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Theres so many websites offering this, this is one----
I saw someone do this on tiktok the other day, literally pay £25 for a tiny plot of protected land to become a Lord/Lady :ROFLMAO:

Edit - I didn't scroll down as see everyone else discussing it, agree it's tacky :ROFLMAO:
OT but if you go on the site and scroll down, there's a picture of Lorde (the singer) there and that's just so funny to me (apparently the bbc gifted her with a plot, so now she's Lady Lorde i guess)
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She gave a book a one star rating in goodreads! And said it felt too young for her!
Say, Roobee, how busy are you if you have time to keep up with everything that's said on here?
It's strange that the one she's saying is too young for her (Looking For Celia) is actually a teen book (Amazon gives the reading age as 12-17) when she quite often reads things aimed at pre-teens (David Walliams / Jacqueline Wilson etc.)? Hopefully it means her tastes are finally maturing.
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I thought the same, again I have struggled with an ED so I'm cautious to say she is suffering from one but her face looked so slim when she put it up in a bun, idk if it's just because I'm used to seeing her with really long hair that makes her face look rounder than it is but I was really shocked at how slim her face has got. It could just be her growing into her adult features more but combined with the small portions and books she's been choosing it is a bit worrying
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I’m just thinking how cold those tiles must be in the kitchen - and Ruby is wearing just tights that look to be no thicker than 30 denier, so, how are her feet not freezing? It’s like 0 degrees centigrade in the UK at the moment. :eek:
Probably the heat from the aga keeping the floor warm
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Damn, then back to my earlier point - who keeps a piano in their kitchen? Especially someone with a house as huge as hers?Ngl her house looks like a bad attempt at furnishing a sims house with as many items as possible
Yeah I never understood why the piano is in that weird spot, especially as no one ever seems to play it. It's just taking up space for nothing.
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Fully hoping Ruby gets one with her
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Chatty Member
There’s this thing in Scotland where if you buy a plot of land you automatically become a Lord or Lady. I can absolutely see her featuring this in one of her neverending What I Got For Christmas/My Bday videos.

editing to say that I’m not 100% sure how this works, I just got an IG ad about it and snooped around the site for a while, idk if there’s any more bureaucracy to it or not.
Theres so many websites offering this, this is one----
I saw someone do this on tiktok the other day, literally pay £25 for a tiny plot of protected land to become a Lord/Lady :ROFLMAO:

Edit - I didn't scroll down as see everyone else discussing it, agree it's tacky :ROFLMAO:
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Does anyone else deliberately join zooms/teams/google meet etc calls a few minutes late (unless I am running them of course) so they don't have to make small talk through a screen with random people or is that just me?!
Oh wow I'm so glad this isn't me 😂 I always join class when I can see a few other people are already in the meeting so I don't have to make awkward small talk with my tutor haha

Apparently (according to the interwebs) it can mean either fortunately or unfortunately? Who knows what Ruby meant though.
Yeah I've never thought of it as having an ironic meaning unless somebody specifically said it sarcastically. I can't really see Ruby saying it (or anything) sarcastically or ironically, so I'd guess she really meant it
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I do feel though if it was a 20 year old man who acted like a child, dressed like a child, read mostly childrens books and had images of children on his walls he'd be treated a lot differently and would honestly probably be on a watch list. I also feel like the parents would act differently towards a son behaving this way.
(Read in Michael Jackson's voice: THat'S IgNorAnT! YoU'Re IgNoRanT! Heee-hee! Shamon!
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Chatty Member
Totally, I think her viewers might actually benefit from videos like that - how to take notes, how to prepare for exams, how to write essays, how to deal with burnout or stress or mental health issues related to university, tips and essentials for first year students, how to decide what to study in university, how to plan what to do after university, alternative routes if university isn't for you, her strategies to study English literature and analyse books...
But she doesn't really talk much about that. Being a former head girl you'd think she'd really embrace the role of 'older sister/more experienced student' and try to provide guidance and advice for her young audience.
Yeah, at the moment she seems stuck in a rut with videos where she's unsure how best to keep her audience? I think mixing the history stuff and fun roleplay type things with some actual study tips rather than boring vlogs would be the best way to help her fans tbqh
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VIP Member
Erimentha arrives for PE before her peers as she now wishes to demonstrate her physical superiority. She hears her classmates talk about 'meaningless' things such as TV shows and weekend plans.

They start playing tennis and her serve is perfect, because of course it is.

There's a bit of back and forth between her and the others.

Suddenly, everything goes white


No, she's not dead, it would be God meeting her at the gate anyway, not some amateur like St. Peter.

She's concussed and the school nurse is there.

Kimberly hit her with the tennis ball. Her mum is on her way to take her to hospital.


She's in A&E and having a wonderful time observing the sick people around her. She guesses a man has a broken arm by looking at his ulna bone and notes how much pain he is in. You stay away from him, Erimentha Shipman!

Her mum bought some things to the hospital - not packed by her, because in this novel, she is mentally regressing at an alarming rate, she wouldn't be able to pick the right stuff - Erimentha had already procured an Emergency Hospital Supplies Kit. This is not a joke.

The doctor marvels at Erminetha, telling her she's the most medically-informed child she has ever met, because that's what most NHS doctors have time to do. Ruby needs to read House of God and understand the meaning of the word GOMER

Erimentha passes the broken-arm man on the way out, offering her condolences and hoping he recovers quickly and painlessly. Never, ever, let this girl near you with a syringe.
Clearly Ruby hasn’t met any doctors IRL
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Chatty Member
Her dad works in finance/banking? And I think her mum is an opticians assistant? I'm not sure tho
She mentioned during lockdown I think or maybe earlier that her mum does massage for clients who come to their house, because she calls her mums massage room an indoor gym because it’s just where she keeps her fitness stuff - but she’s also mentioned in other videos that her mum has been “at work” like out of the house
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That’s what my parents are doing with me and tbh I don’t see an issue with it if they can afford to do so. Like obviously I’m really grateful - I’m not going want to rent when I can just get a mortgage. It makes a lot of sense lol so idk what’s wrong with it! I’m assuming Ruby’s parents are doing something similar with the cottage except ruby lives elsewhere
I think Ruby bought the cottage with the money she made from Youtube etc? I have no idea tho
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hi guys,
this has nothing to do with ruby, but its to do with uni and a lot of you here seem to know about the marking scheme etc. (for the record I go to a university in the UK). if i could have some advice on this it would be great.

so i submitted an essay for an assignment and it said my Turnitin percentage is 43% , I still havent had my grade back but a few others on my course have. i'm just really stressed because when i clicked on it it said some stuff were from a paper submitted to the university before.
my only issue is that it's a paper where we had to cite a lot of texts etc so i dont know if its just because a lot of people wrote on the same issue.

my friend mentioned plagiarism and im just wondering what this means? and is there a reason why my lecturer still has not given me back my feedback or is it because of the Turnitin percentage?

Sorry for asking here but I do not know anyone who knows stuff about this and i thought maybe one of you here would know about this.
thank u!!
43% is pretty high tbh but it could be from having a lot of exact quotes in your essay. As long as they're referenced it doesn't matter. And if you've been told to attach a mark sheet or something similar to it then that brings your percentage up a lot.
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Satisfying Click

VIP Member
Is that even allowed? I've never even heard of private student loans? Sounds morally questionable either way
I'm not sure. As in they'd get loans directly from the bank, and not from what the Student Loans Company was. I didn't know too much about it, I didn't move in those circles, but mixed just enough in seminars to know they were in a completely different world to me.
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