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Gotta say, I think the reason she doesn't critique books on her channel or goodreads is because shes worried about what people will say/think. If she puts those arguments out there, shes inviting people to disagree with her opinion and also question her intelligence. This thread is full of us all commenting on it, but she's protected by the fact that we have never read any of her uni work. And while a lot of us have read snippets of her book, academic writing is different to creative writing. I really don't think Ruby is the kind of person who take criticism well at all (i.e. outright disagreeing with her lecturers marking/comments) so I don't see her risking it.
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The one thing that annoyed me about the internship (apart from the fact that her history with paid content for the uni may have helped her get it) is the way she phrased how she found out about it. "My seminar leaders sent it to me because they thought I'd be interested" - her seminar leaders probably sent a mass email about it to everyone in her department, why she have to make everything so ego-centric? I bet that she wasn't emailed specifically.
Literally came here to say this. I work in a uni and I almost guarantee that it was a mass email lol.
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Chatty Member
Very interesting that she's posted she's reading Murakami's Norwegian Wood for a book club - it has heavy sexual themes, as well as being a bit of a wild novel and I'm so interested to see if she finishes it or what she thinks of it. Personally I'm a sucker for all things Murakami
In the RubyReads Facebook group another member has suggested the books should be changed to books by black authors as it's Black History Month in the UK (they can't be now as people have already purchased them) but it's embarrassing that other members think of these things where Ruby is completely oblivious, and shows how performative her Holocause Memorial Day antics are.
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VIP Member
You can enjoy learning about something without dressing up and acting it out. Ruby frequently does romanticised acting videos on her channel and I can't see anything changing in this one. These horrible comments on her Instagram really highlight the immaturity and ignorance of her fans, and I find it quite disturbing that she hasn't stepped in considering how often she talks about anti-bullying campaigns. 'How do we know Ruby is wealthy?' - it's obvious from her home, the companies she is able to shop at, her job, the fact she's a landlord. It's evident Ruby has no experience of actually having to worry about money.

I also find the fact that she doesn't attract many viewers her own age a bit strange? Most other study tubers seem to have a lot of university age followers, and Ruby's been uploading videos for so long that you'd think her followers would have stuck around but they all seem to be very young and impressionable, idolising Ruby to an unhealthy degree.
Yeah it's so clear the people acting like Ruby is not clearly very wealthy are children with no concept of how money or the economy works. You know how when you're 11-12 you think you're going to be married with a nice house in the suburbs and 2.5 kids by the age of 20? Or that you're going to be able to travel all over the world at 18?
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I think Ruby's parents did a spiffing job in providing the type of nurturing and environment where Ruby is the golden child who can do no wrong and they treated Martha like the waffle in the pan that didn't come out right, and she is now is desperately overcompensating to show she's edgy and hip.

Anyway, totally unrelated...

They're in pairs for science. She notes that Beth has poor posture - pointing out physical flaws in others is part of the #bekind manifesto.

She wants to copy Erimentha's notes, not that Erimentha would allow it, unless it were in exchange for her mortal soul. Her paper gets dropped into the water, Erimentha through her devastation must emphasise to the reader that it's 100% recycled.

She sees Ella in the library and notices her eyes are glowing - perhaps she's a carrier of the evil gene. Ella says to Erimentha that her bullies call her quiet, like a small dead mouse. Erimentha internally agrees with the bullies that Ella does look like a mouse, but not a dead one. See #bekind above.

Erimentha doesn't want to share her own bullying experience but Ella won't have it. Quid pro quo, Dr Lecter.

Erimentha pushes back and says she's going to speak with Ella's form tutor right now, to the point that Ella starts crying. "I know I'm being harsh Ella, but I care about you too much to let this [bullying] happen."

I'm beginning to wonder whether I have misread the entire book and had Ruby actually intended Erimentha to be a Machiavellian cold sociopath?
Oh lordt, the ”small dead mouse” bit is lifted directly from Anne with an E 😂
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When I was at uni, a trick of the really rich kids was to take out a full private student loan, their parents would invest the money, and at the end of the course, it would be immediately paid back in full and they'd pocket the profit.
This has randomly reminded me of a girl I know at uni - she already annoyed me before but this was really the last straw. I'm at uni in Scotland, and because she's Scottish she doesn't have to pay tuition fees, just maintenance. Her parents (wealthy) pay for all of that, so she's getting through uni essentially for free. One day she comes out with: "I'm thinking of taking out a student loan". We are all shocked and concerned - has something happened at home meaning her parents can't pay any more, are they ok etc? Oh no.
Her response: "I just think it would be nice to have more money".
Us: ????????
Her: "I could use it to go on holiday more"
Us: ?????????
Her: "I was thinking around £9000 would be enough, what do you guys think"
Us: ????????
Her: "good idea right!"
This was two years ago and I still haven't fully recovered from having to sit through that conversation. I think she thought that a loan was just being given for free? Like you just got money and then it was yours, no concept of paying it back (with interest). Just, a way to get more money. Even typing this it's giving me a headache to think about. The total lack of awareness of the value of money (or apparently how money works???) was astounding. I'm hyper aware of the fact that I'm absurdly lucky my parents can pay my uni fees (on the understanding that I will pay them back when I have a job, though without interest), and it blew my mind that someone could have that little comprehension of her privilege.
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Has anyone watched her sister Marfa’s videos? There’s one where she pretends to be Ruby for a day and Ruby features - far less ‘polished’ than on her own channel. Plus Marfa and Ruby couldn’t be more polar opposite it’s almost funny. How Marfa lives with Ruby I have no idea
That reminded me of when this girl imitated her routine

