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Could the 4 year duration include a master? I know some places of a 2in1 course.
It's not really that common outside of the sciences, plus Ruby has mentioned applying for Masters elsewhere so I'd guess not.
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I’d say Ruby’s values are solidly middle class - the family have money, sure, but it’s new money and that lack of awareness and acknowledgement of privilege is totally a middle-class trait. Professionally and personally, I’ve known a few properly upper-class people of the mansions, ‘orses, staff and dogs type and generally they’re genuine people with very little ‘side’ to them. They often don’t have a lot of ready cash (although they somehow almost always manage to send their kids to very expensive schools and they’re often raging Tories) but I’ve always found that the louder someone projects their wealth and privilege and tries to defend it, the less secure of it they are and that’s not an upper class trait. If you have a family title going back to the Normans and you still own the house your great, great, great, great, great grandfather built then you don’t tend to be that flash about it.
I see what you mean there, I’m common as muck but did go to a grammar school and I met sooooo many people who are exactly like who you describe here. Genuine upper class I’ve never really come into contact with so I couldn’t say, idk if she’s defo new money though, her parents seem posh and when I think of ‘new money’ I generally think of people who are genuinely from working class backgrounds and got rich from building up a business
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How and why would she think that. Like that sounds so unpleasant to just pour water over cocoa powder and drink it like tea. Has she honestly never made hot chocolate before?
I mean, it fits the waif/orphan aesthetic so maybe she’s going with that? Pure cocoa powder with water would be a truly horrible drink, either way.
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A bit random but I wonder why her English degree at Exeter is listed from 2019-2023 on LinkedIn? Did she switch to a 4 year course with a year abroad/placement? Can’t imagine her leaving England for more than a week
Her family strikes me as the type to vacation in Spain every year (British with tons of money to burn). But I wouldn't be suprised if they spent all their time in a resort.
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Right? she's praising herself and Ruby for doing the bare minimum!!
and she gently mocks Marfa and her husband, when in reality they are slobs and imo disrespect airport staff (if you know what the instructions are -because you're an upper class family that travels often- make an effort not to make people's lives more difficult?)
Unfortunately it stayed, that's why Ruby believes she's the best and expects praise for doing the bare minimum when it comes to her videos and overall content.
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Just wanted to say I love the thread name (my memory is too bad for a recap lol).
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I love her vintage style and I would wear the same but only to like big occasions such as a party or a big family gathering. Never just around the house or just a random walk. Also some of her outfits just don't look right to me. They all look like messy thrown on clothes.
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The sink in the kitchen also looked kinda dirty and yellow to me? Or was it just the water from the washing up?
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She looked really pretty in the bun though! I think shorter hair and put up would suit her a lot better, but obviously that's her choice how she chooses to style it
yep, i always find at the start of her routine videos when shes still in her pyjamas and her hair is just down she looks so much put together and happier. i dont know if thats weird but what im trying to say is that when she gets 'dressed' in that aesthetic she has, and with the hairstyle etc i feel like it just takes everything away from her.
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Don’t get how she has holes in all her tights?! My mum used to hate it so even when I moved back home during the summers when I was washing my mum used to put them in the bin if they couldn’t be fixed. But again not sure her mum gives much of a shit, it’s so weird, I know people hate spending money and stuff but come on, they’re rolling in it, it’s a pair of tights
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Well-known member
I agree.
Also, interested in your opinion of Jack. I’ve gotta be honest I don’t find him particularly problematic but maybe that’s just because I’m judging him on a scale of Ruby/Jade. 😂
Jack also has a thread here by the way :)! If you’re interested in reading about him more - not as long as Ruby or Jades which I suppose says something...
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There’s this thing in Scotland where if you buy a plot of land you automatically become a Lord or Lady. I can absolutely see her featuring this in one of her neverending What I Got For Christmas/My Bday videos.

editing to say that I’m not 100% sure how this works, I just got an IG ad about it and snooped around the site for a while, idk if there’s any more bureaucracy to it or not.
Yeah it’s a thing! You buy a plot like a foot squared and you are Laird or Lady of that plot. It’s a novelty gift! It’s pretty tacky really, so probably not Ms Bones aesthetic.
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I started reading The Secret History last night and although I'm only around 100 pages in it's so obvious how much of herself Ruby bases on this book, I can see why she loves it so much

Side note - I'm having a hard time not getting annoyed at the characters and how pretentious and irritable they can be. Is it worth keeping going? I've heard so many good things about this book I almost feel as if I should like it, and I'm not sure if I'm just having trouble getting into this book at first
I hate that book so much. Even though it took me ages I forced myself to finish it and I hated every second. I adore Donna Tart’s writing style and she does a great job of portraying the different atmospheres, the feeling of the university campus and long summers etc. but the characters were completely unlikable and unrelatable. That being said, I know a lot of people enjoyed the book so I’d say continue to read it and if you still don’t enjoy it after the first 200 pages then drop it.
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Yes agreed! I absolutely have my issues with Jack Edwards (similar levels of unaware privilege), but when it comes to books I’m entirely unsurprised he got a first in English - and from Durham, one of the best English courses in the UK. He reads a far more diverse set of literature, and talks about what he’s read in a far more interesting and analytical way. I also feel like he isn’t aiming for the same audience as Ruby - his videos feel like they’re targeted at people around his age/uni students at least, so when he discusses books he isn’t hamstrung into needing to simplify for 13 year olds, which I think Ruby is.
I'm on the fence about Jack, but I did use his essay planning structure for my dissertation and found it incredibly helpful. Whereas I've never taken anything inspirational away from Ruby's videos ...
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