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Chatty Member
The people who tend to talk the most about drugs are the people who do very little or none at all. Same as people who constantly talk about sex, they’re not getting any I bet.

Martha reminds me of a girl I used to work with who used to constantly talk about how many pills she had taken before her shifts. I can only assume she was talking about tic tacs as she acted completely normal and not at all like someone high.

Both sisters are cringe but I think Martha is worse, they’re both try harder but at least Ruby is fairly natural. Martha’s trying to be something she’s not.
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Omg I literally just came across this
This must have been the moment when she realised she was not the big fish anymore.

To be honest, I understand how horrible it must have felt to get a 2.2 for your first assessment; but that reaction is a tad out of proportion. Moreover, she mentioned using a unique approach to the question? Idk I didn’t want the whole thing, but it seems she was very well aware she could have flopped - I guess she thought her marker would be blown away by her unique amazing-ness 🤷🏽‍♀️
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I feel like she puts so little effort into things though? Like this was almost entirely open at the back, she had to put a skirt on under. It's like with that book she was writing at Christmas, she just seems to sort of rush through things.
I noticed that about her videos. So often the recording is shaky, the editing isn't that good, the voice-over cuts off too early, her filming space is messy etc. Drawing the connection to her reading habits as well, I feel like she's more concerned about getting done as many things as possible, but doesn't care much about the quality of it all.
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Sorry! English isn't my native language.
I really have problems to understand Ruby's texts though I am not too bad in English, because of things like that (or "candle(sticks)" ;) ).
I don't understand every word sometimes, but reading this thread improved my English very much. I learned many new words and spoken language; I must admit that I needed some time to understand abbreviations like idk, imo or lmao. ;) But most stuff I can look up by the "Nachschlagen" function on iOs when you tip on the word longer.

Thanks for this nice side effect and best wishes from Germany!
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When I saw Ruby preparing the tea tray I was half expecting a clip of her bringing it to the "lady of the house", aka her mum propped up in bed, in a role reversal on the previous Victorian video 😂
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Agree this isn’t a JKR thread, but I will say I definitely remember Ruby posting something on her insta story, I think when JKR published her essay after the initial tweet. I mention it because it’s an interesting pattern - Ruby addressing controversy on stories that obviously vanish in 24 hours. She did the exact same with the Holocaust ad situation, and there’s something odd about that to me. Surely if you genuinely mean something, you shouldn’t address it in a self destructing message??
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Wtf, Ruby has blocked me from viewing her stories? On an account I have literally never interacted with her on, other than viewing her stories
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I think my favourite bit of “Erimemtha Parker is an insufferable bellend” is where on one page she’s in class reading Shakespeare and you turn the page and the book has magically changed into Middlemarch 🤣
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Chatty Member
I doubt she'd lie outright, but I wonder if she's selective about the grades she shares. (Also she does have a record of being somewhat economical with the truth - her shady response to the holocaust ad money about building a statue in a state school, putting enormous books as 'read' on goodreads that she got from the library and maybe flicked through/only read a chapter of...)
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Yeah she mentioned she was reading it at some point, but I don't think she ever finished it - she definitely didn't give it a rating, and it wasn't on her end of year video on all the books she read. I can't imagine her liking it at all - it's the OG dark academia book, and let's face it the sex/drugs in the book is absolutely not going to appeal to someone like her. I would guess she started it thinking it would be wonderfully romanticised, Classics students at a historic university how lovely, and then realised that "dark academia" does, funnily enough, involve some actual darkness, and stopped.
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Fully hoping Ruby gets one with her
tbh i find that from these blog posts. her mother seems very accepting.
what stuck out to me is when she said "if she ever gives birth". idk why but i feel like a lot of parents, especially mothers now a days assume you will give birth one day.
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I’m just thinking how cold those tiles must be in the kitchen - and Ruby is wearing just tights that look to be no thicker than 30 denier, so, how are her feet not freezing? It’s like 0 degrees centigrade in the UK at the moment. :eek:
With how out of date all her videos are, for all we know it may have been filmed in august 🤣
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Really wish she would stop romanticising being tired, she's on about her eye bags again in her newest video, does she not realise that having eye bags is a bad sign? Rather than being a sign of hard work (I presume this is what she thinks) I think it just highlights that despite the fact she doesn't have any real responsibilities in her life, she's not capable of managing to meet her own basic needs. Not a good example to her younger viewers imo. Or maybe she thinks they're "aesthetic" and go well with her dark-acadaymia-victorian-waif vibe....
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Erimentha is off to the retirement village to see Grandmama.
Grandmama...Jesus wept Ruby, we know you don't call your Gran "grandmama", why are you trying to sound even more upper class than you already are??? When I was at school it was fashionable for people to try to sound less posh than they actually were by trying to speak like people from Essex, which was...fairly terrible...but wow going too far the other way is just as bad.

