profits are going to Feeding Britain - take note about how to actually help and donate to charities, Ruby
  • "precent" 🙄
Ruby must love the ending of the Little Women movie, where (unlike in the novel) Jo has to change the ending of her book in order for it to be published. It's also strongly implied that Jo getting together with Bhaer at the end of the story was for the same reason.
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Yup I check how many people are in and if it's just 1-2 or no one I wait a bit more lol (unless it's a small meeting).
She loves to show off how tired she is and her eyebags which is very detrimental for her viewers. I guess she's fishing for compliments on her productivity. Honestly I bet most people here have 10x more work than her in a day and don't have a need to show off how productive they are to the whole world.
THIS! Last week (week before perhaps, they're all merging into one at the moment!) we were down to three members of staff from our usual 8 in our year groups thanks to covid, so all doing at least double the work. I am QUITE sure we had eyebags Ruby would be proud of. BUT, we wouldn't be wearing them as a badge of honour. We'd just get on with it because that is what we needed to do. Nobody said how amazingly productive we were. We didn't even say how amazingly productive we were, but we had to be and must have been because the kids all understood their learning and we still got everything done! She just doesn't "get" what life is really like does she?

EDIT: not fishing for compliments on my own productivity! Just making a point...
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I think she simplifies her analysis as she has a lot of international viewers were English isn’t there first language, and a lot of younger viewers too.

I wonder how many of her subscribers are actually at university. I find her star rating very weird and sporadic though.
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Someone on GG said that they think as soon as Ruby finishes filming a video she starts blasting trap music and snorting coke off of her planner while twerking lmao
I’d love for this to be true! Some secret persona that she has off camera! It would make me have some respect for her but sadly I don’t think she’s too far removed from what we see on camera
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Chatty Member
I think this is an American recipe from the late Victorian period, but it seems that they really did make cocoa with milk!
'Scrape fine one square of Baker’s chocolate (which will be an ounce). Put it in a pint of boiling water and milk, mixed in equal parts. Boil ten minutes, and during this time mill it or whip it with a Dover egg-whip (one with a wheel), which will make it foam beautifully. Sweeten to the taste, at table.- From Housekeeping in old Virginia (1879)'
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Why is she openly admitting to taking it?! Isn’t she afraid of law enforcement?! 😅
You’re never gonna get done for filming yourself admitting to taking ket, it’s just cringe and as other people have said, could be damaging to future job prospects

Stuff like flat-trashing really annoys me for some reason. Student flats are overpriced and crap but they're still someone else's' property, and you share a space with multiple people, so why would you want it to constantly look like a dump? I had flatmates who would break furniture when drunk and I was always worried that the staff who 'controlled' the halls would fine us - it was fine for them as they could afford it, but I (and another working-class girl) really couldn't spare the cash. It's super disrespectful, makes the place look worse, and shows a fair bit of entitlement tbqh. Just ruins the atmosphere for anyone who's not 'in on the joke', so to speak. :(

I don't think cops tend to patrol TikTok, judging by the sheer amount of people bragging about doing dodgy/illegal things on there (!!)
It’s just embarrassing, why would you wanna waste your money and ruin the place you have to live??? I wonder what ruby thought of that one
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Chatty Member
Apologies for being off topic but her video reflecting on the Oxford rejection came up in my auto play and it’s struck me that she said “If I hadn’t been rejected then I maybe wouldn’t have faced rejection yet” and that she applied for her previous uni subject because she, as part of getting over Oxford, thought English was simply the wrong subject. Fair enough but it just struck me that her two big “failures” in her eyes are things she’s been able to supplement with the same thing but different? For example, her being rejected from Oxford simply meant she went to a different university, but she will still get a degree, same with her first year results she’s now switch degree courses and is getting firsts. I’m not saying she was wrong to do these things, but just in terms of the “golden child who has never done anything wrong” persona there isn’t a large amount of permanent consequences there? Like, I was job hunting for eight months before finding my job and it was the difference in stakes of each of those rejections that hit me, and I’m just not sure if Ruby is as ready for that as she maybe thinks she is because she was so brilliant in coming back from all of her hardships, which these are the two she would say are. This is just simply something I found really interesting , and again not critiquing anything she’s done more her attitude towards it possibly down the line

Edit: she did say failing is a blessing in disguise that she wishes she’d had experience of in school to learn from, but I feel that’s semi fallen by the way side in the year since that video in 2019

Addition to my post above (it’s not letting me edit for some reason) but I wanted to clarify I’m not saying she has to fail or wallow in it etc, as I said it’s more her attitude, and approach/understanding that there is a chance she may not get everything she wants and she’s not always going to be able to supplant these things in a relatively short space of time
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The one thing that annoyed me about the internship (apart from the fact that her history with paid content for the uni may have helped her get it) is the way she phrased how she found out about it. "My seminar leaders sent it to me because they thought I'd be interested" - her seminar leaders probably sent a mass email about it to everyone in her department, why she have to make everything so ego-centric? I bet that she wasn't emailed specifically.
As an Australian, this can happen at our Universities, but only really after you've graduated and have been extremely close with a tutor/lecturer. I've known peers who have been sent internships/job offerings by university staff if they know it will suit that person. Then again, my degree is in Communications and Media - a cutthroat industry which you work your way into and up through using connections with people you know!
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Ngl she seems like the kinda person to constantly use hand sanitiser because they're worried about covid but then rarely actually wash their hands with actual soap and water... Like using hand sanitiser when you're out and about is fine but if you have access to a sink just wash your fucking hands...dirty fingernails are the worst 🤢
A lot of people just don’t know how to wash their hands tbf, like you really have to go for it. I used to work in a hospital so I just always wash my hands thoroughly as a habit, but I see so many people who just pour soap on their hands, rub them and rinse it off and think that their hands are clean 🤣 I’m guessing by the state of them nails, that’s what Ruby does😩
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See I say all this about her being child like, wanting to cling on to certain aspects of her childhood and forget she's an actual landlord (assuming she rents her cottage out that is) I wonder if any family help her out with that in terms of tax etc. I do think her childhood obsession is all innocent though just a bit concerning. Off topic slightly but Rachel Maksy did an Anne with an E lookbook and it was gorgeous, she is what Ruby would be like if she let her self grow up a bit, somewhat nerdy, into vintage etc but still very much a professional adult
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