I watched it a few years ago and remember finding it hilarious and finally was able to find the video again

I think Ruby is too pretentious for her own good
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Chatty Member
^ Exactly, especially as many very bright students don't have the money/connections that Ruby has, and an internship could be a huge boost for them.
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Chatty Member
Just read that wild argument on the comments and it’s worrying to see Ruby completely ignore it. She’s seen the comments if she’s replied to the girl but tbh it’s her responsibility to tell those rude af 12 year olds to be nice, also she can delete comments. Now I hate influencers deleting comments but some of those attacking comments are just uncalled for and keeping them up shows Ruby agrees with them in a way
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Satisfying Click

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Can't believe her fans are saying she's not rich, no average 18 year old would be able to become a landlord wtf?? Also private schools are often more expensive than universities so I wouldn't be surprised if her parents are paying her tuition as well as maintenance
When I was at uni, a trick of the really rich kids was to take out a full private student loan, their parents would invest the money, and at the end of the course, it would be immediately paid back in full and they'd pocket the profit.
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Not to be a dick but if one of Ruby's biggest failures in life is not getting into Oxford, it shows how incredibly sheltered she is.

I'm not an expert in English language by any means but her work is very subpar. In the book, it's not something I'd expect from someone claims to be so academically gifted. I know her target audience is for younger for story but I don't know... Call me an arsehole but I was expecting a lot more.

I feel like Ruby has had her ego rubbed up a lot throughout her life. I think she would have been for an incredibly rude awakening at Oxford, jeez.

Just to add, I wonder if her regressing into her younger self is her realising that she's a small fish in a big pond? Lecturers don't have time for know-it-all and people who want to do extra work. (for seemingly no reason in her case) I'm not saying don't do well, but she's probably used to getting praise from teachers constantly and now gets honest and sound feedback/critiques. I don't think she can handle that. You don't get a star and constant adoration, and praise at university.

I'm not saying she's a moron, she's clearly bright but I think her teachers and parents have made her think she's better than she actually is, if you see what I mean.
You’re right mate. I feel grim writing this but tbh, after seeing excerpts from her book (ik she was 17 at the time she wrote it) and the standard of her writing in her instagram captions, I think it’s mad she even applied. She’s just not the sort to be accepted into oxford, she’s clearly intelligent and well educated but she just lacks originality and talent. Obviously it was her dream to go to oxford, but in a way, it was almost cruel for her parents and school to push her to go for it. All she had was the grades, and other than that there wasn’t a huge chance of her getting in, and it has clearly had a big impact on her
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I think a move towards more booktube content could actually be interesting, I tend to watch those kinds of channels and if Ruby engages more critically with books it could really work well for her.

I'm very dubious about her working class Victorian morning routine - my research specialism is gender and class in the 19th century and I think I'll find it very difficult to hold my tongue. If Ruby does her normal romanticised take on the topic it will most likely come across as massively insensitive and problematic, especially coming from Ruby's extremely privileged position.
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Another child's outfit! She really has no idea how to dress appropriately for her age - white tights are NOT an adult thing. Her style was much better at university. It's all part of this strange role play nonsense....She seems to be refusing to grow up.
The thing that bugs me most about the outfit is that it's so unseasonal. It's in the minus figures in Southern England at the moment, and she's always complaining about how cold she is. Throw on a thick jumper and jeans Ruby!
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I know "study with me" type videos are hugely popular but I have noticed for a studytuber, she doesn't actually make many videos where she provides tips on how to study effectively, uni/school tips, exam preparation videos etc which I find to be a bit unusual. I just had a quick scroll through her videos and based on titles, there's only one video that could be classified as that within the last year (how to write first class essays). I would have thought study tips would be highly requested?

Also just had a look at Emma Bridgewater mugs (not a thing where I live) and god, they're expensive. I don't know whether this is the Australia Tax (everything is more expensive here) but $42 AUD for a mug??? I understand they're handmade but geez.
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VIP Member
Prancing around in a short sleeved summer dress in winter (yes it’s snowing) - wtf is wrong with her.
Seriously I am becoming convinced she must be somehow mentally disabled cause it’s extremely worrying.
View attachment 429915
Is she trying to get pneumonia so her interpretation of a Victorian scullery maid can be more faithful? Is this method acting?
Ruby, for the love of God, wear appropriate clothing for the season. You're going to get sick. Ditch the summer dresses and bundle up.
Why aren't her parents saying anything?
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Chatty Member
Very interesting that she's posted she's reading Murakami's Norwegian Wood for a book club - it has heavy sexual themes, as well as being a bit of a wild novel and I'm so interested to see if she finishes it or what she thinks of it. Personally I'm a sucker for all things Murakami
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