(by the time our generation is infirm, Erimentha, we'll be given vouchers for the 'Twilight Village' and it's a brief one-way journey)
Hahahaha this actually made me spit water on my keyboard, you should honestly be a comedy writer

Erimentha asks Grandmama if she has any friends. Nope, acquaintances, "True friends are a stack of books and a loving family." I'd want to be a fly on the wall during family therapy.
Yikes...Ruby was what, 16 when she wrote this? That's so so unhealthy (also once again missing the point of HP, friendship is such a crucial theme of the books my god). I get the sense she doesn't really think like this now thankfully - she and Blakeney seem to be genuinely good friends, which is reassuring. I do think she has matured since she wrote this, but I also think she's maintained some of the most problematic aspects of Erimentha - total inflexibility, refusal to admit her shortcomings - hence her most recent fuck-up.
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Well, 19... books? Let's see:

- Non Fiction (1) Hannah Arendt (how cautious with pronouncing a-r-e-n-d-t hehe); (2) The Holocaust in American Life (I highly doubt she finished it, but :rolleyes:)
- Book Club: On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
- Classics: (1) Mrs.Seacole; (2) Mary Barton; (3) Jane Eyre (reread); (4) Aurora Leigh; (5) The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (reread); (6) Sense and Sensibility
- Poems: (1) The Cry of the Children (2-3 pages :rolleyes:)
- Short stories: (1) The Mask of the Red Death; (2) Hop-Frog
- Essays: (1) The Painter of Modern Life (12 pages...)
- Children's Book: (1) Blakeney's book; (2) Miss Peregrine's; (3) The invention of Hugo Cabret; (3) Summer's Dream; (4) The Secret Garden; (5) Polar The Titanic Bear (I suspect this is a reread, she showed it in last year's bookshelf tour when she talked about her fav children's books :rolleyes:: View attachment 422095);

So, in reality: New books: 7 / Reread books: 2-3 / Poem: 1 / Short Stories: 2 / Essay: 1 / Children's Books: 5
Make your own conclusions...
No shit she's reading 20 books a month if she counts stuff that's under 10 pages long as a book lmao
That Polar Bear book looks like it's 20 pages and mostly pictures.

Sometimes it's fun to skim through one of the books I enjoyed when I was little but I'm not adding The Silver Skates to my Goodreads because I skimmed it in 10 minutes one afternoon for nostalgia
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I guess at least she put a brief disclaimer at the beginning. Side note does anyone else not like the decorating style of their house? I like old fashioned stuff and I'd love to have a big house like that in the country but it just looks so... Dusty. Like wtf was with that absolutely destroyed chair when she was mopping the floors? It looked like it was the first time the floors had ever been mopped.
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Chatty Member
Has she talked about student finance before? Obviously she's rich enough to not need a maintenance loan but do her parents pay tuition as well? The concept of being rich enough to pay tuition upfront is so abstract to me 😂😭
She did a “what I spent in a week as a student” style video which included overpriced food from either Ocado or Sainsbury’s, a train ticket home (a journey she took most weekends especially in first year) which cost £50 and private therapy sessions.

I think it’s safe to say she’s a little out of touch
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Chatty Member
I find it really weird that she romanticises and *aestheticises* being a member of the servant class in the Victorian era, especially given that she's nowhere near having to do that kind of work irl
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